Mini Shell
# $Id: 3398 2009-04-21 13:18:16Z makholm $
package Encode::IMAPUTF7;
use strict;
no warnings 'redefine';
use base qw(Encode::Encoding);
__PACKAGE__->Define('IMAP-UTF-7', 'imap-utf-7');
our $VERSION = '1.05';
use MIME::Base64;
use Encode;
# Algorithms taken from Unicode::String by Gisle Aas
# Code directly borrowed from Encode::Unicode::UTF7 by Dan Kogai
# Directly from the definition in RFC2060:
# Ampersand (\x26) is represented as a special case
my $re_asis = qr/(?:[\x20-\x25\x27-\x7e])/; # printable US-ASCII except "&" represents itself
my $re_encoded = qr/(?:[^\x20-\x7e])/; # Everything else are represented by modified base64
my $e_utf16 = find_encoding("UTF-16BE");
sub needs_lines { 1 };
sub encode($$;$) {
my ( $obj, $str, $chk ) = @_;
my $len = length($str);
pos($str) = 0;
my $bytes = '';
while ( pos($str) < $len ) {
if ( $str =~ /\G($re_asis+)/ogc ) {
$bytes .= $1;
} elsif ( $str =~ /\G&/ogc ) {
$bytes .= "&-";
} elsif ( $str =~ /\G($re_encoded+)/ogsc ) {
my $s = $1;
my $base64 = encode_base64( $e_utf16->encode($s), '' );
$base64 =~ s/=+$//;
$base64 =~ s/\//,/g;
$bytes .= "&$base64-";
} else {
die "This should not happen! (pos=" . pos($str) . ")";
$_[1] = '' if $chk;
return $bytes;
sub decode($$;$) {
my ( $obj, $bytes, $chk ) = @_;
my $len = length($bytes);
my $str = "";
pos($bytes) = 0;
while ( pos($bytes) < $len ) {
if ( $bytes =~ /\G([^&]+)/ogc ) {
$str .= $1;
} elsif ( $bytes =~ /\G\&-/ogc ) {
$str .= "&";
} elsif ( $bytes =~ /\G\&([A-Za-z0-9+,]+)-?/ogsc ) {
my $base64 = $1;
$base64 =~ s/,/\//g;
my $pad = length($base64) % 4;
$base64 .= "=" x ( 4 - $pad ) if $pad;
$str .= $e_utf16->decode( decode_base64($base64) );
} elsif ( $bytes =~ /\G\&/ogc ) {
$^W and warn "Bad IMAP-UTF7 data escape";
$str .= "&";
} else {
die "This should not happen " . pos($bytes);
$_[1] = '' if $chk;
return $str;
=head1 NAME
Encode::IMAPUTF7 - modification of UTF-7 encoding for IMAP
use Encode qw/encode decode/;
print encode('IMAP-UTF-7', 'RĂ©pertoire');
print decode('IMAP-UTF-7', R&AOk-pertoire');
IMAP mailbox names are encoded in a modified UTF7 when names contains
international characters outside of the printable ASCII range. The
modified UTF-7 encoding is defined in RFC2060 (section 5.1.3).
There is another CPAN module with same purpose, Unicode::IMAPUtf7. However, it
works correctly only with strings, which encoded form does not
contain plus sign. For example, the Cyrillic string
\x{043f}\x{0440}\x{0435}\x{0434}\x{043b}\x{043e}\x{0433} is represented in UTF-7 as
+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM- Note the second plus sign 4 characters before the end.
Unicode::IMAPUtf7 encodes the above string as +BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ&BDM-
which is not valid modified UTF-7 (the ampersand and
the plus are swapped). The problem is solved by the current module,
which is slightly modified Encode::Unicode::UTF7 and has nothing common with
=head1 RFC2060 - section 5.1.3 - Mailbox International Naming Convention
By convention, international mailbox names are specified using a
modified version of the UTF-7 encoding described in [UTF-7]. The
purpose of these modifications is to correct the following problems
with UTF-7:
1) UTF-7 uses the "+" character for shifting; this conflicts with
the common use of "+" in mailbox names, in particular USENET
newsgroup names.
2) UTF-7's encoding is BASE64 which uses the "/" character; this
conflicts with the use of "/" as a popular hierarchy delimiter.
3) UTF-7 prohibits the unencoded usage of "\"; this conflicts with
the use of "\" as a popular hierarchy delimiter.
4) UTF-7 prohibits the unencoded usage of "~"; this conflicts with
the use of "~" in some servers as a home directory indicator.
5) UTF-7 permits multiple alternate forms to represent the same
string; in particular, printable US-ASCII chararacters can be
represented in encoded form.
In modified UTF-7, printable US-ASCII characters except for "&"
represent themselves; that is, characters with octet values 0x20-0x25
and 0x27-0x7e. The character "&" (0x26) is represented by the two-
octet sequence "&-".
All other characters (octet values 0x00-0x1f, 0x7f-0xff, and all
Unicode 16-bit octets) are represented in modified BASE64, with a
further modification from [UTF-7] that "," is used instead of "/".
Modified BASE64 MUST NOT be used to represent any printing US-ASCII
character which can represent itself.
"&" is used to shift to modified BASE64 and "-" to shift back to US-
ASCII. All names start in US-ASCII, and MUST end in US-ASCII (that
is, a name that ends with a Unicode 16-bit octet MUST end with a "-
For example, here is a mailbox name which mixes English, Japanese,
and Chinese text: ~peter/mail/&ZeVnLIqe-/&U,BTFw-
Please report any requests, suggestions or bugs via the RT bug-tracking system
at or email to is the RT queue for Encode::IMAPUTF7.
Please check to see if your bug has already been reported.
Copyright 2005 Sava Chankov
Sava Chankov,
This software may be freely copied and distributed under the same
terms and conditions as Perl.
=head1 AUTHORS
Peter Makholm E<lt>peter@makholm.netE<gt>, current maintainer
Sava Chankov E<lt>sava@cpan.orgE<gt>, original author
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), Encode.
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0