Mini Shell
# pylint: disable=C0103
"""Wrapper module for libpcp_mmv - PCP Memory Mapped Values library
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016,2019 Red Hat.
# This file is part of the "pcp" module, the python interfaces for the
# Performance Co-Pilot toolkit.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# Example use of this module for instrumenting a python application:
from pcp import mmv, pmapi
import cpmapi as pcpapi
import cmmv as mmvapi
instances = [
mmv.mmv_instance(0, "Anvils"),
mmv.mmv_instance(1, "Rockets"),
mmv.mmv_instance(2, "Giant_Rubber_Bands")
indoms = [
shorttext = "Acme products",
helptext = "Most popular products produced by the Acme Corporation")
metrics = [
name = "products.count",
item = 7,
typeof = mmvapi.MMV_TYPE_U64,
semantics = mmvapi.MMV_SEM_COUNTER,
dimension = pmapi.pmUnits(0,0,1,0,0,pcpapi.PM_COUNT_ONE),
shorttext = "Acme factory product throughput",
helptext =
"Monotonic increasing counter of products produced in the Acme Corporation\n" +
"factory since starting the Acme production application. Quality guaranteed."),
name = "products.time",
item = 8,
typeof = mmvapi.MMV_TYPE_U64,
semantics = mmvapi.MMV_SEM_COUNTER,
dimension = pmapi.pmUnits(0,1,0,0,pcpapi.PM_TIME_USEC,0),
shorttext = "Machine time spent producing Acme products")
values = mmv.MemoryMappedValues("acme")
anvils = values.lookup_mapping("products.count", "Anvils")
values.set(anvils, 41)
from pcp.pmapi import pmUnits, pmAtomValue
from cmmv import MMV_NAMEMAX
import ctypes
from ctypes import Structure, POINTER
from ctypes import c_int, c_uint, c_long, c_char, c_char_p, c_double, c_void_p
# Performance Co-Pilot MMV library (C)
LIBPCP_MMV = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("pcp_mmv"))
# definition of structures used by libpcp, derived from <pcp/pmapi.h>
# This section defines the data structures for accessing and manuiplating
# metric information and values. Detailed information about these data
# structures can be found in the MMV(5) manual page.
class mmv_instance(Structure):
""" Maps internal to external instance identifiers, within an
instance domain.
_fields_ = [("internal", c_int),
("external", c_char * MMV_NAMEMAX)]
def __init__(self, inst, name):
if not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
self.external = name
self.internal = inst
class mmv_indom(Structure):
""" Represents an instance domain (for set valued metrics)
Instance domains have associated instances - integer/string pairs.
Defines complete indom metadata (instances, count, text and so on)
_fields_ = [("serial", c_uint),
("count", c_uint),
("instances", POINTER(mmv_instance)),
("shorttext", c_char_p),
("helptext", c_char_p)]
def __init__(self, serial, shorttext='', helptext=''):
if helptext is not None and not isinstance(helptext, bytes):
helptext = helptext.encode('utf-8')
if shorttext is not None and not isinstance(shorttext, bytes):
shorttext = shorttext.encode('utf-8')
self.shorttext = shorttext
self.helptext = shorttext
self.serial = serial
def set_instances(self, instances):
""" Update the instances and counts fields for this indom """
self.count = len(instances)
instance_array = (mmv_instance * self.count)()
for i in range(self.count):
instance_array[i].internal = instances[i].internal
instance_array[i].external = instances[i].external
self.instances = instance_array
class mmv_metric(Structure):
""" Represents an individual metric to be exported by pmdammv
Defines complete metric metadata (type, semantics, units and so on)
_fields_ = [("name", c_char * MMV_NAMEMAX),
("item", c_int),
("typeof", c_int),
("semantics", c_int),
("dimension", pmUnits),
("indom", c_uint),
("shorttext", c_char_p),
("helptext", c_char_p)]
def __init__(self, name, item, typeof, semantics, dimension, indom=0, shorttext='', helptext=''): # pylint: disable=R0913
if not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if helptext is not None and not isinstance(helptext, bytes):
helptext = helptext.encode('utf-8')
if shorttext is not None and not isinstance(shorttext, bytes):
shorttext = shorttext.encode('utf-8')
self.shorttext = shorttext
self.helptext = shorttext
self.typeof = typeof
self.indom = indom
self.item = item = name
# PCP Memory Mapped Value Services
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_init.restype = c_void_p
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_init.argtypes = [
c_char_p, c_int, c_int,
POINTER(mmv_metric), c_int, POINTER(mmv_indom), c_int]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_stop.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_stop.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_void_p]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_lookup_value_desc.restype = POINTER(pmAtomValue)
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_lookup_value_desc.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_inc_value.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_inc_value.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(pmAtomValue), c_double]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_inc_atomvalue.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_inc_atomvalue.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(pmAtomValue), POINTER(pmAtomValue)]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_set_value.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_set_value.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(pmAtomValue), c_double]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_set_atomvalue.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_set_atomvalue.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(pmAtomValue), POINTER(pmAtomValue)]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_set_string.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_set_string.argtypes = [
c_void_p, POINTER(pmAtomValue), c_char_p, c_int]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_add.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_add.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_double]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_inc.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_inc.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_set.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_set.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_double]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_add_fallback.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_add_fallback.argtypes = [
c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_double]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_inc_fallback.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_inc_fallback.argtypes = [
c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_interval_start.restype = POINTER(pmAtomValue)
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_interval_start.argtypes = [
c_void_p, POINTER(pmAtomValue), c_char_p, c_char_p]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_interval_end.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_interval_end.argtypes = [c_void_p, POINTER(pmAtomValue)]
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_set_strlen.restype = None
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_set_strlen.argtypes = [
c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_long]
# class MemoryMappedValues
# This class wraps the MMV (Memory Mapped Values) library functions
class MemoryMappedValues(object):
""" Defines a set of PCP Memory Mapped Value (MMV) metrics
Creates PCP metrics from an instrumented python script
via pmdammv (Performance Metrics Domain Agent for MMV)
def __init__(self, name, flags=0, cluster=42):
if not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
self._name = name
self._cluster = cluster # PMID cluster number (domain is MMV)
self._flags = flags # MMV_FLAGS_* flags
self._metrics = []
self._indoms = []
self._handle = None # pointer to the memory mapped area
def start(self):
""" Initialise the underlying library with metrics/instances.
On completion of this call, we're all visible to pmdammv.
count_metrics = len(self._metrics)
metrics = (mmv_metric * count_metrics)()
for i in range(count_metrics):
metrics[i] = self._metrics[i]
count_indoms = len(self._indoms)
indoms = (mmv_indom * count_indoms)()
for i in range(count_indoms):
indoms[i] = self._indoms[i]
self._handle = LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_init(self._name, self._cluster,
metrics, count_metrics,
indoms, count_indoms)
def stop(self):
""" Shut down the underlying library with metrics/instances.
This closes the mmap file preventing any further updates.
if self._handle is not None:
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_stop(self._name, self._handle)
self._handle = None
def restart(self):
""" Cleanly stop-if-running and restart MMV export services. """
def started(self):
""" Property flagging an active memory mapping """
if self._handle is None:
return 0
return 1
def add_indoms(self, indoms):
""" Make a list of instance domains visible to the MMV export """
self._indoms = indoms
if self.started():
def add_indom(self, indom):
""" Make an additional instance domain visible to the MMV export """
def add_metrics(self, metrics):
""" Make a list of metrics visible to the MMV export """
self._metrics = metrics
if self.started():
def add_metric(self, metric):
""" Make an additional metric visible to the MMV export """
def lookup_mapping(self, name, inst):
""" Find the memory mapping for a given metric name and instance
This handle can be used to directly manipulate metric values
by other interfaces in this module. This is the *preferred*
technique for manipulating MMV values. It is more efficient
and the alternative (name/inst lookups) is made available as
a convenience only for situations where performance will not
be affected by repeated (linear) name/inst lookups.
if name is not None and not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if inst is not None and not isinstance(inst, bytes):
inst = inst.encode('utf-8')
return LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_lookup_value_desc(self._handle, name, inst)
def add(self, mapping, value):
""" Increment the mapped metric by a given value """
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_inc_value(self._handle, mapping, value)
def inc(self, mapping):
""" Increment the mapped metric by one """
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_inc_value(self._handle, mapping, 1)
def set(self, mapping, value):
""" Set the mapped metric to a given value """
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_set_value(self._handle, mapping, value)
def set_string(self, mapping, value):
""" Set the string mapped metric to a given value """
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, bytes):
value = value.encode('utf-8')
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_set_string(self._handle, mapping, value, len(value))
def interval_start(self, mapping):
""" Start a timed interval for the mapped metric
The opaque handle (mapping) returned is passed to interval_end().
return LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_interval_start(self._handle, mapping, 0, 0)
def interval_end(self, mapping):
""" End a timed interval, the metrics time is increased by interval """
return LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_interval_end(self._handle, mapping)
def lookup_add(self, name, inst, value):
""" Lookup the named metric[instance] and add a value to it """
if name is not None and not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if inst is not None and not isinstance(inst, bytes):
inst = inst.encode('utf-8')
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_add(self._handle, name, inst, value)
def lookup_inc(self, name, inst):
""" Lookup the named metric[instance] and add one to it """
if name is not None and not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if inst is not None and not isinstance(inst, bytes):
inst = inst.encode('utf-8')
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_inc(self._handle, name, inst)
def lookup_set(self, name, inst, value):
""" Lookup the named metric[instance] and set its value """
if name is not None and not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if inst is not None and not isinstance(inst, bytes):
inst = inst.encode('utf-8')
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_set(self._handle, name, inst, value)
def lookup_interval_start(self, name, inst):
""" Lookup the named metric[instance] and start an interval
The opaque handle returned is passed to interval_end().
if name is not None and not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if inst is not None and not isinstance(inst, bytes):
inst = inst.encode('utf-8')
return LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_interval_start(self._handle,
None, name, inst)
def lookup_set_string(self, name, inst, s):
""" Lookup the named metric[instance] and set its string value """
if name is not None and not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if inst is not None and not isinstance(inst, bytes):
inst = inst.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(s, bytes):
s = s.encode('utf-8')
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_set_strlen(self._handle, name, inst, s, len(s))
def lookup_add_fallback(self, name, inst, fall, value):
""" Lookup the named metric[instance] and set its value if found
If instance is not found, fallback to using a second instance
One example use is: add value to bucketN else use a catch-all
bucket such as "other"
if name is not None and not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if inst is not None and not isinstance(inst, bytes):
inst = inst.encode('utf-8')
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_add_fallback(self._handle, name, inst, fall, value)
def lookup_inc_fallback(self, name, inst, fallback):
""" Lookup the named metric[instance] and increment its value if found
If instance is not found, fallback to using a second instance
One sample use is: inc value of BucketA, else inc a catch-all
if name is not None and not isinstance(name, bytes):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
if inst is not None and not isinstance(inst, bytes):
inst = inst.encode('utf-8')
LIBPCP_MMV.mmv_stats_inc_fallback(self._handle, name, inst, fallback)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0