Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/self/root/opt/saltstack/salt/extras-3.10/pyroute2/ipdb/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/saltstack/salt/extras-3.10/pyroute2/ipdb/


import logging
import threading

from pyroute2.common import Dotkeys, uuid32
from pyroute2.ipdb.exceptions import CommitException
from pyroute2.ipdb.linkedset import LinkedSet

# How long should we wait on EACH commit() checkpoint: for ipaddr,
# ports etc. That's not total commit() timeout.
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class State(object):
    def __init__(self, lock=None):
        self.lock = lock or threading.Lock()
        self.flag = 0

    def acquire(self):
        self.flag += 1

    def release(self):
        if self.flag < 1:
            raise RuntimeError('release unlocked state')
        self.flag -= 1

    def is_set(self):
        return self.flag

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

def update(f):
    def decorated(self, *argv, **kwarg):
        if self._mode == 'snapshot':
            # short-circuit
            with self._write_lock:
                return f(self, True, *argv, **kwarg)
        elif self._mode == 'readonly':
            raise RuntimeError('can not change readonly object')

        with self._write_lock:
            direct = self._direct_state.is_set()
            if not direct:
                # 1. 'implicit': begin transaction, if there is none
                if self._mode == 'implicit':
                    if not self.current_tx:
                # 2. require open transaction for 'explicit' type
                elif self._mode == 'explicit':
                    if not self.current_tx:
                        raise TypeError('start a transaction first')
                # do not support other modes
                    raise TypeError('transaction mode not supported')
                # now that the transaction _is_ open
            return f(self, direct, *argv, **kwarg)

    decorated.__doc__ = f.__doc__
    return decorated

def with_transaction(f):
    def decorated(self, direct, *argv, **kwarg):
        if direct:
            f(self, *argv, **kwarg)
            transaction = self.current_tx
            f(transaction, *argv, **kwarg)
        return self

    return update(decorated)

class Transactional(Dotkeys):
    Utility class that implements common transactional logic.

    _fields = []
    _virtual_fields = []
    _fields_cmp = {}
    _linked_sets = []
    _nested = []

    def __init__(self, ipdb=None, mode=None, parent=None, uid=None):
        if ipdb is not None:
            self.ipdb = ipdb
   = None
            self.ipdb = None
        self._parent = None
        if parent is not None:
            self._mode = mode or parent._mode
            self._parent = parent
        elif ipdb is not None:
            self._mode = mode or ipdb.mode
            self._mode = mode or 'implicit'
        self.nlmsg = None
        self.uid = uid or uuid32()
        self.last_error = None
        self._commit_hooks = []
        self._sids = []
        self._ts = threading.local()
        self._snapshots = {}
        self.global_tx = {}
        self._targets = {}
        self._local_targets = {}
        self._write_lock = threading.RLock()
        self._direct_state = State(self._write_lock)
        self._linked_sets = self._linked_sets or set()
        for i in self._fields:
            Dotkeys.__setitem__(self, i, None)

    def ro(self):
        return self.pick(detached=False, readonly=True)

    def register_commit_hook(self, hook):
        ''' '''

    def unregister_commit_hook(self, hook):
        ''' '''
        with self._write_lock:
            for cb in tuple(self._commit_hooks):
                if hook == cb:

    # Object serialization: dump, pick
    def dump(self, not_none=True):
        ''' '''
        with self._write_lock:
            res = {}
            for key in self:
                if self[key] is not None and key[0] != '_':
                    if isinstance(self[key], Transactional):
                        res[key] = self[key].dump()
                    elif isinstance(self[key], LinkedSet):
                        res[key] = tuple(self[key])
                        res[key] = self[key]
            return res

    def pick(self, detached=True, uid=None, parent=None, readonly=False):
        Get a snapshot of the object. Can be of two
        * detached=True -- (default) "true" snapshot
        * detached=False -- keep ip addr set updated from OS

        Please note, that "updated" doesn't mean "in sync".
        The reason behind this logic is that snapshots can be
        used as transactions.
        with self._write_lock:
            res = self.__class__(
                ipdb=self.ipdb, mode='snapshot', parent=parent, uid=uid
            for key, value in self.items():
                if self[key] is not None:
                    if key in self._fields:
                        res[key] = self[key]
            for key in self._linked_sets:
                res[key] = type(self[key])(self[key])
                if not detached:
            if readonly:
                res._mode = 'readonly'

            return res

    # Context management: enter, exit
    def __enter__(self):
        if self._mode == 'readonly':
            return self
        elif self._mode not in ('implicit', 'explicit'):
            raise TypeError('context managers require a transactional mode')
        if not self.current_tx:
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        # apply transaction only if there was no error
        if self._mode == 'readonly':
        elif exc_type is None:
            except Exception as e:
                self.last_error = e

    # Implicit object transfomations
    def __repr__(self):
        res = {}
        for i in tuple(self):
            if self[i] is not None:
                res[i] = self[i]
        return res.__repr__()

    # Object ops: +, -, /, ...
    def __sub__(self, vs):
        # create result
        res = {}

        with self._direct_state:
            # simple keys
            for key in self:
                if key in self._fields:
                    if (key not in vs) or (self[key] != vs[key]):
                        res[key] = self[key]
        for key in self._linked_sets:
            diff = type(self[key])(self[key] - vs[key])
            if diff:
                res[key] = diff
                res[key] = set()
        for key in self._nested:
            res[key] = self[key] - vs[key]
        return res

    def __floordiv__(self, vs):
        left = {}
        right = {}
        with self._direct_state:
            with vs._direct_state:
                for key in set(tuple(self.keys()) + tuple(vs.keys())):
                    if self.get(key, None) != vs.get(key, None):
                        left[key] = self.get(key)
                        right[key] = vs.get(key)
                    if key not in self:
                        right[key] = vs[key]
                    elif key not in vs:
                        left[key] = self[key]
        for key in self._linked_sets:
            ldiff = type(self[key])(self[key] - vs[key])
            rdiff = type(vs[key])(vs[key] - self[key])
            if ldiff:
                left[key] = ldiff
                left[key] = set()
            if rdiff:
                right[key] = rdiff
                right[key] = set()
        for key in self._nested:
            left[key], right[key] = self[key] // vs[key]
        return left, right

    # Methods to be overloaded
    def detach(self):

    def load(self, data):

    def commit(self, *args, **kwarg):

    def last_snapshot_id(self):
        return self._sids[-1]

    def invalidate(self):
        # on failure, invalidate the interface and detach it
        # from the parent
        # 0. obtain lock on IPDB, to avoid deadlocks
        # ... all the DB updates will wait
        with self.ipdb.exclusive:
            # 1. drop the IPRoute() link
   = None
            # 2. clean up ipdb
            # 3. invalidate the interface
            with self._direct_state:
                for i in tuple(self.keys()):
                    del self[i]
                self['ipdb_scope'] = 'invalid'
            # 4. the rest
            self._mode = 'invalid'

    # Snapshot methods
    def revert(self, sid):
        with self._write_lock:
            assert sid in self._snapshots
            self.local_tx[sid] = self._snapshots[sid]
            self.global_tx[sid] = self._snapshots[sid]
            self.current_tx = self._snapshots[sid]
            del self._snapshots[sid]
            return self

    def snapshot(self, sid=None):
        Create new snapshot
        if self._parent:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't init snapshot from a nested object")
        if (self.ipdb is not None) and self.ipdb._stop:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't create snapshots on released IPDB")
        t = self.pick(detached=True, uid=sid)
        self._snapshots[t.uid] = t
        for key, value in t.items():
            if isinstance(value, Transactional):
        return t.uid

    def last_snapshot(self):
        if not self._sids:
            raise TypeError('create a snapshot first')
        return self._snapshots[self._sids[-1]]

    # Current tx
    def _set_current_tx(self, tx):
        with self._write_lock:
            self._ts.current = tx

    def _get_current_tx(self):
        The current active transaction (thread-local)
        with self._write_lock:
            if not hasattr(self._ts, 'current'):
                self._ts.current = None
            return self._ts.current

    current_tx = property(_get_current_tx, _set_current_tx)

    # Local tx registry
    def _get_local_tx(self):
        with self._write_lock:
            if not hasattr(self._ts, 'tx'):
                self._ts.tx = {}
            return self._ts.tx

    local_tx = property(_get_local_tx)

    # Transaction ops: begin, review, drop
    def begin(self):
        Start new transaction
        if self._parent is not None:
            return self._begin()

    def _begin(self, tid=None):
        if (self.ipdb is not None) and self.ipdb._stop:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't start transaction on released IPDB")
        t = self.pick(detached=False, uid=tid)
        self.local_tx[t.uid] = t
        self.global_tx[t.uid] = t
        if self.current_tx is None:
            self.current_tx = t
        for key, value in t.items():
            if isinstance(value, Transactional):
                # start transaction on a nested object
                # link transaction to own one
                t[key] = value.global_tx[t.uid]
        return t.uid

    def review(self, tid=None):
        Review the changes made in the transaction `tid`
        or in the current active transaction (thread-local)
        if self.current_tx is None:
            raise TypeError('start a transaction first')

        tid = tid or self.current_tx.uid

        if self.get('ipdb_scope') == 'create':
            if self.current_tx is not None:
                prime = self.current_tx
                log.warning('the "create" scope without transaction')
                prime = self
            return dict(
                [(x[0], x[1]) for x in prime.items() if x[1] is not None]

        with self._write_lock:
            added = self.global_tx[tid] - self
            removed = self - self.global_tx[tid]
            for key in self._linked_sets:
                added['-%s' % (key)] = removed[key]
                added['+%s' % (key)] = added[key]
                del added[key]
            return added

    def drop(self, tid=None):
        Drop a transaction. If tid is not specified, drop
        the current one.
        with self._write_lock:
            if tid is None:
                tx = self.current_tx
                if tx is None:
                    raise TypeError("no transaction")
                tx = self.global_tx[tid]

            if self.current_tx == tx:
                self.current_tx = None

            # detach linked sets
            for key in self._linked_sets:
                if tx[key] in self[key].links:
            for key, value in self.items():
                if isinstance(value, Transactional):
                    except KeyError:
            # finally -- delete the transaction
            del self.local_tx[tx.uid]
            del self.global_tx[tx.uid]

    # Property ops: set/get/delete
    def __setitem__(self, direct, key, value):
        if not direct:
            if self.get(key) == value:
            # automatically set target on the active transaction,
            # which must be started prior to that call
            transaction = self.current_tx
            transaction[key] = value
            if value is not None:
                transaction._targets[key] = threading.Event()
            # set the item
            Dotkeys.__setitem__(self, key, value)

            # update on local targets
            with self._write_lock:
                if key in self._local_targets:
                    func = self._fields_cmp.get(key, lambda x, y: x == y)
                    if func(value, self._local_targets[key].value):

            # cascade update on nested targets
            for tn in tuple(self.global_tx.values()):
                if (key in tn._targets) and (key in tn):
                    if self._fields_cmp.get(key, lambda x, y: x == y)(
                        value, tn[key]

    def __delitem__(self, direct, key):
        # firstly set targets
        self[key] = None

        # then continue with delete
        if not direct:
            transaction = self.current_tx
            if key in transaction:
                del transaction[key]
            Dotkeys.__delitem__(self, key)

    def option(self, key, value):
        self[key] = value
        return self

    def unset(self, key):
        del self[key]
        return self

    def wait_all_targets(self):
        for key, target in self._targets.items():
            if key not in self._virtual_fields:
                if not target.is_set():
                    raise CommitException('target %s is not set' % key)

    def wait_target(self, key, timeout=SYNC_TIMEOUT):
        with self._write_lock:
            return self._local_targets.pop(key).is_set()

    def set_target(self, key, value):
        with self._write_lock:
            self._local_targets[key] = threading.Event()
            self._local_targets[key].value = value
            if self.get(key) == value:
            return self

    def mirror_target(self, key_from, key_to):
        with self._write_lock:
            self._local_targets[key_to] = self._local_targets[key_from]
            return self

    def set(self, key, value):
        self[key] = value
        return self

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0