Mini Shell
# Copyright 2016 Grist Labs, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import ast
import collections
import io
import sys
import token
import tokenize
from abc import ABCMeta
from ast import Module, expr, AST
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import (
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from .astroid_compat import NodeNG
# Type class used to expand out the definition of AST to include fields added by this library
# It's not actually used for anything other than type checking though!
class EnhancedAST(AST):
# Additional attributes set by mark_tokens
first_token = None # type: Token
last_token = None # type: Token
lineno = 0 # type: int
AstNode = Union[EnhancedAST, NodeNG]
TokenInfo = tokenize.TokenInfo
def token_repr(tok_type, string):
# type: (int, Optional[str]) -> str
"""Returns a human-friendly representation of a token with the given type and string."""
# repr() prefixes unicode with 'u' on Python2 but not Python3; strip it out for consistency.
return '%s:%s' % (token.tok_name[tok_type], repr(string).lstrip('u'))
class Token(collections.namedtuple('Token', 'type string start end line index startpos endpos')):
TokenInfo is an 8-tuple containing the same 5 fields as the tokens produced by the tokenize
module, and 3 additional ones useful for this module:
- [0] .type Token type (see
- [1] .string Token (a string)
- [2] .start Starting (row, column) indices of the token (a 2-tuple of ints)
- [3] .end Ending (row, column) indices of the token (a 2-tuple of ints)
- [4] .line Original line (string)
- [5] .index Index of the token in the list of tokens that it belongs to.
- [6] .startpos Starting character offset into the input text.
- [7] .endpos Ending character offset into the input text.
def __str__(self):
# type: () -> str
return token_repr(self.type, self.string)
def match_token(token, tok_type, tok_str=None):
# type: (Token, int, Optional[str]) -> bool
"""Returns true if token is of the given type and, if a string is given, has that string."""
return token.type == tok_type and (tok_str is None or token.string == tok_str)
def expect_token(token, tok_type, tok_str=None):
# type: (Token, int, Optional[str]) -> None
Verifies that the given token is of the expected type. If tok_str is given, the token string
is verified too. If the token doesn't match, raises an informative ValueError.
if not match_token(token, tok_type, tok_str):
raise ValueError("Expected token %s, got %s on line %s col %s" % (
token_repr(tok_type, tok_str), str(token),
token.start[0], token.start[1] + 1))
def is_non_coding_token(token_type):
# type: (int) -> bool
These are considered non-coding tokens, as they don't affect the syntax tree.
return token_type in (token.NL, token.COMMENT, token.ENCODING)
def generate_tokens(text):
# type: (str) -> Iterator[TokenInfo]
Generates standard library tokens for the given code.
# tokenize.generate_tokens is technically an undocumented API for Python3, but allows us to use the same API as for
# Python2. See
# FIXME: Remove cast once gets fixed
return tokenize.generate_tokens(cast(Callable[[], str], io.StringIO(text).readline))
def iter_children_func(node):
# type: (AST) -> Callable
Returns a function which yields all direct children of a AST node,
skipping children that are singleton nodes.
The function depends on whether ``node`` is from ``ast`` or from the ``astroid`` module.
return iter_children_astroid if hasattr(node, 'get_children') else iter_children_ast
def iter_children_astroid(node, include_joined_str=False):
# type: (NodeNG, bool) -> Union[Iterator, List]
if not include_joined_str and is_joined_str(node):
return []
return node.get_children()
SINGLETONS = {c for n, c in ast.__dict__.items() if isinstance(c, type) and
issubclass(c, (ast.expr_context, ast.boolop, ast.operator, ast.unaryop, ast.cmpop))}
def iter_children_ast(node, include_joined_str=False):
# type: (AST, bool) -> Iterator[Union[AST, expr]]
if not include_joined_str and is_joined_str(node):
if isinstance(node, ast.Dict):
# override the iteration order: instead of <all keys>, <all values>,
# yield keys and values in source order (key1, value1, key2, value2, ...)
for (key, value) in zip(node.keys, node.values):
if key is not None:
yield key
yield value
for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(node):
# Skip singleton children; they don't reflect particular positions in the code and break the
# assumptions about the tree consisting of distinct nodes. Note that collecting classes
# beforehand and checking them in a set is faster than using isinstance each time.
if child.__class__ not in SINGLETONS:
yield child
stmt_class_names = {n for n, c in ast.__dict__.items()
if isinstance(c, type) and issubclass(c, ast.stmt)}
expr_class_names = ({n for n, c in ast.__dict__.items()
if isinstance(c, type) and issubclass(c, ast.expr)} |
{'AssignName', 'DelName', 'Const', 'AssignAttr', 'DelAttr'})
# These feel hacky compared to isinstance() but allow us to work with both ast and astroid nodes
# in the same way, and without even importing astroid.
def is_expr(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
"""Returns whether node is an expression node."""
return node.__class__.__name__ in expr_class_names
def is_stmt(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
"""Returns whether node is a statement node."""
return node.__class__.__name__ in stmt_class_names
def is_module(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
"""Returns whether node is a module node."""
return node.__class__.__name__ == 'Module'
def is_joined_str(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
"""Returns whether node is a JoinedStr node, used to represent f-strings."""
# At the moment, nodes below JoinedStr have wrong line/col info, and trying to process them only
# leads to errors.
return node.__class__.__name__ == 'JoinedStr'
def is_expr_stmt(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
"""Returns whether node is an `Expr` node, which is a statement that is an expression."""
return node.__class__.__name__ == 'Expr'
CONSTANT_CLASSES: Tuple[Type, ...] = (ast.Constant,)
from astroid import Const
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
# astroid is not available
def is_constant(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
"""Returns whether node is a Constant node."""
return isinstance(node, CONSTANT_CLASSES)
def is_ellipsis(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
"""Returns whether node is an Ellipsis node."""
return is_constant(node) and node.value is Ellipsis # type: ignore
def is_starred(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
"""Returns whether node is a starred expression node."""
return node.__class__.__name__ == 'Starred'
def is_slice(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
"""Returns whether node represents a slice, e.g. `1:2` in `x[1:2]`"""
# Before 3.9, a tuple containing a slice is an ExtSlice,
# but this was removed in
return (
node.__class__.__name__ in ('Slice', 'ExtSlice')
or (
node.__class__.__name__ == 'Tuple'
and any(map(is_slice, cast(ast.Tuple, node).elts))
def is_empty_astroid_slice(node):
# type: (AstNode) -> bool
return (
node.__class__.__name__ == "Slice"
and not isinstance(node, ast.AST)
and node.lower is node.upper is node.step is None
# Sentinel value used by visit_tree().
_PREVISIT = object()
def visit_tree(node, previsit, postvisit):
# type: (Module, Callable[[AstNode, Optional[Token]], Tuple[Optional[Token], Optional[Token]]], Optional[Callable[[AstNode, Optional[Token], Optional[Token]], None]]) -> None
Scans the tree under the node depth-first using an explicit stack. It avoids implicit recursion
via the function call stack to avoid hitting 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' error.
It calls ``previsit()`` and ``postvisit()`` as follows:
* ``previsit(node, par_value)`` - should return ``(par_value, value)``
``par_value`` is as returned from ``previsit()`` of the parent.
* ``postvisit(node, par_value, value)`` - should return ``value``
``par_value`` is as returned from ``previsit()`` of the parent, and ``value`` is as
returned from ``previsit()`` of this node itself. The return ``value`` is ignored except
the one for the root node, which is returned from the overall ``visit_tree()`` call.
For the initial node, ``par_value`` is None. ``postvisit`` may be None.
if not postvisit:
postvisit = lambda node, pvalue, value: None
iter_children = iter_children_func(node)
done = set()
ret = None
stack = [(node, None, _PREVISIT)] # type: List[Tuple[AstNode, Optional[Token], Union[Optional[Token], object]]]
while stack:
current, par_value, value = stack.pop()
if value is _PREVISIT:
assert current not in done # protect againt infinite loop in case of a bad tree.
pvalue, post_value = previsit(current, par_value)
stack.append((current, par_value, post_value))
# Insert all children in reverse order (so that first child ends up on top of the stack).
ins = len(stack)
for n in iter_children(current):
stack.insert(ins, (n, pvalue, _PREVISIT))
ret = postvisit(current, par_value, cast(Optional[Token], value))
return ret
def walk(node, include_joined_str=False):
# type: (AST, bool) -> Iterator[Union[Module, AstNode]]
Recursively yield all descendant nodes in the tree starting at ``node`` (including ``node``
itself), using depth-first pre-order traversal (yieling parents before their children).
This is similar to ``ast.walk()``, but with a different order, and it works for both ``ast`` and
``astroid`` trees. Also, as ``iter_children()``, it skips singleton nodes generated by ``ast``.
By default, ``JoinedStr`` (f-string) nodes and their contents are skipped
because they previously couldn't be handled. Set ``include_joined_str`` to True to include them.
iter_children = iter_children_func(node)
done = set()
stack = [node]
while stack:
current = stack.pop()
assert current not in done # protect againt infinite loop in case of a bad tree.
yield current
# Insert all children in reverse order (so that first child ends up on top of the stack).
# This is faster than building a list and reversing it.
ins = len(stack)
for c in iter_children(current, include_joined_str):
stack.insert(ins, c)
def replace(text, replacements):
# type: (str, List[Tuple[int, int, str]]) -> str
Replaces multiple slices of text with new values. This is a convenience method for making code
modifications of ranges e.g. as identified by ``ASTTokens.get_text_range(node)``. Replacements is
an iterable of ``(start, end, new_text)`` tuples.
For example, ``replace("this is a test", [(0, 4, "X"), (8, 9, "THE")])`` produces
``"X is THE test"``.
p = 0
parts = []
for (start, end, new_text) in sorted(replacements):
p = end
return ''.join(parts)
class NodeMethods:
Helper to get `visit_{node_type}` methods given a node's class and cache the results.
def __init__(self):
# type: () -> None
self._cache = {} # type: Dict[Union[ABCMeta, type], Callable[[AstNode, Token, Token], Tuple[Token, Token]]]
def get(self, obj, cls):
# type: (Any, Union[ABCMeta, type]) -> Callable
Using the lowercase name of the class as node_type, returns `obj.visit_{node_type}`,
or `obj.visit_default` if the type-specific method is not found.
method = self._cache.get(cls)
if not method:
name = "visit_" + cls.__name__.lower()
method = getattr(obj, name, obj.visit_default)
self._cache[cls] = method
return method
def patched_generate_tokens(original_tokens):
# type: (Iterable[TokenInfo]) -> Iterator[TokenInfo]
Fixes tokens yielded by `tokenize.generate_tokens` to handle more non-ASCII characters in identifiers.
Workaround for
Should only be used when tokenizing a string that is known to be valid syntax,
because it assumes that error tokens are not actually errors.
Combines groups of consecutive NAME, NUMBER, and/or ERRORTOKEN tokens into a single NAME token.
group = [] # type: List[tokenize.TokenInfo]
for tok in original_tokens:
if (
tok.type in (tokenize.NAME, tokenize.ERRORTOKEN, tokenize.NUMBER)
# Only combine tokens if they have no whitespace in between
and (not group or group[-1].end == tok.start)
for combined_token in combine_tokens(group):
yield combined_token
group = []
yield tok
for combined_token in combine_tokens(group):
yield combined_token
def combine_tokens(group):
# type: (List[tokenize.TokenInfo]) -> List[tokenize.TokenInfo]
if not any(tok.type == tokenize.ERRORTOKEN for tok in group) or len({tok.line for tok in group}) != 1:
return group
return [
string="".join(t.string for t in group),
def last_stmt(node):
# type: (ast.AST) -> ast.AST
If the given AST node contains multiple statements, return the last one.
Otherwise, just return the node.
child_stmts = [
child for child in iter_children_func(node)(node)
if is_stmt(child) or type(child).__name__ in (
if child_stmts:
return last_stmt(child_stmts[-1])
return node
def fstring_positions_work():
# type: () -> bool
The positions attached to nodes inside f-string FormattedValues have some bugs
that were fixed in Python 3.9.7 in
This checks for those bugs more concretely without relying on the Python version.
Specifically this checks:
- Values with a format spec or conversion
- Repeated (i.e. identical-looking) expressions
- f-strings implicitly concatenated over multiple lines.
- Multiline, triple-quoted f-strings.
source = """(
f"a {b}{b} c {d!r} e {f:g} h {i:{j}} k {l:{m:n}}"
f"a {b}{b} c {d!r} e {f:g} h {i:{j}} k {l:{m:n}}"
f"{x + y + z} {x} {y} {z} {z} {z!a} {z:z}"
{s} {t}
{u} {v}
tree = ast.parse(source)
name_nodes = [node for node in ast.walk(tree) if isinstance(node, ast.Name)]
name_positions = [(node.lineno, node.col_offset) for node in name_nodes]
positions_are_unique = len(set(name_positions)) == len(name_positions)
correct_source_segments = all(
ast.get_source_segment(source, node) ==
for node in name_nodes
return positions_are_unique and correct_source_segments
def annotate_fstring_nodes(tree):
# type: (ast.AST) -> None
Add a special attribute `_broken_positions` to nodes inside f-strings
if the lineno/col_offset cannot be trusted.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
# f-strings were weirdly implemented until
# In Python 3.12, inner nodes have sensible positions.
for joinedstr in walk(tree, include_joined_str=True):
if not isinstance(joinedstr, ast.JoinedStr):
for part in joinedstr.values:
# The ast positions of the FormattedValues/Constant nodes span the full f-string, which is weird.
setattr(part, '_broken_positions', True) # use setattr for mypy
if isinstance(part, ast.FormattedValue):
if not fstring_positions_work():
for child in walk(part.value):
setattr(child, '_broken_positions', True)
if part.format_spec: # this is another JoinedStr
# Again, the standard positions span the full f-string.
setattr(part.format_spec, '_broken_positions', True)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0