Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/opt/dell/srvadmin/etc/srvadmin-isvc/ndx/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/opt/dell/srvadmin/etc/srvadmin-isvc/ndx/hipenv.cxm

#//                 Dell Inc. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION
#//  This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or
#//  nondisclosure agreement with Dell Inc. and may not be copied or
#//  disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement.
#//  Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#//  Abstract/Purpose:
#//    NDX configuration file
#//    See readme_ndx.txt for more info

typedef struct _ChassisObj 
        u8 reserved;
} ChassisObj;

typedef struct _ChassisProps1Obj 
        u32 chassType;
        u32 systemClass;
        booln chassLockPresent;
		u8 systemRevision;
		__BITMAP u8 systemProperties;
        u8 machineID;
        u8 reservedAlign1[1];
        u16 systemIDExt;
        u32 offsetChassName;
        u32 offsetChassManufacturer;
        u32 offsetChassModel;
        u32 offsetSystemUUID;
	u32 offsetSystemRevisionName;
} ChassisProps1Obj;

typedef struct _ChassisProps2Obj 
        u8 fanControl;
        u8 faultLEDControl;
        u8 faultLEDState;
        u8 connectStatus;
        u8 powerButtonControl;
        u8 chassisIdentifyState;
        u16 chassisIdentifyTimeout;
        booln hdLedSupport;
        booln identifySupport;
        u8 nmiButtonControl;
        u8 oemBrandStatus;
		u8 isICEEModeEnable;   
        u8 isICEETroubleShootModeEnable; 
		u32 isSystemLockDownEnabled;
        booln identifyOffSupport;
		u8 reservedAlign[2];
		u32 offsetServiceTag;
        u32 offsetAssetTag;
		u32 offsetPropertyOwnershipTag;
		u32 offsetExpressServiceCode;
        u32 offsetNodeID;
} ChassisProps2Obj;

typedef struct _ChassisProps3Obj 
	u8 bootupState;
	u8 powerSupplyState;
	u8 thermalState;
	u8 securityStatus;
	u32 offsetPlatformUUID; 
	u32 offsetManufactureDate;
	u32 offsetFirstPoweronDate;
} ChassisProps3Obj;

typedef struct _TimerObj 
        u32 data[1];
} TimerObj;

typedef struct _FirmwareObj 
        u16 fwSize;
        u16 fwUpdateCaps;
        u8 fwType;
        u8 reservedAlign[3];
        s8 fwDate[8];
        u32 offsetFwVersion;
        u32 offsetFwText;
} FirmwareObj;

typedef struct _LCDObj {
	u8 charSet;
	u8 maxLines;
	u8 lcdKVMStatus;
	u8 lcdAccessState;
	u32 lcdPresent;
} LCDObj;

typedef struct _LCDLineObj {
	__BITMAP u32 capabilities;
	u32 state;
	u8 maxLineSize;
	u8 reservedAlign[2];
	u32 offsetLCDstring;

typedef struct _PowerSupplyObj 
        s32 outputWatts;
		s32 inputRatedWatts;
        s32 inputVolts;
        booln psACOn;
        booln psSwitchOn;
        booln psPOK;
        booln psOn;
        booln psFanFail;
        u16 psState;
        u8 psType;
        u8 psCfgErrType;
        booln bPMCapable;
        u32 offsetPSLocation;
		u32 offsetPSFwVersion;
		booln eventCapability;
		u8 reservedAlign[2];
} PowerSupplyObj;

typedef struct _PowerConsumptionDataObj {
	u32 cumulativeWatts;	
	s64 cwStartTime;		
	u32 peakWatts;			
	s64 pwStartTime;		
	s64 pwReadingTime;		
	u32 peakAmps;			
	s64 paStartTime;		
	s64 paReadingTime;
	u32 minPower;
	u32 maxPower;
	u32 powerCap;
	u16 powerCapCaps;
	u16 powerCapSetting;
	u32 instHeadRoom;
	u32 peakHeadRoom;
	s32 timezone;
	u32 offsetIdentifier;
} PowerConsumptionDataObj;

typedef struct _ProbeThresholds 
        s32 unrThreshold;
        s32 ucThreshold;
        s32 uncThreshold;
        s32 lncThreshold;
        s32 lcThreshold;
        s32 lnrThreshold;
} ProbeThresholds;

typedef struct _ProbePolling
	booln isCustom;
	booln isStarted;
	u32 startDelay;
	u32 PollingIntervalSecs;
	u32 runDelay;
	u32 counter;
} ProbePolling;

typedef struct _ProbeObj 
	u32 subType;
	s32 probeReading;
	ProbeThresholds probeThresholds;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
	u8 probeStatus;
	u8 reservedAlign[1];
	u16 probeCapabilities;
	u32 offsetProbeLocation;
	u32 offsetReAliasedName;
	booln eventCapability;
	u8 reservedAlignment[2];
} ProbeObj;

typedef struct _IntrusionObj 
        u8 intrusionType;
        u8 intrusionStatus;
        booln eventCapability;
        u32 offsetIntrusionLoc;
		u32 offsetIntrusionEntityID;
} IntrusionObj;

typedef struct _FanEnclObj 
        s64 removalTime;
        s64 removalFailureTime;
        u8 enclPresent;
        u8 reservedAlign[3];
        u32 offsetFanEnclLoc;
} FanEnclObj;

typedef struct _LogObj 
        u32 logType;
        u32 logFormat;
        u32 logRecSize;
        booln isLogClearable;
        booln clearRequiresReboot;
} LogObj;

typedef struct _ESMEventLogRecord
        s64 logTime;
        u32 numberofLogRecords;
        u8 objStatus;
        u8 reservedAlign[3];
        u32 offsetLogString;
} ESMEventLogRecord;

typedef struct _UuidObj 
        u8 uuidType;
        u8 uuidLen;
        u8 reservedAlign[2];
        u32 offsetUuidValue;
} UuidObj;

typedef struct _HostControlObj 
        __BITMAP u32 capabilities;
        __BITMAP u32 settings;
        s32 beforeActionTime;
        s32 actionDurationTime;
} HostControlObj;

typedef struct _WatchDogObj 
        __BITMAP u32 capabilities;
        u32 settings;
        u32 timerCapabilities;
        s32 expiryTime;
        u32 state;
        s32 heartBeatTime;
        booln bASREventDetected;
        u8 reservedAlign[2];
} WatchDogObj;

typedef struct _AcCordObj
        u32 acPresent;
        u32 acActiveSrc;
        u32 offsetAcCordName;
} AcCordObj;

typedef struct _AcSwitchObj
        u32 acSwitchCapabilities;
        u32 acSwitchSettings;
        u32 acRedundancyExpected;
        u32 offsetAcSwitchName;
} AcSwitchObj;

typedef struct _PortableBatteryObj 
	u32 designCapacity;
	u16 designVoltage;
	u8	maximumErrorInBatteryData;
	u8  portableBatteryType;
	u32 offsetDeviceChemistry;
	u32 offsetLocation;
	u32 offsetManufacturer;
	u32 offsetManufactureDate;
	u32 offsetSerialNumber;
	u32 offsetDeviceName;
	u32 offsetSBDSversionNumber;
	u8 BatteryNumber;
	u8 BatteryStatus;
	u8 ACLineStatus;
	u8 PermanentFailureCode;
	u8 ChargeRemainingPercent;
	u8 batteryFlag;
	u8 HealthInfo;
	u8 HealthPercent;
	booln DynamicDataPresent;
	u16 ChargeRemainingMinutes;
} PortableBatteryObj;

typedef struct _MobilePowerManagementObject
	u16 PowerMode;
	u16 MPMState;
	u16 SmartCPU;
	u16 FeatureBitMask;
	u16 SaveToDiskMaxTimeout;
	u16 SaveToDiskMinTimeout;
	u16 SaveToDiskCurTimeout;
	u16 DisplayMaxTimeout;
	u16 DisplayMinTimeout;
	u16 DisplayCurTimeout;
	u16 HarddiskMaxTimeout;
	u16 HarddiskMinTimeout;
	u16 HarddiskCurTimeout;
	u16 SuspendMaxTimeout;
	u16 SuspendMinTimeout;
	u16 SuspendCurTimeout;
	u16 LCDBrightnessMaxValue;
	u16 LCDBrightnessMinValue;
	u16 LCDBrightnessCurValue;
} MobilePowerManagementObj;

typedef struct _VideoBIOSObj 
	u8  ShadowState;
	u8  reserved[1];
	u16 Characteristics;
	u32 offsetManufacturer;
	u32 offsetVersion;
	u32 offsetReleaseDate;
} VideoBIOSObj;

typedef struct _FlatPanelObject
	u16 LCDPanelMaxHorz;
	u16 LCDPanelMaxVert;	
	u32 VideoMemorySizeKB;
	u8  DisplayType;
	u8  MonitorRates[7];
} FlatPanelObj;

#// reserved will prevent this from being converted to XML tags at this time
typedef struct _EDID_STRUCT
	u8 reserved[128];

typedef struct _DisplayObj
	u32 DisplayID;
	u8 MinHorzRate;
	u8 MaxHorzRate;	
	u8 MinVertRate;
	u8 MaxVertRate;
	u8 MaxPixelClock;
	u8	reserved1[3];
	booln StandbyModeSupported;
	booln SuspendModeSupported;
	booln VeryLowPowerSupported;
	booln SeparateSyncHVSupported;
	booln CompositSyncSignalOnHorizontalSupported;
	booln CompositSyncSignalOnGreenVideoSupported;
	booln InputDVI;
	booln InputDisplayPort;
	booln InputHDMI;
	booln InputDigital;
	booln InputAnalog;
	u16 ColorDepthBits;
	u16 PhysicalSizeH;
	u16 PhysicalSizeV;
	booln sRGBStandardDefaultColorSpace;
	booln ContinuousFrequency;
	u16 WeekOfManufacture;
	u16 YearOfManufacture;
	u32 EDIDGamma;
	u16 DisplayTechnologyType;
	u16 DisplayFirmwareVersion;
	u32 DisplayUsageTime;
	u32 FrequencyH;
	u32 FrequencyV;
	u16 CurrentResH;
	u16 CurrentResV;
	u16	Contrast;
	u16	MaxContrast;
	u16	Brightness;
	u16	MaxBrightness;
	u8	AxisSaturationControlRed;
	u8	AxisSaturationControlYellow;
	u8	AxisSaturationControlGreen;
	u8	AxisSaturationControlCyan;
	u8	AxisSaturationControlBlue;
	u8	AxisSaturationControlMagenta;
	u8	InputSource;
	u8	DisplayApplication;
	u16	ScalerManufacturer;
	u8 SelectColorPreset;
	u8 reserved2[1];
	booln	IsEDIDSupported;
	booln	IsMCCSSupported;
	u32 offsetProductCode;
	u32 offsetEdidVersion; 
	u32 offsetDeviceString;
	u32 offsetManufacturer;
	u32 offsetProductName;
	u32 offsetSerialNumber;
	u32	offsetSelectColorPresetCapabilities;
	u32	offsetInputSourceCapabilities;
	u32 offsetMCCSVersionNumber;
	u32	offsetDisplayApplicationCapabilities;
	u32 offsetColorCodeFormatSupported;
} DisplayObj;

typedef struct _DisplayAdapterObj
	u32 offsetDisplayID;				
	u32 offsetPNPDisplayID;				
	u32 CurrentBitsPerPixel;			
	u32 CurrentHorizontalResolution;	
	u32 CurrentVerticalResolution;		
	u8 CurrentNumberOfRows;			
	u8 CurrentNumberOfColumns;		
	u8 CurrentRefreshRate;
	u8 CurrentScanMode;
	u32 offsetDescription;	
	u32 offsetDriverDate;
	u32 offsetDriverVersion;	
	u32 offsetInstalledDisplayDrivers;	
	u32 MaxMemorySupported;	
	u8 MinRefreshRate;		
	u8 MaxRefreshRate;
	u8 VideoArchitecture;
	u8 VideoMemoryType;
} DisplayAdapterObj;

typedef struct _DeviceBayObj
	u8 Type;
	u8 CurrentDevice;
	u8 HardwareVersionNumber;
	u8 instance;
	booln Present;
	u16 reserved2[1];
	u32 offsetLocationStr;
	u32 offsetCurrentDeviceStr;
	u32 offsetDevicesSupportedStr;
	u32 offsetDeviceFWVersion;
	u32 offsetControllerFWVersion;
} DeviceBayObj;

typedef struct _DockingStationObj
	booln ChassisLockPresent;
	u8 Type;
	u8  reserved[1];
	u8 BootUpState;
	u8 PowerSupplyState;
	u8 ThermalState;
	u8 SecurityStatus;
	u32 offsetDockName;
	u32 offsetManufacturer;
	u32 offsetSerialNumber;
} DockingStationObj;

typedef struct _ePPIDDataObject
	u32 offsetCountryOfOrigin;
	u32 offsetDellPartNumber;
	u32 offsetManufacturerID;
	u32 offsetDateCode;
	u32 offsetSequenceNumber;
	u32 offsetRevisionLevel;
} ePPIDDataObject;

typedef struct _PBAStatusObj
	u8 Revision;
	u8 NumUsers;
	u8 MaxUsers;
	u8 reserved[1];
	u32 SupportedAuthenticationMethods;
	u32 ActiveAuthenticationMethods;
} PBAStatusObj;

typedef struct _PBAHDDDataObj
	u32 offsetDescription;
	booln bPresent;
	booln bPasswordProtected;
	booln bPasswordPending;
	booln bAdminOnly;
} PBAHDDDataObj;

typedef struct _ACPRMBSetupObj 
	u32 state;
	u32 cap;
	booln isSetImmediate;
	u16 minDelay;
	u16 maxDelay;
	u16 delay;
	u32 offsetObjName;
} ACPRMBSetupObj;

typedef struct _MaserDeviceInfo{
	u8 type; 
	u8 bStoragePresent;
	u8 reserved[2];
	u32 size;

typedef struct _SDCard
	u8 Type;
	s8 SDCardCertifiedByDell;
	booln SDCardPresent;
	u32 SDCardSizeMB;
	s32 SDCardFreeSizeMB;
	__BITMAP u32 SDCardState;
	__BITMAP u32 SDConfigState;
	__BITMAP u32 SDConfigCaps;
	u32 offsetSDCardLocation;
	booln eventCapability;
	u8 reservedAlign[2];
} SDCard;

typedef struct _CompInvDiskIncObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvDiskIncObj;

typedef struct _CompInvDiskDecObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvDiskDecObj;

typedef struct _CompInvMemoryIncObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvMemoryIncObj;

typedef struct _CompInvMemoryDecObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvMemoryDecObj;

typedef struct _CompInvProcessorIncObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvProcessorIncObj;

typedef struct _CompInvProcessorDecObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvProcessorDecObj;

typedef struct _CompInvDiskSizeIncObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvDiskSizeIncObj;

typedef struct _CompInvDiskSizeDecObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvDiskSizeDecObj;

typedef struct _CompInvDiskCapObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvDiskCapObj;

typedef struct _CompInvSMARTObj
	u32 type;
	ProbePolling probePolling;
} CompInvSMARTObj;
typedef struct _AutoOnMinObj {
	u32 AutoOnMinValue; 
} AutoOnMinObj;

typedef struct _AutoOnHourObj {
	u32 AutoOnHourValue; 
} AutoOnHourObj;

typedef struct _RAIDControllerObj {
	u16 usSlotNumber;
	u8 bControllerClass;
	u8 bIoBusType;
	u16 usMajorRevision;
	u16 usMinorRevision;
	u16 usBuildRevision;
	u16 usDriverMajorRevision;
	u16 usDriverMinorRevision;
	u16 usDriverBuildRevision;
	u16 usDriverReleaseRevision;
	u16 usCSMIMajorRevision;
	u16 usCSMIMinorRevision;
	u16 usReleaseRevision;
	u32 uControllerFlags;
	u32 uStatus;
	u32 uOfflineReason;
	u32 offsetSerialNumber;	
	u32 offsetDriverDescription;
	u32 offsetDriverName;	
} RAIDControllerObj;

typedef struct _CSMIPhysicalDiskObj {
	u8 bDriveStatus;
	u8 bDriveUsage;
	u8 bRAIDSetIndex;
	u8 bRAIDSetIndex2;	
	u32 offsetPhysicalDiskModel;
	u32 offsetPhysicalDiskSerialNumber;
} CSMIPhysicalDiskObj;

typedef struct _VirtualDiskObj {
	u32 uCapacity;
	u32 uStripeSize;
	u32 uNumRaidSets;
	u32 uMaxDrivesPerSet;
	u8 bRaidType;
	u8 bStatus;
	u8 bNumberOfPhys;
	u8 bRAIDSetIndex;	
} VirtualDiskObj;

typedef struct _HardDiskObj {
	u8 bDriveAFStatus;
	u8 reserved[3];			
	u32 offsetPhysicalDiskModel;
	u32 offsetPhysicalDiskSerialNumber;
} HardDiskObj;

typedef struct _PrimaryBatteryCustomChargeLimitObj {
	u32 uAllowStartChargingLimit;
	u32 uAllowStopChargingLimit;
	u32 uCurrentStartChargingLimit;
	u32 uCurrentStopChargingLimit;
	u32 Granularity;
} PrimaryBatteryCustomChargeLimitObj;

typedef struct _RSMObj 
	u8  enabled;
	u8  reservedAlign[1];
	booln eventCapability;
	u32 offsetRSMLoc;
} RSMObj;

#// End

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0