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# Nagios plugin
# Monitor Dell server hardware status using Dell OpenManage Server
# Administrator, either locally via NRPE, or remotely via SNMP.
# Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Trond H. Amundsen
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

require 5.006;  # Perl v5.6.0 or newer is required
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(isatty ceil);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);

# Global (package) variables used throughout the code
	     $snmp_session $snmp_error $omreport $globalstatus $global
	     $linebreak $omopt_chassis $omopt_system $blade
	     $exit_code $snmp
	     %check %opt %reverse_exitcode %status2nagios %country
	     %snmp_status %snmp_probestatus %probestatus2nagios %sysinfo
	     %blacklist %nagios_alert_count %count %snmp_enclosure %snmp_controller
	     @perl_warnings @controllers @enclosures @perfdata
	     @report_storage @report_chassis @report_other

# Initialization and global variables

# Collect perl warnings in an array
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @perl_warnings, [@_]; };

# Version and similar info
$NAME    = 'check_openmanage';
$VERSION = '3.7.12';
$AUTHOR  = 'Trond H. Amundsen';
$CONTACT = '';

# Exit codes
$E_OK       = 0;
$E_WARNING  = 1;
$E_UNKNOWN  = 3;

# Firmware update lock file [FIXME: location on Windows?]
$FW_LOCK = '/var/lock/.spsetup';  # default on Linux

# Usage text
Usage: $NAME [OPTION]...

# Help text


   -f, --config         Specify configuration file
   -p, --perfdata       Output performance data [default=no]
   -t, --timeout        Plugin timeout in seconds [default=30]
   -c, --critical       Custom temperature critical limits
   -w, --warning        Custom temperature warning limits
   -F, --fahrenheit     Use Fahrenheit as temperature unit
   -d, --debug          Debug output, reports everything
   -h, --help           Display this help text
   -V, --version        Display version info


   -H, --hostname       Hostname or IP (required for SNMP)
   -C, --community      SNMP community string [default=public]
   -P, --protocol       SNMP protocol version [default=2c]
   --port               SNMP port number [default=161]
   -6, --ipv6           Use IPv6 instead of IPv4 [default=no]
   --tcp                Use TCP instead of UDP [default=no]


   -i, --info           Prefix any alerts with the service tag
   -e, --extinfo        Append system info to alerts
   -s, --state          Prefix alerts with alert state
   -S, --short-state    Prefix alerts with alert state abbreviated
   -o, --okinfo         Verbosity when check result is OK
   -B, --show-blacklist Show blacklistings in OK output
   -I, --htmlinfo       HTML output with clickable links


   -a, --all            Check everything, even log content
   -b, --blacklist      Blacklist missing and/or failed components
   --only               Only check a certain component or alert type
   --check              Fine-tune which components are checked
   --no-storage         Don't check storage
   --vdisk-critical     Make any alerts on virtual disks critical

For more information and advanced options, see the manual page or URL:

# Version and license text
Copyright (C) 2008-2014 $AUTHOR
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by $AUTHOR <$CONTACT>

# Options with default values
%opt = ( 'blacklist'         => [],       # blacklisting
	 'check'             => [],       # check control
	 'critical'          => [],       # temperature critical limits
	 'warning'           => [],       # temperature warning limits
         'tempunit'          => 'C',      # temperature unit
	 'fahrenheit'        => 0,        # Use fahrenheit
         'configfile'        => undef,    # configuration file
	 'timeout'           => 30,       # default timeout is 30 seconds
	 'snmp_timeout'      => 5,        # SNMP transport layer timeout
	 'debug'             => 0,        # debugging / verbose output
	 'help'              => 0,        # display help output
	 'perfdata'          => undef,    # output performance data
	 'legacy_perfdata'   => 0,        # legacy performance data output
	 'info'              => 0,        # display servicetag
	 'extinfo'           => 0,        # display extra info
	 'htmlinfo'          => undef,    # html tags in output
	 'postmsg'           => undef,    # post message
	 'state'             => 0,        # display alert type
	 'short-state'       => 0,        # display alert type (short)
	 'okinfo'            => 0,        # default "ok" output level
	 'show_blacklist'    => 0,        # show blacklisted components
	 'linebreak'         => undef,    # specify linebreak
	 'version'           => 0,        # plugin version info
         'all'               => 0,        # check everything
	 'only'              => undef,    # only one component
	 'no_storage'        => 0,        # don't check storage
	 'omreport'          => undef,    # omreport path
	 'port'              => 161,      # default SNMP port
	 'hostname'          => undef,    # hostname or IP
	 'community'         => 'public', # SMNP v1 or v2c
	 'protocol'          => '2c',     # default SNMP protocol 2c
	 'ipv6'              => 0,        # default is IPv4
	 'tcp'               => 0,        # default is UDP
	 'username'          => undef,    # SMNP v3
	 'authpassword'      => undef,    # SMNP v3
	 'authkey'           => undef,    # SMNP v3
	 'authprotocol'      => undef,    # SMNP v3
	 'privpassword'      => undef,    # SMNP v3
	 'privkey'           => undef,    # SMNP v3
	 'privprotocol'      => undef,    # SMNP v3
         'use_get_table'     => 0,        # hack for SNMPv3 on Windows with net-snmp
	 'hide_servicetag'   => 0,        # hidden servicetag
	 'vdisk_critical'    => 0,        # make vdisk alerts critical

# Get options
GetOptions('b|blacklist=s'      => \@{ $opt{blacklist} },
	   'check=s'            => \@{ $opt{check} },
	   'c|critical=s'       => \@{ $opt{critical} },
	   'w|warning=s'        => \@{ $opt{warning} },
	   'tempunit=s'         => \$opt{tempunit},
	   'F|fahrenheit'       => \$opt{fahrenheit},
           'f|config=s'         => \$opt{configfile},
	   't|timeout=i'        => \$opt{timeout},
	   'snmp-timeout=i'     => \$opt{snmp_timeout},
	   'd|debug'            => \$opt{debug},
	   'h|help'             => \$opt{help},
	   'V|version'          => \$opt{version},
	   'p|perfdata:s'       => \$opt{perfdata},
	   'legacy-perfdata'    => \$opt{legacy_perfdata},
	   'i|info'             => \$opt{info},
	   'e|extinfo'          => \$opt{extinfo},
	   'I|htmlinfo:s'       => \$opt{htmlinfo},
	   'postmsg=s'          => \$opt{postmsg},
	   's|state'            => \$opt{state},
	   'S|short-state'      => \$opt{shortstate},
	   'o|ok-info=i'        => \$opt{okinfo},
	   'B|show-blacklist'   => \$opt{show_blacklist},
	   'linebreak=s'        => \$opt{linebreak},
	   'a|all'              => \$opt{all},
	   'only=s'             => \$opt{only},
	   'no-storage'         => \$opt{no_storage},
	   'omreport=s'         => \$opt{omreport},
	   'port=i'             => \$opt{port},
	   'H|hostname=s'       => \$opt{hostname},
	   'C|community=s'      => \$opt{community},
	   'P|protocol=s'       => \$opt{protocol},
	   '6|ipv6'             => \$opt{ipv6},
	   'tcp'                => \$opt{tcp},
	   'U|username=s'       => \$opt{username},
	   'authpassword=s'     => \$opt{authpassword},
	   'authkey=s'          => \$opt{authkey},
	   'authprotocol=s'     => \$opt{authprotocol},
	   'privpassword=s'     => \$opt{privpassword},
	   'privkey=s'          => \$opt{privkey},
	   'privprotocol=s'     => \$opt{privprotocol},
           'use-get_table'      => \$opt{use_get_table},
	   'hide-servicetag'    => \$opt{hide_servicetag},
	   'vdisk-critical'     => \$opt{vdisk_critical},
	  ) or do { print $USAGE; exit $E_UNKNOWN };

# If user requested help
if ($opt{help}) {
    print $USAGE, $HELP;
    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

# If user requested version info
if ($opt{version}) {
    print $LICENSE;
    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

# Initialize blacklist
%blacklist = ();

# Check flags, override available with the --check option
%check = ( 'storage'     => 1,   # check storage subsystem
	   'memory'      => 1,   # check memory (dimms)
	   'fans'        => 1,   # check fan status
	   'power'       => 1,   # check power supplies
	   'temp'        => 1,   # check temperature
	   'cpu'         => 1,   # check processors
	   'voltage'     => 1,   # check voltage
	   'batteries'   => 1,   # check battery probes
	   'amperage'    => 1,   # check power consumption
	   'intrusion'   => 1,   # check intrusion detection
	   'sdcard'      => 1,   # check removable flash media (SD cards)
	   'alertlog'    => 0,   # check the alert log
	   'esmlog'      => 0,   # check the ESM log (hardware log)
	   'esmhealth'   => 1,   # check the ESM log overall health
	   'servicetag'  => 1,   # check that the servicetag is sane

# Messages
@report_storage = ();  # messages with associated nagios level (storage)
@report_chassis = ();  # messages with associated nagios level (chassis)
@report_other   = ();  # messages with associated nagios level (other)

# Read config file
parse_configfile() if defined $opt{configfile};

# Setting timeout
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
    print "PLUGIN TIMEOUT: $NAME timed out after $opt{timeout} seconds\n";
    exit $E_UNKNOWN;
alarm $opt{timeout};

# If we're using SNMP
$snmp = defined $opt{hostname} ? 1 : 0;

# SNMP session variables
$snmp_session = undef;
$snmp_error   = undef;

# The omreport command
$omreport = undef;

# Default line break
$linebreak = isatty(*STDOUT) ? "\n" : '<br/>';

# Line break from option
if (defined $opt{linebreak}) {
    if ($opt{linebreak} eq 'REG') {
	$linebreak = "\n";
    elsif ($opt{linebreak} eq 'HTML') {
	$linebreak = '<br/>';
    else {
	$linebreak = $opt{linebreak};

# Exit with status=UNKNOWN if there is firmware upgrade in progress
if (!$snmp && -f $FW_LOCK) {
    print "MONITORING DISABLED - Firmware update in progress ($FW_LOCK exists)\n";
    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

# List of controllers and enclosures
@controllers = ();  # controllers
@enclosures  = ();  # enclosures
%snmp_enclosure   = ();  # enclosures

# Counters for everything
  = (
     'pdisk'  => 0, # number of physical disks
     'vdisk'  => 0, # number of logical drives (virtual disks)
     'temp'   => 0, # number of temperature probes
     'volt'   => 0, # number of voltage probes
     'amp'    => 0, # number of amperage probes
     'intr'   => 0, # number of intrusion probes
     'dimm'   => 0, # number of memory modules
     'mem'    => 0, # total memory
     'fan'    => 0, # number of fan probes
     'cpu'    => 0, # number of CPUs
     'bat'    => 0, # number of batteries
     'power'  => 0, # number of power supplies
     'sd'     => 0, # number of SD cards
     'esm'    => {
		  'Critical'     => 0, # critical entries in ESM log
		  'Non-Critical' => 0, # warning entries in ESM log
		  'Ok'           => 0, # ok entries in ESM log
     'alert'  => {
		  'Critical'     => 0, # critical entries in alert log
		  'Non-Critical' => 0, # warning entries in alert log
		  'Ok'           => 0, # ok entries in alert log

# Performance data
@perfdata = ();

# Global health status
$global         = 1;      # default is to check global status
$globalstatus   = $E_OK;  # default global health status is "OK"

# Nagios error levels reversed
  = (
     $E_OK       => 'OK',
     $E_WARNING  => 'WARNING',
     $E_UNKNOWN  => 'UNKNOWN',

# OpenManage (omreport) and SNMP error levels
  = (
     'Unknown'         => $E_CRITICAL,
     'Critical'        => $E_CRITICAL,
     'Non-Critical'    => $E_WARNING,
     'Ok'              => $E_OK,
     'Non-Recoverable' => $E_CRITICAL,
     'Other'           => $E_CRITICAL,

# Status via SNMP
  = (
     1 => 'Other',
     2 => 'Unknown',
     3 => 'Ok',
     4 => 'Non-Critical',
     5 => 'Critical',
     6 => 'Non-Recoverable',

# Probe Status via SNMP
  = (
     1  => 'Other',               # probe status is not one of the following:
     2  => 'Unknown',             # probe status is unknown (not known or monitored)
     3  => 'Ok',                  # probe is reporting a value within the thresholds
     4  => 'nonCriticalUpper',    # probe has crossed upper noncritical threshold
     5  => 'criticalUpper',       # probe has crossed upper critical threshold
     6  => 'nonRecoverableUpper', # probe has crossed upper non-recoverable threshold
     7  => 'nonCriticalLower',    # probe has crossed lower noncritical threshold
     8  => 'criticalLower',       # probe has crossed lower critical threshold
     9  => 'nonRecoverableLower', # probe has crossed lower non-recoverable threshold
     10 => 'failed',              # probe is not functional

# Probe status translated to Nagios alarm levels
  = (
     'Other'               => $E_CRITICAL,
     'Unknown'             => $E_CRITICAL,
     'Ok'                  => $E_OK,
     'nonCriticalUpper'    => $E_WARNING,
     'criticalUpper'       => $E_CRITICAL,
     'nonRecoverableUpper' => $E_CRITICAL,
     'nonCriticalLower'    => $E_WARNING,
     'criticalLower'       => $E_CRITICAL,
     'nonRecoverableLower' => $E_CRITICAL,
     'failed'              => $E_CRITICAL,

# System information gathered
  = (
     'bios'     => 'N/A',  # BIOS version
     'biosdate' => 'N/A',  # BIOS release date
     'serial'   => 'N/A',  # serial number (service tag)
     'model'    => 'N/A',  # system model
     'rev'      => q{},    # system revision
     'osname'   => 'N/A',  # OS name
     'osver'    => 'N/A',  # OS version
     'om'       => 'N/A',  # OMSA version
     'bmc'      => 0,      # HAS baseboard management controller (BMC)
     'rac'      => 0,      # HAS remote access controller (RAC)
     'rac_name' => 'N/A',  # remote access controller (RAC)
     'bmc_fw'   => 'N/A',  # BMC firmware
     'rac_fw'   => 'N/A',  # RAC firmware

# Country and language list for URL generation
  = (
     # EMEA
     at => { c => 'at', l => 'de' },  # Austria
     be => { c => 'be', l => 'nl' },  # Belgium
     cz => { c => 'cz', l => 'cs' },  # Czech Republic
     de => { c => 'de', l => 'de' },  # Germany
     dk => { c => 'dk', l => 'da' },  # Denmark
     es => { c => 'es', l => 'es' },  # Spain
     fi => { c => 'fi', l => 'fi' },  # Finland
     fr => { c => 'fr', l => 'fr' },  # France
     gr => { c => 'gr', l => 'el' },  # Greece
     it => { c => 'it', l => 'it' },  # Italy
     il => { c => 'il', l => 'en' },  # Israel
     me => { c => 'me', l => 'en' },  # Middle East
     no => { c => 'no', l => 'no' },  # Norway
     nl => { c => 'nl', l => 'nl' },  # The Netherlands
     pl => { c => 'pl', l => 'pl' },  # Poland
     pt => { c => 'pt', l => 'pt' },  # Portugal
     ru => { c => 'ru', l => 'ru' },  # Russia
     se => { c => 'se', l => 'sv' },  # Sweden
     uk => { c => 'uk', l => 'en' },  # United Kingdom
     za => { c => 'za', l => 'en' },  # South Africa
     # America
     br => { c => 'br', l => 'pt' },  # Brazil
     ca => { c => 'ca', l => 'en' },  # Canada
     mx => { c => 'mx', l => 'es' },  # Mexico
     us => { c => 'us', l => 'en' },  # USA
     # Asia/Pacific
     au => { c => 'au', l => 'en' },  # Australia
     cn => { c => 'cn', l => 'zh' },  # China
     in => { c => 'in', l => 'en' },  # India
     jp => { c => 'jp', l => 'ja' },  # Japan

# Adjust which checks to perform
adjust_checks() if defined $opt{check};

# Blacklisted components
set_blacklist($opt{blacklist}) if defined $opt{blacklist};

# If blacklisting is in effect, don't check global health status
if (scalar keys %blacklist > 0) {
    $global = 0;

# Take into account new hardware and blades
$omopt_chassis = 'chassis';  # default "chassis" option to omreport
$omopt_system  = 'system';   # default "system" option to omreport
$blade         = 0;          # if this is a blade system

# Some initializations and checking before we begin
if ($snmp) {
    snmp_initialize();    # initialize SNMP
    snmp_check();         # check that SNMP works
    snmp_detect_blade();  # detect blade via SNMP
else {
    # Find the omreport binary
    # Check help output from omreport, see which options are available.
    # Also detecting blade via omreport.

# Temperature unit
if ($opt{fahrenheit}) {
    $opt{tempunit} = 'F';

# Check tempunit syntax
if ($opt{tempunit} !~ m{\A C|F|K|R \z}xms) {
    print "ERROR: Unknown temperature unit '$opt{tempunit}'\n";
    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

# Helper functions

# Make a regex from a glob pattern. Shamelessly stolen from Perl
# Cookbook chapter 6.9
sub glob2regex {
    my $globstr = shift;
    my %patmap
      = ( '*' => '.*',
          '?' => '.',
          '[' => '[',
          ']' => ']',
    $globstr =~ s{(.)} { $patmap{$1} || "\Q$1" }ge;
    return '\A' . $globstr . '\z';

# Read config file
sub parse_configfile {
    our $tiny = undef;

    # Regexp for boolean values
    our $off = qr{\A (0|off|false) \s* \z}ixms;
    our $on  = qr{\A (1|on|true) \s* \z}ixms;

    # Mapping between command line options and the corresponding
    # config file options
    our %opt2config
      = ( 'info'            => 'output_servicetag',
	  'extinfo'         => 'output_sysinfo',
	  'postmsg'         => 'output_post_message',
	  'state'           => 'output_servicestate',
	  'shortstate'      => 'output_servicestate_abbr',
	  'show_blacklist'  => 'output_blacklist',
          'hide_servicetag' => 'output_hide_servicetag',
	  'htmlinfo'        => 'output_html',
	  'okinfo'          => 'output_ok_verbosity',
	  'protocol'        => 'snmp_version',
	  'community'       => 'snmp_community',
	  'port'            => 'snmp_port',
	  'ipv6'            => 'snmp_use_ipv6',
	  'tcp'             => 'snmp_use_tcp',
	  'warning'         => 'temp_threshold_warning',
	  'critical'        => 'temp_threshold_critical',
	  'all'             => 'check_everything',
	  'perfdata'        => 'performance_data',
	  'tempunit'        => 'temperature_unit',
	  'timeout'         => 'timeout',
	  'snmp_timeout'    => 'snmp_timeout',
	  'blacklist'       => 'blacklist',
	  'legacy_perfdata' => 'legacy_performance_data',
          'vdisk_critical'  => 'vdisk_critical',

    # Load the perl module
    if ( eval { require Config::Tiny; 1 } ) {
	$tiny = Config::Tiny->new();
    else {
	print "ERROR: Required perl module 'Config::Tiny' not found\n";
	exit $E_UNKNOWN;

    # Read the config file
    $tiny = Config::Tiny->read($opt{configfile})
      or do { report('other', (sprintf q{Couldn't read configuration file: %s}, Config::Tiny->errstr()), $E_UNKNOWN);
	      return; };

    # Syntax check
    foreach my $section (keys %{ $tiny }) {
	foreach my $keyword (keys %{ $tiny->{$section} }) {
	    next KEYWORD if $keyword eq 'check_everything';
	    if ($keyword =~ m{\A check_(.+)}xms) {
		my $c = $1;
		foreach my $cl (keys %check) {
		    next KEYWORD if $c eq $cl;
	    else {
		foreach my $legal (keys %opt2config) {
		    next KEYWORD if $keyword eq $opt2config{$legal};
	    if ($section eq '_') {
		report('other', qq{CONFIG ERROR: In the global section: Unknown statement "$keyword"}, $E_UNKNOWN);
	    else {
		report('other', qq{CONFIG ERROR: Unknown statement "$keyword" in section "$section"}, $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Adjust checks according to statements in the configuration file
    sub configfile_adjust_checks {
	my $keyword = shift;
	foreach my $key (keys %check) {
	    my $copt = join '_', 'check', $key;
	    next CHECK_CONFIG if !defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$copt} or $tiny->{$keyword}->{$copt} eq q{};
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$copt} =~ m{$on}ixms) {
		$check{$key} = 1;
	    elsif ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$copt} =~ m{$off}ixms) {
		$check{$key} = 0;
	    else {
		report('other', "CONFIG ERROR: Rvalue for '$copt' must be boolean (True/False)", $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Set blacklist according to statements in the configuration file
    sub configfile_set_blacklist {
	my $keyword = shift;
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{blacklist} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{blacklist} ne q{}) {
	    # set_blacklist() takes an array ref

    # Set timeout according to statements in the configuration file
    sub configfile_set_timeout {
	my $keyword = shift;
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{timeout} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{timeout} ne q{}) {
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{timeout} =~ m{\A \d+ \z}xms) { # integer
		$opt{timeout} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{timeout};
	    else {
		report('other', "CONFIG ERROR: Rvalue for 'timeout' must be a positive integer", $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Set SNMP timeout according to statements in the configuration file
    sub configfile_set_snmp_timeout {
	my $keyword = shift;
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{snmp_timeout} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{snmp_timeout} ne q{}) {
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{snmp_timeout} =~ m{\A \d+ \z}xms) { # integer
		$opt{snmp_timeout} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{snmp_timeout};
	    else {
		report('other', "CONFIG ERROR: Rvalue for 'snmp_timeout' must be a positive integer", $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Set a boolean option
    sub configfile_set_boolean {
	my ($keyword, $bool) = @_;
	my $cbool = $opt2config{$bool};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$cbool} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$cbool} ne q{}) {
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$cbool} =~ m{$on}ixms) {
		$opt{$bool} = 1;
	    elsif ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$cbool} =~ m{$off}ixms) {
		$opt{$bool} = 0;
	    else {
		report('other', "CONFIG ERROR: Rvalue for '$cbool' must be boolean (True/False)", $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Set htmlinfo option from config file
    sub configfile_set_htmlinfo {
	my $keyword = shift;
	my $conf = $opt2config{htmlinfo};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} ne q{}) {
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} =~ m{$on}ixms) {
		$opt{htmlinfo} = 1;
	    elsif ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} =~ m{$off}ixms) {
		$opt{htmlinfo} = undef;
	    else {
		$opt{htmlinfo} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf};

    # Set OK output verbosity
    sub configfile_set_ok_verbosity {
	my $keyword = shift;
	my $conf = $opt2config{okinfo};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} ne q{}) {
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} =~ m{\A \d+ \z}xms) {
		$opt{okinfo} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf};
	    else {
		report('other', "CONFIG ERROR: Rvalue for '$conf' must be a positive integer", $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Set SNMP protocol version from config file
    sub configfile_set_snmp_version {
	my $keyword = shift;
	my $conf = $opt2config{protocol};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} ne q{}) {
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} =~ m{\A (1|2(?:c)?|3) \z}xms) {
		$opt{protocol} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf};
	    else {
		report('other', "CONFIG ERROR: Rvalue for '$conf' must be '1', '2', '2c' or '3'", $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Set SNMP community name from config file
    sub configfile_set_snmp_community {
	my $keyword = shift;
	my $conf = $opt2config{community};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} ne q{}) {
	    $opt{community} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf};

    # Set SNMP port number from config file
    sub configfile_set_snmp_port {
	my $keyword = shift;
	my $conf = $opt2config{port};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} ne q{}) {
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} =~ m{\A \d+ \z}xms) { # integer
		$opt{port} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf};
	    else {
		report('other', "CONFIG ERROR: Rvalue for '$conf' must be a positive integer", $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Set temperature threshold from config file
    sub configfile_set_temp_threshold {
	my $keyword = shift;
	my $level = shift;
	my $conf = $opt2config{$level};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} ne q{}) {
	    $opt{$level} = [$tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf}]; # array ref

    # Set perfdata from config file
    sub configfile_set_perfdata {
	my $keyword = shift;
	my $conf = $opt2config{perfdata};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} ne q{}) {
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} =~ m{$on}ixms) {
		$opt{perfdata} = 1;
	    elsif ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} =~ m{$off}ixms) {
		$opt{perfdata} = undef;
	    elsif ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} =~ m{\A minimal|multiline \z}xms) {
		$opt{perfdata} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf};
	    else {
		report('other', "CONFIG ERROR: Rvalue for '$conf' must be either boolean, 'minimal' or 'multiline'", $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Set temp unit from config file
    sub configfile_set_tempunit {
	my $keyword = shift;
	my $conf = $opt2config{tempunit};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} ne q{}) {
	    if ($tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} =~ m{\A C|F|K|R \z}ixms) {
		$opt{tempunit} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf};
	    else {
		report('other', "CONFIG ERROR: Rvalue for '$conf' must one of C/F/K/R", $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Set postmsg string from config file
    sub configfile_set_postmsg {
	my $keyword = shift;
	my $conf = $opt2config{postmsg};
	if (defined $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} and $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf} ne q{}) {
	    $opt{postmsg} = $tiny->{$keyword}->{$conf}; # array ref

    # Sections in the config file to check for statements
    my @sections = ();

    # First: Populate the sections array with the global section
    @sections = ('_');

    # Last two steps only if hostname is defined
    if (defined $opt{hostname}) {
	# Second: Populate the sections array with host glob pattern (but
	# not exact match)
	foreach my $glob (sort keys %{ $tiny }) {
	    next PATTERN if $glob eq '_';            # global section
	    next PATTERN if $glob eq $opt{hostname}; # exact match
	    my $regex = glob2regex($glob);           # make regexp
	    if ($opt{hostname} =~ m{$regex}) {
		push @sections, $glob;

	# Third: Populate the sections array with exact hostname
	if (defined $tiny->{$opt{hostname}}) {
	    push @sections, $opt{hostname};

    # Loop through the sections array and get options
    foreach my $sect (@sections) {
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'all');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'info');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'extinfo');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'state');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'shortstate');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'show_blacklist');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'ipv6');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'tcp');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'legacy_perfdata');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'hide_servicetag');
	configfile_set_boolean($sect, 'vdisk_critical');
	configfile_set_temp_threshold($sect, 'warning');
	configfile_set_temp_threshold($sect, 'critical');


# Store a message in one of the message arrays
sub report {
    my ($type, $msg, $exval, $id) = @_;
    defined $id or $id = q{};

    my %type2array
      = (
	 'storage' => \@report_storage,
	 'chassis' => \@report_chassis,
	 'other'   => \@report_other,

    return push @{ $type2array{$type} }, [ $msg, $exval, $id ];

# Run command, put resulting output lines in an array and return a
# pointer to that array
sub run_command {
    my $command = shift;

    open my $CMD, '-|', $command
      or do { report('other', "Couldn't run command '$command': $!", $E_UNKNOWN)
		and return [] };
    my @lines = <$CMD>;
    close $CMD
      or do { report('other', "Couldn't close filehandle for command '$command': $!", $E_UNKNOWN)
		and return \@lines };
    return \@lines;

# Run command, put resulting output in a string variable and return it
sub slurp_command {
    my $command = shift;

    open my $CMD, '-|', $command
      or do { report('other', "Couldn't run command '$command': $!", $E_UNKNOWN) and return };
    my $rawtext = do { local $/ = undef; <$CMD> }; # slurping
    close $CMD;

    # NOTE: We don't check the return value of close() since omreport
    # does something weird sometimes.

    return $rawtext;

# Initialize SNMP
sub snmp_initialize {
    # Legal SNMP v3 protocols
    my $snmp_v3_privprotocol = qr{\A des|aes|aes128|3des|3desde \z}xms;
    my $snmp_v3_authprotocol = qr{\A md5|sha \z}xms;

    # Parameters to Net::SNMP->session()
    my %param
      = (
	 '-port'     => $opt{port},
	 '-hostname' => $opt{hostname},
	 '-version'  => $opt{protocol},
	 '-timeout'  => $opt{snmp_timeout},

    # Setting the domain (IP version and transport protocol)
    my $transport = $opt{tcp} ? 'tcp' : 'udp';
    my $ipversion = $opt{ipv6} ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4';
    $param{'-domain'} = "$transport/$ipversion";

    # Parameters for SNMP v3
    if ($opt{protocol} eq '3') {

	# Username is mandatory
	if (defined $opt{username}) {
	    $param{'-username'} = $opt{username};
	else {
	    print "SNMP ERROR: With SNMPv3 a username must be specified\n";
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	# Authpassword is optional
	if (defined $opt{authpassword}) {
	    $param{'-authpassword'} = $opt{authpassword};

	# Authkey is optional
	if (defined $opt{authkey}) {
	    $param{'-authkey'} = $opt{authkey};

	# Privpassword is optional
	if (defined $opt{privpassword}) {
	    $param{'-privpassword'} = $opt{privpassword};

	# Privkey is optional
	if (defined $opt{privkey}) {
	    $param{'-privkey'} = $opt{privkey};

	# Privprotocol is optional
	if (defined $opt{privprotocol}) {
	    if ($opt{privprotocol} =~ m/$snmp_v3_privprotocol/xms) {
		$param{'-privprotocol'} = $opt{privprotocol};
	    else {
		print "SNMP ERROR: Unknown or invalid privprotocol [$opt{privprotocol}], "
		  . "must be one of [des|aes|aes128|3des|3desde]\n";
		exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	# Authprotocol is optional
	if (defined $opt{authprotocol}) {
	    if ($opt{authprotocol} =~ m/$snmp_v3_authprotocol/xms) {
		$param{'-authprotocol'} = $opt{authprotocol};
	    else {
		print "SNMP ERROR: Unknown or invalid authprotocol [$opt{authprotocol}], "
		  . "must be one of [md5|sha]\n";
		exit $E_UNKNOWN;
    # Parameters for SNMP v2c or v1
    elsif ($opt{protocol} =~ m{\A (1|2(?:c)?) \z}xms) {
	$param{'-community'} = $opt{community};
    else {
	print "SNMP ERROR: Unknown or invalid SNMP version [$opt{protocol}]\n";
	exit $E_UNKNOWN;

    # Try to initialize the SNMP session
    if ( eval { require Net::SNMP; 1 } ) {
	($snmp_session, $snmp_error) = Net::SNMP->session( %param );
	if (!defined $snmp_session) {
	    printf "SNMP: %s\n", $snmp_error;
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;
    else {
	print "ERROR: You need perl module Net::SNMP to run $NAME in SNMP mode\n";
	exit $E_UNKNOWN;

# Checking if SNMP works by probing for "chassisModelName", which all
# servers should have
sub snmp_check {
    my $chassisModelName = '';
    my $result = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$chassisModelName]);

    # Typically if remote host isn't responding
    if (!defined $result) {
	printf "SNMP CRITICAL: %s\n", $snmp_session->error;
	exit $E_CRITICAL;

    # If OpenManage isn't installed or is not working
    if ($result->{$chassisModelName} =~ m{\A noSuch (Instance|Object) \z}xms) {
	print "ERROR: (SNMP) OpenManage is not installed or is not working correctly\n";
	exit $E_UNKNOWN;

# Detecting blade via SNMP
sub snmp_detect_blade {
    # In some setups, the IDs for the blade and interconnect
    # board are mixed up, so we need to check both.
    my $DellBaseBoardType1 = '';
    my $DellBaseBoardType2 = '';
    my $result1 = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$DellBaseBoardType1]);
    my $result2 = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$DellBaseBoardType2]);

    # Identify blade. Older models (4th and 5th gen models) and/or old
    # OMSA (4.x) don't have this OID. If we get "noSuchInstance" or
    # similar, we assume that this isn't a blade
    if (exists $result1->{$DellBaseBoardType1} && $result1->{$DellBaseBoardType1} eq '3') {
	$blade = 1;
    if (exists $result2->{$DellBaseBoardType2} && $result2->{$DellBaseBoardType2} eq '3') {
	$blade = 1;

# Locate the omreport binary
sub find_omreport {
    # If user has specified path to omreport
    if (defined $opt{omreport} and -x $opt{omreport}) {
	$omreport = qq{"$opt{omreport}"};

    # Possible full paths for omreport
    my @omreport_paths
      = (
	 '/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin/omreport',              # default on Linux with OMSA >= 6.2.0
	 '/usr/bin/omreport',                            # default on Linux with OMSA < 6.2.0
	 '/opt/dell/srvadmin/oma/bin/',       # alternate on Linux
	 '/opt/dell/srvadmin/oma/bin/omreport',          # alternate on Linux
	 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\SysMgt\oma\bin\omreport.exe', # default on Windows x64
	 'C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\oma\bin\omreport.exe',       # default on Windows x32
	 'c:\progra~1\dell\sysmgt\oma\bin\omreport.exe', # 8bit legacy default on Windows x32
	 'c:\progra~2\dell\sysmgt\oma\bin\omreport.exe', # 8bit legacy default on Windows x64

    # Find the one to use
    foreach my $bin (@omreport_paths) {
	if (-x $bin) {
	    $omreport = qq{"$bin"};
	    last OMREPORT_PATH;

    # Exit with status=UNKNOWN if OM is not installed, or we don't
    # have permission to execute the binary
    if (!defined $omreport) {
	print "ERROR: Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) is not installed\n";
	exit $E_UNKNOWN;

# Checks output from 'omreport -?' and searches for arguments to
# omreport, to accommodate deprecated options "chassis" and "system"
# (on newer hardware), as well as blade servers.
sub check_omreport_options {
    foreach (@{ run_command("$omreport -? 2>&1") }) {
       if (m/\A servermodule /xms) {
	   # If "servermodule" argument to omreport exists, use it
	   # instead of argument "system"
           $omopt_system = 'servermodule';
       elsif (m/\A mainsystem /xms) {
	   # If "mainsystem" argument to omreport exists, use it
	   # instead of argument "chassis"
           $omopt_chassis = 'mainsystem';
       elsif (m/\A modularenclosure /xms) {
	   # If "modularenclusure" argument to omreport exists, assume
	   # that this is a blade
           $blade = 1;

# Read the blacklist option and return a hash containing the
# blacklisted components
sub set_blacklist {
    my $foo = shift;
    my @bl = ();

    if (scalar @{ $foo } >= 0) {
	foreach my $black (@{ $foo }) {
	    my $tmp = q{};
	    if (-f $black) {
		open my $BL, '<', $black
		  or do { report('other', "Couldn't open blacklist file $black: $!", $E_UNKNOWN)
			    and return {} };
		chomp($tmp = <$BL>);
		close $BL;
	    else {
		$tmp = $black;
	    push @bl, $tmp;

    return {} if $#bl < 0;

    # Parse blacklist string, put in hash
    foreach my $black (@bl) {
	my @comps = split m{/}xms, $black;
	foreach my $c (@comps) {
	    next if $c !~ m/=/xms;
	    my ($key, $val) = split /=/xms, $c;
	    my @vals = split /,/xms, $val;
	    push @{ $blacklist{$key} }, @vals;


# Read the check option and adjust the hash %check, which is a rough
# list of components to be checked
sub adjust_checks {
    my @cl = ();

    # First, take the '--no-storage' option
    if ($opt{no_storage}) {
	$check{storage} = 0;

    # Adjust checking based on the '--all' option
    if ($opt{all}) {
	# Check option usage
	if (defined $opt{only} and $opt{only} !~ m{\A critical|warning \z}xms) {
	    print qq{ERROR: Wrong simultaneous usage of the "--all" and "--only" options\n};
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;
	if (scalar @{ $opt{check} } > 0) {
	    print qq{ERROR: Wrong simultaneous usage of the "--all" and "--check" options\n};
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	# set the check hash to check everything
	map { $_ = 1 } values %check;


    # Adjust checking based on the '--only' option
    if (defined $opt{only} and $opt{only} !~ m{\A critical|warning \z}xms) {
	# Check option usage
	if (scalar @{ $opt{check} } > 0) {
	    print qq{ERROR: Wrong simultaneous usage of the "--only" and "--check" options\n};
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;
	if (! exists $check{$opt{only}} && $opt{only} ne 'chassis') {
	    print qq{ERROR: "$opt{only}" is not a known keyword for the "--only" option\n};
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	# reset the check hash
	map { $_ = 0 } values %check;

	# adjust the check hash
	if ($opt{only} eq 'chassis') {
	    map { $check{$_} = 1 } qw(memory fans power temp cpu voltage sdcard
				      batteries amperage intrusion esmhealth);
	else {
	    $check{$opt{only}} = 1;


    # Adjust checking based on the '--check' option
    if (scalar @{ $opt{check} } >= 0) {
	foreach my $check (@{ $opt{check} }) {
	    my $tmp = q{};
	    if (-f $check) {
		open my $CL, '<', $check
		  or do { report('other', "Couldn't open check file $check: $!", $E_UNKNOWN) and return };
		chomp($tmp = <$CL>);
		close $CL;
	    else {
		$tmp = $check;
	    push @cl, $tmp;

    return if $#cl < 0;

    # Parse checklist string, put in hash
    foreach my $check (@cl) {
	my @checks = split /,/xms, $check;
	foreach my $c (@checks) {
	    next if $c !~ m/=/xms;
	    my ($key, $val) = split /=/xms, $c;
	    $check{$key} = $val;

    # Check if we should check global health status
    foreach (keys %check) {
	next CHECK_KEY if $_ eq 'esmlog';   # not part of global status
	next CHECK_KEY if $_ eq 'alertlog'; # not part of global status

	if ($check{$_} == 0) { # found something with checking turned off
	    $global = 0;
	    last CHECK_KEY;


# Runs omreport and returns an array of anonymous hashes containing
# the output.
# Takes one argument: string containing parameters to omreport
sub run_omreport {
    my $command = shift;
    my @output  = ();
    my @keys    = ();

    # Errors that are OK. Some low-end poweredge (and blades) models
    # don't have RAID controllers, intrusion detection sensor, or
    # redundant/instrumented power supplies etc.
    my $ok_errors
      = qr{
            Intrusion\sinformation\sis\snot\sfound\sfor\sthis\ssystem  # No intrusion probe
          | No\sinstrumented\spower\ssupplies\sfound\son\sthis\ssystem # No instrumented PS (blades/low-end)
          | No\sbattery\sprobes\sfound\son\sthis\ssystem               # No battery probes
          | Invalid\scommand:\spwrmonitoring                           # Old hardware
          | Hardware\sor\sfeature\snot\spresent\.                      # SD cards
          | Invalid\scommand:\sremovableflashmedia                     # SD cards with old OMSA
          | Error\sCorrection;                                         # Memory stuff. Not really an error (new in OMSA 6.4)
#          | Current\sprobes\snot\sfound                                # OMSA + RHEL5.4 bug
#          | No\scontrollers\sfound                                     # No RAID controller

    # Errors that are OK on blade servers
    my $ok_blade_errors
      = qr{
              No\sfan\sprobes\sfound\son\sthis\ssystem   # No fan probes

    # Run omreport and fetch output
    my $rawtext = slurp_command("$omreport $command -fmt ssv 2>&1");
    return [] if !defined $rawtext;

    # Workaround for Openmanage BUG introduced in OMSA 5.5.0
    $rawtext =~ s{\n;}{;}gxms if $command eq 'storage controller';

    # Workaround for logical connectors where there are extra
    # information that isn't possible to parse consistently. Remove
    # everything after and including "Path Health"
    if ($command =~ m{\A storage\sconnector}xms) {
	$rawtext =~ s{Path\sHealth.*}{}xms;

    # Report if no controllers found
    if ($command eq 'storage controller' and $rawtext =~ m{No\scontrollers\sfound}xms) {
	report('storage', 'Storage Error! No controllers found', $E_UNKNOWN);

    # Openmanage sometimes puts a linebreak between "Error" and the
    # actual error text
    $rawtext =~ s{^Error\s*\n}{Error: }xms;

    # Parse output, store in array
    for ((split m{\n}xms, $rawtext)) {
	if (m{\AError}xms) {
	    next if m{$ok_errors}xms;
	    next if ($blade and m{$ok_blade_errors}xms);
	    report('other', "Problem running 'omreport $command': $_", $E_UNKNOWN);

	next if !m/(.*?;){2}/xms;  # ignore lines with less than 3 fields
	my @vals = split /;/xms;
	if ($vals[0] =~ m/\A (Index|ID|Severity|Processor|Current\sSpeed|Connector\sName) \z/xms) {
	    @keys = @vals;
	else {
	    my $i = 0;
	    push @output, { map { $_ => $vals[$i++] } @keys };


    # Finally, return the collected information
    return \@output;

# Checks if a component is blacklisted. Returns 1 if the component is
# blacklisted, 0 otherwise. Takes two arguments:
#   arg1: component name
#   arg2: component id or index
sub blacklisted {
    my $name = shift;  # component name
    my $id   = shift;  # component id
    my $ret  = 0;      # return value

    if (defined $blacklist{$name}) {
	foreach my $comp (@{ $blacklist{$name} }) {
	    if (defined $id and ($comp eq $id or uc($comp) eq 'ALL')) {
		$ret = 1;

    return $ret;

# Converts the NexusID from SNMP to our version
sub convert_nexus {
    my $nexus = shift;
    $nexus =~ s{\A \\}{}xms;
    $nexus =~ s{\\}{:}gxms;
    return $nexus;

# Sets custom temperature thresholds based on user supplied options
sub custom_temperature_thresholds {
    my $type   = shift; # type of threshold, either w (warning) or c (critical)
    my %thres  = ();    # will contain the thresholds
    my @limits = ();    # holds the input

    my @opt =  $type eq 'w' ? @{ $opt{warning} } : @{ $opt{critical} };

    if (scalar @opt >= 0) {
	foreach my $t (@opt) {
	    my $tmp = q{};
	    if (-f $t) {
		open my $F, '<', $t
		  or do { report('other', "Couldn't open temperature threshold file $t: $!",
				 $E_UNKNOWN) and return {} };
		$tmp = <$F>;
		close $F;
	    else {
		$tmp = $t;
	    push @limits, $tmp;

    # Parse checklist string, put in hash
    foreach my $th (@limits) {
	my @tmp = split m{,}xms, $th;
	foreach my $t (@tmp) {
	    next if $t !~ m{=}xms;
	    my ($key, $val) = split m{=}xms, $t;
	    if ($val =~ m{/}xms) {
		my ($max, $min) = split m{/}xms, $val;
		$thres{$key}{max} = $max;
		$thres{$key}{min} = $min;
	    else {
		$thres{$key}{max} = $val;

    return \%thres;

# Gets the output from SNMP result according to the OIDs checked
sub get_snmp_output {
    my ($result,$oidref) = @_;
    my @temp   = ();
    my @output = ();

    foreach my $oid (keys %{ $result }) {
	my $short = $oid;
	$short =~ s{\s}{}gxms;                   # remove whitespace
	$short =~ s{\A (.+) \. (\d+) \z}{$1}xms; # remove last number
	my $id = $2;
	if (exists $oidref->{$short}) {
	    $temp[$id]{$oidref->{$short}} = $result->{$oid};

    # Remove any empty indexes
    foreach my $out (@temp) {
	if (defined $out) {
	    push @output, $out;

    return \@output;

# Map the controller or other item in-place
sub map_item {
    my ($key, $val, $list)  = @_;

    foreach my $lst (@{ $list }) {
	if (!exists $lst->{$key}) {
	    $lst->{$key} = $val;

# Return the URL for official Dell documentation for a specific
# PowerEdge server
sub documentation_url {
    my $model = shift;
    my $rev = shift;

    # Special case: R210 II
    if ($model eq 'R210' and $rev eq 'II') {
	$model = 'r210-2';

    # create model name used in URLs, e.g. "poweredge-r710"
    $model = lc($model);
    $model =~ s{\s}{-}xms;

    if (exists $country{$opt{htmlinfo}}) {
	return sprintf '',
	  $country{$opt{htmlinfo}}->{c}, $country{$opt{htmlinfo}}->{l}, $model;
    else {
	return sprintf '',

# Return the URL for warranty information for a server with a given
# serial number (servicetag)
sub warranty_url {
    my $tag       = shift;
    my $url_start = '';
    my $url_end   = 'Index?t=warranty&servicetag';

    if (exists $country{$opt{htmlinfo}}) {
	return sprintf '%s/%s/%s/nodhs1/%s=%s',
	  $url_start, $country{$opt{htmlinfo}}->{c},
	  $country{$opt{htmlinfo}}->{l}, $url_end, $tag;
    else {
	return sprintf '%s/%s=%s', $url_start, $url_end, $tag;

# This helper function returns the corresponding value of a hash key,
# but takes into account that the key may not exist
sub get_hashval {
    my $key  = shift || return;
    my $hash = shift;
    return defined $hash->{$key} ? $hash->{$key} : "Undefined value $key";

# Find component status from hash
sub get_snmp_status {
    my $key  = shift || return 'Unknown';
    return exists $snmp_status{$key} ? $snmp_status{$key} : 'Unknown';

# Find component status from hash
sub get_snmp_probestatus {
    my $key  = shift || return 'Unknown';
    return exists $snmp_probestatus{$key} ? $snmp_probestatus{$key} : 'Unknown';

# Check that a hash entry is defined and not an empty string. Return a
# chosen string (parameter) if these conditions are not met
sub get_nonempty_string {
    my $key  = shift;  # key to check
    my $hash = shift;  # hash where the key belongs
    my $alt  = shift;  # alternate return value
    if (defined $hash->{$key} and $hash->{$key} ne q{}) {
	return $hash->{$key};
    return $alt;

# Converts from Celsius to something else
sub temp_from_celsius {
    my $x  = shift;
    my $to = shift;

    if ($to eq 'F') {
	return sprintf '%.1f', ($x * 9/5 + 32);
    elsif ($to eq 'K') {
	return sprintf '%.1f', ($x + 273.15);
    elsif ($to eq 'R') {
	return sprintf '%.1f', ($x * 9/5 + 32 + 459.67);
    return $x;

# Check functions

# Check global health status
sub check_global {
    my $health = $E_OK;

    if ($snmp) {
	# Checks global status, i.e. both storage and chassis
	my $systemStateGlobalSystemStatus = '';
	my $result = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$systemStateGlobalSystemStatus]);
	if (!defined $result) {
	    printf "SNMP ERROR [global]: %s\n", $snmp_error;
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;
	$health = $status2nagios{get_snmp_status($result->{$systemStateGlobalSystemStatus})};
    else {
	# NB! This does not check storage, only chassis...
	foreach (@{ run_command("$omreport $omopt_system -fmt ssv") }) {
	    next if !m/;/xms;
	    next if m/\A SEVERITY;COMPONENT/xms;
	    if (m/\A (.+?);Main\sSystem(\sChassis)? /xms) {
		$health = $status2nagios{$1};

    # Return the status
    return $health;

# STORAGE: Check controllers
sub check_controllers {
    my $nexus    = undef;
    my $name     = undef;
    my $state    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $minfw    = undef;
    my $mindr    = undef;
    my $firmware = undef;
    my $driver   = undef;
    my $minstdr  = undef;  # Minimum required Storport driver version
    my $stdr     = undef;  # Storport driver version
    my @output   = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %ctrl_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'controllerNumber',
	     ''  => 'controllerName',
	     ''  => 'controllerState',
	     ''  => 'controllerFWVersion',
	     '' => 'controllerComponentStatus',
	     '' => 'controllerNexusID',
	     '' => 'controllerDriverVersion',
	     '' => 'controllerMinFWVersion',
	     '' => 'controllerMinDriverVersion',
	     '' => 'controllerStorportDriverVersion',
	     '' => 'controllerMinRequiredStorportVer',

	# We use get_table() here for the odd case where a server has
	# two or more controllers, and where some OIDs are missing on
	# one of the controllers.
	my $controllerTable = '';
	my $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $controllerTable);

	if (!defined $result) {
	    report('storage', 'Storage Error! No controllers found', $E_UNKNOWN);

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%ctrl_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport('storage controller') };

    my %ctrl_state
      = (
	 0 => 'Unknown',
	 1 => 'Ready',
	 2 => 'Failed',
	 3 => 'Online',
	 4 => 'Offline',
	 6 => 'Degraded',

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $name     = $out->{controllerName} || 'Unknown controller';
	    $state    = get_hashval($out->{controllerState}, \%ctrl_state) || 'Unknown state';
	    $status   = get_snmp_status($out->{controllerComponentStatus});
	    $minfw    = $out->{controllerMinFWVersion} || undef;
	    $mindr    = $out->{controllerMinDriverVersion} || undef;
	    $firmware = $out->{controllerFWVersion} || 'N/A';
	    $driver   = $out->{controllerDriverVersion} || 'N/A';
	    $minstdr  = $out->{'controllerMinRequiredStorportVer'} || undef;
	    $stdr     = $out->{controllerStorportDriverVersion} || undef;
	    $nexus    = convert_nexus(($out->{controllerNexusID} || 9999));
	else {
	    $nexus    = get_nonempty_string('ID', $out, '9999');
	    $name     = get_nonempty_string('Name', $out, 'Unknown controller');
	    $state    = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    my $minfw_string = undef;
	    if (defined $out->{'Minimum Required Firmware Version'}) {
		$minfw_string = 'Minimum Required Firmware Version';
	    elsif (defined $out->{'Latest Available Firmware Version'}) {
		$minfw_string = 'Latest Available Firmware Version';
	    $minfw    = $out->{$minfw_string} ne 'Not Applicable'
	      ? $out->{$minfw_string} : undef;
	    $mindr    = $out->{'Minimum Required Driver Version'} ne 'Not Applicable'
	      ? $out->{'Minimum Required Driver Version'} : undef;
	    $firmware = $out->{'Firmware Version'} ne 'Not Applicable'
	      ? $out->{'Firmware Version'} : 'N/A';
	    $driver   = $out->{'Driver Version'} ne 'Not Applicable'
	      ? $out->{'Driver Version'} : 'N/A';
	    $minstdr  = (exists $out->{'Minimum Required Storport Driver Version'}
			 and $out->{'Minimum Required Storport Driver Version'} ne 'Not Applicable')
	      ? $out->{'Minimum Required Storport Driver Version'} : undef;
	    $stdr     = (exists $out->{'Storport Driver Version'}
			 and $out->{'Storport Driver Version'} ne 'Not Applicable')
	      ? $out->{'Storport Driver Version'} : undef;

	$name =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
	push @controllers, $nexus;

	# Collecting some storage info
	$sysinfo{'controller'}{$nexus}{'id'}       = $nexus;
	$sysinfo{'controller'}{$nexus}{'name'}     = $name;
	$sysinfo{'controller'}{$nexus}{'driver'}   = $driver;
	$sysinfo{'controller'}{$nexus}{'firmware'} = $firmware;
	$sysinfo{'controller'}{$nexus}{'storport'} = $stdr;

	# Store controller info for future use (SNMP)
	if ($snmp) {
	    $snmp_controller{$out->{controllerNumber}} = $nexus;

	next CTRL if blacklisted('ctrl', $nexus);

	# Special case: old firmware
	if (!blacklisted('ctrl_fw', $nexus) && defined $minfw) {
	    chomp $firmware;
	    my $msg = sprintf q{Controller %d [%s]: Firmware '%s' is out of date},
	      $nexus, $name, $firmware;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_WARNING, $nexus);
	# Special case: old driver
	if (!blacklisted('ctrl_driver', $nexus) && defined $mindr) {
	    chomp $driver;
	    my $msg = sprintf q{Controller %d [%s]: Driver '%s' is out of date},
	      $nexus, $name, $driver;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_WARNING, $nexus);
	# Special case: old storport driver
	if (!blacklisted('ctrl_stdr', $nexus) && defined $minstdr) {
	    chomp $stdr;
	    my $msg = sprintf q{Controller %d [%s]: Storport driver '%s' is out of date},
	      $nexus, $name, $stdr;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_WARNING, $nexus);
	# Ok
	if ($status eq 'Ok' or ($status eq 'Non-Critical'
				and (defined $minfw or defined $mindr or defined $minstdr))) {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Controller %d [%s] is %s',
	      $nexus, $name, $state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_OK, $nexus);
        # Default
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Controller %d [%s] is %s',
	      $nexus, $name, $state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $nexus);

# STORAGE: Check physical drives
sub check_physical_disks {
    return if $#controllers == -1;

    my $nexus    = undef;
    my $name     = undef;
    my $state    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $fpred    = undef;
    my $progr    = undef;
    my $ctrl     = undef;
    my $vendor   = undef;  # disk vendor
    my $product  = undef;  # product ID
    my $capacity = undef;  # disk length (size) in bytes
    my $media    = undef;  # media type (e.g. HDD, SSD)
    my $bus      = undef;  # bus protocol (e.g. SAS, SATA)
    my $spare    = undef;  # spare state (e.g. global hotspare)
    my $cert     = undef;  # if drive is certified or not
    my @output  = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %pdisk_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'arrayDiskName',
	     ''  => 'arrayDiskVendor',
	     ''  => 'arrayDiskState',
	     ''  => 'arrayDiskProductID',
	     ''  => 'arrayDiskEnclosureID',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskChannel',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskLengthInMB',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskTargetID',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskBusType',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskSpareState',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskComponentStatus',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskNexusID',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskSmartAlertIndication',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskMediaType',
	     '' => 'arrayDiskDellCertified',
	     ''  => 'arrayDiskEnclosureConnectionControllerNumber',
	     ''  => 'arrayDiskChannelConnectionControllerNumber',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $arrayDiskTable = '';
	    my $arrayDiskEnclosureConnectionControllerNumber = '';
	    my $arrayDiskChannelConnectionControllerNumber = '';

	    $result  = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $arrayDiskTable);
	    my $ext1 = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $arrayDiskEnclosureConnectionControllerNumber);
	    my $ext2 = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $arrayDiskChannelConnectionControllerNumber);

	    if (defined $result) {
		defined $ext1 && map { $$result{$_} = $$ext1{$_} } keys %{ $ext1 };
		defined $ext2 && map { $$result{$_} = $$ext2{$_} } keys %{ $ext2 };
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %pdisk_oid]);

	if (!defined $result) {
	    printf "SNMP ERROR [storage / pdisk]: %s.\n", $snmp_session->error;
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%pdisk_oid) };
    else {
	foreach my $c (@controllers) {
	    # This blacklists disks with broken firmware, which includes
	    # illegal XML characters that makes openmanage choke on itself
	    next if blacklisted('ctrl_pdisk', $c);

	    push @output, @{ run_omreport("storage pdisk controller=$c") };
	    map_item('ctrl', $c, \@output);

    my %spare_state
      = (
	 1  => 'VD member',    # disk is a member of a virtual disk
	 2  => 'DG member',    # disk is a member of a disk group
	 3  => 'Global HS',    # disk is a global hot spare
	 4  => 'Dedicated HS', # disk is a dedicated hot spare
	 5  => 'no',           # not a spare
	 99 => 'n/a',          # not applicable

    my %media_type
      = (
	 1 => 'unknown',
	 2 => 'HDD',
	 3 => 'SSD',

    my %bus_type
      = (
	 1 => 'SCSI',
	 2 => 'IDE',
	 3 => 'Fibre Channel',
	 4 => 'SSA',
	 6 => 'USB',
	 7 => 'SATA',
	 8 => 'SAS',
	 9 => 'PCIe',

    my %pdisk_state
      = (
	 0  => 'Unknown',
	 1  => 'Ready',
	 2  => 'Failed',
	 3  => 'Online',
	 4  => 'Offline',
	 6  => 'Degraded',
	 7  => 'Recovering',
	 11 => 'Removed',
	 13 => 'Non-RAID',
	 14 => 'Not Ready',
	 15 => 'Resynching',
         22 => 'Replacing',
	 23 => 'Spinning Down',
	 24 => 'Rebuilding',
	 25 => 'No Media',
	 26 => 'Formatting',
	 28 => 'Diagnostics',
	 34 => 'Predictive failure',
	 35 => 'Initializing',
	 39 => 'Foreign',
	 40 => 'Clear',
	 41 => 'Unsupported',
	 53 => 'Incompatible',
	 56 => 'Read Only',

    # Check physical disks on each of the controllers
    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $name     = $out->{arrayDiskName} || 'Unknown disk';
	    $state    = get_hashval($out->{arrayDiskState}, \%pdisk_state) || 'Unknown state';
	    $status   = get_snmp_status($out->{arrayDiskComponentStatus});
	    $fpred    = defined $out->{arrayDiskSmartAlertIndication}
	      && $out->{arrayDiskSmartAlertIndication} == 2 ? 1 : 0;
	    $progr    = q{};
	    $nexus    = convert_nexus(($out->{arrayDiskNexusID} || 9999));
	    $vendor   = $out->{arrayDiskVendor} || 'Unknown vendor';
	    $product  = $out->{arrayDiskProductID} || 'Unknown product ID';
	    $spare    = get_hashval($out->{arrayDiskSpareState}, \%spare_state) || q{};
	    $bus      = get_hashval($out->{arrayDiskBusType}, \%bus_type);
	    $media    = get_hashval($out->{arrayDiskMediaType}, \%media_type);
	    $cert     = defined $out->{arrayDiskDellCertified} ? $out->{arrayDiskDellCertified} : 1;
	    $capacity = exists $out->{arrayDiskLengthInMB}
	      ? $out->{arrayDiskLengthInMB} * 1024**2 : -1;

	    # try to find the controller where the disk belongs
	    if (exists $out->{arrayDiskEnclosureConnectionControllerNumber}) {
		# for disks that are attached to an enclosure
		$ctrl = $snmp_controller{$out->{arrayDiskEnclosureConnectionControllerNumber}};
	    elsif (exists $out->{arrayDiskChannelConnectionControllerNumber}) {
		# for disks that are not attached to an enclosure
		$ctrl = $snmp_controller{$out->{arrayDiskChannelConnectionControllerNumber}};
	    else {
		# last resort... use the nexus id (old/broken hardware)
		$ctrl = $nexus;
		$ctrl =~ s{\A (\d+) : .* \z}{$1}xms;

	    # workaround for OMSA 7.1.0 bug
	    if ($snmp && $sysinfo{om} eq '7.1.0') {
		if    ($cert == 1) { $cert = 0; }
		elsif ($cert == 0) { $cert = 1; }
	else {
	    $name     = get_nonempty_string('Name', $out, 'Unknown disk');
	    $state    = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $fpred    = lc(get_nonempty_string('Failure Predicted', $out, q{})) eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
	    $progr    = ' [' . get_nonempty_string('Progress', $out, q{}) . ']';
	    $nexus    = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'ID'};
	    $vendor   = get_nonempty_string('Vendor ID', $out, 'Unknown Vendor');
	    $product  = get_nonempty_string('Product ID', $out, 'Unknown Product ID');
	    $media    = get_nonempty_string('Media', $out, undef);
	    $bus      = get_nonempty_string('Bus Protocol', $out, undef);
	    $spare    = get_nonempty_string('Hot Spare', $out, q{});
            $cert     = get_nonempty_string('Certified', $out, 'Yes');
	    $ctrl     = $out->{ctrl};
	    $capacity = get_nonempty_string('Capacity', $out, q{});
	    $capacity =~ s{\A .*? \((\d+) \s bytes\) \z}{$1}xms;
	    if ($capacity eq 'Unavailable') {
		$capacity = -1;
	    if ($cert eq 'Yes' or $cert eq 'Not Applicable') {
		$cert = 1;
	    else {
		$cert = 0;

	next PDISK if blacklisted('pdisk', $nexus);

        $vendor  =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
        $product =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace

	# If the disk is bad, the vendor field may be empty
	if ($vendor eq q{}) { $vendor = 'Unknown Vendor'; }

	# Hot spare stuff
	if ($spare eq 'Global') { $spare = 'Global HS'; }
	elsif ($spare eq 'Dedicated') { $spare = 'Dedicated HS'; }
	elsif ($spare !~ m{\A Global|Dedicated}xms) { $spare = undef; }

	# Calculate human readable capacity
	if ($capacity == -1) {
	    # capacity is unknown
	    $capacity = 'Unknown Size';
	else {
	    $capacity = ceil($capacity / 1000**3) >= 1000
	      ? sprintf '%.1fTB', ($capacity / 1000**4)
		: sprintf '%.0fGB', ($capacity / 1000**3);
	    $capacity = '450GB' if $capacity eq '449GB';  # quick fix for 450GB disks
	    $capacity = '300GB' if $capacity eq '299GB';  # quick fix for 300GB disks
	    $capacity = '146GB' if $capacity eq '147GB';  # quick fix for 146GB disks
	    $capacity = '100GB' if $capacity eq '99GB';   # quick fix for 100GB disks

	# Capitalize only the first letter of the vendor name
	$vendor = (substr $vendor, 0, 1) . lc (substr $vendor, 1, length $vendor);

	# Remove unnecessary trademark rubbish from vendor name
	$vendor =~ s{\(tm\)\z}{}xms;

	# bus and media aren't always defined
	my $busmedia = q{};
	if    (defined $bus && defined $media)   { $busmedia = "$bus-$media "; }
	elsif (defined $bus && ! defined $media) { $busmedia = "$bus ";        }
	elsif (! defined $bus && defined $media) { $busmedia = "$media ";      }

	# Variables to collect statuses and states
	my @states = ($state);
	my $stack  = $status2nagios{$status};

	# Special case: Failure predicted
	if ($fpred) {
	    push @states, 'Failure Predicted';
	    ++$stack if $stack == 0;
	# Special case: Uncertified disk
	if (!$cert) {
	    # Functional non Dell disks get a Non-Critical status
	    if (($state eq 'Online' or $state eq 'Ready' or $state eq 'Non-RAID')
		and $status eq 'Non-Critical' and not $fpred
		and blacklisted('pdisk_cert', $nexus)) {
	    else {
		push @states, 'Not Certified';
	# Special case: Foreign disk
	if ($state eq 'Foreign' and blacklisted('pdisk_foreign', $nexus)) {

	# Set failed disk as critical (override OMSA)
        if ($state eq 'Failed') {
	    $stack = 2;

	# Create combined status and state
	my $combo_state = join ', ', @states;
	my $combo_status = undef;
	if    ($stack >= 2) { $combo_status = $E_CRITICAL; }
	elsif ($stack == 1) { $combo_status = $E_WARNING;  }
	elsif ($stack <= 0) { $combo_status = $E_OK;       }

	# Special case: Rebuilding / Replacing
	if ($state =~ m{\A Rebuilding|Replacing \z}xms) {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s [%s %s, %s] on ctrl %d is %s%s',
	      $name, $vendor, $product, $capacity, $ctrl, $state, $progr;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_WARNING, $nexus);
	# Default
	elsif ($combo_status != $E_OK) {
	    my $msg =  sprintf '%s [%s %s, %s] on ctrl %d is %s',
	      $name, $vendor, $product, $capacity, $ctrl, $combo_state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $combo_status, $nexus);
	# Ok
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s [%s%s] on ctrl %d is %s',
	      $name, $busmedia, $capacity, $ctrl, $combo_state;
	    if (defined $spare) { $msg .= " ($spare)"; }
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_OK, $nexus);

# STORAGE: Check logical drives
sub check_virtual_disks {
    return if $#controllers == -1;

    my $name   = undef;
    my $nexus  = undef;
    my $dev    = undef;
    my $state  = undef;
    my $status = undef;
    my $layout = undef;
    my $size   = undef;
    my $progr  = undef;
    my $ctrl   = undef;
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %vdisk_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'virtualDiskDeviceName',
	     ''  => 'virtualDiskState',
	     ''  => 'virtualDiskLengthInMB',
	     '' => 'virtualDiskLayout',
	     '' => 'virtualDiskComponentStatus',
	     '' => 'virtualDiskNexusID',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $virtualDiskTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $virtualDiskTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %vdisk_oid]);

	# No logical drives is OK
	return if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%vdisk_oid) };
    else {
	foreach my $c (@controllers) {
	    push @output, @{ run_omreport("storage vdisk controller=$c") };
	    map_item('ctrl', $c, \@output);

    my %vdisk_state
      = (
	 0  => 'Unknown',
	 1  => 'Ready',
	 2  => 'Failed',
	 3  => 'Online',
	 4  => 'Offline',
	 6  => 'Degraded',
	 15 => 'Resynching',
	 16 => 'Regenerating',
	 24 => 'Rebuilding',
	 26 => 'Formatting',
	 32 => 'Reconstructing',
	 35 => 'Initializing',
	 36 => 'Background Initialization',
	 38 => 'Resynching Paused',
	 52 => 'Permanently Degraded',
	 54 => 'Degraded Redundancy',

    my %vdisk_layout
      = (
	 1  => 'Concatenated',
	 2  => 'RAID-0',
	 3  => 'RAID-1',
	 4  => 'UNSUPPORTED:raid-2',
	 5  => 'UNSUPPORTED:raid-3',
	 6  => 'UNSUPPORTED:raid-4',
	 7  => 'RAID-5',
	 8  => 'RAID-6',
	 9  => 'UNSUPPORTED:raid-7',
	 10 => 'RAID-10',
	 11 => 'UNSUPPORTED:raid-30',
	 12 => 'RAID-50',
	 13 => 'UNSUPPORTED:addSpares',
	 14 => 'UNSUPPORTED:deleteLogical',
	 15 => 'UNSUPPORTED:transformLogical',
	 18 => 'UNSUPPORTED:raid-0-plus-1',
	 19 => 'Concatenated RAID-1',
	 20 => 'UNSUPPORTED:concatRaid-5',
	 21 => 'UNSUPPORTED:noRaid',
	 22 => 'UNSUPPORTED:volume',
	 23 => 'UNSUPPORTED:raidMorph',
	 24 => 'RAID-60',
         25 => 'CacheCade',

    # Check virtual disks on each of the controllers
    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $dev    = $out->{virtualDiskDeviceName} || 'Unknown device';
	    $state  = get_hashval($out->{virtualDiskState}, \%vdisk_state) || 'Unknown state';
	    $layout = get_hashval($out->{virtualDiskLayout}, \%vdisk_layout) || 'Unknown layout';
	    $status = get_snmp_status($out->{virtualDiskComponentStatus});
	    $size   = sprintf '%.2f GB', ($out->{virtualDiskLengthInMB} || 0) / 1024;
	    $progr  = q{};  # not available via SNMP
	    $nexus  = convert_nexus(($out->{virtualDiskNexusID} || 9999));
	else {
	    $dev    = get_nonempty_string('Device Name', $out, 'Unknown device');
	    $state  = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $layout = get_nonempty_string('Layout', $out, 'Unknown layout');
	    $size   = get_nonempty_string('Size', $out, 'Unavailable');
	    $size   =~ s{\A (.*GB).* \z}{$1}xms;
	    $progr  = ' [' . get_nonempty_string('Progress', $out, q{}) . ']';
	    $ctrl   = $out->{ctrl};
	    $nexus  = join q{:}, $ctrl, get_nonempty_string('ID', $out, '9999');

	next VDISK if blacklisted('vdisk', $nexus);

	# The device name is undefined sometimes
	$dev = q{} if !defined $dev;

	# Special case: Regenerating
	if ($state eq 'Regenerating') {
	    my $msg = sprintf q{Logical Drive '%s' [%s, %s] is %s%s},
	      $dev, $layout, $size, $state, $progr;
	    my $lvl = $opt{vdisk_critical} ? $E_CRITICAL : $E_WARNING;
	    report('storage', $msg, $lvl, $nexus);
	# Default
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf q{Logical Drive '%s' [%s, %s] is %s},
	      $dev, $layout, $size, $state;
	    my $lvl = $status2nagios{$status};
	    if ($opt{vdisk_critical} && $lvl != $E_OK) {
		$lvl = $E_CRITICAL;
	    report('storage', $msg, $lvl, $nexus);

# STORAGE: Check cache batteries
sub check_cache_battery {
    return if $#controllers == -1;

    my $id     = undef;
    my $nexus  = undef;
    my $state  = undef;
    my $status = undef;
    my $ctrl   = undef;
    my $learn  = undef; # learn state
    my $pred   = undef; # battery's ability to be charged
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %bat_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'batteryState',
	     ''  => 'batteryComponentStatus',
	     ''  => 'batteryNexusID',
	     '' => 'batteryPredictedCapacity',
	     '' => 'batteryLearnState',
	     ''  => 'batteryConnectionControllerNumber',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $batteryTable = '';
            my $batteryConnectionTable = '';

	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $batteryTable);
            my $ext = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $batteryConnectionTable);

	    if (defined $result) {
                defined $ext && map { $$result{$_} = $$ext{$_} } keys %{ $ext };
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %bat_oid]);

	# No cache battery is OK
	return if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%bat_oid) };
    else {
	foreach my $c (@controllers) {
	    push @output, @{ run_omreport("storage battery controller=$c") };
	    map_item('ctrl', $c, \@output);

    my %bat_state
      = (
	 0  => 'Unknown',
	 1  => 'Ready',
	 2  => 'Failed',
	 6  => 'Degraded',
	 7  => 'Reconditioning',
	 9  => 'High',
	 10 => 'Power Low',
	 12 => 'Charging',
	 21 => 'Missing',
	 36 => 'Learning',

    # Specifies the learn state activity of the battery
    my %bat_learn_state
      = (
	 1  => 'Failed',
	 2  => 'Active',
	 4  => 'Timed out',
	 8  => 'Requested',
	 16 => 'Idle',
	 32 => 'Due',

    # This property displays the battery's ability to be charged
    my %bat_pred_cap
      = (
	 1 => 'Failed',  # The battery cannot be charged and needs to be replaced
	 2 => 'Ready',   # The battery can be charged to full capacity
	 4 => 'Unknown', # The battery is completing a Learn cycle. The charge capacity of the
                         # battery cannot be determined until the Learn cycle is complete

    # Check battery on each of the controllers
    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $status = get_snmp_status($out->{batteryComponentStatus});
	    $state  = get_hashval($out->{batteryState}, \%bat_state) || 'Unknown state';
	    $learn  = get_hashval($out->{batteryLearnState}, \%bat_learn_state) || 'Unknown learn state';
	    $pred   = get_hashval($out->{batteryPredictedCapacity}, \%bat_pred_cap) || 'Unknown predicted capacity status';
	    $ctrl   = $snmp_controller{$out->{batteryConnectionControllerNumber}};
	    $nexus  = convert_nexus(($out->{batteryNexusID} || 9999));
	    $id     = $nexus;
	    $id     =~ s{\A \d+:(\d+) \z}{$1}xms;
	else {
	    $id     = get_nonempty_string('ID', $out, 9999);
	    $state  = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $learn  = get_nonempty_string('Learn State', $out, 'Unknown learn state');
	    $pred   = get_nonempty_string('Predicted Capacity Status', $out, 'Unknown predicted capacity status');
	    $ctrl   = $out->{'ctrl'};
	    $nexus  = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $id;

	next BATTERY if blacklisted('bat', $nexus);

	# Special case: Charging
	if ($state eq 'Charging') {
	    if ($pred eq 'Failed') {
		my $msg = sprintf 'Cache Battery %d in controller %d is %s (%s) [replace battery]',
		  $id, $ctrl, $state, $pred;
		report('storage', $msg, $E_CRITICAL, $nexus);
	    else {
		next BATTERY if blacklisted('bat_charge', $nexus);
		my $msg = sprintf 'Cache Battery %d in controller %d is %s (%s) [probably harmless]',
		  $id, $ctrl, $state, $pred;
		report('storage', $msg, $E_WARNING, $nexus);
	# Special case: Learning (battery learns its capacity)
	elsif ($state eq 'Learning') {
	    if ($learn eq 'Failed') {
		my $msg = sprintf 'Cache Battery %d in controller %d is %s (%s)',
		  $id, $ctrl, $state, $learn;
		report('storage', $msg, $E_CRITICAL, $nexus);
	    else {
		next BATTERY if blacklisted('bat_charge', $nexus);
		my $msg = sprintf 'Cache Battery %d in controller %d is %s (%s) [probably harmless]',
		  $id, $ctrl, $state, $learn;
		report('storage', $msg, $E_WARNING, $nexus);
	# Special case: Power Low (first part of recharge cycle)
	elsif ($state eq 'Power Low') {
	    next BATTERY if blacklisted('bat_charge', $nexus);
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Cache Battery %d in controller %d is %s [probably harmless]',
	      $id, $ctrl, $state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_WARNING, $nexus);
	# Special case: Degraded and Non-Critical (usually part of recharge cycle)
	elsif ($state eq 'Degraded' && $status eq 'Non-Critical') {
	    next BATTERY if blacklisted('bat_charge', $nexus);
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Cache Battery %d in controller %d is %s (%s) [probably harmless]',
	      $id, $ctrl, $state, $status;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_WARNING, $nexus);
	# Special case: Ready and Non-Critical and "Unknown" predicted status
	elsif ($state eq 'Ready' && $status eq 'Non-Critical' && $pred eq 'Unknown') {
	    next BATTERY if blacklisted('bat_charge', $nexus);
		my $msg = sprintf 'Cache Battery %d in controller %d predicted capacity is %s [probably harmless]',
		  $id, $ctrl, $pred;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_WARNING, $nexus);
	# Default
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Cache Battery %d in controller %d is %s',
	      $id, $ctrl, $state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $nexus);

# STORAGE: Check connectors (channels)
sub check_connectors {
    return if $#controllers == -1;

    my $nexus  = undef;
    my $name   = undef;
    my $state  = undef;
    my $status = undef;
    my $type   = undef;
    my $ctrl   = undef;
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
        my %conn_oid
          = (
             ''  => 'channelName',
             ''  => 'channelState',
             ''  => 'channelComponentStatus',
	     ''  => 'channelNexusID',
             '' => 'channelBusType',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $channelTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $channelTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %conn_oid]);

        if (!defined $result) {
            printf "SNMP ERROR [storage / channel]: %s.\n", $snmp_session->error;
            exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%conn_oid) };
    else {
        foreach my $c (@controllers) {
            push @output, @{ run_omreport("storage connector controller=$c") };
	    map_item('ctrl', $c, \@output);

    my %conn_state
      = (
         0 => 'Unknown',
         1 => 'Ready',
         2 => 'Failed',
         3 => 'Online',
         4 => 'Offline',
         6 => 'Degraded',

    my %conn_bustype
      = (
         1 => 'SCSI',
         2 => 'IDE',
         3 => 'Fibre Channel',
         4 => 'SSA',
         6 => 'USB',
         7 => 'SATA',
         8 => 'SAS',

    # Check connectors on each of the controllers
    foreach my $out (@output) {
        if ($snmp) {
            $name   = $out->{channelName} || 'Unknown channel';
            $status = get_snmp_status($out->{channelComponentStatus});
            $state  = get_hashval($out->{channelState}, \%conn_state) || 'Unknown state';
            $type   = get_hashval($out->{channelBusType}, \%conn_bustype) || 'Unknown type';
	    $nexus  = convert_nexus(($out->{channelNexusID} || 9999));
	    $ctrl   = $nexus;
	    $ctrl   =~ s{(\d+):\d+}{$1}xms;
        else {
            $name   = get_nonempty_string('Name', $out, 'Unknown channel');
            $state  = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
            $type   = get_nonempty_string('Connector Type', $out, 'Unknown type');
	    $ctrl   = $out->{ctrl};
	    $nexus  = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'ID'};

        next CHANNEL if blacklisted('conn', $nexus);

	my $msg = sprintf '%s [%s] on controller %d is %s',
	  $name, $type, $ctrl, $state;
        report('storage', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $nexus);

# STORAGE: Check enclosures
sub check_enclosures {
    my $id       = undef;
    my $nexus    = undef;
    my $name     = undef;
    my $state    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $firmware = undef;
    my $ctrl     = undef;
    my $occupied_slots = undef; # number of occupied slots
    my $total_slots    = undef; # number of total slots
    my @output   = ();

    if ($snmp) {
        my %encl_oid
          = (
             ''  => 'enclosureNumber',
             ''  => 'enclosureName',
             ''  => 'enclosureState',
	     '' => 'enclosureChannelNumber',
             '' => 'enclosureComponentStatus',
	     '' => 'enclosureNexusID',
	     '' => 'enclosureFirmwareVersion',
	     '' => 'enclosureOccupiedSlotCount', # new in OMSA 6.3.0
	     '' => 'enclosureTotalSlots', # new in OMSA 6.3.0
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $enclosureTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $enclosureTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %encl_oid]);

        # No enclosures is OK
        return if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%encl_oid) };
    else {
	foreach my $c (@controllers) {
	    push @output, @{ run_omreport("storage enclosure controller=$c") };
	    map_item('ctrl', $c, \@output);

    my %encl_state
      = (
         0 => 'Unknown',
         1 => 'Ready',
         2 => 'Failed',
         3 => 'Online',
         4 => 'Offline',
         6 => 'Degraded',

    foreach my $out (@output) {
        if ($snmp) {
            $id       = ($out->{enclosureNumber} || 10000) - 1;
            $name     = $out->{enclosureName} || 'Unknown enclosure';
            $state    = get_hashval($out->{enclosureState}, \%encl_state) || 'Unknown state';
            $status   = get_snmp_status($out->{enclosureComponentStatus});
	    $firmware = $out->{enclosureFirmwareVersion} || 'N/A';
	    $nexus    = convert_nexus(($out->{enclosureNexusID} || 9999));
	    $ctrl     = $nexus;
	    $ctrl     =~ s{\A (\d+):.* \z}{$1}xms;
	    # for the next two, a value of 9999 means feature not available
	    $occupied_slots = defined $out->{enclosureOccupiedSlotCount}
	      && $out->{enclosureOccupiedSlotCount} != 9999
		? $out->{enclosureOccupiedSlotCount} : undef;
	    $total_slots    = defined $out->{enclosureTotalSlots}
	      && $out->{enclosureTotalSlots} != 9999
		? $out->{enclosureTotalSlots} : undef;
        else {
            $id       = get_nonempty_string('ID', $out, 9999);
            $name     = get_nonempty_string('Name', $out, 'Unknown enclosure');
            $state    = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $firmware = get_nonempty_string('Firmware Version', $out, 'N/A');
	    $firmware =~ s{Not\sApplicable}{N/A}xms;
	    $nexus    = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $id;
	    $ctrl     = $out->{ctrl};

        $name     =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
        $firmware =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace

	# store enclosure data for future use
	if ($snmp) {
	    $snmp_enclosure{$out->{enclosureNumber}}{id}    = $id;
	    $snmp_enclosure{$out->{enclosureNumber}}{name}  = $name;
	    $snmp_enclosure{$out->{enclosureNumber}}{nexus} = $nexus;
	else {
	    push @enclosures, { 'id'    => $id,
				'ctrl'  => $out->{ctrl},
				'name'  => $name };

	# Collecting some storage info
	$sysinfo{'enclosure'}{$nexus}{'id'}       = $nexus;
	$sysinfo{'enclosure'}{$nexus}{'name'}     = $name;
	$sysinfo{'enclosure'}{$nexus}{'firmware'} = $firmware;

        next ENCLOSURE if blacklisted('encl', $nexus);

	my $msg = q{};
	if (defined $occupied_slots && defined $total_slots) {
	    $msg = sprintf 'Enclosure %s [%s, %d/%d slots occupied] on ctrl %d is %s',
	      $nexus, $name, $occupied_slots, $total_slots, $ctrl, $state;
	else {
	    $msg = sprintf 'Enclosure %s [%s] on controller %d is %s',
	      $nexus, $name, $ctrl, $state;
        report('storage', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $nexus);

# STORAGE: Check enclosure fans
sub check_enclosure_fans {
    return if $#controllers == -1;

    my $nexus     = undef;
    my $name      = undef;
    my $state     = undef;
    my $status    = undef;
    my $speed     = undef;
    my $encl_id   = undef;
    my $encl_name = undef;
    my @output    = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %fan_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'fanName',
	     ''  => 'fanState',
	     '' => 'fanProbeCurrValue',
	     '' => 'fanComponentStatus',
	     '' => 'fanNexusID',
	     ''  => 'fanConnectionEnclosureName',
	     ''  => 'fanConnectionEnclosureNumber',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $fanTable = '';
            my $fanConnectionTable = '';

	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $fanTable);
            my $ext = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $fanConnectionTable);

	    if (defined $result) {
                defined $ext && map { $$result{$_} = $$ext{$_} } keys %{ $ext };
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %fan_oid]);

	# No enclosure fans is OK
	return if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%fan_oid) };
    else {
	foreach my $enc (@enclosures) {
	    push @output, @{ run_omreport("storage enclosure controller=$enc->{ctrl} enclosure=$enc->{id} info=fans") };
	    map_item('ctrl', $enc->{ctrl}, \@output);
	    map_item('encl_id', $enc->{id}, \@output);
	    map_item('encl_name', $enc->{name}, \@output);

    my %fan_state
      = (
	 0  => 'Unknown',
	 1  => 'Ready',
	 2  => 'Failed',
	 3  => 'Online',
	 4  => 'Offline',
	 6  => 'Degraded',
	 21 => 'Missing',

    # Check fans on each of the enclosures
    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $name      = $out->{fanName} || 'Unknown fan';
	    $state     = get_hashval($out->{fanState}, \%fan_state) || 'Unknown state';
	    $status    = get_snmp_status($out->{fanComponentStatus});
	    $speed     = $out->{fanProbeCurrValue} || 'N/A';
	    $encl_name = $out->{fanConnectionEnclosureName} || 'Unknown enclosure';
	    $encl_id   = $snmp_enclosure{$out->{fanConnectionEnclosureNumber}}{nexus};
	    $nexus     = convert_nexus(($out->{fanNexusID} || 9999));
	else {
	    $name      = get_nonempty_string('Name', $out, 'Unknown fan');
	    $state     = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status    = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $speed     = get_nonempty_string('Speed', $out, 'N/A');
	    $encl_id   = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'encl_id'};
	    $encl_name = $out->{encl_name};
	    $nexus     = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'encl_id'}, get_nonempty_string('ID', $out, '9999');

	next FAN if blacklisted('encl_fan', $nexus);

	# Default
	if ($status ne 'Ok') {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is %s',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $nexus);
	# Ok
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is %s (speed=%s)',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $state, $speed;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_OK, $nexus);

# STORAGE: Check enclosure power supplies
sub check_enclosure_pwr {
    return if $#controllers == -1;

    my $nexus     = undef;
    my $name      = undef;
    my $state     = undef;
    my $status    = undef;
    my $encl_id   = undef;
    my $encl_name = undef;
    my @output    = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %ps_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'powerSupplyName',
	     ''  => 'powerSupplyState',
	     ''  => 'powerSupplyComponentStatus',
	     '' => 'powerSupplyNexusID',
	     '' => 'powerSupplyConnectionEnclosureName',
	     '' => 'powerSupplyConnectionEnclosureNumber',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $powerSupplyTable = '';
            my $powerSupplyConnectionTable = '';

	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $powerSupplyTable);
            my $ext = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $powerSupplyConnectionTable);

	    if (defined $result) {
                defined $ext && map { $$result{$_} = $$ext{$_} } keys %{ $ext };
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %ps_oid]);

	# No enclosure power supplies is OK
	return if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%ps_oid) };
    else {
	foreach my $enc (@enclosures) {
	    push @output, @{ run_omreport("storage enclosure controller=$enc->{ctrl} enclosure=$enc->{id} info=pwrsupplies") };
	    map_item('ctrl', $enc->{ctrl}, \@output);
	    map_item('encl_id', $enc->{id}, \@output);
	    map_item('encl_name', $enc->{name}, \@output);

    my %ps_state
      = (
	 0  => 'Unknown',
	 1  => 'Ready',
	 2  => 'Failed',
	 5  => 'Not Installed',
	 6  => 'Degraded',
	 11 => 'Removed',
	 21 => 'Missing',

    # Check power supplies on each of the enclosures
    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $name      = $out->{powerSupplyName} || 'Unknown PSU';
	    $state     = get_hashval($out->{powerSupplyState}, \%ps_state) || 'Unknown state';
	    $status    = get_snmp_status($out->{powerSupplyComponentStatus});
	    $encl_id   = $snmp_enclosure{$out->{powerSupplyConnectionEnclosureNumber}}{nexus};
	    $encl_name = $out->{powerSupplyConnectionEnclosureName} || 'Unknown enclosure';
	    $nexus     = convert_nexus(($out->{powerSupplyNexusID} || 9999));
	else {
	    $name      = get_nonempty_string('Name', $out, 'Unknown PSU');
	    $state     = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status    = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $encl_id   = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'encl_id'};
	    $encl_name = $out->{encl_name};
	    $nexus     = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'encl_id'}, get_nonempty_string('ID', $out, '9999');

	next PS if blacklisted('encl_ps', $nexus);

	# Default
	my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is %s',
	  $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $state;
	report('storage', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $nexus);

# STORAGE: Check enclosure temperatures
sub check_enclosure_temp {
    return if $#controllers == -1;

    my $nexus     = undef;
    my $name      = undef;
    my $state     = undef;
    my $status    = undef;
    my $reading   = undef;
    my $unit      = undef;
    my $max_warn  = undef;
    my $max_crit  = undef;
    my $min_warn  = undef;
    my $min_crit  = undef;
    my $encl_id   = undef;
    my $encl_name = undef;
    my @output    = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %temp_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeName',
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeState',
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeUnit',
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeMinWarning',
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeMinCritical',
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeMaxWarning',
	     '' => 'temperatureProbeMaxCritical',
	     '' => 'temperatureProbeCurValue',
	     '' => 'temperatureProbeComponentStatus',
	     '' => 'temperatureProbeNexusID',
	     ''  => 'temperatureConnectionEnclosureName',
	     ''  => 'temperatureConnectionEnclosureNumber',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $temperatureProbeTable = '';
            my $temperatureConnectionTable = '';

	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $temperatureProbeTable);
            my $ext = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $temperatureConnectionTable);

	    if (defined $result) {
                defined $ext && map { $$result{$_} = $$ext{$_} } keys %{ $ext };
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %temp_oid]);

	# No enclosure temperature probes is OK
	return if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%temp_oid) };
    else {
	foreach my $enc (@enclosures) {
	    push @output, @{ run_omreport("storage enclosure controller=$enc->{ctrl} enclosure=$enc->{id} info=temps") };
	    map_item('ctrl', $enc->{ctrl}, \@output);
	    map_item('encl_id', $enc->{id}, \@output);
	    map_item('encl_name', $enc->{name}, \@output);

    my %temp_state
      = (
	 0  => 'Unknown',
	 1  => 'Ready',
	 2  => 'Failed',
	 4  => 'Offline',
	 6  => 'Degraded',
	 9  => 'Inactive',
	 21 => 'Missing',

    # Check temperature probes on each of the enclosures
    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $name      = $out->{temperatureProbeName} || 'Unknown temp probe';
	    $state     = get_hashval($out->{temperatureProbeState}, \%temp_state) || 'Unknown state';
	    $status    = get_snmp_probestatus($out->{temperatureProbeComponentStatus});
	    $unit      = $out->{temperatureProbeUnit} || 'Unknown unit';
	    $reading   = $out->{temperatureProbeCurValue} || '[N/A]';
	    $max_warn  = $out->{temperatureProbeMaxWarning} || '[N/A]';
	    $max_crit  = $out->{temperatureProbeMaxCritical} || '[N/A]';
	    $min_warn  = $out->{temperatureProbeMinWarning} || '[N/A]';
	    $min_crit  = $out->{temperatureProbeMinCritical} || '[N/A]';
	    $encl_id   = $snmp_enclosure{$out->{temperatureConnectionEnclosureNumber}}{nexus};
	    $encl_name = $out->{temperatureConnectionEnclosureName} || 'Unknown enclosure';
	    $nexus     = convert_nexus(($out->{temperatureProbeNexusID} || 9999));
	else {
	    $name      = get_nonempty_string('Name', $out, 'Unknown temp probe');
	    $state     = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status    = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $unit      = 'FIXME';
	    $reading   = get_nonempty_string('Reading', $out, '[N/A]');
	    $max_warn  = get_nonempty_string('Maximum Warning Threshold', $out, '[N/A]');
	    $max_crit  = get_nonempty_string('Maximum Failure Threshold', $out, '[N/A]');
	    $min_warn  = get_nonempty_string('Minimum Warning Threshold', $out, '[N/A]');
	    $min_crit  = get_nonempty_string('Minimum Failure Threshold', $out, '[N/A]');
	    $encl_id   = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'encl_id'};
	    $encl_name = $out->{encl_name};
	    $nexus     = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'encl_id'}, get_nonempty_string('ID', $out, '9999');

	next TEMP if blacklisted('encl_temp', $nexus);

	# Make sure these values are integers
	$reading  =~ s{\A \s* (-?\d+) \s* C? \s* \z}{$1}xms or $reading  = '[N/A]';
	$max_warn =~ s{\A \s* (-?\d+) \s* C? \s* \z}{$1}xms or $max_warn = '[N/A]';
	$max_crit =~ s{\A \s* (-?\d+) \s* C? \s* \z}{$1}xms or $max_crit = '[N/A]';
	$min_warn =~ s{\A \s* (-?\d+) \s* C? \s* \z}{$1}xms or $min_warn = '[N/A]';
	$min_crit =~ s{\A \s* (-?\d+) \s* C? \s* \z}{$1}xms or $min_crit = '[N/A]';

	# Convert temp units
	if ($opt{tempunit} ne 'C') {
	    $reading  = temp_from_celsius($reading,  $opt{tempunit}) if $reading  ne '[N/A]';
	    $max_warn = temp_from_celsius($max_warn, $opt{tempunit}) if $max_warn ne '[N/A]';
	    $max_crit = temp_from_celsius($max_crit, $opt{tempunit}) if $max_crit ne '[N/A]';
	    $min_warn = temp_from_celsius($min_warn, $opt{tempunit}) if $min_warn ne '[N/A]';
	    $min_crit = temp_from_celsius($min_crit, $opt{tempunit}) if $min_crit ne '[N/A]';

	# Inactive temp probes
	if ($status eq 'Unknown' and $state eq 'Inactive') {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is %s',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_OK, $nexus);
	elsif ($status ne 'Ok' and $reading ne '[N/A]' and $max_crit ne '[N/A]' and $reading > $max_crit) {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is critically high at %s %s',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $reading, $opt{tempunit};
	    my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	    report('chassis', $msg, $err, $nexus);
	elsif ($status ne 'Ok' and $reading ne '[N/A]' and $max_warn ne '[N/A]' and $reading > $max_warn) {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is too high at %s %s',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $reading, $opt{tempunit};
	    my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	    report('chassis', $msg, $err, $nexus);
	elsif ($status ne 'Ok' and $reading ne '[N/A]' and $min_crit ne '[N/A]' and $reading < $min_crit) {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is critically low at %s %s',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $reading, $opt{tempunit};
	    my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	    report('chassis', $msg, $err, $nexus);
	elsif ($status ne 'Ok' and $reading ne '[N/A]' and $min_warn ne '[N/A]' and $reading < $min_warn) {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is too low at %s %s',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $reading, $opt{tempunit};
	    my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	    report('chassis', $msg, $err, $nexus);
	# Default
	elsif ($status ne 'Ok') {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is %s',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $state;
	    if (defined $reading && $reading =~ m{\A -?\d+ \z}xms) {
		# take into account that with certain states the
		# reading doesn't exist or is not an integer
		$msg .= sprintf ' at %s %s', $reading, $opt{tempunit};
		if ($min_warn eq '[N/A]' or $min_crit eq '[N/A]') {
		    $msg .= sprintf ' (max=%s/%s)', $max_warn, $max_crit;
		else {
		    $msg .= sprintf ' (min=%s/%s, max=%s/%s)',
		      $min_warn, $min_crit, $max_warn, $max_crit;
	    my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	    report('storage', $msg, $err, $nexus);
	# Ok
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s]',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name;
	    if (defined $reading && $reading ne '[N/A]') {
		# take into account that with certain states the
		# reading doesn't exist or is not an integer
		$msg .= sprintf ' reads %s %s', $reading, $opt{tempunit};
		if ($min_warn eq '[N/A]' or $min_crit eq '[N/A]') {
		    $msg .= sprintf ' (max=%s/%s)', $max_warn, $max_crit;
		else {
		    $msg .= sprintf ' (min=%s/%s, max=%s/%s)',
		      $min_warn, $min_crit, $max_warn, $max_crit;
	    else {
		$msg .= sprintf ' is %s', $state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_OK, $nexus);

	# Collect performance data
	if (defined $opt{perfdata} && $reading ne '[N/A]') {
	    my $index = $name;
	    $index =~ s{\A Temperature\sProbe\s(\d+) \z}{$1}gxms;
	    my $legacy_name = $name;
	    $legacy_name =~ s{\A Temperature\sProbe\s(\d+) \z}{temp_$1}gxms;
	    my $legacy_label = lc "enclosure_${encl_id}_${legacy_name}";
	    my $legacy_mini = $legacy_label;
            $legacy_mini =~ s{enclosure_(.+?)_temp_(.+?)}{e$1t$2}xms;
	    push @perfdata, {
			     type   => 'E',
			     id     => $opt{perfdata} eq 'minimal' ? "${encl_id}_t${index}" : "${encl_id}_temp_${index}",
			     unit   => $opt{tempunit},
			     label  => q{},
			     legacy => $legacy_label,
			     mini   => $legacy_mini,
			     value  => $reading,
			     warn   => $max_warn,
			     crit   => $max_crit,

# STORAGE: Check enclosure management modules (EMM)
sub check_enclosure_emms {
    return if $#controllers == -1;

    my $nexus     = undef;
    my $name      = undef;
    my $state     = undef;
    my $status    = undef;
    my $encl_id   = undef;
    my $encl_name = undef;
    my @output    = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %emms_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'enclosureManagementModuleName',
	     ''  => 'enclosureManagementModuleState',
	     '' => 'enclosureManagementModuleComponentStatus',
	     '' => 'enclosureManagementModuleNexusID',
	     ''  => 'enclosureManagementModuleConnectionEnclosureName',
	     ''  => 'enclosureManagementModuleConnectionEnclosureNumber',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $enclosureManagementModuleTable = '';
            my $enclosureManagementModuleConnectionTable = '';

	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $enclosureManagementModuleTable);
            my $ext = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $enclosureManagementModuleConnectionTable);

	    if (defined $result) {
                defined $ext && map { $$result{$_} = $$ext{$_} } keys %{ $ext };
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %emms_oid]);

	# No enclosure EMMs is OK
	return if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%emms_oid) };
    else {
	foreach my $enc (@enclosures) {
	    push @output, @{ run_omreport("storage enclosure controller=$enc->{ctrl} enclosure=$enc->{id} info=emms") };
	    map_item('ctrl', $enc->{ctrl}, \@output);
	    map_item('encl_id', $enc->{id}, \@output);
	    map_item('encl_name', $enc->{name}, \@output);

    my %emms_state
      = (
	 0  => 'Unknown',
	 1  => 'Ready',
	 2  => 'Failed',
	 3  => 'Online',
	 4  => 'Offline',
	 5  => 'Not Installed',
	 6  => 'Degraded',
	 21 => 'Missing',

    # Check EMMs on each of the enclosures
    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $name      = $out->{enclosureManagementModuleName} || 'Unknown EMM';
	    $state     = get_hashval($out->{enclosureManagementModuleState}, \%emms_state) || 'Unknown state';
	    $status    = get_snmp_status($out->{enclosureManagementModuleComponentStatus});
	    $encl_id   = $snmp_enclosure{$out->{enclosureManagementModuleConnectionEnclosureNumber}}{nexus};
	    $encl_name = $out->{enclosureManagementModuleConnectionEnclosureName} || 'Unknown enclosure';
	    $nexus     = convert_nexus(($out->{enclosureManagementModuleNexusID} || 9999));
	else {
	    $name      = get_nonempty_string('Name', $out, 'Unknown EMM');
	    $state     = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $status    = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $encl_id   = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'encl_id'};
	    $encl_name = $out->{encl_name};
	    $nexus     = join q{:}, $out->{ctrl}, $out->{'encl_id'}, get_nonempty_string('ID', $out, '9999');

	next EMM if blacklisted('encl_emm', $nexus);

	# Not installed
	if ($status =~ m{\A Other|Unknown \z}xms and $state eq 'Not Installed') {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is %s',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $E_OK, $nexus);
	# Default
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf '%s in enclosure %s [%s] is %s',
	      $name, $encl_id, $encl_name, $state;
	    report('storage', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $nexus);

# CHASSIS: Check memory modules
sub check_memory {
    my $index    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $location = undef;
    my $size     = undef;
    my $modes    = undef;
    my @failures = ();
    my @output   = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %dimm_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'memoryDeviceIndex',
	     ''  => 'memoryDeviceStatus',
	     ''  => 'memoryDeviceLocationName',
	     '' => 'memoryDeviceSize',
	     '' => 'memoryDeviceFailureModes',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $memoryDeviceTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $memoryDeviceTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %dimm_oid]);

	if (!defined $result) {
	    printf "SNMP ERROR [memory]: %s.\n", $snmp_session->error;
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%dimm_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis memory") };

    # Note: These values are bit masks, so combination values are
    # possible. If value is 0 (zero), memory device has no faults.
    my %failure_mode
      = (
	 1  => 'ECC single bit correction warning rate exceeded',
	 2  => 'ECC single bit correction failure rate exceeded',
	 4  => 'ECC multibit fault encountered',
	 8  => 'ECC single bit correction logging disabled',
	 16 => 'device disabled because of spare activation',

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	@failures = ();  # Initialize
	if ($snmp) {
	    $index    = ($out->{memoryDeviceIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status   = get_snmp_status($out->{memoryDeviceStatus});
	    $location = $out->{memoryDeviceLocationName} || 'Unknown location';
	    $size     = sprintf '%d MB', ($out->{memoryDeviceSize} || 0)/1024;
	    $modes    = $out->{memoryDeviceFailureModes} || -9999;
	    if ($modes > 0) {
		foreach my $mask (sort keys %failure_mode) {
		    if (($modes & $mask) != 0) { push @failures, $failure_mode{$mask}; }
	    elsif ($modes == -9999) {
		push @failures, q{ERROR: Failure modes not available via SNMP};
	else {
	    my $type  = get_nonempty_string('Type', $out, q{});
	    $index    = $type eq '[Not Occupied]' ? undef : get_nonempty_string('Index', $out, 9999);
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $location = get_nonempty_string('Connector Name', $out, 'Unknown location');
	    $size     = get_nonempty_string('Size', $out, 0);
	    if (defined $size) {
		$size =~ s{\s\s}{ }gxms;
	    # Run 'omreport chassis memory index=X' to get the failures
	    if ($status ne 'Ok' && defined $index) {
		foreach (@{ run_command("$omreport $omopt_chassis memory index=$index -fmt ssv") }) {
		    if (m/\A Failures; (.+?) \z/xms) {
			chop(my $fail = $1);
			push @failures, split m{\.}xms, $fail;
	$location =~ s{\A \s*(.*?)\s* \z}{$1}xms;

	# calculate total memory
	my $msize = defined $size ? $size : 0;
	$msize =~ s{\A (\d+) \s MB}{$1}xms;
	$count{mem} += $msize;

	# Ignore empty memory slots
	next DIMM if !defined $index;

	next DIMM if blacklisted('dimm', $index);

	if ($status ne 'Ok') {
	    my $msg = undef;
	    if (scalar @failures == 0) {
		$msg = sprintf 'Memory module %d [%s, %s] needs attention (%s)',
		  $index, $location, $size, $status;
	    else {
		$msg = sprintf 'Memory module %d [%s, %s]: %s',
		  $index, $location, $size, (join q{, }, @failures);

	    report('chassis', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $index);
	# Ok
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Memory module %d [%s, %s] is %s',
	      $index, $location, $size, $status;
	    report('chassis', $msg, $E_OK, $index);

# CHASSIS: Check fans
sub check_fans {
    my $index    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $reading  = undef;
    my $location = undef;
    my $max_crit = undef;
    my $max_warn = undef;
    my @output   = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %cool_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'coolingDeviceIndex',
	     ''  => 'coolingDeviceStatus',
	     ''  => 'coolingDeviceReading',
	     ''  => 'coolingDeviceLocationName',
	     '' => 'coolingDeviceUpperCriticalThreshold',
	     '' => 'coolingDeviceUpperNonCriticalThreshold',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $coolingDeviceTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $coolingDeviceTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %cool_oid]);

	if ($blade && !defined $result) {
	    return 0;
	elsif (!$blade && !defined $result) {
	    printf "SNMP ERROR [cooling]: %s.\n", $snmp_session->error;
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%cool_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis fans") };

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $index    = ($out->{coolingDeviceIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status   = get_snmp_probestatus($out->{coolingDeviceStatus});
	    $reading  = $out->{coolingDeviceReading} || 0;
	    $location = $out->{coolingDeviceLocationName} || 'Unknown location';
	    $max_crit = $out->{coolingDeviceUpperCriticalThreshold} || 0;
	    $max_warn = $out->{coolingDeviceUpperNonCriticalThreshold} || 0;
	else {
	    $index    = get_nonempty_string('Index', $out, 9999);
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $reading  = get_nonempty_string('Reading', $out, 0);
	    $location = get_nonempty_string('Probe Name', $out, 'Unknown location');
	    $max_crit = get_nonempty_string('Maximum Failure Threshold', $out, 0);
	    $max_warn = get_nonempty_string('Maximum Warning Threshold', $out, 0);
	    if ($max_crit eq '[N/A]') { $max_crit = 0; }
	    if ($max_warn eq '[N/A]') { $max_warn = 0; }
	    $reading  =~ s{\A (\d+).* \z}{$1}xms;
	    $max_warn =~ s{\A (\d+).* \z}{$1}xms;
	    $max_crit =~ s{\A (\d+).* \z}{$1}xms;

	next FAN if blacklisted('fan', $index);

	# Default
	my $msg = sprintf 'Chassis fan %d [%s] reading: %s RPM',
	  $index, $location, $reading;
	my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);

	# Collect performance data
	if (defined $opt{perfdata}) {
	    my $pname = $location;
	    $pname =~ s{\s}{_}gxms;
	    $pname =~ s{proc_}{cpu#}xms;
	    my $legacy_pname = $pname;
	    $pname =~ s{_rpm\z}{}ixms;
	    push @perfdata, {
			     type   => 'F',
			     id     => $index,
			     unit   => 'rpm',
			     label  => $pname,
			     legacy => lc "fan_${index}_${legacy_pname}",
                             mini   => "f$index",
			     value  => $reading,
			     warn   => $max_warn,
			     crit   => $max_crit,

# CHASSIS: Check power supplies
sub check_powersupplies {
    my $index    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $type     = undef;
    my $err_type = undef;
    my $state    = undef;
    my @states   = ();
    my @output   = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %ps_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'powerSupplyIndex',
	     ''  => 'powerSupplyStatus',
	     ''  => 'powerSupplyType',
	     '' => 'powerSupplySensorState',
	     '' => 'powerSupplyConfigurationErrorType',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $powerDeviceTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $powerDeviceTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %ps_oid]);

	# No instrumented PSU is OK (blades, low-end servers)
	return 0 if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%ps_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis pwrsupplies") };

    my %ps_type
      = (
	 1  => 'Other',
	 2  => 'Unknown',
	 3  => 'Linear',
	 4  => 'Switching',
	 5  => 'Battery',
	 6  => 'Uninterruptible Power Supply',
	 7  => 'Converter',
	 8  => 'Regulator',
	 9  => 'AC',
	 10 => 'DC',
	 11 => 'VRM',

    my %ps_state
      = (
	 1  => 'Presence detected',
	 2  => 'Failure detected',
	 4  => 'Predictive Failure',
	 8  => 'AC lost',
	 16 => 'AC lost or out-of-range',
	 32 => 'AC out-of-range but present',
	 64 => 'Configuration error',

    my %ps_config_error_type
      = (
	 1 => 'Vendor mismatch',
	 2 => 'Revision mismatch',
	 3 => 'Processor missing',

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    @states = ();  # contains states for the PS

	    $index    = ($out->{powerSupplyIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status   = get_snmp_status($out->{powerSupplyStatus});
	    $type     = get_hashval($out->{powerSupplyType}, \%ps_type) || 'Unknown type';
	    $err_type = get_hashval($out->{powerSupplyConfigurationErrorType}, \%ps_config_error_type);

	    # get the combined state from the StatusReading OID
	    my $raw_state = $out->{powerSupplySensorState} || 0;
	    foreach my $mask (sort keys %ps_state) {
		if (($raw_state & $mask) != 0) {
		    push @states, $ps_state{$mask};

	    # If configuration error, also include the error type
	    if (defined $err_type) {
		push @states, $err_type;

	    # Finally, construct the state string
	    $state = join q{, }, @states;
	else {
	    $index  = get_nonempty_string('Index', $out, 9999);
	    $status = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $type   = get_nonempty_string('Type', $out, 'Unknown type');
	    $state  = get_nonempty_string('Online Status', $out, 'Unknown state');

	next PS if blacklisted('ps', $index);

	my $msg = sprintf 'Power Supply %d [%s]: %s',
	  $index, $type, $state;
	report('chassis', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $index);

# CHASSIS: Check temperatures
sub check_temperatures {
    my $index    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $reading  = undef;
    my $location = undef;
    my $max_crit = undef;
    my $max_warn = undef;
    my $min_warn = undef;
    my $min_crit = undef;
    my $type     = undef;
    my $discrete = undef;
    my @output = ();

    # Getting custom temperature thresholds (user option)
    my %warn_threshold = %{ custom_temperature_thresholds('w') };
    my %crit_threshold = %{ custom_temperature_thresholds('c') };

    if ($snmp) {
	my %temp_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeIndex',
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeStatus',
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeReading',
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeType',
	     ''  => 'temperatureProbeLocationName',
	     '' => 'temperatureProbeUpperCriticalThreshold',
	     '' => 'temperatureProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold',
	     '' => 'temperatureProbeLowerNonCriticalThreshold',
	     '' => 'temperatureProbeLowerCriticalThreshold',
	     '' => 'temperatureProbeDiscreteReading',
	# this didn't work well for some reason
	#my $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %temp_oid]);

	# Getting values using the table
	my $temperatureProbeTable = '';
	my $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $temperatureProbeTable);

	if (!defined $result) {
	    printf "SNMP ERROR [temperatures]: %s.\n", $snmp_session->error;
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%temp_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis temps") };

    my %probe_type
      = (
	 1  => 'Other',      # type is other than following values
	 2  => 'Unknown',    # type is unknown
	 3  => 'AmbientESM', # type is Ambient Embedded Systems Management temperature probe
	 16 => 'Discrete',   # type is temperature probe with discrete reading

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $index    = ($out->{temperatureProbeIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status   = get_snmp_probestatus($out->{temperatureProbeStatus});
	    $location = $out->{temperatureProbeLocationName} || 'Unknown location';
	    $type     = get_hashval($out->{temperatureProbeType}, \%probe_type);
	    $reading  = $out->{temperatureProbeReading} || '[N/A]';
	    $max_crit = $out->{temperatureProbeUpperCriticalThreshold} || '[N/A]';
	    $max_warn = $out->{temperatureProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold} || '[N/A]';
	    $min_crit = $out->{temperatureProbeLowerCriticalThreshold} || '[N/A]';
	    $min_warn = $out->{temperatureProbeLowerNonCriticalThreshold} || '[N/A]';
	    $discrete = $out->{temperatureProbeDiscreteReading} || '[N/A]';

	    # If numeric values, i.e. not discrete
	    $reading  /= 10 if $reading  =~ m{\A -?\d+ \z}xms;
	    $max_crit /= 10 if $max_crit =~ m{\A -?\d+ \z}xms;
	    $max_warn /= 10 if $max_warn =~ m{\A -?\d+ \z}xms;
	    $min_crit /= 10 if $min_crit =~ m{\A -?\d+ \z}xms;
	    $min_warn /= 10 if $min_warn =~ m{\A -?\d+ \z}xms;

	    # workaround for bad temp probes
	    if ($type eq 'AmbientESM' and $reading !~ m{\A \d+(\.\d+)? \z}xms) {
		$type = 'Discrete';
	else {
	    $index    = get_nonempty_string('Index', $out, 9999);
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $location = get_nonempty_string('Probe Name', $out, 'Unknown location');
	    $reading  = get_nonempty_string('Reading', $out, '[N/A]');
	    $max_crit = get_nonempty_string('Maximum Failure Threshold', $out, '[N/A]');
	    $max_warn = get_nonempty_string('Maximum Warning Threshold', $out, '[N/A]');
	    $min_crit = get_nonempty_string('Minimum Failure Threshold', $out, '[N/A]');
	    $min_warn = get_nonempty_string('Minimum Warning Threshold', $out, '[N/A]');

	    # Cleaning the temp readings
	    $reading =~ s{\.0\s+C}{}xms;
	    $max_crit =~ s{\.0\s+C}{}xms;
	    $max_warn =~ s{\.0\s+C}{}xms;
	    $min_crit =~ s{\.0\s+C}{}xms;
	    $min_warn =~ s{\.0\s+C}{}xms;

	    $type     = $reading =~ m{\A-?\d+\z}xms ? 'AmbientESM' : 'Discrete';
	    $discrete = $reading;

	next TEMP if blacklisted('temp', $index);

	# Convert temp units
	if ($opt{tempunit} ne 'C') {
	    $reading  = temp_from_celsius($reading,  $opt{tempunit}) if $reading  ne '[N/A]';
	    $max_warn = temp_from_celsius($max_warn, $opt{tempunit}) if $max_warn ne '[N/A]';
	    $max_crit = temp_from_celsius($max_crit, $opt{tempunit}) if $max_crit ne '[N/A]';
	    $min_warn = temp_from_celsius($min_warn, $opt{tempunit}) if $min_warn ne '[N/A]';
	    $min_crit = temp_from_celsius($min_crit, $opt{tempunit}) if $min_crit ne '[N/A]';

	if ($type eq 'Discrete') {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature probe %d [%s] is %s',
	      $index, $location, $discrete;
	    my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	    report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);
	else {
	    # First check according to custom thresholds
	    if (exists $crit_threshold{$index}{max} and $reading > $crit_threshold{$index}{max}) {
		# Custom critical MAX
		my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature Probe %d [%s] reads %s %s (custom max=%s)',
		  $index, $location, $reading, $opt{tempunit}, $crit_threshold{$index}{max};
		report('chassis', $msg, $E_CRITICAL, $index);
	    elsif (exists $warn_threshold{$index}{max} and $reading > $warn_threshold{$index}{max}) {
		# Custom warning MAX
		my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature Probe %d [%s] reads %s %s (custom max=%s)',
		  $index, $location, $reading, $opt{tempunit}, $warn_threshold{$index}{max};
		report('chassis', $msg, $E_WARNING, $index);
	    elsif (exists $crit_threshold{$index}{min} and $reading < $crit_threshold{$index}{min}) {
		# Custom critical MIN
		my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature Probe %d [%s] reads %s %s (custom min=%s)',
		  $index, $location, $reading, $opt{tempunit}, $crit_threshold{$index}{min};
		report('chassis', $msg, $E_CRITICAL, $index);
	    elsif (exists $warn_threshold{$index}{min} and $reading < $warn_threshold{$index}{min}) {
		# Custom warning MIN
		my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature Probe %d [%s] reads %s %s (custom min=%s)',
		  $index, $location, $reading, $opt{tempunit}, $warn_threshold{$index}{min};
		report('chassis', $msg, $E_WARNING, $index);
	    elsif ($status ne 'Ok' and $max_crit ne '[N/A]' and $reading > $max_crit) {
		my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature Probe %d [%s] is critically high at %s %s',
		  $index, $location, $reading, $opt{tempunit};
		my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
		report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);
	    elsif ($status ne 'Ok' and $max_warn ne '[N/A]' and $reading > $max_warn) {
		my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature Probe %d [%s] is too high at %s %s',
		  $index, $location, $reading, $opt{tempunit};
		my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
		report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);
	    elsif ($status ne 'Ok' and $min_crit ne '[N/A]' and $reading < $min_crit) {
		my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature Probe %d [%s] is critically low at %s %s',
		  $index, $location, $reading, $opt{tempunit};
		my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
		report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);
	    elsif ($status ne 'Ok' and $min_warn ne '[N/A]' and $reading < $min_warn) {
		my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature Probe %d [%s] is too low at %s %s',
		  $index, $location, $reading, $opt{tempunit};
		my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
		report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);
	    # Ok
	    else {
		my $msg = sprintf 'Temperature Probe %d [%s] reads %s %s',
		  $index, $location, $reading, $opt{tempunit};
		if ($min_warn eq '[N/A]' and $min_crit eq '[N/A]') {
		    $msg .= sprintf ' (max=%s/%s)', $max_warn, $max_crit;
		else {
		    $msg .= sprintf ' (min=%s/%s, max=%s/%s)',
		      $min_warn, $min_crit, $max_warn, $max_crit;
		my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
		report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);

	    # Collect performance data
	    if (defined $opt{perfdata}) {
		my $pname = $location;
		$pname =~ s{\s}{_}gxms;
		$pname =~ s{_temp\z}{}ixms;
		$pname =~ s{proc_}{cpu#}xms;
		push @perfdata, {
				 type   => 'T',
				 id     => $index,
				 unit   => $opt{tempunit},
				 label  => $pname,
				 legacy => lc "temp_${index}_${pname}",
                                 mini   => "t$index",
				 value  => $reading,
				 warn   => $max_warn,
				 crit   => $max_crit,

# CHASSIS: Check processors
sub check_processors {
    my $index   = undef;
    my $status  = undef;
    my $state   = undef;
    my $brand   = undef;
    my $family  = undef;
    my $man     = undef;
    my $speed   = undef;
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {

	# NOTE: For some reason, older models don't have the
	# "Processor Device Status" OIDs. We check both the newer
	# (preferred) OIDs and the old ones.

	my %cpu_oid
	  = (
             ''  => 'processorDeviceIndex',
             ''  => 'processorDeviceStatus',
             ''  => 'processorDeviceManufacturerName',
             ''  => 'processorDeviceStatusState',
             '' => 'processorDeviceFamily',
             '' => 'processorDeviceCurrentSpeed',
             '' => 'processorDeviceBrandName',
	     ''  => 'processorDeviceStatusIndex',
	     ''  => 'processorDeviceStatusStatus',
	     ''  => 'processorDeviceStatusReading',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $processorDeviceTable = '';
	    my $processorDeviceStatusTable = '';

	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $processorDeviceTable);
	    my $ext = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $processorDeviceStatusTable);

            defined $ext && map { $$result{$_} = $$ext{$_} } keys %{ $ext };
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %cpu_oid]);

	if (!defined $result) {
	    printf "SNMP ERROR [processors]: %s.\n", $snmp_session->error;
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%cpu_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis processors") };

    my %cpu_state
      = (
         1 => 'Other',         # other than following values
         2 => 'Unknown',       # unknown
         3 => 'Enabled',       # enabled
         4 => 'User Disabled', # disabled by user via BIOS setup
         5 => 'BIOS Disabled', # disabled by BIOS (POST error)
         6 => 'Idle',          # idle

    my %cpu_reading
      = (
	 1    => 'Internal Error',      # Internal Error
	 2    => 'Thermal Trip',        # Thermal Trip
	 32   => 'Configuration Error', # Configuration Error
	 128  => 'Present',             # Processor Present
	 256  => 'Disabled',            # Processor Disabled
	 512  => 'Terminator Present',  # Terminator Present
	 1024 => 'Throttled',           # Processor Throttled

    # Mapping between family numbers from SNMP and actual CPU family
    my %cpu_family
      = (
	 1   => 'Other',                                2   => 'Unknown',
         3   => '8086',                                 4   => '80286',
         5   => '386',                                  6   => '486',
	 7   => '8087',                                 8   => '80287',
         9   => '80387',                                10  => '80487',
         11  => 'Pentium',                              12  => 'Pentium Pro',
	 13  => 'Pentium II',                           14  => 'Pentium with MMX',
         15  => 'Celeron',                              16  => 'Pentium II Xeon',
         17  => 'Pentium III',                          18  => 'Pentium III Xeon',
	 19  => 'Pentium III',                          20  => 'Itanium',
         21  => 'Xeon',                                 22  => 'Pentium 4',
         23  => 'Xeon MP',                              24  => 'Itanium 2',
	 25  => 'K5',                                   26  => 'K6',
         27  => 'K6-2',                                 28  => 'K6-3',
         29  => 'Athlon',                               30  => 'AMD2900',
	 31  => 'K6-2+',                                32  => 'Power PC',
         33  => 'Power PC 601',                         34  => 'Power PC 603',
         35  => 'Power PC 603+',                        36  => 'Power PC 604',
	 37  => 'Power PC 620',                         38  => 'Power PC x704',
         39  => 'Power PC 750',                         40  => 'Core Duo',
         41  => 'Core Duo mobile',                      42  => 'Core Solo mobile',
         43  => 'Intel Atom',                           44  => undef,
         45  => undef,                                  46  => undef,
         47  => undef,                                  48  => 'Alpha',
         49  => 'Alpha 21064',                          50  => 'Alpha 21066',
	 51  => 'Alpha 21164',                          52  => 'Alpha 21164PC',
         53  => 'Alpha 21164a',                         54  => 'Alpha 21264',
         55  => 'Alpha 21364',                          56  => 'Turion II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile M',
         57  => 'Turion II Dual-Core Mobile M',         58  => 'Athlon II Dual-Core Mobile M ',
         59  => 'Opteron 6100',                         60  => 'Opteron 4100',
         61  => undef,                                  62  => undef,
         63  => undef,                                  64  => 'MIPS',
	 65  => 'MIPS R4000',                           66  => 'MIPS R4200',
         67  => 'MIPS R4400',                           68  => 'MIPS R4600',
         69  => 'MIPS R10000',                          70  => undef,
         71  => undef,                                  72  => undef,
         73  => undef,                                  74  => undef,
         75  => undef,                                  76  => undef,
         77  => undef,                                  78  => undef,
         79  => undef,                                  80  => 'SPARC',
	 81  => 'SuperSPARC',                           82  => 'microSPARC II',
         83  => 'microSPARC IIep',                      84  => 'UltraSPARC',
         85  => 'UltraSPARC II',                        86  => 'UltraSPARC IIi',
	 87  => 'UltraSPARC III',                       88  => 'UltraSPARC IIIi',
         89  => undef,                                  90  => undef,
         91  => undef,                                  92  => undef,
         93  => undef,                                  94  => undef,
         95  => undef,                                  96  => '68040',
         97  => '68xxx',                                98  => '68000',
         99  => '68010',                                100 => '68020',
         101 => '68030',                                102 => undef,
         103 => undef,                                  104 => undef,
         105 => undef,                                  106 => undef,
         107 => undef,                                  108 => undef,
         109 => undef,                                  110 => undef,
         111 => undef,                                  112 => 'Hobbit',
         113 => undef,                                  114 => undef,
         115 => undef,                                  116 => undef,
         117 => undef,                                  118 => undef,
         119 => undef,                                  120 => 'Crusoe TM5000',
         121 => 'Crusoe TM3000',                        122 => 'Efficeon TM8000',
         123 => undef,                                  124 => undef,
         125 => undef,                                  126 => undef,
         127 => undef,                                  128 => 'Weitek',
         129 => undef,                                  130 => 'Celeron M',
         131 => 'Athlon 64',                            132 => 'Opteron',
         133 => 'Sempron',                              134 => 'Turion 64 Mobile',
         135 => 'Dual-Core Opteron',                    136 => 'Athlon 64 X2 DC',
         137 => 'Turion 64 X2 M',                       138 => 'Quad-Core Opteron',
         139 => '3rd gen Opteron',                      140 => 'AMD Phenom FX Quad-Core',
         141 => 'AMD Phenom X4 Quad-Core',              142 => 'AMD Phenom X2 Dual-Core',
         143 => 'AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core',              144 => 'PA-RISC',
         145 => 'PA-RISC 8500',	                        146 => 'PA-RISC 8000',
         147 => 'PA-RISC 7300LC',                       148 => 'PA-RISC 7200',
         149 => 'PA-RISC 7100LC',                       150 => 'PA-RISC 7100',
         151 => undef,                                  152 => undef,
         153 => undef,                                  154 => undef,
         155 => undef,                                  156 => undef,
         157 => undef,                                  158 => undef,
         159 => undef,                                  160 => 'V30',
         161 => 'Quad-Core Xeon 3200',                  162 => 'Dual-Core Xeon 3000',
         163 => 'Quad-Core Xeon 5300',                  164 => 'Dual-Core Xeon 5100',
         165 => 'Dual-Core Xeon 5000',                  166 => 'Dual-Core Xeon LV',
         167 => 'Dual-Core Xeon ULV',                   168 => 'Dual-Core Xeon 7100',
         169 => 'Quad-Core Xeon 5400',                  170 => 'Quad-Core Xeon',
         171 => 'Dual-Core Xeon 5200',                  172 => 'Dual-Core Xeon 7200',
         173 => 'Quad-Core Xeon 7300',                  174 => 'Quad-Core Xeon 7400',
         175 => 'Multi-Core Xeon 7400',                 176 => 'M1',
         177 => 'M2',                                   178 => undef,
         179 => 'Pentium 4 HT',                         180 => 'AS400',
         181 => undef,                                  182 => 'Athlon XP',
	 183 => 'Athlon MP',                            184 => 'Duron',
         185 => 'Pentium M',              	        186 => 'Celeron D',
         187 => 'Pentium D',                            188 => 'Pentium Extreme',
	 189 => 'Core Solo',                            190 => 'Core2',
         191 => 'Core2 Duo',                            192 => 'Core2 Solo',
         193 => 'Core2 Extreme',                        194 => 'Core2 Quad',
         195 => 'Core2 Extreme mobile',                 196 => 'Core2 Duo mobile',
         197 => 'Core2 Solo mobile',                    198 => 'Core i7',
         199 => 'Dual-Core Celeron',                    200 => 'IBM390',
	 201 => 'G4',                                   202 => 'G5',
         203 => 'ESA/390 G6',                           204 => 'z/Architectur',
         205 => 'Core i5',                              206 => 'Core i3',
         207 => undef,                                  208 => undef,
         209 => undef,                                  210 => 'C7-M',
         211 => 'C7-D',                                 212 => 'C7',
         213 => 'Eden',                                 214 => 'Multi-Core Xeon',
         215 => 'Dual-Core Xeon 3xxx',                  216 => 'Quad-Core Xeon 3xxx',
         217 => 'VIA Nano',                             218 => 'Dual-Core Xeon 5xxx',
	 219 => 'Quad-Core Xeon 5xxx',                  220 => undef,
         221 => 'Dual-Core Xeon 7xxx',                  222 => 'Quad-Core Xeon 7xxx',
         223 => 'Multi-Core Xeon 7xxx',                 224 => 'Multi-Core Xeon 3400',
         225 => undef,                                  226 => undef,
         227 => undef,                                  228 => undef,
         229 => undef,                                  230 => 'Embedded AMD Opteron Quad-Core',
         231 => 'AMD Phenom Triple-Core',               232 => 'AMD Turion Ultra Dual-Core Mobile',
         233 => 'AMD Turion Dual-Core Mobile',          234 => 'AMD Athlon Dual-Core',
         235 => 'AMD Sempron SI',                       236 => 'AMD Phenom II',
         237 => 'AMD Athlon II',                        238 => 'Six-Core AMD Opteron',
         239 => 'AMD Sempron M',                        240 => undef,
         241 => undef,                                  242 => undef,
         243 => undef,                                  244 => undef,
         245 => undef,                                  246 => undef,
         247 => undef,                                  248 => undef,
         249 => undef,                                  250 => 'i860',
         251 => 'i960',

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $index  = exists $out->{processorDeviceStatusIndex}
	      ? ($out->{processorDeviceStatusIndex} || 10000) - 1
		: ($out->{processorDeviceIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status = exists $out->{processorDeviceStatusStatus}
	      ? get_snmp_status($out->{processorDeviceStatusStatus})
		: get_snmp_status($out->{processorDeviceStatus});
	    if (defined $out->{processorDeviceStatusReading}) {
		my @states  = ();  # contains states for the CPU

		# get the combined state from the StatusReading OID
		foreach my $mask (sort keys %cpu_reading) {
		    if (($out->{processorDeviceStatusReading} & $mask) != 0) {
			push @states, $cpu_reading{$mask};

		# Finally, create the state string
		$state = join q{, }, @states;
	    else {
		$state  = get_hashval($out->{processorDeviceStatusState}, \%cpu_state) || 'Unknown state';
	    $man    = $out->{processorDeviceManufacturerName} || undef;
	    $family = (defined $out->{processorDeviceFamily}
		       and defined $cpu_family{$out->{processorDeviceFamily}})
	      ? $cpu_family{$out->{processorDeviceFamily}} : undef;
	    $speed  = $out->{processorDeviceCurrentSpeed} || undef;
	    $brand  = $out->{processorDeviceBrandName} || undef;
	else {
	    $index  = get_nonempty_string('Index', $out, 9999);
	    $status = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $state  = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $brand  = get_nonempty_string('Processor Brand', $out, undef);
	    $family = get_nonempty_string('Processor Family',  $out, undef);
	    $man    = get_nonempty_string('Processor Manufacturer', $out, undef);
	    $speed  = get_nonempty_string('Current Speed', $out, undef);

	# Ignore unoccupied CPU slots (omreport)
	next CPU if (defined $out->{'Processor Manufacturer'}
		     and $out->{'Processor Manufacturer'} eq '[Not Occupied]')
	  or (defined $out->{'Processor Brand'} and $out->{'Processor Brand'} eq '[Not Occupied]');

	# Ignore unoccupied CPU slots (snmp)
	if ($snmp and defined $out->{processorDeviceStatusReading}
	    and $out->{processorDeviceStatusReading} == 0) {
	    next CPU;

	next CPU if blacklisted('cpu', $index);

	if (defined $brand) {
	    $brand =~ s{\s\s+}{ }gxms;
	    $brand =~ s{\((R|tm)\)}{}gxms;
	    $brand =~ s{\s(CPU|Processor)}{}xms;
	    $brand =~ s{\s\@}{}xms;
	elsif (defined $family and defined $man and defined $speed) {
	    $speed =~ s{\A (\d+) .*}{$1}xms;
	    $brand = sprintf '%s %s %.2fGHz', $man, $family, $speed / 1000;
	else {
	    $brand = "unknown";

	# Default
	my $msg = sprintf 'Processor %d [%s] is %s',
	  $index, $brand, $state;
	report('chassis', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $index);

# CHASSIS: Check voltage probes
sub check_volts {
    my $index    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $reading  = undef;
    my $location = undef;
    my $max_crit = undef;
    my $max_warn = undef;
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %volt_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'voltageProbeIndex',
	     ''  => 'voltageProbeStatus',
	     ''  => 'voltageProbeReading',
	     ''  => 'voltageProbeLocationName',
	     '' => 'voltageProbeDiscreteReading',

	my $voltageProbeTable = '';
        my $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $voltageProbeTable);

	if (!defined $result) {
	    printf "SNMP ERROR [voltage]: %s.\n", $snmp_session->error;
	    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%volt_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis volts") };

    my %volt_discrete_reading
      = (
	 1 => 'Good',
	 2 => 'Bad',

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $index    = ($out->{voltageProbeIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status   = get_snmp_probestatus($out->{voltageProbeStatus});
	    $reading  = defined $out->{voltageProbeReading}
	      ? sprintf('%.3f V', $out->{voltageProbeReading}/1000)
                : (get_hashval($out->{voltageProbeDiscreteReading}, \%volt_discrete_reading) || 'Unknown reading');
	    $location = $out->{voltageProbeLocationName} || 'Unknown location';
	    $max_crit = $out->{voltageProbeUpperCriticalThreshold} || 0;
	    $max_warn = $out->{voltageProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold} || 0;
	else {
	    $index    = get_nonempty_string('Index', $out, 9999);
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $reading  = get_nonempty_string('Reading', $out, 'Unknown reading');
	    $location = get_nonempty_string('Probe Name', $out, 'Unknown location');
	    $max_crit = get_nonempty_string('Maximum Failure Threshold', $out, 0);
	    $max_warn = get_nonempty_string('Maximum Warning Threshold', $out, 0);

	    $max_crit = 0 if $max_crit eq '[N/A]';
	    $max_warn = 0 if $max_warn eq '[N/A]';

	next VOLT if blacklisted('volt', $index);

	# remove trailing zeroes (if reading is an integer)
	$reading =~ s{\A (\d+)\.000\sV \z}{$1 V}xms;

	my $msg = undef;
	if ($reading =~ m{\A \d+(:?\.\d+)?\sV \z}xms) {
	    # number reading
	    $msg = sprintf 'Voltage sensor %d [%s] reads %s',
	      $index, $location, $reading;
	else {
	    # discrete reading
	    $msg = sprintf 'Voltage sensor %d [%s] is %s',
	      $index, $location, $reading;
	my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);

	# Collect performance data
	if (defined $opt{perfdata} and !$opt{legacy_perfdata}) {
	    $reading =~ s{\s+V\z}{}xms;  # remove unit
	    $reading =~ s{\.000\z}{}xms; # if integer
	    next VOLT if $reading !~ m{\A \d+(\.\d+)? \z}xms; # discrete reading (not number)
	    my $label = join q{_}, $location;
	    $label =~ s{\s}{_}gxms;
	    push @perfdata, {
			     type   => 'V',
			     id     => $index,
			     unit   => 'V',
			     label  => $label,
			     value  => $reading,
			     warn   => 0,
			     crit   => 0,

# CHASSIS: Check batteries
sub check_batteries {
    my $index    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $reading  = undef;
    my $location = undef;
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %bat_oid
	  = (
	     '' => 'batteryIndex',
	     '' => 'batteryStatus',
	     '' => 'batteryReading',
	     '' => 'batteryLocationName',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $batteryTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $batteryTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %bat_oid]);

	# No batteries is OK
	return 0 if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%bat_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis batteries") };

    my %bat_reading
      = (
	 1 => 'Predictive Failure',
	 2 => 'Failed',
	 4 => 'Presence Detected',

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $index    = ($out->{batteryIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status   = get_snmp_status($out->{batteryStatus});
	    $reading  = get_hashval($out->{batteryReading}, \%bat_reading) || 'Unknown reading';
	    $location = $out->{batteryLocationName} || 'Unknown location';
	else {
	    $index    = get_nonempty_string('Index', $out, 9999);
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $reading  = get_nonempty_string('Reading', $out, 'Unknown reading');
	    $location = get_nonempty_string('Probe Name', $out, 'Unknown location');

	next BATTERY if blacklisted('bp', $index);

	my $msg = sprintf 'Battery probe %d [%s] is %s',
	  $index, $location, $reading;
	report('chassis', $msg, $status2nagios{$status}, $index);

# CHASSIS: Check amperage probes (power monitoring)
sub check_pwrmonitoring {
    my $index    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $reading  = undef;
    my $location = undef;
    my $max_crit = undef;
    my $max_warn = undef;
    my $unit     = undef;
    my $type     = undef;
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %amp_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'amperageProbeIndex',
	     ''  => 'amperageProbeStatus',
	     ''  => 'amperageProbeReading',
	     ''  => 'amperageProbeType',
	     ''  => 'amperageProbeLocationName',
	     '' => 'amperageProbeUpperCriticalThreshold',
	     '' => 'amperageProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold',
	     '' => 'amperageProbeDiscreteReading',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $amperageProbeTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $amperageProbeTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %amp_oid]);

	# No pwrmonitoring is OK
	return 0 if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%amp_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis pwrmonitoring") };

    my %amp_type   # Amperage probe types
      = (
	 1  => 'amperageProbeTypeIsOther',            # other than following values
	 2  => 'amperageProbeTypeIsUnknown',          # unknown
	 3  => 'amperageProbeTypeIs1Point5Volt',      # 1.5 amperage probe
	 4  => 'amperageProbeTypeIs3Point3volt',      # 3.3 amperage probe
	 5  => 'amperageProbeTypeIs5Volt',            # 5 amperage probe
	 6  => 'amperageProbeTypeIsMinus5Volt',       # -5 amperage probe
	 7  => 'amperageProbeTypeIs12Volt',           # 12 amperage probe
	 8  => 'amperageProbeTypeIsMinus12Volt',      # -12 amperage probe
	 9  => 'amperageProbeTypeIsIO',               # I/O probe
	 10 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsCore',             # Core probe
	 11 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsFLEA',             # FLEA (standby) probe
	 12 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsBattery',          # Battery probe
	 13 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsTerminator',       # SCSI Termination probe
	 14 => 'amperageProbeTypeIs2Point5Volt',      # 2.5 amperage probe
	 15 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsGTL',              # GTL (ground termination logic) probe
	 16 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete',         # amperage probe with discrete reading
	 23 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsPowerSupplyAmps',  # Power Supply probe with reading in Amps
	 24 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsPowerSupplyWatts', # Power Supply probe with reading in Watts
	 25 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsSystemAmps',       # System probe with reading in Amps
	 26 => 'amperageProbeTypeIsSystemWatts',      # System probe with reading in Watts

    my %amp_discrete
      = (
	 1 => 'Good',
	 2 => 'Bad',

    my %amp_unit
      = (
	 'amperageProbeTypeIsPowerSupplyAmps'  => 'hA',  # tenths of Amps
	 'amperageProbeTypeIsSystemAmps'       => 'hA',  # tenths of Amps
	 'amperageProbeTypeIsPowerSupplyWatts' => 'W',   # Watts
	 'amperageProbeTypeIsSystemWatts'      => 'W',   # Watts
	 'amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete'         => q{},   # discrete reading, no unit

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $index    = ($out->{amperageProbeIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status   = get_snmp_probestatus($out->{amperageProbeStatus});
	    $type     = get_hashval($out->{amperageProbeType}, \%amp_type);
	    $reading  = $type eq 'amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete'
	      ? get_hashval($out->{amperageProbeDiscreteReading}, \%amp_discrete)
		: ($out->{amperageProbeReading} || 0);
	    $location = $out->{amperageProbeLocationName} || 'Unknown location';
	    $max_crit = $out->{amperageProbeUpperCriticalThreshold} || 0;
	    $max_warn = $out->{amperageProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold} || 0;
	    $unit     = exists $amp_unit{$amp_type{$out->{amperageProbeType}}}
	      ? $amp_unit{$amp_type{$out->{amperageProbeType}}} : 'mA';

	    # calculate proper values and set unit for ampere probes
	    if ($unit eq 'hA' and $type ne 'amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete') {
		$reading  /= 10;
		$max_crit /= 10;
		$max_warn /= 10;
		$unit      = 'A';
	    if ($unit eq 'mA' and $type ne 'amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete') {
		$reading  /= 1000;
		$max_crit /= 1000;
		$max_warn /= 1000;
		$unit      = 'A';
	else {
	    $index    = get_nonempty_string('Index', $out, 9999);
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $reading  = get_nonempty_string('Reading', $out, 'Unknown reading');
	    $location = get_nonempty_string('Probe Name', $out, 'Unknown location');
	    $max_crit = get_nonempty_string('Failure Threshold', $out, 0);
	    $max_warn = get_nonempty_string('Warning Threshold', $out, 0);

	    $max_crit = 0 if $max_crit eq '[N/A]';
	    $max_warn = 0 if $max_warn eq '[N/A]';

	    $reading  =~ s{\A (\d+.*?)\s+([a-zA-Z]+) \s*\z}{$1}xms;
	    $unit     = $2 || 'unknown';
	    $max_warn =~ s{\A (\d+.*?)\s+[a-zA-Z]+ \s*\z}{$1}xms;
	    $max_crit =~ s{\A (\d+.*?)\s+[a-zA-Z]+ \s*\z}{$1}xms;

	next AMP if $index !~ m{\A \d+ \z}xms;

	# Special case: Probe is present but unknown. This happens via
	# SNMP on some systems where power monitoring capability is
	# disabled due to non-redundant and/or non-instrumented power
	# supplies.
        # E.g. R410 with newer BMC firmware and 1 power supply
	if ($snmp && $status eq 'Unknown' && $reading == 0) {
	    next AMP;

	next AMP if blacklisted('amp', $index);

	# Special case: Discrete reading
	if (defined $type and $type eq 'amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete') {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Amperage probe %d [%s] is %s',
	      $index, $location, $reading;
	    my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	    report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);
	# Default
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Amperage probe %d [%s] reads %s %s',
	      $index, $location, $reading, $unit;
	    my $err = $snmp ? $probestatus2nagios{$status} : $status2nagios{$status};
	    report('chassis', $msg, $err, $index);

	# Collect performance data
	if (defined $opt{perfdata}) {
	    next AMP if $reading !~ m{\A \d+(\.\d+)? \z}xms; # discrete reading (not number)
	    my $label = join q{_},  $location;
	    $label =~ s{\s}{_}gxms;
	    push @perfdata, {
			     type   => $unit,
			     id     => $index,
			     unit   => $unit,
			     label  => $label,
			     legacy => (join q{_}, 'pwr_mon', $index, lc $label),
                             mini   => "p${index}" . lc $unit,
			     value  => $reading,
			     warn   => $max_warn,
			     crit   => $max_crit,

    # Collect EXTRA performance data not found at first run. This is a
    # rather ugly hack
    if (defined $opt{perfdata} && !$snmp) {
	my $found = 0;
	my $index = 0;
	my %used  = ();

	# find used indexes
	foreach (@perfdata) {
	    if ($_->{label} =~ m/\A [WA](\d+)/xms) {
		$used{$1} = 1;

	foreach my $line (@{ run_command("$omreport $omopt_chassis pwrmonitoring -fmt ssv") }) {
	    chop $line;
	    if ($line eq 'Location;Reading' or $line eq 'Amperage') {
		$found = 1;
		next AMP2;
	    if ($line eq q{}) {
		$found = 0;
		next AMP2;
	    if ($found and $line =~ m/\A ([^;]+?) ; (\d*\.\d+) \s ([AW]) \z/xms) {
		my $aname = $1;
		my $aval  = $2;
		my $aunit = $3;
		$aname =~ s{\s}{_}gxms;

		# don't use an existing index
		while (exists $used{$index}) { ++$index; }

		push @perfdata, {
				 type   => $aunit,
				 id     => $index,
				 unit   => $aunit,
				 label  => $aname,
				 legacy => "pwr_mon_${index}_${aname}",
                                 mini   => "p${index}a",
				 value  => $aval,
				 warn   => 0,
				 crit   => 0,


# CHASSIS: Check intrusion
sub check_intrusion {
    my $index    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $reading  = undef;
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %int_oid
	  = (
	     '' => 'intrusionIndex',
	     '' => 'intrusionStatus',
	     '' => 'intrusionReading',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $intrusionTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $intrusionTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %int_oid]);

	# No intrusion is OK
	return 0 if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%int_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis intrusion") };

    my %int_reading
      = (
	 1 => 'Not Breached',          # chassis not breached and no uncleared breaches
	 2 => 'Breached',              # chassis currently breached
	 3 => 'Breached Prior',        # chassis breached prior to boot and has not been cleared
	 4 => 'Breach Sensor Failure', # intrusion sensor has failed

    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $index    = ($out->{intrusionIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status   = get_snmp_status($out->{intrusionStatus});
	    $reading  = get_hashval($out->{intrusionReading}, \%int_reading) || 'Unknown reading';
	else {
	    $index    = get_nonempty_string('Index', $out, 9999);
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Unknown');
	    $reading  = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown reading');

	next INTRUSION if blacklisted('intr', $index);

	if ($status ne 'Ok') {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Chassis intrusion %d detected: %s',
	      $index, $reading;
	    report('chassis', $msg, $E_WARNING, $index);
	# Ok
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'Chassis intrusion %d detection: %s (%s)',
	      $index, $status, $reading;
	    report('chassis', $msg, $E_OK, $index);

# CHASSIS: Check SD Card Device
sub check_sdcard {
    my $index    = undef;
    my $status   = undef;
    my $state    = undef;
    my $location = undef;
    my $capacity = undef;
    my $setting  = undef;
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %sd_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'sdCardDeviceIndex',
	     ''  => 'sdCardDeviceStatus',
	     ''  => 'sdCardDeviceType',
	     ''  => 'sdCardDeviceLocationName',
	     ''  => 'sdCardDeviceCardPresent',
	     ''  => 'sdCardDeviceCardState',
	     '' => 'sdCardDeviceCardStorageSize',
	my $result = undef;
	if ($opt{use_get_table}) {
	    my $sdCardDeviceTable = '';
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $sdCardDeviceTable);
	else {
	    $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %sd_oid]);

	# No SD cards is OK
	return 0 if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%sd_oid) };
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_chassis removableflashmedia") };

    # Note: These values are bit fields, so combination values are possible.
    my %sd_state
      = (
	 0   => 'None',            # state is none of the following:
	 1   => 'Present',         # device is present
	 2   => 'IPMI-ready',      # device is IPMI ready
	 4   => 'Full-ready',      # device is full ready
	 8   => 'Offline',         # device is offline
	 16  => 'Failed',          # device is failed
	 32  => 'Active',          # device is active
	 64  => 'Bootable',        # device is bootable
	 128 => 'Write-protected', # device is write-protected
	 256 => 'Standby',         # device is in standby mode

    my $c = 0;
    foreach my $out (@output) {
	if ($snmp) {
	    $index    = ($out->{sdCardDeviceIndex} || 10000) - 1;
	    $status   = get_snmp_status($out->{sdCardDeviceStatus});

	    if (defined $out->{sdCardDeviceCardState}) {
		my @states  = ();  # contains states SD card

		# get the combined state from the Device Status OID
		foreach my $mask (sort keys %sd_state) {
		    if (($out->{sdCardDeviceCardState} & $mask) != 0) {
			push @states, $sd_state{$mask};

		# Finally, create the state string
		$state = join q{, }, @states;

		# special case: absent
		if ($out->{sdCardDeviceCardState} % 2 == 0) {
		    $state = 'Absent';

	    $location = $out->{sdCardDeviceLocationName} || 'Unknown location';
	    $capacity = sprintf '%s MB', ($out->{sdCardDeviceCardStorageSize} || 'Unknown size');
	else {
	    $index    = $c++;
	    $status   = get_nonempty_string('Status', $out, 'Ok');
	    $state    = get_nonempty_string('State', $out, 'Unknown state');
	    $location = get_nonempty_string('Connector Name', $out, 'Unknown location');
	    $capacity = get_nonempty_string('Storage Size', $out, 'Unknown size');

	    $capacity =~ s{\[Not Available\]}{Unknown Size};

	$count{sd}++ if $state ne 'Absent';
	next SDCARD if blacklisted('sd', $index);

	if ($status ne 'Ok') {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'SD Card %d is %s',
	      $index, $state;
	    report('chassis', $msg, $E_WARNING, $index);
	# Special case: Not Present
	elsif ($status eq 'Ok' and $state eq 'Absent') {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'SD Card %d [%s] is %s',
	      $index, $location, $state;
	    report('chassis', $msg, $E_OK, $index);
	# Ok
	else {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'SD Card %d [%s, %s] is %s',
	      $index, $location, $capacity, $state;
	    report('chassis', $msg, $E_OK, $index);

# CHASSIS: Check alert log
sub check_alertlog {
    return if $snmp; # Not supported with SNMP

    my @output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_system alertlog") };
    foreach my $out (@output) {

    # Create error messages and set exit value if appropriate
    my $err = 0;
    if ($count{alert}{'Critical'} > 0)        { $err = $E_CRITICAL; }
    elsif ($count{alert}{'Non-Critical'} > 0) { $err = $E_WARNING;  }

    my $msg = sprintf 'Alert log content: %d critical, %d non-critical, %d ok',
      $count{alert}{'Critical'}, $count{alert}{'Non-Critical'}, $count{alert}{'Ok'};
    report('other', $msg, $err);


# CHASSIS: Check ESM log overall health
sub check_esmlog_health {
    my $health = 'Ok';

    if ($snmp) {
	my $systemStateEventLogStatus = '';
	my $result = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$systemStateEventLogStatus]);
	if (!defined $result) {
	    my $msg = sprintf 'SNMP ERROR [esmhealth]: %s',
	    report('other', $msg, $E_UNKNOWN);
	$health = get_snmp_status($result->{$systemStateEventLogStatus});
    else {
	foreach (@{ run_command("$omreport $omopt_system esmlog -fmt ssv") }) {
	    if (m/\A Health;(.+) \z/xms) {
		$health = $1;
		chop $health;

    # If the overall health of the ESM log is other than "Ok", the
    # fill grade of the log is more than 80% and the log should be
    # cleared
    if ($health eq 'Ok') {
	my $msg = sprintf 'ESM log health is Ok (less than 80%% full)';
	report('other', $msg, $E_OK);
    elsif ($health eq 'Critical') {
	my $msg = sprintf 'ESM log is 100%% full';
	report('other', $msg, $status2nagios{$health});
    else {
	my $msg = sprintf 'ESM log is more than 80%% full';
	report('other', $msg, $status2nagios{$health});


# CHASSIS: Check ESM log
sub check_esmlog {
    my @output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %esm_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'eventLogSeverityStatus',
	my $result = $snmp_session->get_entries(-columns => [keys %esm_oid]);

	# No entries is OK
	return if !defined $result;

	@output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%esm_oid) };
	foreach my $out (@output) {
    else {
	@output = @{ run_omreport("$omopt_system esmlog") };
	foreach my $out (@output) {

    # Create error messages and set exit value if appropriate
    my $err = 0;
    if ($count{esm}{'Critical'} > 0)        { $err = $E_CRITICAL; }
    elsif ($count{esm}{'Non-Critical'} > 0) { $err = $E_WARNING;  }

    my $msg = sprintf 'ESM log content: %d critical, %d non-critical, %d ok',
      $count{esm}{'Critical'}, $count{esm}{'Non-Critical'}, $count{esm}{'Ok'};
    report('other', $msg, $err);


# CHASSIS: Check service tag
sub check_servicetag {
    if ($sysinfo{serial} !~ m{\A [0-9A-Z]{7} \z}xms) {
	my $msg = $sysinfo{serial} =~ m{\A \s* \z}xms
	  ? q{Chassis Service Tag is empty}
	    : sprintf q{Chassis Service Tag is bogus: '%s'}, $sysinfo{serial};
	report('other', $msg, $E_WARNING);
    else {
        my $msg = sprintf 'Chassis Service Tag is sane';
        report('other', $msg, $E_OK);

# Handy function for checking all storage components
sub check_storage {

# Info functions

# Fetch output from 'omreport chassis info', put in sysinfo hash
sub get_omreport_chassis_info {
    if (open my $INFO, '-|', "$omreport $omopt_chassis info -fmt ssv") {
	my @lines = <$INFO>;
	close $INFO;
	foreach (@lines) {
	    next if !m/\A (Chassis\sModel|Chassis\sService\sTag|Model|Service\sTag|System\sRevision)/xms;
	    my ($key, $val) = split /;/xms;
	    $key =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
	    $val =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
	    if ($key eq 'Chassis Model' or $key eq 'Model') {
		$sysinfo{model}  = $val;
	    if ($key eq 'Chassis Service Tag' or $key eq 'Service Tag') {
		$sysinfo{serial} = $opt{hide_servicetag} ? 'XXXXXXX' : $val;
	    if ($key eq 'System Revision') {
		$sysinfo{rev} = q{ } . $val;

# Fetch output from 'omreport chassis bios', put in sysinfo hash
sub get_omreport_chassis_bios {
    if (open my $BIOS, '-|', "$omreport $omopt_chassis bios -fmt ssv") {
	my @lines = <$BIOS>;
	close $BIOS;
	foreach (@lines) {
	    next if !m/;/xms;
	    my ($key, $val) = split /;/xms;
	    $key =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
	    $val =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
	    $sysinfo{bios}     = $val if $key eq 'Version';
	    $sysinfo{biosdate} = $val if $key eq 'Release Date';

# Fetch output from 'omreport system operatingsystem', put in sysinfo hash
sub get_omreport_system_operatingsystem {
    if (open my $VER, '-|', "$omreport $omopt_system operatingsystem -fmt ssv") {
	my @lines = <$VER>;
	close $VER;
	foreach (@lines) {
	    next if !m/;/xms;
	    my ($key, $val) = split /;/xms;
	    $key =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
	    $val =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
	    if ($key eq 'Operating System') {
		$sysinfo{osname} = $val;
	    elsif ($key eq 'Operating System Version') {
		$sysinfo{osver}  = $val;

# Fetch output from 'omreport about', put in sysinfo hash
sub get_omreport_about {
    if (open my $OM, '-|', "$omreport about -fmt ssv") {
	my @lines = <$OM>;
	close $OM;
	foreach (@lines) {
	    if (m/\A Version;(.+) \z/xms) {
		$sysinfo{om} = $1;
		chomp $sysinfo{om};

# Fetch chassis info via SNMP, put in sysinfo hash
sub get_snmp_chassis_info {
    my %chassis_oid
      = (
	 ''  => 'chassisModelName',
	 '' => 'chassisServiceTagName',
	 '' => 'chassisSystemRevisionName',

    my $chassisInformationTable = '';
    my $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $chassisInformationTable);

    if (defined $result) {
	foreach my $oid (keys %{ $result }) {
	    if (exists $chassis_oid{$oid} and $chassis_oid{$oid} eq 'chassisModelName') {
		$sysinfo{model} = $result->{$oid};
		$sysinfo{model} =~ s{\s+\z}{}xms; # remove trailing whitespace
	    elsif (exists $chassis_oid{$oid} and $chassis_oid{$oid} eq 'chassisServiceTagName') {
		$sysinfo{serial} = $opt{hide_servicetag} ? 'XXXXXXX' : $result->{$oid};
	    elsif (exists $chassis_oid{$oid} and $chassis_oid{$oid} eq 'chassisSystemRevisionName') {
		$sysinfo{rev} = q{ } . $result->{$oid};
    else {
	my $msg = sprintf 'SNMP ERROR getting chassis info: %s',
	report('other', $msg, $E_UNKNOWN);

# Fetch BIOS info via SNMP, put in sysinfo hash
sub get_snmp_chassis_bios {
    my %bios_oid
      = (
	 '' => 'systemBIOSReleaseDateName',
	 '' => 'systemBIOSVersionName',

    my $systemBIOSTable = '';
    my $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $systemBIOSTable);

    if (defined $result) {
	foreach my $oid (keys %{ $result }) {
	    if (exists $bios_oid{$oid} and $bios_oid{$oid} eq 'systemBIOSReleaseDateName') {
		$sysinfo{biosdate} = $result->{$oid};
		$sysinfo{biosdate} =~ s{\A (\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2}).*}{$2/$3/$1}xms;
	    elsif (exists $bios_oid{$oid} and $bios_oid{$oid} eq 'systemBIOSVersionName') {
		$sysinfo{bios} = $result->{$oid};
    else {
	my $msg = sprintf 'SNMP ERROR getting BIOS info: %s',
	report('other', $msg, $E_UNKNOWN);

# Fetch OS info via SNMP, put in sysinfo hash
sub get_snmp_system_operatingsystem {
    my %os_oid
      = (
	 '' => 'operatingSystemOperatingSystemName',
	 '' => 'operatingSystemOperatingSystemVersionName',

    my $operatingSystemTable = '';
    my $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $operatingSystemTable);

    if (defined $result) {
	foreach my $oid (keys %{ $result }) {
	    if (exists $os_oid{$oid} and $os_oid{$oid} eq 'operatingSystemOperatingSystemName') {
		$sysinfo{osname} = ($result->{$oid});
	    elsif (exists $os_oid{$oid} and $os_oid{$oid} eq 'operatingSystemOperatingSystemVersionName') {
		$sysinfo{osver} = $result->{$oid};
    else {
	my $msg = sprintf 'SNMP ERROR getting OS info: %s',
	report('other', $msg, $E_UNKNOWN);

# Fetch OMSA version via SNMP, put in sysinfo hash
sub get_snmp_about {
    # systemManagementSoftwareGlobalVersionName
    my $oid = '';
    my $result = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$oid]);

    if (defined $result) {
	$sysinfo{om} = exists $result->{$oid} && $result->{$oid} ne q{}
	  ? $result->{$oid} : 'unknown';
    else {
	my $msg = sprintf 'SNMP ERROR: Getting OMSA version failed: %s', $snmp_session->error;
	report('other', $msg, $E_UNKNOWN);

# Collects some information about the system
sub get_sysinfo
    # Get system model and serial number
    $snmp ? get_snmp_chassis_info() : get_omreport_chassis_info();

    # Get BIOS information. Only if needed
    if ( $opt{okinfo} >= 1
	 or $opt{debug}
	 or (defined $opt{postmsg} and $opt{postmsg} =~ m/[%][bd]/xms) ) {
	$snmp ? get_snmp_chassis_bios() : get_omreport_chassis_bios();

    # Get OMSA version information
    if ($snmp) {
	# always for SNMP because of OMSA 7.1.0 bug
    elsif ($opt{okinfo} >= 3 or $opt{debug}) {
	# only if needed

    # Return now if debug
    return if $opt{debug};

    # Get OS information. Only if needed
    if (defined $opt{postmsg} and $opt{postmsg} =~ m/[%][or]/xms) {
	$snmp ? get_snmp_system_operatingsystem() : get_omreport_system_operatingsystem();


# Helper function for running omreport when the results are strictly
# name=value pairs.
sub run_omreport_info {
    my $command = shift;
    my %output  = ();
    my @keys    = ();

    # Run omreport and fetch output
    my $rawtext = slurp_command("$omreport $command -fmt ssv 2>&1");

    # Parse output, store in array
    for ((split /\n/xms, $rawtext)) {
	if (m/\A Error/xms) {
	    my $msg = "Problem running 'omreport $command': $_";
	    report('other', $msg, $E_UNKNOWN);
	next if !m/;/xms;  # ignore lines with less than two fields
	my @vals = split m/;/xms;
	$output{$vals[0]} = $vals[1];

    # Finally, return the collected information
    return \%output;

# Get various firmware information (BMC, RAC)
sub get_firmware_info {
    my @snmp_output = ();
    my %nrpe_output = ();

    if ($snmp) {
	my %fw_oid
	  = (
	     ''  => 'firmwareType',
	     ''  => 'firmwareTypeName',
	     '' => 'firmwareVersionName',

	my $firmwareTable = '';
	my $result = $snmp_session->get_table(-baseoid => $firmwareTable);

	# Some don't have this OID, this is ok
	if (!defined $result) {

	@snmp_output = @{ get_snmp_output($result, \%fw_oid) };
    else {
	%nrpe_output = %{ run_omreport_info("$omopt_chassis info") };

    my %fw_type  # Firmware types
      = (
	 1  => 'other',                              # other than following values
	 2  => 'unknown',                            # unknown
	 3  => 'systemBIOS',                         # System BIOS
	 4  => 'embeddedSystemManagementController', # Embedded System Management Controller
	 5  => 'powerSupplyParallelingBoard',        # Power Supply Paralleling Board
	 6  => 'systemBackPlane',                    # System (Primary) Backplane
	 7  => 'powerVault2XXSKernel',               # PowerVault 2XXS Kernel
	 8  => 'powerVault2XXSApplication',          # PowerVault 2XXS Application
	 9  => 'frontPanel',                         # Front Panel Controller
	 10 => 'baseboardManagementController',      # Baseboard Management Controller
	 11 => 'hotPlugPCI',                         # Hot Plug PCI Controller
	 12 => 'sensorData',                         # Sensor Data Records
	 13 => 'peripheralBay',                      # Peripheral Bay Backplane
	 14 => 'secondaryBackPlane',                 # Secondary Backplane for ESM 2 systems
	 15 => 'secondaryBackPlaneESM3And4',         # Secondary Backplane for ESM 3 and 4 systems
	 16 => 'rac',                                # Remote Access Controller
	 17 => 'iDRAC',                              # Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller
	 18 => 'iDRAC6',                             # iDRAC6 (not defined in 7.0.0 MIB!)
	 19 => 'unifiedServerConfigurator',          # Unified Server Configurator
	 20 => 'lifecycleController',                # Lifecycle Controller
         21 => 'iDRAC7',                             # iDRAC7 (not defined in 7.0.0 MIB!)

    if ($snmp) {
	foreach my $out (@snmp_output) {
	    if ($fw_type{$out->{firmwareType}} eq 'baseboardManagementController') {
		$sysinfo{'bmc'} = 1;
		$sysinfo{'bmc_fw'} = $out->{firmwareVersionName};
	    elsif ($fw_type{$out->{firmwareType}} =~ m{\A rac|iDRAC. \z}xms) {
		my $name = $out->{firmwareTypeName}; $name =~ s/\s//gxms;
		$sysinfo{'rac'} = 1;
		$sysinfo{'rac_name'} = $name;
		$sysinfo{'rac_fw'} = $out->{firmwareVersionName};
    else {
	foreach my $key (keys %nrpe_output) {
	    next if !defined $nrpe_output{$key};
	    if ($key eq 'BMC Version' or $key eq 'Baseboard Management Controller Version') {
		$sysinfo{'bmc'} = 1;
		$sysinfo{'bmc_fw'} = $nrpe_output{$key};
	    elsif ($key =~ m{\A (i?DRAC)\s*(\d?)\s+Version}xms) {
		my $name = "$1$2";
		$sysinfo{'rac'} = 1;
		$sysinfo{'rac_fw'} = $nrpe_output{$key};
		$sysinfo{'rac_name'} = $name;


# Main program

# Get system information

# Get firmware info if requested via option
if ($opt{okinfo} >= 1) {

# Here we do the actual checking of components
# Check global status if applicable
if ($global) {
    $globalstatus = check_global();

# Do multiple selected checks
if ($check{storage})     { check_storage();       }
if ($check{memory})      { check_memory();        }
if ($check{fans})        { check_fans();          }
if ($check{power})       { check_powersupplies(); }
if ($check{temp})        { check_temperatures();  }
if ($check{cpu})         { check_processors();    }
if ($check{voltage})     { check_volts();         }
if ($check{batteries})   { check_batteries();     }
if ($check{amperage})    { check_pwrmonitoring(); }
if ($check{intrusion})   { check_intrusion();     }
if ($check{sdcard})      { check_sdcard();        }
if ($check{alertlog})    { check_alertlog();      }
if ($check{esmlog})      { check_esmlog();        }
if ($check{esmhealth})   { check_esmlog_health(); }
if ($check{servicetag})  { check_servicetag();    }

# Finish up

# Close SNMP session
if ($snmp) {

# Counter variable
  = (
     'OK'       => 0,
     'WARNING'  => 0,
     'CRITICAL' => 0,
     'UNKNOWN'  => 0,

# Print messages
if ($opt{debug}) {
    # finding the mode of operation
    my $mode = 'local';
    if ($snmp) {
	# Setting the domain (IP version and transport protocol)
	my $transport = $opt{tcp} ? 'TCP' : 'UDP';
	my $ipversion = $opt{ipv6} ? 'IPv6' : 'IPv4';
	$mode = "SNMPv$opt{protocol} $transport/$ipversion";

    print "   System:      $sysinfo{model}$sysinfo{rev}";
    print q{ } x (25 - length "$sysinfo{model}$sysinfo{rev}"), "OMSA version:    $sysinfo{om}\n";
    print "   ServiceTag:  $sysinfo{serial}";
    print q{ } x (25 - length $sysinfo{serial}), "Plugin version:  $VERSION\n";
    print "   BIOS/date:   $sysinfo{bios} $sysinfo{biosdate}";
    print q{ } x (25 - length "$sysinfo{bios} $sysinfo{biosdate}"), "Checking mode:   $mode\n";
    if ($#report_storage >= 0) {
	print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
	print "   Storage Components                                                        \n";
	print "=============================================================================\n";
	print "  STATE  |    ID    |  MESSAGE TEXT                                          \n";
	print "---------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------\n";
	foreach (@report_storage) {
	    my ($msg, $level, $nexus) = @{$_};
	    print q{ } x (8 - length $reverse_exitcode{$level}) . "$reverse_exitcode{$level} | "
	      . q{ } x (8 - length $nexus) . "$nexus | $msg\n";
    if ($#report_chassis >= 0) {
	print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
	print "   Chassis Components                                                        \n";
	print "=============================================================================\n";
	print "  STATE  |  ID  |  MESSAGE TEXT                                              \n";
	print "---------+------+------------------------------------------------------------\n";
	foreach (@report_chassis) {
	    my ($msg, $level, $nexus) = @{$_};
	    print q{ } x (8 - length $reverse_exitcode{$level}) . "$reverse_exitcode{$level} | "
	      . q{ } x (4 - length $nexus) . "$nexus | $msg\n";
    if ($#report_other >= 0) {
	print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
	print "   Other messages                                                            \n";
	print "=============================================================================\n";
	print "  STATE  |  MESSAGE TEXT                                                     \n";
	print "---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
	foreach (@report_other) {
	    my ($msg, $level, $nexus) = @{$_};
	    print q{ } x (8 - length $reverse_exitcode{$level}) . "$reverse_exitcode{$level} | $msg\n";
else {
    my $c = 0;  # counter to determine linebreaks

    # Run through each message, sorted by severity level
    foreach (sort {$a->[1] < $b->[1]} (@report_storage, @report_chassis, @report_other)) {
	my ($msg, $level, $nexus) = @{ $_ };
	next ALERT if $level == $E_OK;

	if (defined $opt{only}) {
	    # If user wants only critical alerts
	    next ALERT if ($opt{only} eq 'critical' and $level == $E_WARNING);

	    # If user wants only warning alerts
	    next ALERT if ($opt{only} eq 'warning' and $level == $E_CRITICAL);

	# Prefix with service tag if specified with option '-i|--info'
	if ($opt{info}) {
	    if (defined $opt{htmlinfo} and !$opt{hide_servicetag}) {
		$msg = '[<a target="_blank" href="' . warranty_url($sysinfo{serial})
		  . "\">$sysinfo{serial}</a>] " . $msg;
	    else {
		$msg = "[$sysinfo{serial}] " . $msg;

	# Prefix with nagios level if specified with option '--state'
	$msg = $reverse_exitcode{$level} . ": $msg" if $opt{state};

	# Prefix with one-letter nagios level if specified with option '--short-state'
	$msg = (substr $reverse_exitcode{$level}, 0, 1) . ": $msg" if $opt{shortstate};

	($c++ == 0) ? print $msg : print $linebreak, $msg;


# Determine our exit code
$exit_code = $E_OK;
$exit_code = $E_UNKNOWN  if $nagios_alert_count{'UNKNOWN'} > 0;
$exit_code = $E_WARNING  if $nagios_alert_count{'WARNING'} > 0;
$exit_code = $E_CRITICAL if $nagios_alert_count{'CRITICAL'} > 0;

# Global status via SNMP.. extra safety check
if ($globalstatus != $E_OK && $exit_code == $E_OK && !defined $opt{only}) {
    print "OOPS! Something is wrong with this server, but I don't know what. ";
    print "The global system health status is $reverse_exitcode{$globalstatus}, ";
    print "but every component check is OK. This may be a bug in the Nagios plugin, ";
    print "please file a bug report.\n";
    exit $E_UNKNOWN;

# Print OK message
if ($exit_code == $E_OK && defined $opt{only} && $opt{only} !~ m{\A critical|warning|chassis \z}xms && !$opt{debug}) {
    my %okmsg
      = ( 'storage'     => "STORAGE OK - $count{pdisk} physical drives, $count{vdisk} logical drives",
	  'fans'        => $count{fan} == 0 && $blade ? 'OK - blade system with no fan probes' : "FANS OK - $count{fan} fan probes checked",
	  'temp'        => "TEMPERATURES OK - $count{temp} temperature probes checked",
	  'memory'      => "MEMORY OK - $count{dimm} memory modules, $count{mem} MB total memory",
	  'power'       => $count{power} == 0 ? 'OK - no instrumented power supplies found' : "POWER OK - $count{power} power supplies checked",
	  'cpu'         => "PROCESSORS OK - $count{cpu} processors checked",
	  'voltage'     => "VOLTAGE OK - $count{volt} voltage probes checked",
	  'batteries'   => $count{bat} == 0 ? 'OK - no batteries found' : "BATTERIES OK - $count{bat} batteries checked",
	  'amperage'    => $count{amp} == 0 ? 'OK - no power monitoring probes found' : "AMPERAGE OK - $count{amp} amperage (power monitoring) probes checked",
	  'intrusion'   => $count{intr} == 0 ? 'OK - no intrusion detection probes found' : "INTRUSION OK - $count{intr} intrusion detection probes checked",
	  'alertlog'    => $snmp ? 'OK - not supported via snmp' : "OK - Alert Log content: $count{alert}{Ok} ok, $count{alert}{'Non-Critical'} warning and $count{alert}{Critical} critical",
	  'esmlog'      => "OK - ESM Log content: $count{esm}{Ok} ok, $count{esm}{'Non-Critical'} warning and $count{esm}{Critical} critical",
	  'esmhealth'   => "ESM LOG OK - less than 80% used",
          'sdcard'      => "SD CARDS OK - $count{sd} SD cards installed",
          'servicetag'  => sprintf 'ServiceTag OK: %s', $opt{hide_servicetag} ? 'XXXXXXX' : $sysinfo{serial},

    print $okmsg{$opt{only}};

    # show blacklisted components
    if ($opt{show_blacklist} and %blacklist) {
	my @blstr = ();
	foreach (keys %blacklist) {
	    push @blstr, "$_=" . join ',', @{ $blacklist{$_} };
	print $linebreak;
	print "----- BLACKLISTED: " . join '/', @blstr;
elsif ($exit_code == $E_OK && !$opt{debug}) {
    if (defined $opt{htmlinfo} and !$opt{hide_servicetag}) {
	printf q{OK - System: '<a target="_blank" href="%s">%s%s</a>', SN: '<a target="_blank" href="%s">%s</a>'},
	  documentation_url($sysinfo{model},$sysinfo{rev}), $sysinfo{model}, $sysinfo{rev},
	    warranty_url($sysinfo{serial}), $sysinfo{serial};
    elsif (defined $opt{htmlinfo} and $opt{hide_servicetag}) {
	printf q{OK - System: '<a target="_blank" href="%s">%s%s</a>', SN: '%s'},
	  documentation_url($sysinfo{model},$sysinfo{rev}), $sysinfo{model}, $sysinfo{rev},
    else {
	printf q{OK - System: '%s%s', SN: '%s'},
	  $sysinfo{model}, $sysinfo{rev}, $sysinfo{serial};

    if ($check{memory}) {
	my $unit = 'MB';
	if ($count{mem} >= 1024) {
	    $count{mem} /= 1024;
	    $unit = 'GB';
	printf ', %d %s ram (%d dimms)', $count{mem}, $unit, $count{dimm};
    else {
	print ', not checking memory';

    if ($check{storage}) {
	printf ', %d logical drives, %d physical drives',
	  $count{vdisk}, $count{pdisk};
    else {
	print ', not checking storage';

    # show blacklisted components
    if ($opt{show_blacklist} and %blacklist) {
	my @blstr = ();
	foreach (keys %blacklist) {
	    push @blstr, "$_=" . join ',', @{ $blacklist{$_} };
	print $linebreak;
	print "----- BLACKLISTED: " . join '/', @blstr;

    if ($opt{okinfo} >= 1) {
	print $linebreak;
	printf q{----- BIOS='%s %s'}, $sysinfo{bios}, $sysinfo{biosdate};

	if ($sysinfo{rac}) {
	    printf q{, %s='%s'}, $sysinfo{rac_name}, $sysinfo{rac_fw};
	if ($sysinfo{bmc}) {
	    printf q{, BMC='%s'}, $sysinfo{bmc_fw};

    if ($opt{okinfo} >= 2) {
	if ($check{storage}) {
	    my @storageprint = ();
	    foreach my $id (sort keys %{ $sysinfo{controller} }) {
		chomp $sysinfo{controller}{$id}{driver};
		my $msg = sprintf q{----- Ctrl %s [%s]: Fw='%s', Dr='%s'},
		  $sysinfo{controller}{$id}{id}, $sysinfo{controller}{$id}{name},
		    $sysinfo{controller}{$id}{firmware}, $sysinfo{controller}{$id}{driver};
		if (defined $sysinfo{controller}{$id}{storport}) {
		    $msg .= sprintf q{, Storport: '%s'}, $sysinfo{controller}{$id}{storport};
		push @storageprint, $msg;
	    foreach my $id (sort keys %{ $sysinfo{enclosure} }) {
		push @storageprint, sprintf q{----- Encl %s [%s]: Fw='%s'},
		  $sysinfo{enclosure}{$id}->{id}, $sysinfo{enclosure}{$id}->{name},

	    # print stuff
	    foreach my $line (@storageprint) {
		print $linebreak, $line;

    if ($opt{okinfo} >= 3) {
	print "$linebreak----- OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) version: '$sysinfo{om}'";

else {
    if ($opt{extinfo}) {
	print $linebreak;
	if (defined $opt{htmlinfo} && !$opt{hide_servicetag}) {
	    printf '------ SYSTEM: <a target="_blank" href="%s">%s%s</a>, SN: <a target="_blank" href="%s">%s</a>',
	      documentation_url($sysinfo{model}), $sysinfo{model}, $sysinfo{rev},
		warranty_url($sysinfo{serial}), $sysinfo{serial};
	elsif (defined $opt{htmlinfo} && $opt{hide_servicetag}) {
	    printf '------ SYSTEM: <a target="_blank" href="%s">%s%s</a>, SN: %s',
	      documentation_url($sysinfo{model}), $sysinfo{model}, $sysinfo{rev},
	else {
	    printf '------ SYSTEM: %s%s, SN: %s',
	      $sysinfo{model}, $sysinfo{rev}, $sysinfo{serial};
    if (defined $opt{postmsg}) {
	my $post = undef;
	if (-f $opt{postmsg}) {
	    open my $POST, '<', $opt{postmsg}
	      or ( print $linebreak
		   and print "ERROR: Couldn't open post message file $opt{postmsg}: $!\n"
		   and exit $E_UNKNOWN );
	    $post = <$POST>;
	    close $POST;
	    chomp $post;
	else {
	    $post = $opt{postmsg};
	if (defined $post) {
	    print $linebreak;
	    $post =~ s{[%]s}{$sysinfo{serial}}gxms;
	    $post =~ s{[%]m}{$sysinfo{model}$sysinfo{rev}}gxms;
	    $post =~ s{[%]b}{$sysinfo{bios}}gxms;
	    $post =~ s{[%]d}{$sysinfo{biosdate}}gxms;
	    $post =~ s{[%]o}{$sysinfo{osname}}gxms;
	    $post =~ s{[%]r}{$sysinfo{osver}}gxms;
	    $post =~ s{[%]p}{$count{pdisk}}gxms;
	    $post =~ s{[%]l}{$count{vdisk}}gxms;
	    $post =~ s{[%]n}{$linebreak}gxms;
	    $post =~ s{[%]{2}}{%}gxms;
	    print $post;

# Reset the WARN signal

# Print any perl warnings that have occured
if (@perl_warnings) {
    foreach (@perl_warnings) {
	chop @$_;
	print "${linebreak}INTERNAL ERROR: @$_";
    $exit_code = $E_UNKNOWN;

# Print performance data
if (defined $opt{perfdata} && !$opt{debug} && @perfdata) {
    my $lb = $opt{perfdata} eq 'multiline' ? "\n" : q{ };  # line break for perfdata
    print q{|};

    # Sort routine for performance data
    sub perfsort {
	my %order = ( 'T' => 0, 'W' => 1, 'A' => 2, 'V' => 3, 'F' => 4, 'E' => 5, );

	# sort in this order:
	#  1. the type according to the hash "order" above
	#  2. the id (index) numerically
	#  3. the id (index) alphabetically
	#  4. the label
	return $order{$a->{type}} cmp $order{$b->{type}} ||
	  ($a->{id} =~ m{\A\d+\z}xms and $a->{id} <=> $b->{id}) ||
	    ($a->{id} !~ m{\A\d+\z}xms and $a->{id} cmp $b->{id}) ||
	      $a->{label} cmp $b->{label};

    # LEGACY sort routine for performance data
    sub perfsort_legacy {
	my %order = ( fan => 0, pwr => 1, tem => 2, enc => 3, );
	return ($order{(substr $a->{legacy}, 0, 3)} cmp $order{(substr $b->{legacy}, 0, 3)}) ||
	  $a->{legacy} cmp $b->{legacy};

    # Print performance data sorted
    if ($opt{legacy_perfdata}) {
	my $type = $opt{perfdata} eq 'minimal' ? 'mini' : 'legacy';
	print join $lb, map { "$_->{$type}=$_->{value};$_->{warn};$_->{crit}" } sort perfsort_legacy @perfdata;
    else {
	if ($opt{perfdata} eq 'minimal') {
	    print join $lb, map { "$_->{type}$_->{id}=$_->{value}$_->{unit};$_->{warn};$_->{crit}" } sort perfsort @perfdata;
	else {
	    print join $lb, map { "$_->{type}$_->{id}_$_->{label}=$_->{value}$_->{unit};$_->{warn};$_->{crit}" } sort perfsort @perfdata;

# Wrapping up and finishing
if ($opt{debug}) {
   # Exit with value 3 (unknown) if debug
    exit $E_UNKNOWN;
else {
    # Print a linebreak at the end if we have a TTY
    isatty(*STDOUT) && print "\n";

    # Exit with proper exit code
    exit $exit_code;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0