Mini Shell
# encoding: utf-8
# author: Kyle Yetter
package IMH::OptionParser;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use Class::Struct;
use Switch;
use IMH::Terminal;
use Text::Wrap;
our $VERSION = '0.1';
our @TYPE_SIGNIFIERS = qw( s str string i int integer f float real o perl_int perl_integer );
's' => 's',
'str' => 's',
'string' => 's',
'i' => 'i',
'int' => 'i',
'integer' => 'i',
'f' => 'f',
'float' => 'f',
'real' => 'f',
'o' => 'o',
'perl_int' => 'o',
'perl_integer' => 'o'
our $TEMPLATE = q(
package IMH::OptionParser::OptionSet<[id]>;
use Class::Struct;
struct( <[struct_spec]> );
sub new {
my ( $class ) = shift;
my $object = {};
bless( $object, $class || __PACKAGE__ );
$object->initialize( @_ );
return $object;
sub initialize {
my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
$self->{name} = basename( $0 );
$self->{version} = defined( $main::VERSION ) ? "$main::VERSION" : undef;
$self->{description} = undef;
$self->{entries} = [];
$self->{config} = { bundling => 1 };
$self->{entries_by_name} = {};
$self->{usage} = undef;
$self->{include_help} = 1;
$self->{include_version} = $self->{version} ? 1 : 0;
for my $arg ( @args ) {
switch ( ref( $arg ) ) {
case 'HASH' {
for my $prop ( qw( include_version include_help usage version name ) ) {
exists( $arg->{$prop} ) and $self->{$prop} = $arg->{$prop};
else {
switch ( $arg ) {
case qr(^(?:\d+\.)*\d+$) { $self->{version} = $arg; }
else { $self->{name} = "$arg"; }
return $self;
sub name {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
$self->{name} = shift;
return $self->{name};
sub version {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
$self->{version} = shift;
return $self->{version};
sub description {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
$self->{description} = join( "\n", @_ );
return $self->{description};
sub usage {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
$self->{ usage } = join( "\n", @_ );
return $self->{ usage };
sub enable {
my $self = shift;
my $config = $self->{config};
for my $config_attr ( @_ ) {
$config->{ $config_attr } = 1;
return $self;
sub disable {
my $self = shift;
my $config = $self->{config};
for my $config_attr ( @_ ) {
$config->{ $config_attr } = 0;
return $self;
sub option {
my $self = shift;
my %opts = ( arity => 0, argument_required => 0, type => 's' );
my @short = ();
my @long = ();
for my $arg ( @_ ) {
switch ( ref( $arg ) ) {
case 'HASH' { %opts = ( %opts, %$arg ); }
case 'CODE' { $opts{callback} = $arg; }
case 'ARRAY' { }
else {
switch ( $arg ) {
case qr/^-([^\-])/ { push @short, $arg; }
case qr/^--([^=:\s]+)/ { push @long, $arg; }
case [ @TYPE_SIGNIFIERS ] { $opts{type} = "$arg"; }
else { $opts{desc} = "$arg"; }
if ( exists($opts{type}) ) {
if ( exists($CANONICAL_TYPES{$opts{type}}) ) {
$opts{type} = $CANONICAL_TYPES{$opts{type}};
} else {
warn( "`$opts{type}' is not a valid option type specification" );
$opts{type} = 's';
unless ( exists( $opts{name} ) ) {
if ( $long[0] =~ /^\-\-([^=:\s]+)/ ) {
( $opts{name} = $1 ) =~ y/- \t/_/;
my $spec = OptionSpec->new( %opts );
$spec->long( [ @long ] );
$spec->short( [ @short ] );
for ( @short ) {
if ( /^-?([^-])/ ) {
$self->{entries_by_name}->{$1} = $spec;
if ( /[\s=](.+)/ ) {
$spec->arity( 1 );
$spec->argument_required( 1 );
} elsif ( /:(.+)/ ) {
$spec->arity( 1 );
$spec->argument_required( 0 );
for ( @long ) {
if ( /^(?:--)?([^=\s:]+)/ ) {
$self->{entries_by_name}->{$1} = $spec;
if ( /[\s=](.+)/ ) {
$spec->arity( 1 );
$spec->argument_required( 1 );
} elsif ( /:(.+)/ ) {
$spec->arity( 1 );
$spec->argument_required( 0 );
push @{ $self->{entries} }, $spec;
return $spec;
sub build_option_object {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $class_source = $TEMPLATE;
my @struct_spec_parts = map {
my $spec = $_;
my $name = $spec->name;
my $type = q('$');
"$name => $type";
} @{$self->{entries}};
my $params = {
id => 0 + $self,
struct_spec => join( ', ', @struct_spec_parts )
$class_source =~ s(<\[(\w+)\]>)($params->{$1};)eg;
eval( $class_source );
my $option_object = eval( "IMH::OptionParser::OptionSet" . ( 0 + $self ) . "->new" );
for my $spec ( @{$self->{entries}} ) {
if ( $spec->default_value ) {
my $n = $spec->name;
$option_object->$n( $spec->default_value );
return $option_object;
sub parse {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift || [ @ARGV ];
my $option_object = $self->build_option_object;
my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new;
my $handler = sub {
my ( $opt_info, $val ) = @_;
my $oname = $opt_info->name;
my $spec = $self->{entries_by_name}->{$oname};
if ( $spec->special ) {
switch ( $spec->special ) {
case 'h' {
printf STDERR "%s\n", $self->build_help;
exit( 0 );
case 'v' {
printf STDERR "%s\n", $self->{version};
exit( 0 );
} elsif ( $spec->callback ) {
$spec->callback->($spec, $val);
} else {
my $n = $spec->name;
if ( $spec->arity ) {
$option_object->$n( $val );
} else {
$option_object->$n( 1 );
my %getopt_spec;
for my $spec ( @{$self->{entries}} ) {
$getopt_spec{ make_opt_string( $spec ) } = $handler;
# set the options for Getopt::Long::Parser by selecting the keys in the
# config hash that are set to 1
$getopt->configure( grep { $self->{config}->{ $_ } } keys %{$self->{config}} );
my @original_argv = @ARGV;
@ARGV = @$args;
$getopt->getoptions( %getopt_spec );
my @remaining_args = @ARGV;
@ARGV = @original_argv;
return ( $option_object, [ @remaining_args ] );
sub add_special_opts {
my ( $self ) = @_;
unless ( $self->{help_option} || !$self->{include_help} ) {
my @params = ();
my $registry = $self->{entries_by_name};
unless ( exists( $registry->{h} ) ) { push( @params, '-h' ); }
unless ( exists( $registry->{help} ) ) { push( @params, '--help' ); }
if ( @params ) {
push @params, {
desc => "Show program usage details",
special => 'h'
$self->{help_option} = $self->option( @params );
} else {
$self->{help_option} = $registry->{help};
unless ( $self->{version_option} || !$self->{include_version} ) {
my @params = ();
my $registry = $self->{entries_by_name};
unless ( exists( $registry->{v} ) ) { push( @params, '-v' ); }
unless ( exists( $registry->{version} ) ) { push( @params, '--version' ); }
if ( @params ) {
push @params, {
desc => "Print program version number and exit",
special => 'v'
$self->{version_option} = $self->option( @params );
} else {
$self->{version_option} = $registry->{version};
sub fail_with_help {
my ( $self, $message ) = @_;
if ( $message ) {
print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n\n";
printf STDERR "%s\n", $self->build_help;
exit( 1 );
sub make_opt_string {
my ( $spec ) = @_;
my @frags;
for ( @{$spec->short} ) { if ( /^-?([^-])/ ) { push @frags, $1; } }
for ( @{$spec->long} ) { if ( /^(?:--)?([^=\s:]+)/ ) { push @frags, $1; } }
my $str = join( '|', @frags );
if ( $spec->arity ) {
if ( $spec->argument_required ) {
$str .= "=" . $spec->type;
} else {
$str .= ':' . $spec->type;
return $str;
sub build_help {
my ( $self, %opts ) = @_;
my $program = $self->{name};
my $version = $self->{version};
my $description = $self->{description};
my $full_name = $version ? "$program v$version" : $program;
my $width = $opts{width} || screen_width;
my $indent = $opts{indent} || 4;
my @entries = @{ $self->{entries} };
my $text = '';
my $opt_width = 0;
my $usage = $self->{usage} || $opts{usage}; # || "$program [options]";
my $indent_text = ' ' x $indent;
open( my $out, ">", \$text );
local $\ = "\n";
$Text::Wrap::columns = $width - $indent - 2;
print $out "NAME";
print $out "$indent_text$full_name";
print $out '';
if ( $description ) {
$description = wrap( '', '', $description );
for my $l ( split /\n/, $description ) {
print $out "$indent_text$l";
print $out '';
if ( $usage ) {
print $out "USAGE";
$usage = wrap( '', '', $usage );
for my $l ( split /\n/, $usage ) {
print $out "$indent_text$l";
print $out '';
print $out "OPTIONS";
my @option_strings =
map {
my $spec = $_;
my @opts = ( @{ $spec->short }, @{ $spec->long } );
my $s = join( ", ", @opts );
my $l = clen( $s );
if ( $l > $opt_width ) { $opt_width = $l; }
} @entries;
my $desc_width = $width - $indent - 2 - $opt_width;
if ( $desc_width < 20 ) { $desc_width = 20; }
my $sep_span = ' ' x 2;
my $padding_span = ' ' x $opt_width;
$Text::Wrap::columns = $desc_width;
for my $i ( 0 ... $#entries ) {
my $spec = $entries[ $i ];
my $opt_string = $option_strings[ $i ];
my $desc = $spec->desc || '';
$desc = wrap( '', '', $desc );
my @desc_lines = split( /\r?\n/, $desc );
my $first_line = shift( @desc_lines ) || '';
print $out $indent_text, ljust( $opt_string, $opt_width ), $sep_span, $first_line;
for my $line ( @desc_lines ) {
print $out $indent_text, $padding_span, $sep_span, $line;
close( $out );
return $text;
sub build_usage {
my ( $self ) = @_;
OptionSpec => [
'short' => '@',
'long' => '@',
'name' => '$',
'arity' => '$',
'default_value' => '$',
'argument_required' => '$',
'type' => '$',
'desc' => '$',
'callback' => '$',
'special' => '$'
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0