Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/opt/sharedrads/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/opt/sharedrads/lil-cpanel

# encoding: utf-8
# author: Kyle Yetter

BEGIN { unshift @INC, '/usr/local/cpanel'; }

# since the local SSL certificate's probably self-signed, allow the query
# to skip certificate verification

our $VERSION = 1.4;

use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI;
use File::Basename;
use File::Slurp qw( slurp read_dir );
use File::Spec::Functions;
use Getopt::Long;
use JSON::Syck;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Pod::Usage;
use Text::Wrap;
use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile ();

sub tidy($) {
  my ( $str ) = @_;
  $str =~ s(^\s+\| ?)()g;
  $str =~ s(\A\s+|\s+\z)()g;
  return $str;

sub p {
  print( Dumper( @_ ), "\n" );
  return @_;

sub get_prefix($) {
  my ( $name ) = @_;
  my $pre = substr($name, 0, 8);
  return $pre;

# this module's missing sometimes, so check if it's available.
# If not, the script will fail in a hard-to-figure-out way.
eval {
  require LWP::Protocol::https;
} or do {
  die tidy q(
  | LWP::Protocol::https is not installed on this system.
  | It can be installed via:
  |   /scripts/perlinstaller LWP::Protocol::https

##################################### Global Options and Values ####################################

# display extra debugging info if true
our $debug = 0;
# if true, don't colorize output with ANSI escape sequences
our $bleach = 0;
# set to 0 when a WHM api call fails
our $api_success = 1;
# the cPanel user name for the account we're messing with
our $user      = undef;
# the basic cPanel user information for the user
our $prefix = undef;
# the basic cPanel user information for the user
our $user_data = undef;

# stores the cPanel API access key, which will be read from disk on demand
our $whm_access_key = undef;
# set to 1 if this script had to create a cPanel access hash
our $created_access_hash = 0;

our $mysql_dbs      = undef;
our $mysql_users    = undef;
our $addon_domains  = undef;
our $parked_domains = undef;
our $subdomains     = undef;
our $ftp_users      = undef;

our $do_help = 0;
our $program_name  = basename( $0 );
our $print_metrics = {
  indent_size    => 4,
  right_margin   => 4,
  center_margin  => 4,
  win_width      => undef,
  column_width   => undef,
  desc_width     => undef

  # If we had to create a temporary access hash to make this work,
  # make sure it gets trashed
  if ( -f '/root/.accesshash' && $created_access_hash ) {
    unlink( '/root/.accesshash' ) or die( "failed to remove /root/.accesshash" );

##################################### Global Utility Functions #####################################

sub c($$) {
  my ( $str, $style ) = @_;
  $str = colored( $str, $style ) unless $bleach;
  return $str;

sub d {
  if ( $debug ) {
    my ( $fmt, @params ) = @_;
    local $\ = "\n";

    my $message = c( sprintf( $fmt, @params ), 'cyan' );
    print STDERR "DEBUG: $message";

sub fail {
  my $message = sprintf( @_ );
  $message = c( $message, 'red' );
  print STDERR $message;
  exit( 1 );

sub read_delimited($$) {
  my $path = shift;
  my $delim = shift;
  my %data;

  foreach ( slurp( $path ) ) {
    s(^\s+|\s+$)()g;           # strip the line
    next if /^\s*(?:#.*)?$/;   # skip over blank and comment lines
    my ( $key, $value ) = split( /$delim/, $_, 2 );
    $data{$key} = $value;

  return %data;

sub window_size {
  my @size = ( $ENV{'COLUMNS'} || 80, $ENV{'LINES'} || 22 );
  my $tiocgwinsz = 0x5413;

  eval {
    my $data = '';
    if ( ioctl( STDERR, $tiocgwinsz, $data ) >= 0 ) {
      my ( $height, $width ) = unpack( "SSSS", $data );
      $size[ 1 ] = $height if $height >= 0;
      $size[ 0 ] = $width  if $width  >= 0;
  return @size;

sub load_json($) {
  my ( $source ) = @_;
  my $data;
  eval { $data = JSON::Syck::Load( $source ); };
  if ( $@ ) {
    die( $@ . "\nJSON SOURCE:\n" . $source );
  return $data;

sub quick_api($%) {
  my $function = shift;
  my %params = @_;

  my $uri = URI->new( "$function" );
  $uri->query_form( %params );
  d "query URI: %s", $uri;

  my $auth = "WHM root:" . whm_access_key();
  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  my $request =
    HTTP::Request->new( GET => "$uri" );
  $request->header( Authorization => $auth );
  my $response = $ua->request( $request );

  my $data = load_json( $response->content );
  d "json data:\n%s", Dumper( $data ) if $debug;
  # ^-- keeps the Dumper call from executing unless totally necessary

  return $data;

sub modular_api_v1($$@) {
  my $module = shift;
  my $func = shift;
  my @args = @_;
  my %opts = (
    cpanel_jsonapi_user => $user,
    cpanel_jsonapi_module => $module,
    cpanel_jsonapi_func => $func,
    cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion => 1
  for my $i ( 0 .. $#args ) {
    $opts{ "arg-$i" } = $args[ $i ];
  my $result = quick_api( 'cpanel', %opts );

sub modular_api_v2($$%) {
  my $module = shift;
  my $func = shift;
  my %opts = (
    cpanel_jsonapi_user       => $user,
    cpanel_jsonapi_module     => $module,
    cpanel_jsonapi_func       => $func,
    cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion => 2,
  my $result = quick_api( 'cpanel', %opts );
  return $result->{ cpanelresult };

sub whm_access_key {
  if ( $whm_access_key ) { return $whm_access_key; }

  unless ( -f '/root/.accesshash' ) {
    $ENV{ REMOTE_USER } = 'root';
    delete $ENV{ REMOTE_USER };
    $created_access_hash = 1;

  if ( -f '/root/.accesshash' ) {
    $whm_access_key = slurp( "/root/.accesshash" ) or die "could not read /root/.accesshash: $!";
    $whm_access_key =~ s/\n//g;
  } else {
    die "could not read /root/.accesshash: $!";

  return $whm_access_key;

our $domain_rx = qr((?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])?)\.)*(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])?)(?:\.(?:m(?:[acdeghkmnpqrstvwxyz]|u(?:seum)?|o(?:bi)?|i?l)|a(?:[cdfgilmnoqtuwxz]|e(?:ro)?|r(?:pa)?|s(?:ia)?)|c(?:[cdfghiklmnruvxyz]|o(?:op|m)?|at?)|t(?:[cdfghjkmnoptvwz]|r(?:avel)?|e?l)|n(?:[cfgilopruz]|a(?:me)?|et?)|b(?:[abdefghjmnorstvwyz]|iz?)|g(?:[abdefghilmnpqrstuwy]|ov)|i(?:[delmoqrst]|n(?:fo|t)?)|p(?:[aefghklmnstwy]|ro?)|s[abcdeghijklmnortuvyz]|j(?:[emp]|o(?:bs)?)|e(?:[cegrst]|d?u)|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|v[aceginu]|d[ejkmoz]|f[ijkmor]|h[kmnrtu]|o(?:rg|m)|u[agksyz]|r[eosuw]|z[amw]|w[fs]|y[et]|qa))+)i;
our $ip_rx = qr(^(?:(?:2(?:[0-4]\d|5[0-5])|1\d{2}|\d{1,2})\.){3}(?:2(?:[0-4][0-9]|5[0-5])|1\d{2}|\d{1,2})$);

sub who_owns( $ ) {
  my $domain = quotemeta( shift );
  my $user   = undef;

  open( USERDOMAINS, "/etc/userdomains" ) or die "could not open /etc/userdomains: $!";

    while( <USERDOMAINS> ) {
      if ( /^$domain: (\S+)/i ) {
        $user = $1;
        $prefix = get_prefix($user);
        last SEARCH;

  close( USERDOMAINS );

  return $user;

sub complete_word($$) {
  my $fragment = shift;
  my $data     = shift;
  my $type     = ref( $data );
  my @words;

  if ( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
    @words = keys %$data;
  } elsif ( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
    @words = @$data;

  my $search  = quotemeta( $fragment );
  my @matches = grep /^$search/i, @words;
  my $found = scalar( @matches );

  # ambiguous completion
  if ( $found > 1 ) {
    $search = lc( $fragment );
    foreach ( @matches ) { $search eq lc( $_ ) and return $_; }

    my @pretty = map { "`$_'" } @matches;
    my $tail = pop @pretty;
    my $head = join( ', ', @pretty );
    my $display = $head ? "$head and $tail" : $tail;

    $@ = "ambiguous completion for `$fragment': matches $display";
  } elsif ( $found == 1 ) {
    return $matches[ 0 ];
  } else {
    $@ = "unknown command `$fragment'";

sub set_user($) {
  ( $user ) = @_;
  $user_data = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile::loadcpuserfile( $user );

sub load_mysql_data(;$) {
  my ( $force_update ) = @_;

  unless ( $mysql_dbs && !$force_update ) {
    my %databases;
    my $data = modular_api_v2( 'MysqlFE', 'listdbs' );
    for my $db_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) {
      $databases{ $db_info->{ db } } = $db_info;
    $mysql_dbs = \%databases;

  unless ( $mysql_users && !$force_update ) {
    my %users;
    my $data = modular_api_v2( 'MysqlFE', 'listusers' );
    for my $user_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) {
      $users{ $user_info->{ user } } = $user_info;
    $mysql_users = \%users;

sub load_addon_domains(;$) {
  my ( $force_update ) = @_;

  unless ( $addon_domains && !$force_update ) {
    my %domains;
    my $data = modular_api_v2( 'AddonDomain', 'listaddondomains' );
    for my $dom_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) {
      $domains{ $dom_info->{ domain } } = $dom_info;
    $addon_domains = \%domains;

sub load_parked_domains(;$) {
  my ( $force_update ) = @_;

  unless ( $parked_domains && !$force_update ) {
    my %domains;
    my $data = modular_api_v2( 'Park', 'listparkeddomains' );
    for my $dom_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) {
      $domains{ $dom_info->{ domain } } = $dom_info;
    $parked_domains = \%domains;

sub load_subdomains(;$) {
  my ( $force_update ) = @_;

  unless ( $subdomains && !$force_update ) {
    my %domains;
    my $data = modular_api_v2( 'SubDomain', 'listsubdomains' );
    for my $dom_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) {
      $domains{ $dom_info->{ domain } } = $dom_info;
    $subdomains = \%domains;

sub load_ftp_users(;$) {
  my ( $force_update ) = @_;

  unless ( $ftp_users && !$force_update ) {
    my %users;
    my $data = modular_api_v2( 'Ftp', 'listftp' );
    for my $ftp_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) {
      $users{ $ftp_info->{ user } } = $ftp_info;
    $ftp_users = \%users;

sub is_user($) {
  my ( $name ) = @_;
  return( -f "/var/cpanel/users/$name" );

sub is_mysql_db($) {
  my ( $name ) = @_;
  return $mysql_dbs->{ $name };

sub is_mysql_user($) {
  my ( $name ) = @_;
  return $mysql_users->{ $name };

sub check_mysql_db_name($) {
  $_ = $_[0];
  my $limit = 64 - length( $prefix ) - 1;

  unless ( /^[a-z0-9]+$/i ) {
    die "the given database name `$_' contains invalid characters (should only be letters and numbers)";
  if ( length > $limit ) {
    die "the given database name `$_' is too long -- must be less than $limit characters in length";

sub check_mysql_user_name($) {
  $_ = $_[0];
  my $limit = 16 - length( $prefix ) - 1;

  unless ( /^[a-z0-9]+$/i ) {
    die "the given MySQL user name `$_' contains invalid characters (should only be letters and numbers)";
  if ( length > $limit ) {
    die "the given MySQL user name `$_' is too long -- must be less than $limit characters in length";

########################################### class Command ##########################################

  package Command;
  use Class::Struct;

    'Command', [
      'group'             => '$',
      'name'              => '$',
      'desc'              => '$',
      'arguments'         => '%',
      'api_version'       => '$',
      'api_module'        => '$',
      'api_func'          => '$',
      'execute'           => '$',
      'reporter'          => '$',
      'argument_handler'  => '$',
      'depth'             => '$',
      'parent'            => '$',
      'options'           => '%',
      'result'            => '$',
      'success'           => '$',
      'message'           => '$'

  *window_size    = *main::window_size;
  *c              = *main::c;
  *load_json      = *main::load_json;
  *is_user        = *main::is_user;
  *whm_access_key = *main::whm_access_key;

  sub bind($@) {
    my $self = shift;

    my @argv = $self->prepare_arguments( @_ );

    # since values may get bound by hook methods and options,
    # focus only on unbound arguments
    my @params = grep { not $_->bound } values %{ $self->arguments };
    @params = sort { $a->position <=> $b->position } @params;

    my $required_arity  = 0;
    for ( @params ) { $required_arity += 1 if $_->required; }

    if ( @argv < $required_arity ) {
      $self->help( "too few arguments given" );
    } elsif ( @argv > @params ) {
      $self->help( "too many arguments given" );

    my $optional_slots = @argv - $required_arity;
    if ( @argv ) {
        for my $i ( 0 .. $#argv ) {
          my $param = $params[ $i ];
          my $value = $argv[ $i ];

          unless ( $param->required ) {
            if ( $optional_slots > 0 ) {
              $optional_slots -= 1;
            } else {
              next BINDING;

          $param->bind( $value ) if defined( $value );

    return $self;

  sub prepare_arguments($@) {
    my $self = shift;
    my @argv = @_;
    my $handler = $self->argument_handler;
    return $handler ? $handler->( $self, @argv ) : @argv;

  sub clear($) {
    my $self = shift;
    $_->clear for values %{ $self->arguments };
    return $self;

  sub uri($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $v   = $self->api_version;

    my $uri = URI->new( "" );
    my %params = (
      cpanel_jsonapi_user       => $user,
      cpanel_jsonapi_module     => $self->api_module,
      cpanel_jsonapi_func       => $self->api_func,
      cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion => $self->api_version
    my @arg_spec = values %{ $self->arguments };

    foreach my $spec ( @arg_spec ) {
      my $v = $spec->value;
      if ( defined $v ) {
        $params{ $spec->query_key } = $v;
    $uri->query_form( %params );
    return $uri;

  sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my @argv = @_;
    if ( $argv[ 0 ] eq 'help' ) {
      $do_help = 1;
      shift( @argv );

    if ( $do_help ) {
      $self->help( 0 );

    unless ( $user ) {
      if ( is_user( $argv[ 0 ] ) ) {
        set_user( shift( @argv ) );
      } else {
        die "no valid user name provided for this command";

    my $execute = $self->execute;

    if ( $execute ) {
      return $execute->( $self, @argv );
    } else {
      my $success = $self->api_call( @argv );
      return $success;

  sub report($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $reporter = $self->reporter;
    $reporter ? $reporter->( $self ) : $self->default_report;

  sub default_report($$) {
    my ( $self, $result ) = @_;
    print c( $self->message, $self->success ? 'green' : 'red' );

  sub api_call($@) {
    my $self = shift;
    my @argv = @_;
    $self->bind( @argv );
    my $uri = $self->uri;

    my $auth = "WHM root:" . whm_access_key();
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    my $request =
      HTTP::Request->new( GET => "$uri" );
    $request->header( Authorization => $auth );

    my $response = $ua->request( $request );
    my $data = load_json( $response->content );
    my $success = 1;
    my $message = 'OK';

    if ( $self->api_version == 2 ) {
      if ( exists $data->{ cpanelresult } ) {
        $data = $data->{ cpanelresult };

    if ( exists $data->{ error } ) {
      $success = 0;
      $message = $data->{ error };
    } elsif ( exists $data->{ data } ) {
      my $content =  $data->{ data };
      if ( ref( $content ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        $content = $content->[ 0 ];
      if ( ref( $content ) eq 'HASH' ) {
        if ( exists $content->{ reason } ) {
          $success = $content->{ result };
          $message = $content->{ reason };
        } elsif ( exists $content->{ result } ) {
          $message = $content->{ result };

    $self->success( $success );
    $self->message( $message );
    $self->result( $data );

    return $success;

  sub argument($$$%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;
    my $desc = shift;

    my %options = @_;

    my $pos      = scalar keys %{ $self->arguments };
    my $validate = $options{ validate };
    my $cast     = $options{ cast };
    my $default  = $options{ default };
    my $required = !exists $options{ default };
    my $key      = $options{ key } || $name;

    if ( $self->api_version == 1 ) {
      $key = "arg-$pos";

    if ( exists $options{ required } ) {
      $required = $options{ required };

    my $arg = Command::Argument->new();
    $arg->command( $self );
    $arg->name( $name );
    $arg->desc( $desc );
    $arg->position( $pos );
    $arg->required( $required );
    $arg->default_value( $default );
    $arg->validate( $validate );
    $arg->cast( $cast );
    $arg->query_key( $key );

    $self->arguments( $name, $arg );
    return $arg;

  sub option($@) {
    my ( $self, @option_params ) = @_;
    my $option = Command::Option->new();
    $option->configure( @option_params );
    $self->options( $option->name, $option );
    return $option;

  sub argument_list($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    return( sort { $a->position <=> $b->position } values %{ $self->arguments } );

  sub help($;$) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $parent = $self->parent;
    my $error_message = shift;
    my $exit_status = 0;
    if ( $error_message ) {
      print c( "ERROR: $error_message", 'red' ), "\n";
      $exit_status = 1;

    print "USAGE: ", $self->usage_summary, "\n\n";

    my $win_width    = $print_metrics->{ win_width };
    my $indent_size  = $print_metrics->{ indent_size };
    my $right_margin = $print_metrics->{ right_margin };
    my $indent       = ' ' x $indent_size;
    my @desc_lines   = wrap( $self->desc, $win_width - $indent_size - $right_margin );
    print( $indent, $_, "\n" ) for @desc_lines;
    print "\n";

    if ( %{ $self->arguments } ) {
      print "ARGUMENTS:\n";
      print "\n";
    } else {
      print "ARGUMENTS: (none)\n\n";

    my $takes_options = 0;
      for ( my $node = $self; $node; $node = $node->parent ) {
        if ( %{ $node->options } ) {
          $takes_options = 1;
          last OPT_SEARCH;

    if ( $takes_options ) {
      print "OPTIONS:\n";

    exit( $exit_status );

  sub print_arguments($) {
    my $self = shift;

    my $column_width  = $print_metrics->{ column_width };
    my $desc_width    = $print_metrics->{ desc_width };
    my $right_margin  = $print_metrics->{ right_margin };
    my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin };
    my $indent_size   = $print_metrics->{ indent_size };
    my $arg_width     = $column_width - $indent_size;

    my $mask        = "%-${arg_width}s";
    my $indent      = ' ' x $indent_size;
    my $fill        = ' ' x $arg_width;
    my $center_fill = ' ' x $center_margin;

    for my $arg ( $self->argument_list ) {
      my $aname = sprintf( $mask, $arg->name );
      my ( $first, @lines ) = wrap( $arg->desc, $desc_width );

      print( $indent, c( $aname, 'magenta' ), $center_fill, $first, "\n" );
      print( $indent, $fill, $center_fill, $_, "\n" ) for @lines;

  sub print_options($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my @opts     = values %{ $self->options };
    if ( @opts ) {
      my $depth         = $self->depth;
      my $name = ucfirst( $self->name || "global" );

      my $column_width  = $print_metrics->{ column_width };
      my $desc_width    = $print_metrics->{ desc_width };
      my $right_margin  = $print_metrics->{ right_margin };
      my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin };
      my $indent_size   = $print_metrics->{ indent_size };
      my $option_width  = $column_width - ( 2 * $indent_size );

      my $indent_space  = ' ' x $indent_size;
      my $center_fill   = ' ' x $center_margin;
      my $filler        = ( ' ' x $option_width );
      print( $indent_space, "$name Options:\n" );

      my $name_mask = "%-${option_width}s";

      @opts = sort { $a->name cmp $b-> name } @opts;
      foreach my $o ( @opts ) {
        my $oname = sprintf( $name_mask, $o->summary );
        my ( $first, @lines ) = wrap( $o->desc, $desc_width );

        print( $indent_space, $indent_space, $oname, $center_fill, $first, "\n" );
        print( $indent_space, $indent_space, $filler, $center_fill, $_, "\n" ) for @lines;

    my $parent = $self->parent;
    $parent->print_options() if $parent;
    return $self;

  sub get_value($$) {
    my ( $self, $arg_name ) = @_;
    my $arg = $self->arguments( $arg_name ) or die "invalid argument name `$arg_name'";
    return $arg->value;
  sub set_value($$$) {
    my ( $self, $arg_name, $value ) = @_;
    my $arg = $self->arguments( $arg_name ) or die "invalid argument name `$arg_name'";
    $arg->bind( $value );
    return $arg;

  sub parse_api_spec($$) {
    my ( $self, $spec ) = @_;
    $_ = $spec;
    if ( /^\s*v?([12])\s*(\S+)::(\S+)$/ ) {
      my ( $v, $m, $f ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
      $self->api_version( $v + 0 );
      $self->api_module( $m );
      $self->api_func( $f );
    } else {
      die "bad api spec given: `$_'";
    return $self;

  sub usage_summary($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $action   = $self;
    my @trail;
    do {
      unshift( @trail, $action->name || $program_name );
    } while ( $action = $action->parent );

    for my $arg ( $self->argument_list ) {
      my $arg_name = c( $arg->name, 'underline' );
      push( @trail, $arg->required ? $arg_name : "[$arg_name]" );

    return join( ' ', @trail );

  sub command_width($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $depth = $self->depth;
    return( ( $depth * $print_metrics->{ indent_size } ) + length( $self->name ) );

  sub argument_width($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my @args  = $self->argument_list;
    my $width = 0;
    my $indent_size = $print_metrics->{ indent_size };

    for my $arg ( @args ) {
      my $arg_width = length( $arg->name ) + $indent_size;
      $width = $arg_width if $arg_width > $width;
    return $width;

  sub option_width($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $parent   = $self->parent;
    my $width    = $parent ? $parent->option_width : 0;
    my @opts     = values %{ $self->options };

    for my $opt ( @opts ) {
      my $margin  = $print_metrics->{ indent_size } * 2;
      my $summary = $opt->summary;
      my $w       = $margin + length( $summary );
      $width = $w if $w > $width;
    return $width;

  sub wrap($$) {
    my ( $text, $width ) = @_;
    $width < 15 and $width = 15;
    $Text::Wrap::columns = $width;
    $text = Text::Wrap::wrap( '', '', $text );
    return( split( /\r?\n/, $text ) );

  sub compute_print_metrics($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my ( $win_width, undef ) = window_size();

    my $right_margin  = $print_metrics->{ right_margin };
    my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin };

    my $arg_width     = $self->argument_width;
    my $option_width  = $self->option_width;
    my $column_width  = $arg_width > $option_width ? $arg_width : $option_width;

    my $desc_width    = $win_width - $right_margin - $center_margin - $column_width;
    $desc_width < 15 and $desc_width = 15;

    $print_metrics->{ column_width } = $column_width;
    $print_metrics->{ desc_width }   = $desc_width;
    $print_metrics->{ win_width  }   = $win_width;

    return $print_metrics;

###################################### class Command::Argument #####################################

  package Command::Argument;
  use Class::Struct;

    'Command::Argument', [
      'command'        => '$',
      'position'       => '$',
      'name'           => '$',
      'required'       => '$',
      'desc'           => '$',
      'default_value'  => '$',
      'validate'       => '$',
      'cast'           => '$',
      'bound_value'    => '$',
      'bound'          => '$',
      'query_key'      => '$'

  sub bind($$) {
    my ( $self, $given_value ) = @_;
    my $value = $self->cast ? $self->cast->( $given_value ) : $given_value;
    $self->validate and $self->validate->( $value );
    $self->bound_value( $value );
    $self->bound( 1 );
    return $self;

  sub clear($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    $self->bound_value( '' );
    $self->bound( 0 );
    return $self;

  sub value($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my ( $default, $name );

    return $self->bound_value if $self->bound;
    if ( $self->required ) {
      $name = $self->name;
      die "no value given for required argument `$name'";

    $default = $self->default_value;
    if ( ref( $default ) eq 'CODE' ) {
      my $cmd = $self->command;
      return $default->( $cmd, $self );
    return $default;

#################################### class Command::Dispatcher #####################################

  package Command::Dispatcher;
  use Class::Struct;

    'Command::Dispatcher', [
      'name'    => '$',
      'actions' => '%',
      'depth'   => '$',
      'parent'  => '$',
      'options' => '%'

  *complete_word = *main::complete_word;
  *window_size   = *main::window_size;
  *c             = *main::c;

  sub command($$$$%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;
    my $desc = shift;
    my $spec = shift;
    my %options = @_;
    my $execute = $options{ execute };

    my $command = $self->add_child( $name, Command->new() );
    $command->desc( $desc );
    $command->parse_api_spec( $spec );

    if ( %options ) {
      for my $prop ( qw( execute reporter argument_handler ) ) {
        $command->$prop( $options{ $prop } ) if exists $options{ $prop };

    return $command

  sub group($$%) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;
    my $group = Command::Dispatcher->new;
    return $self->add_child( $name, $group );

  sub option($@) {
    my ( $self, @option_params ) = @_;
    my $option = Command::Option->new();
    $option->configure( @option_params );
    $self->options( $option->name, $option );
    return $option;

  sub add_child($$$) {
    my ( $self, $name, $child ) = @_;
    my $depth;
    unless ( $depth = $self->depth )  {
      $self->depth( 0 );
      $depth = 0;
    $child->name( $name );
    $child->depth( $depth + 1 );
    $child->parent( $self );
    $self->actions( $name, $child );
    return $child;

  sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my @argv = @_;
    @argv = $self->parse_options( @argv );

    my $name = shift( @argv );
    if ( $name eq 'help' ) {
      $do_help = 1;
      $name = shift( @argv );

    my $action;

    unless ( $name ) {
      if ( $do_help ) {
        $self->help( 0 );
      } else {
        $self->help( "no command name given" );

    unless ( $action = $self->actions( $name ) ) {
      my $match = complete_word( $name, $self->actions ) or
        $self->help( $@ );
      $action = $self->actions( $match );

    return $action->run( @argv );

  sub parse_options($@) {
    my ( $self, @argv ) = @_;
    my @specs = values %{ $self->options };
    my %option_spec;
    foreach my $o ( @specs ) {
      $option_spec{ $o->to_spec } = $o->target;
    if ( %option_spec ) {
      Getopt::Long::Configure( 'bundling', 'pass_through' );
      Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray( \@argv, %option_spec );
    return @argv;

  sub help($;$) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $error_message = shift;
    my $exit_status = 0;
    if ( $error_message ) {
      print c( "ERROR: $error_message", 'red' ), "\n";
      $exit_status = 1;

    print "USAGE: ", $self->usage_summary, "\n\n";
    print "ACTIONS:\n";

    my $takes_options = 0;
      for ( my $node = $self; $node; $node = $node->parent ) {
        if ( %{ $node->options } ) {
          $takes_options = 1;
          last OPT_SEARCH;

    if ( $takes_options ) {
      print "OPTIONS:\n";

    exit( $exit_status );

  sub compute_print_metrics($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my ( $win_width, undef ) = window_size();

    my $right_margin  = $print_metrics->{ right_margin };
    my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin };

    my $command_width = $self->command_width;
    my $option_width  = $self->option_width;
    my $column_width  = $command_width > $option_width ? $command_width : $option_width;

    my $desc_width    = $win_width - $right_margin - $center_margin - $column_width;

    $desc_width < 15 and $desc_width = 15;

    $print_metrics->{ column_width } = $column_width;
    $print_metrics->{ desc_width }   = $desc_width;
    $print_metrics->{ win_width  }   = $win_width;

    return $print_metrics;

  sub print_commands($) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $depth = $self->depth;
    my $name  = $self->name;

    my $column_width  = $print_metrics->{ column_width };
    my $desc_width    = $print_metrics->{ desc_width };
    my $right_margin  = $print_metrics->{ right_margin };
    my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin };
    my $indent_size   = $print_metrics->{ indent_size };
    my $command_width = $column_width - ( ( $depth + 1 ) * $indent_size );

    my @children = values %{ $self->actions };
    my @groups;
    my @commands;

    for my $child ( @children ) {
      if ( ref( $child ) eq 'Command' ) {
        push( @commands, $child );
      } else {
        push( @groups, $child );

    @groups   = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @groups;
    @commands = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @commands;

    for my $group ( @groups ) {
      my $group_name = $group->name;
      print( ( ' ' x ( ( $depth + 1 ) * $indent_size ) ) . c( $group_name, 'yellow' ) . "\n" );

    my $indent_space = ( ' ' x ( ( $depth + 1 ) * $indent_size ) );
    my $center_space = ( ' ' x $center_margin );
    my $filler       = ( ' ' x $command_width );
    $Text::Wrap::columns = $desc_width;

    for my $command ( @commands ) {
      my $cname = $command->name;
      my $cdesc = $command->desc;

      $cname = sprintf( "%-${command_width}s", $cname );
      $cdesc    = Text::Wrap::wrap( '', '', $cdesc );
      my ( $first, @lines ) = split( /\r?\n/, $cdesc );

      print( $indent_space, c( $cname, 'cyan' ), $center_space, $first, "\n" );
      print( $indent_space, $filler, $center_space, $_, "\n" ) for @lines;

  sub print_options($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my @opts     = values %{ $self->options };
    if ( @opts ) {
      my $depth         = $self->depth;
      my $name = ucfirst( $self->name || "global" );

      my $column_width  = $print_metrics->{ column_width };
      my $desc_width    = $print_metrics->{ desc_width };
      my $right_margin  = $print_metrics->{ right_margin };
      my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin };
      my $indent_size   = $print_metrics->{ indent_size };
      my $option_width  = $column_width - ( 2 * $indent_size );

      my $indent_space  = ' ' x $indent_size;
      my $center_fill   = ' ' x $center_margin;
      my $filler        = ( ' ' x $option_width );
      print( $indent_space, "$name Options:\n" );

      $Text::Wrap::columns = $desc_width;
      my $name_mask = "%-${option_width}s";

      @opts = sort { $a->name cmp $b-> name } @opts;
      foreach my $o ( @opts ) {
        my $oname = sprintf( $name_mask, $o->summary );
        my $odesc = Text::Wrap::wrap( '', '', $o->desc );
        my ( $first, @lines ) = split( /\r?\n/, $odesc );

        print( $indent_space, $indent_space, $oname, $center_fill, $first, "\n" );
        print( $indent_space, $indent_space, $filler, $center_fill, $_, "\n" ) for @lines;

    my $parent = $self->parent;
    $parent->print_options() if $parent;
    return $self;

  sub command_width($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my @children = values %{ $self->actions };
    my $width = 0;
    for my $child ( @children ) {
      my $child_width = $child->command_width();
      $width = $child_width if $child_width > $width;
    return $width;

  sub option_width($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $parent   = $self->parent;
    my $width    = $parent ? $parent->option_width : 0;
    my @opts     = values %{ $self->options };

    for my $opt ( @opts ) {
      my $margin  = $print_metrics->{ indent_size } * 2;
      my $summary = $opt->summary;
      my $w       = $margin + length( $summary );
      $width = $w if $w > $width;
    return $width;

  sub usage_summary($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $action   = $self;
    my @trail;
    do {
      unshift( @trail, $action->name || "$program_name USER" );
    } while ( $action = $action->parent );

    return join( ' ', @trail ) . ' ACTION *ARGS*';

##################################### class Command::Option ########################################
  package Command::Option;
  use Class::Struct;

    'Command::Option', [
      'name'     => '$',
      'short'    => '$',
      'desc'     => '$',
      'type'     => '$',
      'arg_name' => '$',
      'target'   => '$'

  sub configure($@) {
    my ( $self, @argv ) = @_;
    my $target = pop( @argv );
    $self->target( $target );
    for ( @argv ) {
      if ( /^[a-z\-]$/i ) {
        $self->short( $_ );
      } elsif ( /^[a-z\-]+$/i ) {
        $self->name( $_ );
      } elsif ( /^([=:][a-z])\s+(\S+)/i ) {
        my ( $type, $arg_name ) = ( $1, $2 );
        $self->type( $type );
        $self->arg_name( $arg_name );
      } elsif ( /\s/ ) {
        $self->desc( $_ );
      } else {
        die "don't know how to handle option spec argument: `$_'";

  sub summary($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my @parts;
    my $short    = $self->short();
    my $long     = $self->name();
    my $type     = $self->type();
    my $arg_name = $self->arg_name();

    push( @parts, "-$short" ) if $short;
    if ( $type ) {
      if ( $type =~ /^=/ ) {
        push( @parts, "--$long=$arg_name" );
      } else {
        push( @parts, "--${long}[=$arg_name]" );
    } else {
      push( @parts, "--$long" );
    return join( ', ', @parts );

  sub to_spec($) {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my @parts = ();
    my $short = $self->short();
    my $long  = $self->name();
    my $type  = $self->type();

    push( @parts, $long ) if $long;
    push( @parts, $short ) if $short;
    my $spec = join( '|', @parts );
    $spec .= $type if $type;
    return $spec;


our $main = Command::Dispatcher->new;

########################################### MySQL Functions ########################################

sub strip_user($) {
  my ( $name ) = @_;
  $name =~ s(^\Q${user}_\E)();
  return $name;

sub prefix_user($) {
  my ( $name ) = @_;
  $name =~ s(^\Q${prefix}_\E)();
  return $name;

my $cmd;
my $mysql = $main->group( 'mysql' );

$cmd =
    'create a new MySQL database on the user\'s account',
    'v1 Mysql::adddb'

  "the name of the database (without the `userna5_' prefix)",
  cast => \&strip_user,
  validate => sub {
    my ( $db_name ) = @_;
    my $full_name   = "${prefix}_$db_name";
    check_mysql_db_name( $db_name );
    if ( is_mysql_db( $full_name ) ) {
      die "a database named `$full_name' already exists";


$cmd =
    'create a new MySQL user on the user\'s account',
    'v1 Mysql::adduser'

  "the new MySQL user name (without the `userna5_' prefix)",
  cast => \&strip_user,
  validate => sub {
    my ( $user_name ) = @_;
    my $full_name   = "${prefix}_$user_name";
    check_mysql_user_name( $user_name );
    if ( is_mysql_user( $full_name ) ) { die "a MySQL user named `$full_name' already exists"; }

$cmd->argument( 'password', "the new user's password" );


$cmd =
    'remove a database defined on the user\'s account',
    'v1 Mysql::deldb'

  "the name of the database (without the `userna5_' prefix)",
  cast => \&prefix_user,
  validate => sub {
    my ( $db_name ) = @_;
    unless ( is_mysql_db( $db_name ) ) {
      die "no database named `$db_name' appears to exist";


$cmd =
    'remove a database user defined on the user\'s account',
    'v1 Mysql::deluser'

  "the name of the MySQL user (without the `userna5_' prefix)",
  cast => \&prefix_user


$cmd =
    'add an existing mysql user to a given database',
    'v1 Mysql::adduserdb'

  "the name of the database (without the `userna5_' prefix)",
  cast => \&prefix_user

  "the name of the MySQL user (without the `userna5_' prefix)",
  cast => \&prefix_user

  "a space-separated list of permissions to grant (`all' if none given)",
  default => 'all'

my $mlist = $mysql->group( 'list' );
  "list the databases owned by the user",
  "v2 MysqlFE::listdbs",
  execute => sub {
    my @names = sort keys %{ $mysql_dbs };
    print "$_\n" for @names;
    exit( 0 );
  "list the MySQL users associated with the user",
  "v2 MysqlFE::listusers",
  execute => sub {
    my @names = sort keys %{ $mysql_users };
    print "$_\n" for @names;
    exit( 0 );

######################################### E-Mail Functions #########################################

sub process_mail_arguments {
  my ( $cmd, @args ) = @_;
  if ( $args[ 0 ] =~ /^([^@\s]+)@([^@\s]+)$/ ) {
    my $email_user = $1;
    my $domain     = $2;
    shift( @args );
    $cmd->set_value( 'email', $email_user );
    $cmd->set_value( 'domain', $domain );
  return @args;

my $mail = $main->group( 'mail' );

$cmd =
    "create a new e-mail address",
    "v2 Email::addpop",
    argument_handler => \&process_mail_arguments

  "the user name part of the e-mail address"

  "the password for the e-mail address"

  "the address' disk quota in MB (0 for unlimited)",
  default => 0

  "the domain name of the e-mail address"


$cmd =
    "delete an existing e-mail address",
    "v2 Email::delpop",
    argument_handler => \&process_mail_arguments

  "the user name part of the e-mail address"

  "the domain name of the e-mail address"


$cmd =
    "modify an existing e-mail's quota settings",
    "v2 Email::editquota",
    argument_handler => \&process_mail_arguments

  "the user name part of the e-mail address"

  "the domain name of the e-mail address"

  "the address' disk quota in MB (0 for unlimited)"


$cmd =
    "change an e-mail account's password",
    "v2 Email::passwdpop",
    argument_handler => \&process_mail_arguments

  "the user name part of the e-mail address"

  "the domain name of the e-mail address"

  "the new password for the account"


my $elist = $mail->group( "list" );

  "list domains that send and receive mail",
  "v2 Email::listmaildomains",
  reporter => sub {
    my ( $cmd ) = @_;
    my $data = $cmd->result->{ data };
    for my $dom_info ( @$data ) {
      my $dom = $dom_info->{ domain };
      print "$dom\n";

  "list e-mail addresses established across the user's domains",
  "v2 Email::listpopssingle",
  reporter => sub {
    my ( $cmd ) = @_;
    my $data = $cmd->result->{ data };
    for my $mail_info ( @$data ) {
      my $mail = $mail_info->{ email };
      print "$mail\n";

$cmd =
    "list e-mail forwarders set up by the user",
    "v2 Email::listforwards",
    reporter => sub {
      my ( $cmd ) = @_;
      my $data = $cmd->result->{ data };
      for my $finfo ( @$data ) {
        my $from = $finfo->{ forward };
        my $to   = $finfo->{ dest };

        print "$from => $to\n";

  "only list forwarders for this domain",
  default => undef

############################################### Spam ###############################################
my $spam = $main->group( 'spam' );
  'turn on Spam Assassin',
  'v1 Email::addspam'


  'turn off Spam Assassin',
  'v1 Email::delspam'


$cmd =
    'set the threshold score for Spam Assassin',
    'v1 Email::addspamfilter'

  "the new score value"

########################################## Add-On Domains ##########################################
my $addon = $main->group( 'addon' );

$cmd =
    "create an add-on domain on the user's account",
    'v2 AddonDomain::addaddondomain'

  "the domain to set up",
  key => 'newdomain',
  validate => sub {
    my ( $domain ) = @_;
    unless ( $domain =~ /$domain_rx/i ) {
      die "`$domain' does not look like a valid domain name";
    my $owner = who_owns( $domain );
    if ( $owner ) {
      die "`$domain' is already owned by $owner";

  "the name to use as the subdomain / ftp user",
  key => 'subdomain',
  default => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    my $dom = $c->get_value( 'domain' );
    my ( $sub, undef ) = split( /\./, $dom, 2 );
    return $sub;

  "the document root for the domain",
  key => 'dir',
  default => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    my $dom = $c->get_value( 'domain' );
    return "public_html/$dom";


$cmd =
    "remove an add-on domain configured on the user's account",
    'v2 AddonDomain::deladdondomain'

  "the name of the add-on domain"

  "a value containing the user name and main domain name (you should probably let me figure it out for you)",
  key => 'subdomain',
  default => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    my $dom = $c->get_value( 'domain' );
    return $addon_domains->{ $dom }->{ domainkey };

$cmd =
    "list all add-on domains belonging to a suer",
    'v2 AddonDomain::listaddondomains',
    execute => sub {
      my @names = sort keys %{ $addon_domains };
      print "$_\n" for @names;
      exit( 0 );

########################################## Parked Domains ##########################################
my $park = $main->group( 'park' );

$cmd =
    "park a domain against the user's primary domain",
    'v2 Park::park'

  "the domain name to park"

$cmd =
    "remove a parked domain from the user's account",
    'v2 Park::unpark'

  "the domain name to remove"

$cmd =
    "list a user's parked domains",
    'v2 Park::listparkeddomains',
    execute => sub {
      my @names = sort keys %{ $parked_domains };
      print "$_\n" for @names;
      exit( 0 );

############################################ Subdomains ############################################
sub process_subdomain_arguments {
  my ( $cmd, @args ) = @_;
  if ( $args[ 0 ] =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(.*)$/ ) {
    my $sub_name    = $1;
    my $base_domain = $2;
    shift( @args );
    $cmd->set_value( 'domain', $sub_name );
    $cmd->set_value( 'base_domain', $base_domain );
  return @args;

my $subdomain = $main->group( 'subdomain' );

$cmd =
    "list subdomains owned by the user",
    'v2 SubDomain::listsubdomains',
    execute => sub {
      my @names = sort keys %{ $subdomains };
      print "$_\n" for @names;
      exit( 0 );


$cmd =
    "add a new subdomain to the user's account",
    'v2 SubDomain::addsubdomain',
    argument_handler => \&process_subdomain_arguments

  "the domain name to park"

  "the path of the directory to serve as the document root of the domain",
  key => 'dir',
  default => sub {
    my ( $c ) = @_;
    return( catfile( 'public_html', $c->get_value( 'domain' ) ) );

  "automatically strip dots from the `domain' parameter; should be `0' or `1'",
  default => '0'

  "the domain on which the subdomain is based",
  key => 'rootdomain',
  default => sub {
    return $user_data->{ DOMAIN };
  validate => sub {
    my ( $domain ) = @_;
    if ( $domain eq $user_data->{ DOMAIN } ) {  return;  }
    for ( @{ $user_data->{ DOMAINS } } ) {
      if ( $_ eq $domain ) { return; }
    die "`$domain' is not a domain belonging to `$user'";


$cmd =
    "remove an existing subdomain from the user's account",
    'v2 SubDomain::delsubdomain'

  'the name of the subdomain to remove'

################################################ FTP ###############################################
my $ftp = $main->group( 'ftp' );

$cmd =
    "set up a new FTP account for the user",
    'v2 Ftp::addftp'

  "the new user name (without the \ part)",
  key => 'user'

  "the password for the new account",
  key => 'pass'

  "the base directory of the new FTP account -- must be relative to public_html",
  default => '.',
  key => 'homedir'

  "an optional quota number to place on the account (0 for none)",
  default => '0'


$cmd =
    "remove an existing FTP account",
    'v2 Ftp::delftp'

  "the FTP user to remove (without the \",
  key => 'user'

  "Boolean, 1=True, 0=False, if true, destroy the base directory of the account that's being deleted"


$cmd =
    "change an existing FTP account's password",
    'v2 Ftp::passwd'

  "the FTP user to update (without the \",
  key => 'user'

  "the new password for the account",
  key => 'pass'


$cmd =
    "change an account's quota setting",
    'v2 Ftp::setquota'

  "the FTP user to update (without the \",
  key => 'user'

  "the quota value to place on the account (0 for none)",
  default => '0'


$cmd =
    "list the ftp accounts associated with the user",
    'v2 Ftp::listftps',
    execute => sub {
      my @names = sort keys %{ $ftp_users };
      print "$_\n" for @names;
      exit( 0 );

####################################### Command Line Parsing #######################################
  'bleach', 'b',
  "Do not use color escapes in the output",

  'debug', 'D',
  "Print the WHM API URI sent to the server and dump the resulting data structure",

  'version', 'v',
  "Print the script version and exit",
  sub {
    print "$VERSION\n";
    exit( 0 );

  'help', 'h',
  "Print help information for the current command and exit",
  sub { $do_help = 1; }

  'user', 'u', '=s userna5',
  "Specify the user name to operate upon",
  sub {
    my ( $opt, $value ) = @_;
    $value =~ s/^s+|\s+$//g;
    if ( is_user( $value ) ) {
      set_user( $value );
    } else {
      fail( "`$value' is not an existing cPanel user name" );

@ARGV = $main->parse_options( @ARGV );
unless ( $user ) {
  if ( is_user( $ARGV[ 0 ] ) ) {
    set_user( shift( @ARGV ) );

my $success = $main->run( @ARGV );
exit( ! $success );

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0