Mini Shell
// require_once("function-file.php");
// require_once("function-menu.php");
// cookiecheck();
$year = $_POST['year'];
$i = 0;
$data=$conn->prepare("select DISTINCT subject_id from test_papers where year=$year and course_id=$course_id");
$li_list = $content = '';
$subj_array = array();
foreach ($result as $row) {
//echo "<pre>";print_r($row);echo "</pre>";
$subject_id = $row['subject_id'];
$data=$conn->prepare("select subject_name from subjects where subject_id=$subject_id");
foreach ($result1 as $row1) {
if($i == 0){
$li_list .= "<li class='tab-link current' data-tab='tab-".$subject_id."'>".$row1['subject_name']."</li>";
}elseif(!in_array($subject_id, $subj_array)){
$li_list .= "<li class='tab-link' data-tab='tab-".$subject_id."'>".$row1['subject_name']."</li>";
array_push($subj_array, $subject_id);
$datas=$conn->prepare("select DISTINCT chapter_id from test_papers where subject_id=$subject_id and course_id=$course_id and year=$year");
if($i == 0){
$content .= '<div id="tab-'.$subject_id.'" class="tab-content current">';
$content .= '<div id="tab-'.$subject_id.'" class="tab-content">';
foreach ($results as $rows) {
$chapter_id = $rows['chapter_id'];
$data=$conn->prepare("select chapter_name from chapters where chapter_id=$chapter_id");
foreach ($result2 as $row2) {
$cls = ($i % 2 == 0) ? 'left_side' : 'right_side';
$content .= "<div class='chapter_box ".$cls."'>";
$content .= "<div class='chapter_heading'>" .$row2['chapter_name']. "</div>";
$data=$conn->prepare("select * from test_papers where year=$year and chapter_id=$chapter_id");
$content .= "<div class='question_box'>";
foreach ($result3 as $row3) {
$content .= "<a href='".$row3['id']."' class='html5lightbox'>".strip_tags($row3['question'],'<img><b><strong><i>')."</a>";
// $content .= "<a href='#'>".$row3['question']."</a>";
// $content .= "<br/>";
$content .= "</div></div>";
$content .= '</div>';
echo "<ul class='tabs'>".$li_list."</ul>";
echo $content;
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0