Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/opt/maint/scops/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/opt/maint/scops/

# encoding: utf-8
# author: Kyle Yetter

# to skip certificate verification
our $VERSION = 1.0;

use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI;
use File::Basename;
use LWP::Protocol::https;
use JSON::Syck;
use YAML::Any;

our $HOSTNAME = `hostname`;
chomp $HOSTNAME;

our $DOMAINIPS_FILE       = "/etc/domainips";
our $TRUEUSERDOMAINS_FILE = "/etc/trueuserdomains";
our $RESERVED_IPS_FILE    = "/etc/reservedipreasons";

our $DOMAINS_TO_USERS      = {};
our $RESERVED_IPS          = {};

if ( -f $RESERVED_IPS_FILE ) {
  open( my $in, "< $RESERVED_IPS_FILE" ) or die "Failed to open $RESERVED_IPS_FILE - $!";

  foreach ( <$in> ) {
    s(^\s+|\s+$)()g;           # strip the line
    next if /^\s*(?:#.*)?$/;   # skip over blank and comment lines
    my ( $ip, $comment ) = split( /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2 );
    $RESERVED_IPS->{ $ip } = $comment;

  close( $in );

# Harvest the user <=> primary domain relationships on the server, as maintained
# within /etc/trueuserdomains. Point the domain to the username in the $DOMAINS_TO_USERS
# hash.
  open( my $in, "< $TRUEUSERDOMAINS_FILE" ) or die "Failed to open $TRUEUSERDOMAINS_FILE - $!";

  foreach ( <$in> ) {
    s(^\s+|\s+$)()g;           # strip the line
    next if /^\s*(?:#.*)?$/;   # skip over blank and comment lines
    my ( $domain, $user ) = split( /\s*:\s*/, $_, 2 );
    $DOMAINS_TO_USERS->{ $domain } = $user;

  close( $in );

# Harvest the domain <=> dedicated IP relationships on the server, as maintained
# within /etc/domainips. Use the domain to get any available user information
# havested above. Create a record tying together the user, domain, and IP and
# push it onto a list associated with the IP address.
if ( -f $DOMAINIPS_FILE ) {
  open( my $in, "< $DOMAINIPS_FILE" ) or die "Failed to open $DOMAINIPS_FILE - $!";

  foreach ( <$in> ) {
    s(^\s+|\s+$)()g;           # strip the line
    next if /^\s*(?:#.*)?$/;   # skip over blank and comment lines
    my ( $ip, $domain ) = split( /\s*:\s*/, $_, 2 );
    if ( exists $DOMAINS_TO_USERS->{ $domain } ) {
      my $user = $DOMAINS_TO_USERS->{ $domain };
      #my $dig  = shell_join( "dig", "+short", $domain );
      #my @dig_results = `$dig`;
      #chomp for @dig_results;
      #my $dig_matches = grep { $_ eq $ip } @dig_results;
      my $reserved = 0;
      if ( exists $RESERVED_IPS->{ $ip } ) {
        $reserved = $RESERVED_IPS->{ $ip } || 1;

      my $record = {
        ip          => $ip,
        user        => $user,
        domain      => $domain,
        reserved    => $reserved #,
        #dig_matches => $dig_matches

      push @{ $IP_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS->{ $ip } }, $record;

  close( $in );

# set to 1 if we had to generate an access key
our $created_access_hash = 0;

our $access_key;

  # If we had to create a temporary access hash to make this work,
  # make sure it gets trashed
  if ( -f '/root/.accesshash' && $created_access_hash ) {
    unlink( '/root/.accesshash' ) or die( "failed to remove /root/.accesshash" );


# If successful, the call will return a reference to an array of IP records on the server,
# where each record is a hash with a key named 'ip' to indicate the IP it represents.
our $ip_list = &api_call( "listips" );

# Iterate through each entry in the IP list, where each hash is assigned to Perl's
# special $_ variable in the loop below. If additional details are found in the
# $IP_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS data map gathered above, merge that hash with the IP data
# returned by the API. Assigning to $_ changes the item in the array in-place.
for ( @$ip_list ) {
  my $address = $_->{ ip };
  if ( exists $IP_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS->{ $address } ) {
    my $details = pop( @{ $IP_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS->{ $address } } );
    my %merged  = ( %$_, %$details );
    $_ = \%merged;
  } elsif ( $_->{ mainaddr } or exists $RESERVED_IPS->{ $address } ) {
    $_->{ domain } = $HOSTNAME;
    $_->{ user }   = '';

# Finally, rebuild the original API call hash { result => [ ip info... ] } and
# dump it as JSON to be used by System Center.
open( OUT, "> /opt/scops/out/ips" ) or die $!;
print OUT JSON::Syck::Dump({ result => $ip_list });
close( OUT ) or die $!;

############################### Helper Functions ##############################

sub access_key {
  if ( $access_key ) { return $access_key; }

  unless ( -f '/root/.accesshash' ) {
    $ENV{ REMOTE_USER } = 'root';
    delete $ENV{ REMOTE_USER };
    $created_access_hash = 1;

  if ( -f '/root/.accesshash' ) {
    open( my $f, "< /root/.accesshash" ) or die "could not read /root/.accesshash: $!";
    my @lines = <$f>;
    close( $f );
    $access_key = join( '', @lines );
    $access_key =~ s/\n//g;
  } else {
    die "could not read /root/.accesshash: $!";

  return $access_key;

sub load_json($) {
  my ( $source ) = @_;
  my $data;
  eval { $data = JSON::Syck::Load( $source ); };
  if ( $@ ) {
    die( $@ . "\nJSON SOURCE:\n" . $source );
  return $data;

sub api_call($%) {
  my $function = shift;
  my %params = @_;

  my $uri = URI->new( "$function" );
  $uri->query_form( %params );

  my $auth     = "WHM root:" . access_key();
  my $ua       = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  my $request  = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "$uri" );
  $request->header( Authorization => $auth );
  my $response = $ua->request( $request );

  return &load_json( $response->content )->{ result };

# shell_escape
# Given a string argument, escape shell-unsafe characters to ensure the string
# represents a single token in a command line
sub shell_escape {
  my $token = @_ ? shift : $_;

  if ( length( $token ) == 0 ) { return "''"; }
  $token =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_\-\.,:\/@\n])/\\$1/g;
  $token =~ s/\n/'\n'/g;
  return $token;

sub shell_join {
  return join( ' ', map { shell_escape } @_ );

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0