Mini Shell
""" Wrapper module for LIBPCP - the core Performace Co-Pilot API
# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Red Hat
# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Michael T. Werner
# This file is part of the "pcp" module, the python interfaces for the
# Performance Co-Pilot toolkit.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# Additional Information:
# Performance Co-Pilot Web Site
# Performance Co-Pilot Programmer's Guide
# cf. Chapter 3. PMAPI - The Performance Metrics API
from pcp import pmapi
import cpmapi as c_api
# Create a pcp class
context = pmapi.pmContext(c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST, "local:")
# Get ids for number cpus and load metrics
metric_ids = context.pmLookupName(("hinv.ncpu","kernel.all.load"))
# Get the description of the metrics
descs = context.pmLookupDescs(metric_ids)
# Fetch the current value for number cpus
results = context.pmFetch(metric_ids)
# Extract the value into a scalar value
atom = context.pmExtractValue(results.contents.get_valfmt(0),
results.contents.get_vlist(0, 0),
print "#cpus=", atom.ul
# Get the instance ids for kernel.all.load
inst1 = context.pmLookupInDom(descs[1], "1 minute")
inst5 = context.pmLookupInDom(descs[1], "5 minute")
# Loop through the metric ids
for i in range(results.contents.numpmid):
# Is this the kernel.all.load id?
if (results.contents.get_pmid(i) != metric_ids[1]):
# Extract the kernel.all.load instance
for j in range(results.contents.get_numval(i) - 1):
atom = context.pmExtractValue(results.contents.get_valfmt(i),
results.contents.get_vlist(i, j),
value = atom.f
if results.contents.get_inst(i, j) == inst1:
print "load average 1=",atom.f
elif results.contents.get_inst(i, j) == inst5:
print "load average 5=",atom.f
# ... or, using the fetchgroup interface:
from pcp import pmapi
import cpmapi as c_api
pmfg = pmapi.fetchgroup(c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST, "local:")
v = pmfg.extend_item("hinv.ncpu")
vv = pmfg.extend_indom("kernel.all.load", c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT)
vvv = pmfg.extend_event("systemd.journal.records", field="systemd.journal.field.string")
t = pmfg.extend_timestamp()
print("time: %s" % t())
print("number of cpus: %d" % v())
for icode, iname, value in vv():
print("load average %s: %f" % (iname, value()))
for ts, line in vvv():
print("%s : %s" % (ts, line()))
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,line-too-long,broad-except,no-member
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,too-many-arguments,too-many-nested-blocks
import os
import sys
import time
import errno
import datetime
import json
# constants adapted from C header file <pcp/pmapi.h>
import cpmapi as c_api
# for interfacing with LIBPCP - the client-side C API
import ctypes
from ctypes import c_char, c_int, c_uint, c_long, c_char_p, c_void_p
from ctypes import c_float, c_double, c_int32, c_uint32, c_int64, c_uint64
from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, CFUNCTYPE, Structure, Union
from ctypes import addressof, pointer, sizeof, cast, byref
from ctypes.util import find_library
# dynamic library loads
LIBPCP = CDLL(find_library("pcp"))
libc_name = "c" if sys.platform != "win32" else "msvcrt"
LIBC = CDLL(find_library(libc_name))
# python version information and compatibility
if sys.version >= '3':
integer_types = (int,)
long = int
text_type = str
integer_types = (int, long,)
text_type = unicode # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
def pyFileToCFile(fileObj):
if sys.version >= '3':
ctypes.pythonapi.PyObject_AsFileDescriptor.restype = c_int
ctypes.pythonapi.PyObject_AsFileDescriptor.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object]
return os.fdopen(ctypes.pythonapi.PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(fileObj), "r", closefd=False)
ctypes.pythonapi.PyFile_AsFile.restype = c_void_p
ctypes.pythonapi.PyFile_AsFile.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object]
return ctypes.pythonapi.PyFile_AsFile(fileObj)
# definition of exception classes
class pmErr(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args):
super(pmErr, self).__init__(*args)
self.args = list(args)
if args and isinstance(args[0], int):
self.code = args[0]
self.code = 0
def __str__(self):
errSym = None
errSym = c_api.pmErrSymDict[self.code]
except KeyError:
if errSym is None:
return self.message()
return "%s %s" % (errSym, self.message())
def message(self):
errStr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(c_api.PM_MAXERRMSGLEN)
errStr = LIBPCP.pmErrStr_r(self.code, errStr, c_api.PM_MAXERRMSGLEN)
result = str(errStr.decode())
for index in range(1, len(self.args)):
result += " " + str(self.args[index])
return result
def progname(self):
return str(c_char_p.in_dll(LIBPCP, "pmProgname").value.decode())
def errno(self):
return self.code
class pmUsageErr(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args):
super(pmUsageErr, self).__init__(*args)
self.args = list(args)
def message(self):
for index in range(0, len(self.args)): # pylint: disable=C0200
return c_api.pmUsageMessage()
# definition of structures used by libpcp, derived from <pcp/pmapi.h>
# This section defines the data structures for accessing and manuiplating
# metric information and values. Detailed information about these data
# structures can be found in:
# Performance Co-Pilot Programmer's Guide
# Section 3.4 - Performance Metric Descriptions
# Section 3.5 - Performance Metric Values
# These hardcoded decls should be derived from <sys/time.h>, but no such
# ctypes facility exists. Particularly problematic is the tv_usec field
# (which POSIX defines as having type suseconds_t) - this can be 32 bits
# on some 64 bit platforms (hence c_long is not always correct).
if c_api.PM_SIZEOF_SUSECONDS_T == 4:
c_suseconds_t = c_int32
elif c_api.PM_SIZEOF_SUSECONDS_T == 8:
c_suseconds_t = c_int64
raise pmErr(c_api.PM_ERR_CONV, "Unexpected suseconds_t size")
if c_api.PM_SIZEOF_TIME_T == 4:
c_time_t = c_int32
elif c_api.PM_SIZEOF_TIME_T == 8:
c_time_t = c_int64
raise pmErr(c_api.PM_ERR_CONV, "Unexpected time_t size")
class timeval(Structure):
_fields_ = [("tv_sec", c_time_t),
("tv_usec", c_suseconds_t)]
def __init__(self, sec=0, usec=0):
self.tv_sec = sec
self.tv_usec = usec
def fromInterval(cls, interval):
""" Construct timeval from a string using pmParseInterval """
tvp = cls()
errmsg = c_char_p()
if not isinstance(interval, bytes):
interval = interval.encode('utf-8')
status = LIBPCP.pmParseInterval(interval, byref(tvp), byref(errmsg))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status, errmsg)
return tvp
def __str__(self):
return "%.3f" % c_api.pmtimevalToReal(self.tv_sec, self.tv_usec)
def __float__(self):
return float(c_api.pmtimevalToReal(self.tv_sec, self.tv_usec))
def __complex__(self):
return complex(c_api.pmtimevalToReal(self.tv_sec, self.tv_usec))
def __index__(self):
return int(self.tv_sec)
def __long__(self):
return long(self.tv_sec)
def __int__(self):
return int(self.tv_sec)
def sleep(self):
""" Delay for the amount of time specified by this timeval. """
class timespec(Structure):
_fields_ = [("tv_sec", c_time_t),
("tv_nsec", c_long)]
def __init__(self, sec=0, nsec=0):
self.tv_sec = sec
self.tv_nsec = nsec
def __str__(self):
return "%.3f" % (float(self.tv_sec)+(float(self.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0))
class tm(Structure):
_fields_ = [("tm_sec", c_int),
("tm_min", c_int),
("tm_hour", c_int),
("tm_mday", c_int),
("tm_mon", c_int),
("tm_year", c_int),
("tm_wday", c_int),
("tm_yday", c_int),
("tm_isdst", c_int),
("tm_gmtoff", c_long), # glibc/bsd extension
("tm_zone", c_char_p)] # glibc/bsd extension
def struct_time(self):
# convert POSIX representations - see mktime(3) - to python:
pywday = self.tm_wday - 1
if pywday < 0:
pywday = 6
stlist = [self.tm_year + 1900, self.tm_mon + 1, self.tm_mday,
self.tm_hour, self.tm_min, self.tm_sec,
pywday, self.tm_yday + 1, self.tm_isdst]
return time.struct_time(stlist)
def __str__(self):
# For debugging this, the timetuple is possibly more useful
# timetuple = (self.tm_year+1900, self.tm_mon, self.tm_mday,
# self.tm_hour, self.tm_min, self.tm_sec,
# self.tm_wday, self.tm_yday, self.tm_isdst)
# return str(timetuple)
# For regular users manipulating struct tm, pretty-print it
result = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
second = c_api.pmMktime(self.tm_sec, self.tm_min, self.tm_hour,
self.tm_mday, self.tm_mon, self.tm_year,
self.tm_wday, self.tm_yday, self.tm_isdst,
long(self.tm_gmtoff), str(self.tm_zone))
timetp = c_long(long(second))
LIBPCP.pmCtime(byref(timetp), result)
return str(result.value.decode()).rstrip()
class pmAtomValue(Union):
"""Union used for unpacking metric values according to type
Constants for specifying metric types are defined in module pmapi
_fields_ = [("l", c_int32),
("ul", c_uint32),
("ll", c_int64),
("ull", c_uint64),
("f", c_float),
("d", c_double),
("cp", c_char_p),
("vp", c_void_p)]
_atomDrefD = {c_api.PM_TYPE_32 : lambda x: x.l,
c_api.PM_TYPE_U32 : lambda x: x.ul,
c_api.PM_TYPE_64 : lambda x: x.ll,
c_api.PM_TYPE_U64 : lambda x: x.ull,
c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT : lambda x: x.f,
c_api.PM_TYPE_DOUBLE : lambda x: x.d,
c_api.PM_TYPE_STRING : lambda x: x.cp,
c_api.PM_TYPE_AGGREGATE : lambda x: None,
c_api.PM_TYPE_AGGREGATE_STATIC : lambda x: None,
c_api.PM_TYPE_EVENT : lambda x: None,
c_api.PM_TYPE_HIGHRES_EVENT : lambda x: None,
c_api.PM_TYPE_NOSUPPORT : lambda x: None,
c_api.PM_TYPE_UNKNOWN : lambda x: None
def dref(self, typed):
value = self._atomDrefD[typed](self)
if typed == c_api.PM_TYPE_STRING:
value = str(value.decode('utf-8'))
except Exception:
value = str(value)
return value
class pmUnits(Structure):
Compiler-specific bitfields specifying scale and dimension of metric values
Constants for specifying metric units are defined in module pmapi
IRIX => HAVE_BITFIELDS_LTOR, gcc => not so much
_fields_ = [("dimSpace", c_int, 4),
("dimTime", c_int, 4),
("dimCount", c_int, 4),
("scaleSpace", c_int, 4),
("scaleTime", c_int, 4),
("scaleCount", c_int, 4),
("pad", c_int, 8)]
_fields_ = [("pad", c_int, 8),
("scaleCount", c_int, 4),
("scaleTime", c_int, 4),
("scaleSpace", c_int, 4),
("dimCount", c_int, 4),
("dimTime", c_int, 4),
("dimSpace", c_int, 4)]
def __init__(self, dimS=0, dimT=0, dimC=0, scaleS=0, scaleT=0, scaleC=0):
self.dimSpace = dimS
self.dimTime = dimT
self.dimCount = dimC
self.scaleSpace = scaleS
self.scaleTime = scaleT
self.scaleCount = scaleC
self.pad = 0
def __int__(self):
return c_api.pmUnits_int(self.dimSpace, self.dimTime, self.dimCount,
self.scaleSpace, self.scaleTime, self.scaleCount)
def __str__(self):
unitstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(64)
result = LIBPCP.pmUnitsStr_r(self, unitstr, 64)
return str(result.decode())
class pmValueBlock(Structure):
"""Value block bitfields for different compilers
A value block holds the value of an instance of a metric
pointed to by the pmValue structure, when that value is
too large (> 32 bits) to fit in the pmValue structure
_fields_ = [("vtype", c_uint, 8),
("vlen", c_uint, 24),
("vbuf", c_char * 1)]
else: # Linux (gcc)
_fields_ = [("vlen", c_uint, 24),
("vtype", c_uint, 8),
("vbuf", c_char * 1)]
class valueDref(Union):
"""Union in pmValue for dereferencing the value of an instance of a metric
For small items, e.g. a 32-bit number, the union contains the actual value
For large items, e.g. a text string, the union points to a pmValueBlock
_fields_ = [("pval", POINTER(pmValueBlock)),
("lval", c_int)]
def __str__(self):
return "value=%#lx" % (self.lval)
class pmValue(Structure):
"""Structure holding the value of a metric instance """
_fields_ = [("inst", c_int),
("value", valueDref)]
def __str__(self):
vstr = str(self.value)
return "pmValue@%#lx inst=%d " % (addressof(self), self.inst) + vstr
class pmValueSet(Structure):
"""Structure holding a metric's list of instance values
A performance metric may contain one or more instance values, one for each
item that the metric concerns. For example, a metric measuring filesystem
free space would contain one instance value for each filesystem that exists
on the target machine. Whereas, a metric measuring free memory would have
only one instance value, representing the total amount of free memory on
the target system.
_fields_ = [("pmid", c_uint),
("numval", c_int),
("valfmt", c_int),
("vlist", (pmValue * 1))]
def __str__(self):
if self.valfmt == 0:
vals = range(self.numval)
vstr = str([" %s" % str(self.vlist[i]) for i in vals])
vset = (addressof(self), self.pmid, self.numval, self.valfmt)
return "pmValueSet@%#lx id=%#lx numval=%d valfmt=%d" % vset + vstr
return ""
def vlist_read(self):
return pointer(self._vlist[0])
vlist = property(vlist_read, None, None, None)
pmValueSetPtr = POINTER(pmValueSet)
pmValueSetPtr.pmid = property(lambda x: x.contents.pmid, None, None, None)
pmValueSetPtr.numval = property(lambda x: x.contents.numval, None, None, None)
pmValueSetPtr.valfmt = property(lambda x: x.contents.valfmt, None, None, None)
pmValueSetPtr.vlist = property(lambda x: x.contents.vlist, None, None, None)
class pmResult(Structure):
"""Structure returned by pmFetch, with a value set for each metric queried
The vset is defined with a "fake" array bounds of 1, which can give runtime
array bounds complaints. The getter methods are array bounds agnostic.
_fields_ = [("timestamp", timeval),
("numpmid", c_int),
# array N of pointer to pmValueSet
("vset", (POINTER(pmValueSet)) * 1)]
def __init__(self):
self.numpmid = 0
def __str__(self):
vals = range(self.numpmid)
vstr = str([" %s" % str(self.vset[i].contents) for i in vals])
return "pmResult@%#lx id#=%d " % (addressof(self), self.numpmid) + vstr
def get_pmid(self, vset_idx):
""" Return the pmid of vset[vset_idx] """
vsetptr = cast(self.vset, POINTER(pmValueSetPtr))
return vsetptr[vset_idx].contents.pmid
def get_valfmt(self, vset_idx):
""" Return the valfmt of vset[vset_idx] """
vsetptr = cast(self.vset, POINTER(POINTER(pmValueSet)))
return vsetptr[vset_idx].contents.valfmt
def get_numval(self, vset_idx):
""" Return the numval of vset[vset_idx] """
vsetptr = cast(self.vset, POINTER(POINTER(pmValueSet)))
return vsetptr[vset_idx].contents.numval
def get_vset(self, vset_idx):
""" Return the vset[vset_idx] """
vsetptr = cast(self.vset, POINTER(POINTER(pmValueSet)))
return vsetptr[vset_idx]
def get_vlist(self, vset_idx, vlist_idx):
""" Return the vlist[vlist_idx] of vset[vset_idx] """
listptr = cast(self.get_vset(vset_idx).contents.vlist, POINTER(pmValue))
return listptr[vlist_idx]
def get_inst(self, vset_idx, vlist_idx):
""" Return the inst for vlist[vlist_idx] of vset[vset_idx] """
return self.get_vlist(vset_idx, vlist_idx).inst
pmID = c_uint
pmInDom = c_uint
class pmDesc(Structure):
"""Structure describing a metric
_fields_ = [("pmid", c_uint),
("type", c_int),
("indom", c_uint),
("sem", c_int),
("units", pmUnits)]
def __str__(self):
fields = (addressof(self), self.pmid, self.type)
return "pmDesc@%#lx id=%#lx type=%d" % fields
pmDescPtr = POINTER(pmDesc)
pmDescPtr.sem = property(lambda x: x.contents.sem, None, None, None)
pmDescPtr.type = property(lambda x: x.contents.type, None, None, None)
pmDescPtr.indom = property(lambda x: x.contents.indom, None, None, None)
pmDescPtr.units = property(lambda x: x.contents.units, None, None, None)
def get_indom(pmdesc):
"""Internal function to extract an indom from a pmdesc
Allow functions requiring an indom to be passed a pmDesc* instead
class Value(Union):
_fields_ = [("pval", POINTER(pmDesc)),
("lval", c_uint)]
if isinstance(pmdesc, POINTER(pmDesc)):
return pmdesc.contents.indom
else: # raw indom
# Goodness, there must be a simpler way to do this
value = Value()
value.pval = pmdesc
return value.lval
class pmMetricSpec(Structure):
"""Structure describing a metric's specification """
_fields_ = [("isarch", c_int),
("source", c_char_p),
("metric", c_char_p),
("ninst", c_int),
("inst", POINTER(c_char_p))]
def __str__(self):
insts = list(map(lambda x: str(self.inst[x]), range(self.ninst)))
fields = (addressof(self), self.isarch, self.source, insts)
return "pmMetricSpec@%#lx src=%s metric=%s insts=%s" % fields
def fromString(cls, string, isarch=0, source=''):
result = POINTER(cls)()
errmsg = c_char_p()
if not isinstance(source, bytes):
source = source.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(string, bytes):
string = string.encode('utf-8')
status = LIBPCP.pmParseMetricSpec(string, isarch, source,
byref(result), byref(errmsg))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status, errmsg)
return result
class pmLogLabel(Structure):
"""Label record at the start of every log file """
_fields_ = [("magic", c_int),
("pid_t", c_int),
("start", timeval),
("hostname", c_char * c_api.PM_LOG_MAXHOSTLEN),
("tz", c_char * c_api.PM_TZ_MAXLEN)]
def get_hostname(self):
""" Return the hostname from the structure as native str """
return str(self.hostname.decode())
def get_timezone(self):
""" Return the timezone from the structure as native str """
return str(
class pmLabel(Structure):
"""Structure describing label's specification"""
_fields_ = [("name", c_int, 16),
("namelen", c_int, 8),
("flags", c_int, 8),
("value", c_int, 16),
("valuelen", c_int, 16)]
def __str__(self):
return + ":" + '"' + self.value + '"'
pmLabelPtr = POINTER(pmLabel) = property(lambda x:, None, None, None)
pmLabelPtr.namelen = property(lambda x: x.contents.namelen, None, None, None)
pmLabelPtr.flags = property(lambda x: x.contents.flags, None, None, None)
pmLabelPtr.value = property(lambda x: x.contents.value, None, None, None)
pmLabelPtr.valuelen = property(lambda x: x.contents.valuelen, None, None, None)
class pmLabelSet(Structure):
""" Structure describing label set specifications"""
_fields_ = [("inst", c_uint),
("nlabels", c_int),
("json", c_char_p),
("jsonlen", c_int, 16),
("padding", c_int, 15),
("compound", c_int, 1),
("labels", POINTER(pmLabel)),
("hash", c_void_p)]
def __str__(self):
if self.json is None:
return "{}"
return self.json.decode()
# PMAPI function prototypes
# PMAPI Name Space Services
LIBPCP.pmGetChildren.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetChildren.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p))]
LIBPCP.pmGetChildrenStatus.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetChildrenStatus.argtypes = [
c_char_p, POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p)), POINTER(POINTER(c_int))]
LIBPCP.pmGetPMNSLocation.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetPMNSLocation.argtypes = []
LIBPCP.pmLoadNameSpace.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLoadNameSpace.argtypes = [c_char_p]
LIBPCP.pmLookupName.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLookupName.argtypes = [c_int, (c_char_p * 1), POINTER(c_uint)]
LIBPCP.pmNameAll.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmNameAll.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p))]
LIBPCP.pmNameID.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmNameID.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_char_p)]
traverseCB_type = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_char_p)
LIBPCP.pmTraversePMNS.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmTraversePMNS.argtypes = [c_char_p, traverseCB_type]
LIBPCP.pmUnloadNameSpace.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmUnloadNameSpace.argtypes = []
LIBPCP.pmRegisterDerivedMetric.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmRegisterDerivedMetric.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, POINTER(c_char_p)]
LIBPCP.pmLoadDerivedConfig.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLoadDerivedConfig.argtypes = [c_char_p]
# PMAPI Metrics Description Services
LIBPCP.pmLookupDesc.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLookupDesc.argtypes = [c_uint, POINTER(pmDesc)]
LIBPCP.pmLookupDescs.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLookupDescs.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(pmDesc)]
LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomText.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomText.argtypes = [c_uint, c_int, POINTER(c_char_p)]
LIBPCP.pmLookupText.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLookupText.argtypes = [c_uint, c_int, POINTER(c_char_p)]
# PMAPI Instance Domain Services
LIBPCP.pmGetInDom.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetInDom.argtypes = [
c_uint, POINTER(POINTER(c_int)), POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p))]
LIBPCP.pmLookupInDom.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLookupInDom.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p]
LIBPCP.pmNameInDom.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmNameInDom.argtypes = [c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(c_char_p)]
# PMAPI Context Services
LIBPCP.pmNewContext.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmNewContext.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p]
LIBPCP.pmDestroyContext.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmDestroyContext.argtypes = [c_int]
LIBPCP.pmDupContext.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmDupContext.argtypes = []
LIBPCP.pmUseContext.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmUseContext.argtypes = [c_int]
LIBPCP.pmWhichContext.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmWhichContext.argtypes = []
LIBPCP.pmAddProfile.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmAddProfile.argtypes = [c_uint, c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
LIBPCP.pmDelProfile.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmDelProfile.argtypes = [c_uint, c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
LIBPCP.pmSetMode.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmSetMode.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(timeval), c_int]
LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext.argtypes = [c_int]
LIBPCP.pmGetContextHostName_r.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmGetContextHostName_r.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
# PMAPI Timezone Services
LIBPCP.pmNewContextZone.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmNewContextZone.argtypes = []
LIBPCP.pmNewZone.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmNewZone.argtypes = [c_char_p]
LIBPCP.pmUseZone.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmUseZone.argtypes = [c_int]
LIBPCP.pmWhichZone.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmWhichZone.argtypes = [POINTER(c_char_p)]
LIBPCP.pmLocaltime.restype = POINTER(tm)
LIBPCP.pmLocaltime.argtypes = [POINTER(c_long), POINTER(tm)]
LIBPCP.pmCtime.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmCtime.argtypes = [POINTER(c_long), c_char_p]
# PMAPI Metrics Services
LIBPCP.pmFetch.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmFetch.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(POINTER(pmResult))]
LIBPCP.pmFreeResult.restype = None
LIBPCP.pmFreeResult.argtypes = [POINTER(pmResult)]
LIBPCP.pmStore.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmStore.argtypes = [POINTER(pmResult)]
# PMAPI Archive-Specific Services
LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveLabel.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveLabel.argtypes = [POINTER(pmLogLabel)]
LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveEnd.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveEnd.argtypes = [POINTER(timeval)]
LIBPCP.pmGetInDomArchive.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetInDomArchive.argtypes = [c_uint, POINTER(POINTER(c_int)),
LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomArchive.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLookupInDom.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p]
LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomArchive.argtypes = [pmInDom, c_char_p]
LIBPCP.pmNameInDomArchive.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmNameInDomArchive.argtypes = [pmInDom, c_int]
LIBPCP.pmFetchArchive.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmFetchArchive.argtypes = [POINTER(POINTER(pmResult))]
# PMAPI Ancilliary Support Services
LIBPCP.pmGetOptionalConfig.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmGetOptionalConfig.argtypes = [c_char_p]
LIBPCP.pmErrStr_r.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmErrStr_r.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
LIBPCP.pmExtractValue.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmExtractValue.argtypes = [
c_int, POINTER(pmValue), c_int, POINTER(pmAtomValue), c_int]
LIBPCP.pmConvScale.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmConvScale.argtypes = [
c_int, POINTER(pmAtomValue), POINTER(pmUnits), POINTER(pmAtomValue),
LIBPCP.pmUnitsStr_r.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmUnitsStr_r.argtypes = [POINTER(pmUnits), c_char_p, c_int]
LIBPCP.pmNumberStr_r.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmNumberStr_r.argtypes = [c_double, c_char_p, c_int]
LIBPCP.pmID_build.restype = c_uint
LIBPCP.pmID_build.argtypes = [c_uint, c_uint, c_uint]
LIBPCP.pmID_domain.restype = c_uint
LIBPCP.pmID_domain.argtypes = [c_uint]
LIBPCP.pmID_cluster.restype = c_uint
LIBPCP.pmID_cluster.argtypes = [c_uint]
LIBPCP.pmID_item.restype = c_uint
LIBPCP.pmID_item.argtypes = [c_uint]
LIBPCP.pmIDStr_r.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmIDStr_r.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, c_int]
LIBPCP.pmInDom_build.restype = c_uint
LIBPCP.pmInDom_build.argtypes = [c_uint, c_uint]
LIBPCP.pmInDom_domain.restype = c_uint
LIBPCP.pmInDom_domain.argtypes = [c_uint]
LIBPCP.pmInDom_serial.restype = c_uint
LIBPCP.pmInDom_serial.argtypes = [c_uint]
LIBPCP.pmInDomStr_r.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmInDomStr_r.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, c_int]
LIBPCP.pmTypeStr_r.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmTypeStr_r.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
LIBPCP.pmAtomStr_r.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmAtomStr_r.argtypes = [POINTER(pmAtomValue), c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
LIBPCP.pmSemStr_r.restype = c_char_p
LIBPCP.pmSemStr_r.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
LIBPCP.pmPrintValue.restype = None
LIBPCP.pmPrintValue.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, c_int, POINTER(pmValue), c_int]
LIBPCP.pmParseInterval.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmParseInterval.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(timeval),
LIBPCP.pmParseMetricSpec.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmParseMetricSpec.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p,
LIBPCP.pmflush.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmflush.argtypes = []
LIBPCP.pmprintf.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmprintf.argtypes = [c_char_p]
LIBPCP.pmSortInstances.restype = None
LIBPCP.pmSortInstances.argtypes = [POINTER(pmResult)]
LIBPCP.pmLookupLabels.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmLookupLabels.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(POINTER(pmLabelSet))]
LIBPCP.pmGetInstancesLabels.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetInstancesLabels.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(POINTER(pmLabelSet))]
LIBPCP.pmGetItemLabels.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetItemLabels.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(POINTER(pmLabelSet))]
LIBPCP.pmGetClusterLabels.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetClusterLabels.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(POINTER(pmLabelSet))]
LIBPCP.pmGetInDomLabels.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetInDomLabels.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(POINTER(pmLabelSet))]
LIBPCP.pmGetDomainLabels.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetDomainLabels.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(POINTER(pmLabelSet))]
LIBPCP.pmGetContextLabels.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetContextLabels.argtypes = [POINTER(POINTER(pmLabelSet))]
LIBPCP.pmMergeLabels.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmMergeLabels.argtypes = [POINTER(c_char_p), c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
mergeLabelSetsCB_type = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(pmLabel), c_char_p, c_void_p)
LIBPCP.pmMergeLabelSets.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmMergeLabelSets.argtypes = [POINTER(POINTER(pmLabelSet)), c_int,
c_char_p, c_int, mergeLabelSetsCB_type,
LIBPCP.pmFreeLabelSets.restype = None
LIBPCP.pmFreeLabelSets.argtypes = [POINTER(pmLabelSet), c_int]
# class pmOptions
# This class wraps the PMAPI pmGetOptions functionality and can be used
# to assist with automatic construction of a PMAPI context based on the
# command line options used.
class pmOptions(object):
""" Command line option parsing for short and long form arguments
Passed into pmGetOptions, pmGetContextOptions, pmUsageMessage.
# property read methods
def _R_mode(self):
return self._mode
def _R_delta(self):
return self._delta
def _R_need_reset(self):
return self._need_reset
def _W_need_reset(self, value):
self._need_reset = value
# property definitions
mode = property(_R_mode, None, None, None)
delta = property(_R_delta, None, None, None)
need_reset = property(_R_need_reset, _W_need_reset, None, None)
# creation and destruction
def __init__(self, short_options=None, short_usage=None, flags=0):
if short_options is not None:
if short_usage is not None:
if flags != 0:
else: # good default for scripts - always evaluating log bounds
self._delta = 1 # default archive pmSetMode delta
self._mode = c_api.PM_MODE_INTERP # default pmSetMode access mode
self._need_reset = False # flag for __del__ memory reclaim
def __del__(self):
if LIBPCP is not None and self._need_reset:
def daemonize():
""" Cross-platform --daemonize (re-parent to init) option helper """
return c_api.pmServerStart()
# general command line option access and manipulation
def pmGetOptionFlags(self):
return c_api.pmGetOptionFlags()
def pmSetOptionContext(self, context):
return c_api.pmSetOptionContext(context)
def pmSetOptionFlags(self, flags):
return c_api.pmSetOptionFlags(flags)
def pmGetOptionErrors(self):
return c_api.pmGetOptionErrors()
def pmSetOptionErrors(self):
errors = c_api.pmGetOptionErrors() + 1
return c_api.pmSetOptionErrors(errors)
def pmSetShortUsage(self, short_usage):
return c_api.pmSetShortUsage(short_usage)
def pmSetShortOptions(self, short_options):
return c_api.pmSetShortOptions(short_options)
def pmSetOptionSamples(self, count):
""" Set sample count (converts string to integer) """
return c_api.pmSetOptionSamples(count)
def pmSetOptionInterval(self, interval):
""" Set sampling interval (pmParseInterval string) """
return c_api.pmSetOptionInterval(interval)
def pmGetOperands(self):
""" After a pmGetOptions(3) call has been made this method
returns a list of any remaining parameters which were
not parsed as command line options, aka "operands".
return c_api.pmGetOperands()
# Deprecated, use pmGetOperands() above instead
def pmGetNonOptionsFromList(self, argv):
return c_api.pmGetNonOptionsFromList(argv)
# Deprecated, use pmGetOperands() above instead
def pmNonOptionsFromList(self, argv):
return c_api.pmGetNonOptionsFromList(argv)
def pmSetOptionCallback(self, func):
""" Handle individual command line options, outside of the PCP
"standard" set (or overridden).
For every non-standard or overridden option, this callback
will be called with the short option character (as an int)
or zero for long-option only, and the usual getopts global
state (optind, opterr, optopt, optarg, and index - all int
except optarg which is a str).
return c_api.pmSetOptionCallback(func)
def pmSetOverrideCallback(self, func):
""" Allow a "standard" PCP option to be overridden.
For every option parsed, this callback is called and it may
return zero, meaning continue with processing the option in
the standard way, or non-zero, meaning the caller wishes to
override and interpret the option differently.
Callback input: int, output: int
return c_api.pmSetOverrideCallback(func)
def pmSetLongOption(self, long_opt, has_arg, short_opt, argname, message):
""" Add long option into the set of supported long options
Pass in the option name (str), whether it takes an argument (int),
its short option form (str), and two usage message hints (argname
(str) and message (str) - see pmGetOptions(3) for details).
if short_opt is None:
short_opt = ''
return c_api.pmSetLongOption(long_opt, has_arg, short_opt, argname, message)
def pmSetLongOptionHeader(self, heading):
""" Add a new section heading into the long option usage message """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHeader(heading)
def pmSetLongOptionText(self, text):
""" Add some descriptive text into the long option usage message """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionText(text)
def pmSetLongOptionAlign(self):
""" Add support for -A/--align into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionAlign()
def pmSetLongOptionArchive(self):
""" Add support for -a/--archive into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionArchive()
def pmSetLongOptionDebug(self):
""" Add support for -D/--debug into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionDebug()
def pmSetLongOptionGuiMode(self):
""" Unimplemented """
return None
def pmSetLongOptionHost(self):
""" Add support for -h/--host into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHost()
def pmSetLongOptionHostsFile(self):
""" Add support for -H/--hostsfile into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHostsFile()
def pmSetLongOptionSpecLocal(self):
""" Add support for -K/--spec-local into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionSpecLocal()
def pmSetLongOptionLocalPMDA(self):
""" Add support for -L/--local-PMDA into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionLocalPMDA()
def pmSetLongOptionOrigin(self):
""" Add support for -O/--origin into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionOrigin()
def pmSetLongOptionGuiPort(self):
""" Unimplemented """
return None
def pmSetLongOptionStart(self):
""" Add support for -S/--start into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionStart()
def pmSetLongOptionSamples(self):
""" Add support for -s/--samples into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionSamples()
def pmSetLongOptionFinish(self):
""" Add support for -T/--finish into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionFinish()
def pmSetLongOptionInterval(self):
""" Add support for -t/--interval into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionInterval()
def pmSetLongOptionVersion(self):
""" Add support for -V/--version into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionVersion()
def pmSetLongOptionTimeZone(self):
""" Add support for -Z/--timezone into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionTimeZone()
def pmSetLongOptionHostZone(self):
""" Add support for -z/--hostzone into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHostZone()
def pmSetLongOptionHelp(self):
""" Add support for -?/--help into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHelp()
def pmSetLongOptionArchiveList(self):
""" Add support for --archive-list into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionArchiveList()
def pmSetLongOptionArchiveFolio(self):
""" Add support for --archive-folio into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionArchiveFolio()
def pmSetLongOptionContainer(self):
""" Add support for --container into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionContainer()
def pmSetLongOptionHostList(self):
""" Add support for --host-list into PMAPI monitor tool """
return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHostList()
def pmGetOptionContext(self): # int (typed)
return c_api.pmGetOptionContext()
def pmGetOptionHosts(self): # str list
return c_api.pmGetOptionHosts()
def pmGetOptionArchives(self): # str list
return c_api.pmGetOptionArchives()
def pmGetOptionAlignment(self): # timeval
alignment = c_api.pmGetOptionAlign_optarg()
if alignment is None:
return None
return timeval.fromInterval(alignment)
def pmGetOptionStart(self): # timeval
sec = c_api.pmGetOptionStart_sec()
if sec is None:
return None
return timeval(sec, c_api.pmGetOptionStart_usec())
def pmGetOptionAlignOptarg(self): # string
return c_api.pmGetOptionAlign_optarg()
def pmGetOptionFinishOptarg(self): # string
return c_api.pmGetOptionFinish_optarg()
def pmGetOptionFinish(self): # timeval
sec = c_api.pmGetOptionFinish_sec()
if sec is None:
return None
return timeval(sec, c_api.pmGetOptionFinish_usec())
def pmGetOptionOrigin(self): # timeval
sec = c_api.pmGetOptionOrigin_sec()
if sec is None:
return None
return timeval(sec, c_api.pmGetOptionOrigin_usec())
def pmGetOptionInterval(self): # timeval
sec = c_api.pmGetOptionInterval_sec()
if sec is None:
return None
return timeval(sec, c_api.pmGetOptionInterval_usec())
def pmGetOptionSamples(self): # int
return c_api.pmGetOptionSamples()
def pmGetOptionHostZone(self): # boolean
if c_api.pmGetOptionHostZone() == 0:
return False
return True
def pmGetOptionTimezone(self): # str
return c_api.pmGetOptionTimezone()
def pmGetOptionContainer(self): # str
return c_api.pmGetOptionContainer()
def pmGetOptionLocalPMDA(self): # boolean
if c_api.pmGetOptionLocalPMDA() == 0:
return False
return True
def pmSetOptionArchive(self, archive): # str
return c_api.pmSetOptionArchive(archive)
def pmSetOptionArchiveList(self, archives): # str
return c_api.pmSetOptionArchiveList(archives)
def pmSetOptionArchiveFolio(self, folio): # str
return c_api.pmSetOptionArchiveFolio(folio)
def pmSetOptionContainer(self, container): # str
return c_api.pmSetOptionContainer(container)
def pmSetOptionHost(self, host): # str
return c_api.pmSetOptionHost(host)
def pmSetOptionHostList(self, hosts): # str
return c_api.pmSetOptionHostList(hosts)
def pmSetOptionSpecLocal(self, spec): # str
return c_api.pmSetOptionSpecLocal(spec)
def pmSetOptionLocalPMDA(self):
return c_api.pmSetOptionLocalPMDA()
# class pmContext
# This class wraps the PMAPI library functions
class pmContext(object):
"""Defines a metrics source context (e.g. host, archive, etc) to operate on
This object defines a PMAPI context, and its methods wrap calls to PMAPI
library functions. Detailled information about those C library functions
can be found in the following document.
SGI Document: 007-3434-005
Performance Co-Pilot Programmer's Guide
Section 3.7 - PMAPI Procedural Interface, pp. 67
Detailed information about the underlying data structures can be found
in the same document.
Section 3.4 - Performance Metric Descriptions, pp. 59
Section 3.5 - Performance Metric Values, pp. 62
# class attributes
# property read methods
def _R_type(self):
return self._type
def _R_target(self):
return self._target
def _R_ctx(self):
return self._ctx
# property definitions
type = property(_R_type, None, None, None)
target = property(_R_target, None, None, None)
ctx = property(_R_ctx, None, None, None)
# creation and destruction
def __init__(self, typed=c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST, target="local:"):
self._type = typed # the context type
self._target = target # the context target
self._ctx = c_api.PM_ERR_NOCONTEXT # init'd pre-connect
if target and not isinstance(target, bytes):
source = target.encode('utf-8')
source = target
self._ctx = LIBPCP.pmNewContext(typed, source) # the context handle
if self._ctx < 0:
raise pmErr(self._ctx, [target])
def __del__(self):
if LIBPCP is not None and self._ctx != c_api.PM_ERR_NOCONTEXT:
def fromOptions(cls, options, argv, typed=0, index=0):
""" Helper interface, simple PCP monitor argument parsing.
Take argv list, create a context using pmGetOptions(3)
and standard options default values like local: etc
based on the contents of the list.
Caller should have already registered any options of
interest using the option family of interfaces, i.e.
pmSetShortOptions, pmSetLongOption*, pmSetOptionFlags,
pmSetOptionCallback, and pmSetOptionOverrideCallback.
When the MULTI/MIXED pmGetOptions flags are being used,
the typed/index parameters can be used to setup several
contexts based on the given command line parameters.
if typed is None or typed <= 0:
options.need_reset = True
if c_api.pmGetOptionsFromList(argv):
raise pmUsageErr
typed = options.pmGetOptionContext()
if typed == c_api.PM_CONTEXT_ARCHIVE:
archives = options.pmGetOptionArchives()
source = archives[index]
elif typed == c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST:
hosts = options.pmGetOptionHosts()
source = hosts[index]
elif typed == c_api.PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL:
source = None
elif options.pmGetOptionOrigin() is not None:
archives = options.pmGetOptionArchives()
source = archives[index]
typed = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_ARCHIVE
typed = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST
source = "local:"
# core work done here - constructs the new pmContext
context = cls(typed, source)
# finish time windows, timezones, archive access mode
if c_api.pmSetContextOptions(context.ctx, options.mode,
raise pmUsageErr
return context
def set_connect_options(options, source, speclocal):
""" Helper to set connection options and to get context/source for pmfg. """
context = None
if c_api.pmGetOptionArchives():
context = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_ARCHIVE
source = options.pmGetOptionArchives()[0]
elif c_api.pmGetOptionHosts():
context = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST
source = options.pmGetOptionHosts()[0]
elif c_api.pmGetOptionLocalPMDA():
context = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL
source = None
if not context:
if '/' in source:
context = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_ARCHIVE
elif source != '@':
context = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST
context = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL
source = None
if context == c_api.PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL and speclocal:
for spec in filter(None, speclocal.split(";")):
flags = options.pmGetOptionFlags()
options.pmSetOptionFlags(flags | c_api.PM_OPTFLAG_DONE)
return context, source
# PMAPI Name Space Services
def pmGetChildren(self, name):
"""PMAPI - Return names of children of the given PMNS node NAME
tuple names = pmGetChildren("kernel")
offspring = POINTER(c_char_p)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
status = LIBPCP.pmGetChildren(name, byref(offspring))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if status > 0:
childL = list(map(lambda x: str(offspring[x].decode()), range(status)))
return None
return childL
def pmGetChildrenStatus(self, name):
"""PMAPI - Return names and status of children of the given metric NAME
(tuple names,tuple status) = pmGetChildrenStatus("kernel")
offspring = POINTER(c_char_p)()
childstat = POINTER(c_int)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
status = LIBPCP.pmGetChildrenStatus(name,
byref(offspring), byref(childstat))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if status > 0:
childL = list(map(lambda x: str(offspring[x].decode()), range(status)))
statL = list(map(lambda x: int(childstat[x]), range(status)))
return None, None
return childL, statL
def pmGetPMNSLocation(self):
"""PMAPI - Return the namespace location type
loc = pmGetPMNSLocation()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmGetPMNSLocation()
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmLoadNameSpace(self, filename):
"""PMAPI - Load a local namespace
status = pmLoadNameSpace("filename")
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if not isinstance(filename, bytes):
filename = filename.encode('utf-8')
status = LIBPCP.pmLoadNameSpace(filename)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmLookupName(self, nameA, relaxed=0):
"""PMAPI - Lookup pmIDs from a list of metric names nameA
c_uint pmid [] = pmLookupName("MetricName")
c_uint pmid [] = pmLookupName(("MetricName1", "MetricName2", ...))
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if isinstance(nameA, (str, bytes)):
n = 1
n = len(nameA)
names = (c_char_p * n)()
if isinstance(nameA, str):
names[0] = c_char_p(nameA.encode('utf-8'))
elif isinstance(nameA, bytes):
names[0] = c_char_p(nameA)
for i, name in enumerate(nameA):
if isinstance(nameA[i], bytes):
names[i] = c_char_p(name)
names[i] = c_char_p(name.encode('utf-8'))
pmidA = (c_uint * n)()
LIBPCP.pmLookupName.argtypes = [c_int, (c_char_p * n), POINTER(c_uint)]
status = LIBPCP.pmLookupName(n, names, pmidA)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status, pmidA)
if relaxed == 0 and status != n:
badL = [name for (name, pmid) in zip(nameA, pmidA) \
if pmid == c_api.PM_ID_NULL]
raise pmErr(c_api.PM_ERR_NAME, badL)
return pmidA
def pmNameAll(self, pmid):
"""PMAPI - Return list of all metric names having this identical PMID
tuple names = pmNameAll(metric_id)
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
nameA_p = POINTER(c_char_p)()
status = LIBPCP.pmNameAll(pmid, byref(nameA_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
nameL = list(map(lambda x: str(nameA_p[x].decode()), range(status)))
return nameL
def pmNameID(self, pmid):
"""PMAPI - Return a metric name from a PMID
name = pmNameID(self.metric_id)
name = c_char_p()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmNameID(pmid, byref(name))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
result = name.value
return str(result.decode())
def pmTraversePMNS(self, name, callback):
"""PMAPI - Scan namespace, depth first, run CALLBACK at each node
status = pmTraversePMNS("kernel", traverse_callback)
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = c_api.pmnsTraverse(name, callback)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
def pmUnLoadNameSpace(self):
"""PMAPI - Unloads a local PMNS, if one was previously loaded
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmUnloadNameSpace()
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
def pmRegisterDerived(self, name, expr):
"""PMAPI - Register a derived metric name and definition
pm.pmRegisterDerived("MetricName", "MetricName Expression")
if not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(expr, bytes):
expr = expr.encode('utf-8')
errmsg = c_char_p()
result = LIBPCP.pmRegisterDerivedMetric(name, expr, byref(errmsg))
if result != 0:
text = str(errmsg.value.decode())
raise pmErr(c_api.PM_ERR_CONV, text)
status = LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
def pmLoadDerivedConfig(self, fname):
"""PMAPI - Register derived metric names and definitions from a file
if not isinstance(fname, bytes):
fname = fname.encode('utf-8')
status = LIBPCP.pmLoadDerivedConfig(fname)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
# Deprecated, no longer needed, py wrapper uses pmRegisterDerivedMetric(3)
# and the exception encodes a more complete error message as a result.
def pmDerivedErrStr():
"""PMAPI - Return an error message if the pmRegisterDerived(3) metric
definition cannot be parsed
result = LIBPCP.pmDerivedErrStr()
if result is not None:
return str(result.decode())
return None
# PMAPI Metrics Description Services
def pmLookupDesc(self, pmid_p):
"""PMAPI - Lookup a metric description structure from a pmID
pmDesc* pmdesc = pmLookupDesc(c_uint pmid)
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
descbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(sizeof(pmDesc))
desc = cast(descbuf, POINTER(pmDesc))
pmid = c_uint(pmid_p)
status = LIBPCP.pmLookupDesc(pmid, desc)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return desc
def pmLookupDescs(self, pmids_p):
"""PMAPI - Lookup metric description structures from pmIDs
(pmDesc* pmdesc)[] = pmLookupDescs(c_uint pmid[N])
(pmDesc* pmdesc)[] = pmLookupDescs(c_uint pmid)
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if isinstance(pmids_p, integer_types):
pmids = (c_uint * 1)()
pmids[0] = pmids_p
pmids = (c_uint * len(pmids_p))()
for i, pmid in enumerate(pmids_p):
pmids[i] = c_uint(pmid)
descsbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(pmids) * sizeof(pmDesc))
desclist = cast(descsbuf, POINTER(pmDesc))
status = LIBPCP.pmLookupDescs(len(pmids), pmids, desclist)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
# API back-compat - for hysterical raisins, return an array of pointers
descs = (POINTER(pmDesc) * len(pmids))()
for i in range(len(pmids)):
descs[i] = pointer(desclist[i])
return descs
def pmLookupInDomText(self, pmdesc, kind=c_api.PM_TEXT_ONELINE):
"""PMAPI - Lookup the description of a metric's instance domain
"instance" = pmLookupInDomText(pmDesc pmdesc)
buf = c_char_p()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomText(get_indom(pmdesc), kind, byref(buf))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
result = buf.value
return str(result.decode())
def pmLookupText(self, pmid, kind=c_api.PM_TEXT_ONELINE):
"""PMAPI - Lookup the description of a metric from its pmID
"desc" = pmLookupText(pmid)
buf = c_char_p()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmLookupText(pmid, kind, byref(buf))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
text = buf.value
return text
# PMAPI Instance Domain Services
def pmGetInDom(self, pmdescp=None, indom=None):
"""PMAPI - Lookup the list of instances from an instance domain PMDESCP or indom
([instance1, instance2...] [name1, name2...]) pmGetInDom(pmDesc pmdesc)
if pmdescp is None and indom is None:
raise pmErr(c_api.PM_ERR_GENERIC, "invalid arguments")
instA_p = POINTER(c_int)()
nameA_p = POINTER(c_char_p)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if indom is None:
indom = get_indom(pmdescp)
status = LIBPCP.pmGetInDom(indom, byref(instA_p), byref(nameA_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if status > 0:
nameL = list(map(lambda x: str(nameA_p[x].decode('ascii', 'ignore')), range(status)))
instL = list(map(lambda x: int(instA_p[x]), range(status)))
instL = None
nameL = None
return instL, nameL
def pmGetInDomDict(self, indom):
""" helper to return dict of inst:name for an indom """
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
retD = {}
instL, nameL = self.pmGetInDom(indom=indom)
if instL is None or nameL is None:
return retD
n = len(instL)
for i in range(n):
retD.update({instL[i]: nameL[i]})
return retD
def pmLookupInDom(self, pmdesc, name):
"""PMAPI - Lookup the instance id with the given NAME in the indom
c_uint instid = pmLookupInDom(pmDesc pmdesc, "Instance")
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
status = LIBPCP.pmLookupInDom(get_indom(pmdesc), name)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmNameInDom(self, pmdesc, instval):
"""PMAPI - Lookup the text name of an instance in an instance domain
"string" = pmNameInDom(pmDesc pmdesc, c_uint instid)
if instval == c_api.PM_IN_NULL:
return "PM_IN_NULL"
name_p = c_char_p()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmNameInDom(get_indom(pmdesc), instval, byref(name_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
result = name_p.value
return str(result.decode('ascii', 'ignore'))
# PMAPI Context Services
def pmNewContext(self, typed, name):
"""PMAPI - NOOP - Establish a new PMAPI context (done in constructor)
This is unimplemented. A new context is established when a pmContext
object is created.
def pmDestroyContext(self, handle):
"""PMAPI - NOOP - Destroy a PMAPI context (done in destructor)
This is unimplemented. The context is destroyed when the pmContext
object is destroyed.
def pmDupContext(self):
"""PMAPI - Duplicate the current PMAPI Context
This supports copying a pmContext object
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmDupContext()
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmUseContext(self, handle):
"""PMAPI - NOOP - Set the PMAPI context to that identified by handle
This is unimplemented. Context changes are handled by the individual
methods in a pmContext class instance.
def pmWhichContext():
"""PMAPI - Returns the handle of the current PMAPI context
context = pmWhichContext()
status = LIBPCP.pmWhichContext()
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmAddProfile(self, pmdesc, instL):
"""PMAPI - add instances to list that will be collected from indom
status = pmAddProfile(pmDesc pmdesc, c_uint instid)
if isinstance(instL, int):
numinst = 1
instA = (c_int * numinst)()
instA[0] = instL
elif instL is None or not instL:
numinst = 0
instA = POINTER(c_int)()
numinst = len(instL)
instA = (c_int * numinst)()
for index, value in enumerate(instL):
instA[index] = value
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmAddProfile(get_indom(pmdesc), numinst, instA)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmDelProfile(self, pmdesc, instL):
"""PMAPI - delete instances from list to be collected from indom
status = pmDelProfile(pmDesc pmdesc, c_uint inst)
status = pmDelProfile(pmDesc pmdesc, [c_uint inst])
if instL is None or not instL:
numinst = 0
instA = POINTER(c_int)()
numinst = len(instL)
instA = (c_int * numinst)()
for index, value in enumerate(instL):
instA[index] = value
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmDelProfile(get_indom(pmdesc), numinst, instA)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmSetMode(self, mode, timeVal, delta):
"""PMAPI - set interpolation mode for reading archive files
code = pmSetMode(c_api.PM_MODE_INTERP, timeval, 0)
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
when = None
if timeVal is not None:
when = pointer(timeVal)
status = LIBPCP.pmSetMode(mode, when, delta)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmReconnectContext(self):
"""PMAPI - Reestablish the context connection
Unlike the underlying PMAPI function, this method takes no parameter.
This method simply attempts to reestablish the the context belonging
to its pmContext instance object.
status = LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmGetContextHostName(self):
"""PMAPI - Lookup the hostname for the given context
This method simply returns the hostname for the context belonging to
its pmContext instance object.
"hostname" = pmGetContextHostName()
buflen = c_api.PM_LOG_MAXHOSTLEN
buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buflen)
result = LIBPCP.pmGetContextHostName_r(self.ctx, buffer, buflen)
return str(result.decode())
# PMAPI Timezone Services
def pmNewContextZone(self):
"""PMAPI - Query and set the current reporting timezone """
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmNewContextZone()
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmNewZone(tz):
"""PMAPI - Create new zone handle and set reporting timezone """
if not isinstance(tz, bytes):
tz = tz.encode('utf-8')
status = LIBPCP.pmNewZone(tz)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmUseZone(tz_handle):
"""PMAPI - Sets the current reporting timezone """
status = LIBPCP.pmUseZone(tz_handle)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmWhichZone():
"""PMAPI - Query the current reporting timezone """
tz_p = c_char_p()
status = LIBPCP.pmWhichZone(byref(tz_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
tz = tz_p.value
return str(tz.decode())
def pmLocaltime(self, seconds):
"""PMAPI - convert the date and time for a reporting timezone """
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
result = (tm)()
timetp = c_long(long(seconds))
LIBPCP.pmLocaltime(byref(timetp), byref(result))
return result
def pmCtime(self, seconds):
"""PMAPI - format the date and time for a reporting timezone """
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
result = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
timetp = c_long(long(seconds))
LIBPCP.pmCtime(byref(timetp), result)
return str(result.value.decode())
# PMAPI Metrics Services
def pmFetch(self, pmidA):
"""PMAPI - Fetch pmResult from the target source
pmResult* pmresult = pmFetch(c_uint pmid[])
result_p = POINTER(pmResult)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmFetch(len(pmidA), pmidA, byref(result_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return result_p
def pmFreeResult(result_p):
"""PMAPI - Free a result previously allocated by pmFetch
pmFreeResult(pmResult* pmresult)
def pmStore(self, result):
"""PMAPI - Set values on target source, inverse of pmFetch
pmresult = pmStore(pmResult* pmresult)
LIBPCP.pmStore.argtypes = [(type(result))]
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmStore(result)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return result
# PMAPI Archive-Specific Services
def pmGetArchiveLabel(self):
"""PMAPI - Get the label record from the archive
loglabel = pmGetArchiveLabel()
loglabel = pmLogLabel()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveLabel(byref(loglabel))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return loglabel
def pmGetArchiveEnd(self):
"""PMAPI - Get the last recorded timestamp from the archive
tvp = timeval()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveEnd(byref(tvp))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return tvp
def pmGetInDomArchive(self, pmdescp):
"""PMAPI - Get the instance IDs and names for an instance domain
((instance1, instance2...) (name1, name2...)) pmGetInDom(pmDesc pmdesc)
instA_p = POINTER(c_int)()
nameA_p = POINTER(c_char_p)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
indom = get_indom(pmdescp)
status = LIBPCP.pmGetInDomArchive(indom, byref(instA_p), byref(nameA_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if status > 0:
nameL = list(map(lambda x: str(nameA_p[x].decode('ascii', 'ignore')), range(status)))
instL = list(map(lambda x: int(instA_p[x]), range(status)))
instL = None
nameL = None
return instL, nameL
def pmLookupInDomArchive(self, pmdesc, name):
"""PMAPI - Lookup the instance id with the given name in the indom
c_uint instid = pmLookupInDomArchive(pmDesc pmdesc, "Instance")
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
status = LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomArchive(get_indom(pmdesc), name)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmNameInDomArchive(self, pmdesc, inst):
"""PMAPI - Lookup the text name of an instance in an instance domain
"string" = pmNameInDomArchive(pmDesc pmdesc, c_uint instid)
name_p = c_char_p()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
indom = get_indom(pmdesc)
status = LIBPCP.pmNameInDomArchive(indom, inst, byref(name_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
result = name_p.value
return str(result.decode('ascii', 'ignore'))
def pmFetchArchive(self):
"""PMAPI - Fetch measurements from the target source
pmResult* pmresult = pmFetch()
result_p = POINTER(pmResult)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmFetchArchive(byref(result_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return result_p
def pmlabelset_to_dict(self, lset, flags=0xff):
""" return a dict of a pmLabelSet, i.e. {name: value, ...}
flags arg is currently ignored
ret = {}
if lset is not None and lset.jsonlen > 0 and lset.json is not None:
# no filtering, return a dict of all labels in the set
ret = json.loads(lset.json.decode())
return ret
def pmLookupLabels(self, pmid):
"""PMAPI - Get all labels for a single metric, excluding instance
level labels (use pmGetInstancesLabels for those).
Return dict of {type: {name: value, ...}, ...}
ret = {}
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
desc = self.pmLookupDesc(pmid)
lset = self.pmGetContextLabels()
if lset:
ret.update({c_api.PM_LABEL_CONTEXT: lset})
lset = self.pmGetDomainLabels(LIBPCP.pmID_domain(pmid))
if lset:
ret.update({c_api.PM_LABEL_DOMAIN: lset})
if desc.indom != c_api.PM_INDOM_NULL:
lset = self.pmGetInDomLabels(desc.indom)
if lset:
ret.update({c_api.PM_LABEL_INDOM: lset})
lset = self.pmGetClusterLabels(pmid)
if lset:
ret.update({c_api.PM_LABEL_CLUSTER: lset})
lset = self.pmGetItemLabels(pmid)
if lset:
ret.update({c_api.PM_LABEL_ITEM: lset})
return ret
def pmGetInstancesLabels(self, indom):
"""PMAPI - Get instance level labels for all instances in indom
return a dict {instid: {name: value, ...}, ...}
instlabelsD = {}
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if indom == c_api.PM_INDOM_NULL:
return instlabelsD
result_p = POINTER(pmLabelSet)()
status = LIBPCP.pmGetInstancesLabels(indom, byref(result_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
for i in range(status):
lset = result_p[i]
if lset.json is not None:
instlabelsD.update({lset.inst: json.loads(lset.json.decode())})
if status > 0:
LIBPCP.pmFreeLabelSets(result_p, status)
return instlabelsD
def pmGetItemLabels(self, pmid):
"""PMAPI - Get labels of a given metric identifier
On success, this returns a dict of the labels in a single pmLabelSet
result_p = POINTER(pmLabelSet)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmGetItemLabels(pmid, byref(result_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if status == 0:
return {}
ret = self.pmlabelset_to_dict(result_p[0])
self.pmFreeLabelSets(result_p, 1)
return ret
def pmGetClusterLabels(self, pmid):
"""PMAPI - Get labels of a given metric cluster
On success, this returns a dict of the labels in a single pmLabelSet
result_p = POINTER(pmLabelSet)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmGetClusterLabels(pmid, byref(result_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if status == 0:
return {}
ret = self.pmlabelset_to_dict(result_p[0])
self.pmFreeLabelSets(result_p, 1)
return ret
def pmGetInDomLabels(self, indom):
"""PMAPI - Get labels of a given instance domain
On success, this returns a dict of the labels in a single pmLabelSet
indomLabelsD = {}
result_p = POINTER(pmLabelSet)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if indom == c_api.PM_INDOM_NULL:
return indomLabelsD
status = LIBPCP.pmGetInDomLabels(indom, byref(result_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if status > 0:
indomLabelsD = self.pmlabelset_to_dict(result_p[0])
self.pmFreeLabelSets(result_p, 1)
return indomLabelsD
def pmGetDomainLabels(self, domain):
"""PMAPI - Get labels of a given performance domain
On success, this returns a dict of the labels in a single pmLabelSet
result_p = POINTER(pmLabelSet)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmGetDomainLabels(domain, byref(result_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if status == 0:
return {}
ret = self.pmlabelset_to_dict(result_p[0])
self.pmFreeLabelSets(result_p, 1)
return ret
def pmGetContextLabels(self):
"""PMAPI - Get labels of the current context
On success, this returns a dict of the labels in a single pmLabelSet
result_p = POINTER(pmLabelSet)()
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
status = LIBPCP.pmGetContextLabels(byref(result_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if status == 0:
return {}
ret = self.pmlabelset_to_dict(result_p[0])
self.pmFreeLabelSets(result_p, 1)
return ret
# PMAPI Ancilliary Support Services
def pmMergeLabels(labels):
"""PMAPI - Merges string labels into a string
if not isinstance(labels, list):
labelsL = [labels]
labelsL = labels
result_p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(c_api.PM_MAXLABELJSONLEN)
arg_arr = (c_char_p * len(labelsL))()
for i, label in enumerate(labelsL):
arg_arr[i] = c_char_p(label.encode('utf-8'))
status = LIBPCP.pmMergeLabels(arg_arr, len(arg_arr),
result_p, len(result_p))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
result = result_p.value
return str(result.decode('ascii', 'ignore'))
def pmMergeLabelSets(labelSets, callback=None, arg=None):
"""PMAPI - Merges list of pmLabelSets based on labelSets hierarchy into
a string. Each list element may also be either a list or None.
result_p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(c_api.PM_MAXLABELJSONLEN)
if callback is None:
callback = lambda x, y, z: 1
cb_func = mergeLabelSetsCB_type(callback)
if labelSets is None:
result_p.value = b"{}"
if not isinstance(labelSets, list):
labelSetsL = [labelSets]
labelSetsL = []
for l in labelSets:
if isinstance(l, list):
elif l is not None:
arg_arr = (POINTER(pmLabelSet) * len(labelSetsL))()
for i, labelset in enumerate(labelSetsL):
arg_arr[i] = cast(byref(labelset), POINTER(pmLabelSet))
arg = cast(c_char_p(arg), c_void_p)
status = LIBPCP.pmMergeLabelSets(arg_arr, len(labelSetsL), result_p,
len(result_p), cb_func, arg)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
result = result_p.value
return str(result.decode('ascii', 'ignore'))
def pmFreeLabelSets(labelSets, nsets=1):
"""PMAPI - Free the pmLabelSets memory. The labelsets argument is
an array of nsets pmLabelSet structures.
for i in range(nsets):
arg = cast(byref(labelSets[i]), POINTER(pmLabelSet))
if arg:
LIBPCP.pmFreeLabelSets(arg, 1)
def pmGetConfig(variable):
"""PMAPI - Return single value from environment or pcp config file """
if not isinstance(variable, bytes):
variable = variable.encode('utf-8')
result = LIBPCP.pmGetOptionalConfig(variable)
if result is None:
return result
return str(result.decode())
def pmErrStr(code):
"""PMAPI - Convert an error code to a readable string """
errstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(c_api.PM_MAXERRMSGLEN)
result = LIBPCP.pmErrStr_r(code, errstr, c_api.PM_MAXERRMSGLEN)
return str(result.decode())
def pmExtractValue(valfmt, vlist, intype, outtype):
"""PMAPI - Extract a value from a pmValue struct and convert its type
pmAtomValue = pmExtractValue(results.contents.get_valfmt(i),
results.contents.get_vlist(i, 0),
outAtom = pmAtomValue()
status = LIBPCP.pmExtractValue(valfmt, vlist, intype,
byref(outAtom), outtype)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return outAtom
def pmConvScale(inType, inAtom, desc, metric_idx, outUnits):
"""PMAPI - Convert a value to a different scale
pmAtomValue = pmConvScale(c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT, pmAtomValue,
pmDesc*, 3, c_api.PM_SPACE_MBYTE)
if isinstance(outUnits, int):
pmunits = pmUnits()
pmunits.dimSpace = 1
pmunits.scaleSpace = outUnits
pmunits = outUnits
outAtom = pmAtomValue()
status = LIBPCP.pmConvScale(inType, byref(inAtom),
byref(outAtom), byref(pmunits))
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return outAtom
def pmUnitsStr(units):
"""PMAPI - Convert units struct to a readable string """
unitstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(64)
result = LIBPCP.pmUnitsStr_r(units, unitstr, 64)
return str(result.decode())
def pmNumberStr(value):
"""PMAPI - Convert double value to fixed-width string """
numstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(8)
result = LIBPCP.pmNumberStr_r(value, numstr, 8)
return str(result.decode())
def pmID_build(d, c, i):
"""PMAPI - build a pmID from domain, cluster, item"""
result = LIBPCP.pmID_build(d, c, i)
return result
def pmID_domain(pmid):
"""PMAPI - return domain number from pmID"""
result = LIBPCP.pmID_domain(pmid)
return result
def pmID_cluster(pmid):
"""PMAPI - return cluster number from pmID"""
result = LIBPCP.pmID_cluster(pmid)
return result
def pmID_item(pmid):
"""PMAPI - return item number from pmID"""
result = LIBPCP.pmID_item(pmid)
return result
def pmIDStr(pmid):
"""PMAPI - Convert a pmID to a readable string """
pmidstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
result = LIBPCP.pmIDStr_r(pmid, pmidstr, 32)
return str(result.decode())
def pmInDom_build(d, s):
"""PMAPI - build an indom from domain and serial"""
result = LIBPCP.pmInDom_build(d, s)
return result
def pmInDom_domain(indom):
"""PMAPI - return domain number from indom"""
result = LIBPCP.pmInDom_domain(indom)
return result
def pmInDom_serial(indom):
"""PMAPI - return serial number from indom"""
result = LIBPCP.pmInDom_serial(indom)
return result
def pmInDomStr(pmdescp):
"""PMAPI - Convert an instance domain ID to a readable string
"indom" = pmGetInDom(pmDesc pmdesc)
indomstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
result = LIBPCP.pmInDomStr_r(get_indom(pmdescp), indomstr, 32)
return str(result.decode())
def pmTypeStr(typed):
"""PMAPI - Convert a performance metric type to a readable string
"type" = pmTypeStr(c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT)
typestr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
result = LIBPCP.pmTypeStr_r(typed, typestr, 32)
return str(result.decode())
def pmAtomStr(atom, typed):
"""PMAPI - Convert a value atom to a readable string
"value" = pmAtomStr(atom, c_api.PM_TYPE_U32)
atomstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(96)
result = LIBPCP.pmAtomStr_r(byref(atom), typed, atomstr, 96)
return str(result.decode())
def pmSemStr(sem):
"""PMAPI - Convert a performance metric semantic to a readable string
"string" = pmSemStr(c_api.PM_SEM_COUNTER)
semstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
result = LIBPCP.pmSemStr_r(sem, semstr, 32)
return str(result.decode())
def pmPrintValue(fileObj, result, ptype, vset_idx, vlist_idx, min_width):
"""PMAPI - Print the value of a metric
pmPrintValue(file, value, pmdesc, vset_index, vlist_index, min_width)
def pmflush():
"""PMAPI - flush the internal buffer shared with pmprintf """
status = LIBPCP.pmflush()
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
return status
def pmprintf(fmt, *args):
"""PMAPI - append message to internal buffer for later printing """
status = LIBPCP.pmprintf(fmt, *args)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
def pmSortInstances(result_p):
"""PMAPI - sort all metric instances in result returned by pmFetch """
def pmParseInterval(interval):
"""PMAPI - parse a textual time interval into a timeval struct
(timeval_ctype, '') = pmParseInterval("time string")
return (timeval.fromInterval(interval), '')
def pmParseMetricSpec(string, isarch=0, source=''):
"""PMAPI - parse a textual metric specification into a struct
(result, '') = pmParseMetricSpec("hinv.ncpu", 0, "localhost")
return (pmMetricSpec.fromString(string, isarch, source), '')
def pmParseUnitsStr(string):
if not isinstance(string, (bytes, text_type)):
raise pmErr(c_api.PM_ERR_CONV, str(string))
if not isinstance(string, bytes):
string = string.encode('utf-8')
result = pmUnits()
errmsg = c_char_p()
multiplier = c_double()
status = LIBPCP.pmParseUnitsStr(string, byref(result), byref(multiplier), byref(errmsg))
if status < 0:
text = str(errmsg.value.decode())
raise pmErr(status, text)
return (result, multiplier.value)
def pmtimevalSleep(tvp):
""" Delay for a specified amount of time (timeval).
Useful for implementing tools that do metric sampling.
Single arg is timeval in tuple returned from pmParseInterval().
return tvp.sleep()
def pmProgname():
return str(c_char_p.in_dll(LIBPCP, "pmProgname").value.decode())
def pmDebug(flags):
if c_int.in_dll(LIBPCP, "pmDebug").value & flags:
return True
return False
# PMAPI Python Utility Support Services
def get_current_tz(options=None, set_dst=-1):
""" Get current timezone offset string using POSIX convention """
if set_dst >= 0:
dst = 1 if set_dst else 0
elif options:
dst = time.localtime(options.pmGetOptionOrigin()).tm_isdst
dst = time.localtime().tm_isdst
offset = time.altzone if dst else time.timezone
timezone = time.tzname[dst]
if offset:
offset_hr = int(offset / 3600.0)
offset_min = int(offset % 3600 / 60)
if offset >= 0:
timezone += "+"
timezone += str(offset_hr)
if offset_min:
timezone += ":" + str(offset_min)
return timezone
def posix_tz_to_utc_offset(timezone):
""" Convert POSIX timezone offset string to human readable UTC offset """
if not timezone or not True in [c in timezone for c in ['+', '-']]:
return "UTC+0"
offset = timezone.split("+")[1] if "+" in timezone else timezone.split("-")[1]
sign = "+" if "-" in timezone else "-"
return "UTC" + sign + str(offset)
def set_timezone(options):
""" Set timezone for a Python tool """
if options.pmGetOptionTimezone():
os.environ['TZ'] = options.pmGetOptionTimezone()
elif options.pmGetOptionHostZone():
os.environ['TZ'] = pmContext.pmWhichZone()
timezone = pmContext.get_current_tz(options)
os.environ['TZ'] = timezone
def datetime_to_secs(value, precision=c_api.PM_TIME_SEC):
""" Convert datetime value to seconds of given precision """
tdt = value - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
if precision == c_api.PM_TIME_SEC:
tst = (tdt.microseconds + (tdt.seconds + tdt.days * 24.0 * 3600.0) * 10.0**6) / 10.0**6
elif precision == c_api.PM_TIME_MSEC:
tst = (tdt.microseconds + (tdt.seconds + tdt.days * 24.0 * 3600.0) * 10.0**6) / 10.0**3
elif precision == c_api.PM_TIME_USEC:
tst = (tdt.microseconds + (tdt.seconds + tdt.days * 24.0 * 3600.0) * 10.0**6) / 1.0
elif precision == c_api.PM_TIME_NSEC:
tst = (tdt.microseconds + (tdt.seconds + tdt.days * 24.0 * 3600.0) * 10.0**6) * 10.0**3
raise ValueError("Unsupported precision requested")
return tst
def get_mode_step(archive, interpol, interval):
""" Get mode and step for pmSetMode """
if not interpol or archive:
mode = c_api.PM_MODE_FORW
step = 0
mode = c_api.PM_MODE_INTERP
secs_in_24_days = 2073600
if interval.tv_sec > secs_in_24_days:
step = interval.tv_sec
mode |= c_api.PM_XTB_SET(c_api.PM_TIME_SEC)
step = interval.tv_sec * 1000 + interval.tv_usec / 1000
mode |= c_api.PM_XTB_SET(c_api.PM_TIME_MSEC)
return mode, int(step)
def prepare_execute(self, options, archive, interpol, interval):
""" Common execution preparation """
status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
if status < 0:
raise pmErr(status)
if self.type == c_api.PM_CONTEXT_ARCHIVE:
mode, step = pmContext.get_mode_step(archive, interpol, interval)
self.pmSetMode(mode, options.pmGetOptionOrigin(), step)
# ----- fetchgroup API
LIBPCP.pmCreateFetchGroup.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmCreateFetchGroup.argtypes = [POINTER(c_void_p), c_int, c_char_p]
LIBPCP.pmGetFetchGroupContext.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmGetFetchGroupContext.argtypes = [c_void_p]
LIBPCP.pmClearFetchGroup.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmClearFetchGroup.argtypes = [c_void_p]
LIBPCP.pmDestroyFetchGroup.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmDestroyFetchGroup.argtypes = [c_void_p]
LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_item.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_item.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p,
POINTER(pmAtomValue), c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_indom.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_indom.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p,
LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_event.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_event.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p,
LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_timestamp.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_timestamp.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(timeval)]
LIBPCP.pmFetchGroup.restype = c_int
LIBPCP.pmFetchGroup.argtypes = [c_void_p]
class fetchgroup(object):
"""Defines a PMAPI fetchgroup.
This class wraps the pmFetchGroup set of C PMAPI functions (q.v.)
in an object-oriented manner.
Each instance of this class represents one fetchgroup, in which
interest in several metrics (individual or indoms) is registered.
Each registration results in an function-like object that may be
called to decode that metric's value(s). Errors are signalled
with exceptions rather than result integers. Strings are all
UTF-8 encoded.
class fetchgroup_item(object):
An internal class to receive value/status for a single item.
It may be called as if it were a function object to decode
the embedded pmAtomValue, which was set at the most recent
.fetch() call.
def __init__(self, pmtype):
"""Allocate a single instance to receive a fetchgroup item."""
self.sts = c_int(c_api.PM_ERR_VALUE)
self.pmtype = pmtype
self.value = pmAtomValue()
def __call__(self):
"""Retrieve a converted value of a fetchgroup item, if available."""
if self.sts.value < 0:
raise pmErr(self.sts.value)
return self.value.dref(self.pmtype)
class fetchgroup_timestamp(object):
An internal class to receive value for a single timestamp.
It may be called as if it were a function object to decode
the timestamp, which was set at the most recent
.fetch() call, into a datetime object.
def __init__(self, ctx):
"""Allocate a single instance to receive a fetchgroup timestamp."""
self.value = timeval()
self.ctx = ctx
def __call__(self):
Retrieve a converted value of a timestamp, if available. Use
pmLocaltime() to convert to a datetime object.
ts = self.ctx.pmLocaltime(self.value.tv_sec)
us = int(self.value.tv_usec)
dt = datetime.datetime(ts.tm_year+1900, ts.tm_mon+1, ts.tm_mday,
ts.tm_hour, ts.tm_min, ts.tm_sec, us, None)
return dt
class fetchgroup_indom(object):
An internal class to receive value/status for an indom of
items. It may be called as if it were a function object to
create an list of tuples containing instance-code/-name/value
information. Each value is a function object that decodes
the embedded pmAtomValue, which was set at the most recent
fetch() call.
def __init__(self, pmtype, num):
"""Allocate a single instance to receive a fetchgroup item."""
stss_t = c_int * num
values_t = pmAtomValue * num
icodes_t = c_uint * num
inames_t = c_char_p * num
self.sts = c_int()
self.stss = stss_t()
self.pmtype = pmtype
self.values = values_t()
self.icodes = icodes_t()
self.inames = inames_t()
self.num = c_uint()
def __call__(self):
"""Retrieve a converted value of a fetchgroup item, if available."""
vv = []
if self.sts.value < 0:
raise pmErr(self.sts.value)
for i in range(self.num.value):
def decode_one(self, i):
if self.stss[i] < 0:
raise pmErr(self.stss[i])
return self.values[i].dref(self.pmtype)
self.inames[i].decode('utf-8') if self.inames[i] else None,
# nested lambda for proper i capture
(lambda i: (lambda: decode_one(self, i)))(i)))
return vv
class fetchgroup_event(object):
An internal class to receive value/status for an
event record field. It may be called as if it were a function
object to create an list of tuples containing timestamp/value
information. Each value is a function object that decodes
the embedded pmAtomValue, which was set at the most recent
fetch() call.
def __init__(self, pmtype, num, ctx):
"""Allocate a single instance to receive a fetchgroup item."""
stss_t = c_int * num
values_t = pmAtomValue * num
timespec_t = timespec * num
self.sts = c_int()
self.stss = stss_t()
self.pmtype = pmtype
self.times = timespec_t()
self.values = values_t()
self.num = c_uint()
self.ctx = ctx
def __call__(self):
"""Retrieve a converted value of a fetchgroup item, if available."""
vv = []
if self.sts.value < 0:
raise pmErr(self.sts.value)
# print ([self.values[i].dref(self.pmtype) for i in range(self.num.value)])
for i in range(self.num.value):
def decode_one(self, i):
if self.stss[i] < 0:
raise pmErr(self.stss[i])
return self.values[i].dref(self.pmtype)
ts = self.ctx.pmLocaltime(self.times[i].tv_sec)
us = int(self.times[i].tv_nsec)//1000
dt = datetime.datetime(ts.tm_year+1900, ts.tm_mon+1, ts.tm_mday,
ts.tm_hour, ts.tm_min, ts.tm_sec, us, None)
# nested lambda for proper i capture
(lambda i: (lambda: decode_one(self, i)))(i)))
return vv
class pmContext_borrowed(pmContext): # lgtm[py/missing-call-to-init] lgtm[py/missing-call-to-delete]
An internal class for accessing the private PMAPI context
belonging to a fetchgroup. It works just like a pmContext,
except it overrides the constructor/destructor to reflect
the "borrowed" state of the context.
def __init__(self, ctx, typed, target):
"""Override pmContext ctor to eschew pmNewContext."""
# pylint: disable=W0231
self._ctx = ctx
self._type = typed
self._target = target
# NB: don't call pmContext.__init__!
def __del__(self):
"""Override pmContext ctor to eschew pmDestroyContext."""
if c_api is not None and self._ctx != c_api.PM_ERR_NOCONTEXT:
self._ctx = c_api.PM_ERR_NOCONTEXT
def __init__(self, typed=c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST, target="local:"):
"""Create a fetchgroup from a pmContext."""
self.pmfg = c_void_p()
self.items = []
if typed == c_api.PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL and target is None:
target = "" # Ignored
sts = LIBPCP.pmCreateFetchGroup(byref(self.pmfg), typed, target.encode('utf-8'))
if sts < 0:
raise pmErr(sts)
self.ctx = fetchgroup.pmContext_borrowed(LIBPCP.pmGetFetchGroupContext(self.pmfg),
typed, target)
def __del__(self):
"""Destroy the fetchgroup. Drop references to fetchgroup_* items."""
if LIBPCP is not None and self.pmfg.value is not None:
sts = LIBPCP.pmDestroyFetchGroup(self.pmfg)
if sts < 0:
raise pmErr(sts)
del self.items[:]
def get_context(self):
Return the private pmContext used by the fetchgroup.
WARNING: mutation of this context by other PMAPI functions
may disrupt fetchgroup functionality.
return self.ctx
def extend_item(self, metric=None, mtype=None, scale=None, instance=None):
# pylint: disable=C0330
"""Extend the fetchgroup with a single metric. Infer type if
necessary. Convert scale/rate if appropriate/requested.
Requires a specified instance if metric has an instance
if metric is None:
raise pmErr(-errno.EINVAL)
if mtype is None:
# a special service to dynamically-typed python
pmids = self.ctx.pmLookupName(metric)
descs = self.ctx.pmLookupDescs(pmids)
mtype = descs[0].type
v = fetchgroup.fetchgroup_item(mtype)
sts = LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_item(self.pmfg,
c_char_p(metric.encode('utf-8') if metric else None),
c_char_p(instance.encode('utf-8') if instance else None),
c_char_p(scale.encode('utf-8') if scale else None),
pointer(v.value), c_int(mtype),
if sts < 0:
raise pmErr(sts)
self.items.append(v) # keep registered pmAtomValue/etc. alive
return v
def extend_indom(self, metric=None, mtype=None, scale=None, maxnum=100):
# pylint: disable=C0330
"""Extend the fetchgroup with up to @maxnum instances of a metric.
(Metrics without instances are also accepted.) Infer type if
necessary. Convert scale/rate if appropriate/requested.
if metric is None or maxnum < 0:
raise pmErr(-errno.EINVAL)
if mtype is None:
# a special service to dynamically-typed python
pmids = self.ctx.pmLookupName(metric)
descs = self.ctx.pmLookupDescs(pmids)
mtype = descs[0].type
vv = fetchgroup.fetchgroup_indom(mtype, maxnum)
sts = LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_indom(self.pmfg,
c_char_p(metric.encode('utf-8') if metric else None),
c_char_p(scale.encode('utf-8') if scale else None),
cast(pointer(vv.icodes), POINTER(c_int)),
cast(pointer(vv.inames), POINTER(c_char_p)),
cast(pointer(vv.values), POINTER(pmAtomValue)),
cast(pointer(vv.stss), POINTER(c_int)),
c_uint(maxnum), pointer(vv.num), pointer(vv.sts))
if sts < 0:
raise pmErr(sts)
self.items.append(vv) # keep registered pmAtomValue/etc. alive
return vv
def extend_timestamp(self):
"""Extend the fetchgroup with a timestamp query. """
v = fetchgroup.fetchgroup_timestamp(self.ctx)
sts = LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_timestamp(self.pmfg,
if sts < 0:
raise pmErr(sts)
self.items.append(v) # keep registered timeval alive
return v
def extend_event(self, metric=None, field=None, ftype=None, scale=None, instance=None, maxnum=100):
# pylint: disable=C0330
"""Extend the fetchgroup with up to @maxnum instances of the given
field of the given event metric's records. Infer type if necessary.
Convert scale if appropriate/requested.
if metric is None or maxnum < 0:
raise pmErr(-errno.EINVAL)
if ftype is None:
# a special service to dynamically-typed python
pmids = self.ctx.pmLookupName(field)
descs = self.ctx.pmLookupDescs(pmids)
ftype = descs[0].type
vv = fetchgroup.fetchgroup_event(ftype, maxnum, self.ctx)
sts = LIBPCP.pmExtendFetchGroup_event(self.pmfg,
c_char_p(metric.encode('utf-8') if metric else None),
c_char_p(instance.encode('utf-8') if instance else None),
c_char_p(field.encode('utf-8') if field else None),
c_char_p(scale.encode('utf-8') if scale else None),
cast(pointer(vv.times), POINTER(timespec)),
cast(pointer(vv.values), POINTER(pmAtomValue)),
cast(pointer(vv.stss), POINTER(c_int)),
c_uint(maxnum), pointer(vv.num), pointer(vv.sts))
if sts < 0:
raise pmErr(sts)
self.items.append(vv) # keep registered pmAtomValue/etc. alive
return vv
def fetch(self):
"""Fetch all the metrics in this fetchgroup and update all values."""
sts = LIBPCP.pmFetchGroup(self.pmfg)
if sts < 0:
raise pmErr(sts)
return sts # propogate any pmFetch(3) state flags to caller
def clear(self):
"""Clear all the metrics in this fetchgroup ready to start again."""
sts = LIBPCP.pmClearFetchGroup(self.pmfg)
del self.items[:]
if sts < 0:
raise pmErr(sts)
self.items = []
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0