Mini Shell
Shared RADS common functions
import os
import re
import gzip
import pwd
import sh
import yaml
import arrow
import platform
import json
import grp
from rads.cpanel_api import api_success, whm_api
with open('/etc/rads/rads.json', 'r') as rads_conf:
_rads_json = json.load(rads_conf)
SYS_USERS = _rads_json['users']['system']
SYS_MYSQL_USERS = _rads_json['users']['mysql']
STAFF_GROUPS = _rads_json['users']['our_groups']
def is_t1_safe(username):
Checks whether the user is safe for T1/T2C to operate on
restricted_users = SYS_USERS
sec_user = get_secure_username()
user_groups = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if username in g.gr_mem]
if sec_user is not None: # will be None on VPS/Ded
for group in user_groups:
if group in STAFF_GROUPS:
return False
if (username in restricted_users) or (not is_cpanel_user(username)):
return False
return True
def acct_safe_size(user, max_mb=10240, skip_home=False):
"""Determine if an account is too large to package"""
du_out = sh.du(
sh.glob('/var/lib/mysql/%s_*' % user),
mysql_mb = int(du_out.splitlines()[-1].split()[0]) / 1024
except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1:
mysql_mb = 0 # no databases
if mysql_mb > max_mb:
return False
if skip_home:
return True
quota = sh.quota.bake(v=True)
home_mb = int(quota(user).stdout.splitlines()[2].split()[1]) / 1024
except (sh.ErrorReturnCode, ValueError):
return False
if home_mb + mysql_mb > max_mb:
return False
return True
def get_secure_username():
"""get the secure user's username"""
hostname = platform.node()
secure_hostname = re.sub('^[a-z]+', 'secure', hostname)
with open('/etc/userdomains') as userdomains:
for line in
domain, user = line.split(': ')
if domain == secure_hostname:
return user.rstrip() # splitlines handled lstrip
return None
except IOError:
return None
def read_historic_usage(offset):
Returns the contents of archived sa data collected by RADS. offset is an
integer offset intended to specify the negative offset in days to
retrieve data for. 1 is added to offset to get the day.
offset = offset + 1
# get the time offset days ago
offset_arw =
# month needs to be the short string representation of the month (i.e. Jun)
month, day = offset_arw.format('MMM DD').split()
sadatadir = os.path.join(
if not os.path.isdir(sadatadir):
return None
histfiles = [
os.path.join(sadatadir, x)
for x in os.listdir(sadatadir) if 'avg' in x
histfile = sorted(histfiles, key=os.path.getmtime)[-1]
with as filehandle:
contents =
except IOError:
return None
return contents
def historic_usage(historic_days=1):
"""Returns historic usage dictionary"""
hist_cp_dict = {}
for day in map(read_historic_usage, xrange(historic_days)):
if day is None: # error in read_historic_usage
continue # just read the next day's sa data
for hist_data in day:
sa_line = hist_data.split()
# example format below. username and x.xxcp are needed
# userna5 264 0.11% 0.21re 0.00% 0.16cp 0.45% 58176k
if len(sa_line) == 8:
user = sa_line[0]
usage = float(sa_line[5][:-2]) # strip off 'cp'
except (NameError, KeyError):
hist_cp_dict[user] = [usage]
return hist_cp_dict
def is_cpanel_user(username):
"""Returns True if the user is a valid cPanel user, False otherwise"""
if not isinstance(username, str):
if isinstance(username, unicode):
username = username.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return False # neither unicode nor str
user_homedir = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_dir
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
return False
if not os.path.isdir(user_homedir): # User file exists, but home does not
return False
user_file = os.path.join('/var/cpanel/users', username)
userdata_folder = os.path.join('/var/cpanel/userdata', username)
return all((
def get_users():
"""Returns a list of cPanel users from /etc/trueuserowners"""
with open('/etc/trueuserowners') as userowners:
userdict = yaml.load(userowners)
assert isinstance(userdict, dict),"userdict is not a dict! Check /etc/trueuserowners!"
return userdict.keys()
def get_homedir_path(username):
"""get home directory path. return string path or None on error"""
homedir = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_dir
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
return None
if re.match(r'/home[0-9]*/\w+', homedir) is None:
# Even though we fetched the homedir successfully from /etc/passwd,
# treat this as an error due to unexpected output. If the result was
# '/' for example, some calling programs might misbehave or even
# rm -rf / depending on what it's being used for
return None
return homedir
def is_suspended(user):
"""Return True if the user is suspended, False otherwise"""
return os.path.exists('/var/cpanel/suspended/%s' % user)
def get_primary_domain(username):
"""Read primary domain from userdata or return None on error"""
userdata_main_path = os.path.join(
with open(userdata_main_path, 'r') as userdata_filehandle:
return yaml.load(userdata_filehandle)['main_domain']
except (yaml.YAMLError, KeyError, IOError):
return None
def top_users(how_many=10):
Run sa to get a list of the top users and yield up to the integer
value of 'how_many' tuples in the form (user, cp) where user is a
cPanel user name and cp is a float containing current cp
sec_usr = get_secure_username()
skip_user_re = re.compile(
r'(?:%s%s)\b' % (
'' if sec_usr is None else '%s|' % sec_usr,
sa_output =
user_usage = (
line.split() for line in sa_output
if not skip_user_re.match(line)
count = 1
for sa_record in user_usage:
# sa_record will be in the form of
# ['userna5', '125', '3395.59re', '0.00cp', '25711k']
user = sa_record[0]
if not is_cpanel_user(user):
if count > how_many:
raise StopIteration
yield (user, sa_record[3][:-2])
count += 1
def switch_to_ip(username, ip_addr, debug=False):
Attempt to switch the user's IP, return True if success or
user is already on IP. return False if failure.
ret = whm_api(
if debug:
return api_success(ret), ret
return api_success(ret)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0