Mini Shell
rpm module for version_utils
Contains RPM parsing and comparison operations for version_utils.
Public methods include:
* :any:`compare_packages`: compare two RPM package strings, e.g.
``gcc-4.4.7-16.el6.x86_64`` and ``gcc-4.4.7-17.el6.x86_64``
* :any:`compare_versions`: compare two RPM version strings (the
bit between the dashes in an RPM package string)
* :any:`package`: parse an RPM package string to get name, epoch,
version, release, and architecture information. Returns as a
:any:`common.Package` object.
# Standard library imports
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
print_function, unicode_literals)
from logging import getLogger
from re import compile
# version_utils imports
from version_utils.common import Package
from version_utils.errors import RpmError
_rpm_re = compile(r'(\S+)-(?:(\d*):)?(.*)-(~?\w+[\w.]*)')
logger = getLogger(__name__)
# Return values:
# a_newer: a is newer than b, return 1
# b_newer: b is newer than a, return -1
# a_eq_b: a and b are equal, return 0
a_newer = 1
b_newer = -1
a_eq_b = 0
def compare_packages(rpm_str_a, rpm_str_b, arch_provided=True):
"""Compare two RPM strings to determine which is newer
Parses version information out of RPM package strings of the form
returned by the ``rpm -q`` command and compares their versions to
determine which is newer. Provided strings *do not* require an
architecture at the end, although if providing strings without
architecture, the ``arch_provided`` parameter should be set to
Note that the packages do not have to be the same package (i.e.
they do not require the same name or architecture).
:param str rpm_str_a: an rpm package string
:param str rpm_str_b: an rpm package string
:param bool arch_provided: whether package strings contain
architecture information
:return: 1 (``a`` is newer), 0 (versions are equivalent), or -1
(``b`` is newer)
:rtype: int
logger.debug('resolve_versions(%s, %s)', rpm_str_a, rpm_str_b)
evr_a = parse_package(rpm_str_a, arch_provided)['EVR']
evr_b = parse_package(rpm_str_b, arch_provided)['EVR']
return labelCompare(evr_a, evr_b)
def compare_evrs(evr_a, evr_b):
"""Compare two EVR tuples to determine which is newer
This method compares the epoch, version, and release of the
provided package strings, assuming that epoch is 0 if not provided.
Comparison is performed on the epoch, then the version, and then
the release. If at any point a non-equality is found, the result is
returned without any remaining comparisons being performed (e.g. if
the epochs of the packages differ, the versions are releases are
not compared).
:param tuple evr_a: an EVR tuple
:param tuple evr_b: an EVR tuple
a_epoch, a_ver, a_rel = evr_a
b_epoch, b_ver, b_rel = evr_b
if a_epoch != b_epoch:
return a_newer if a_epoch > b_epoch else b_newer
ver_comp = compare_versions(a_ver, b_ver)
if ver_comp != a_eq_b:
return ver_comp
rel_comp = compare_versions(a_rel, b_rel)
return rel_comp
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def labelCompare(evr_a, evr_b):
""" Convenience function to provide the same behaviour as
labelCompare from rpm-python.
To be used as a drop-in replacement for labelCompare, thus the
utilization of the non-standard camelCase variable name.
To use the version_utils version and fall back to rpm:
from version_utils.rpm import labelCompare
except ImportError:
from rpm import labelCompare
:param tuple evr_a: an EVR tuple
:param tuple evr_b: an EVR tuple
return compare_evrs(evr_a, evr_b)
def compare_versions(version_a, version_b):
"""Compare two RPM version strings
Compares two RPM version strings and returns an integer indicating
the result of the comparison. The method of comparison mirrors that
used by RPM, so results should be the same for any standard RPM
To perform the comparison, the strings are first checked for
equality. If they are equal, the versions are equal. Otherwise,
each string is converted to a character list, and a comparison
loop is started using these lists.
In the comparison loop, first any non-alphanumeric, non-~
characters are trimmed from the front of the list. Then if the first
character from both ``a`` and ``b`` is a ~ (tilde), it is trimmed.
The ~ (tilde) character indicates that a given package or version
should be considered older (even if it is numerically larger), so
if ``a`` begins with a tilde, ``b`` is newer, and vice-versa. At
this point, if the length of either list has been reduced to 0, the
loop is exited. If characters remain in the list, the
:any:`_get_block_result` function is used to pop consecutive digits
or letters from the front of hte list and compare them. The result
of the block comparison is returned if the blocks are not equal.
The loop then begins again.
If the loop exits without returning a value, the lengths of the
remaining character lists are compared. If they have the same length
(usually 0, since all characters have been popped), they are
considered to be equal. Otherwise, whichever is longer is considered
to be newer, unless it starts with a ~, in which case it is considered
be older. Generally, unequal length will be due to one character
list having been completely consumed while some characters remain on
the other, for example when comparing 1.05b to 1.05.
:param unicode version_a: An RPM version or release string
:param unicode version_b: An RPM version or release string
:return: 1 (if ``a`` is newer), 0 (if versions are equal), or -1
(if ``b`` is newer)
:rtype: int
:raises RpmError: if an a type is passed that cannot be converted to
a list
logger.debug('compare_versions(%s, %s)', version_a, version_b)
if version_a == version_b:
return a_eq_b
chars_a, chars_b = list(version_a), list(version_b)
except TypeError:
raise RpmError('Could not compare {0} to '
'{1}'.format(version_a, version_b))
while len(chars_a) != 0 and len(chars_b) != 0:
logger.debug('starting loop comparing %s '
'to %s', chars_a, chars_b)
_check_leading(chars_a, chars_b)
if chars_a[0] == '~' and chars_b[0] == '~':
elif chars_a[0] == '~':
return b_newer
elif chars_b[0] == '~':
return a_newer
if len(chars_a) == 0 or len(chars_b) == 0:
block_res = _get_block_result(chars_a, chars_b)
if block_res != a_eq_b:
return block_res
if len(chars_a) == len(chars_b):
logger.debug('versions are equal')
return a_eq_b
logger.debug('versions not equal')
if len(chars_a) > len(chars_b):
return b_newer if chars_a[0] == '~' else a_newer
return a_newer if chars_b[0] == '~' else b_newer
def package(package_string, arch_included=True):
"""Parse an RPM version string
Parses most (all tested) RPM version strings to get their name,
epoch, version, release, and architecture information. Epoch (also
called serial) is an optional component for RPM versions, and it
is also optional when providing a version string to this function.
RPM assumes the epoch to be 0 if it is not provided, so that
behavior is mirrored here.
:param str package_string:
:param bool arch_included:
:return: A :any:`common.Package` object containing all parsed
:rtype: common.Package
logger.debug('package(%s, %s)', package_string, arch_included)
pkg_info = parse_package(package_string, arch_included)
pkg = Package(pkg_info['name'], pkg_info['EVR'][0], pkg_info['EVR'][1],
pkg_info['EVR'][2], pkg_info['arch'],
return pkg
def parse_package(package_string, arch_included=True):
"""Parse an RPM version string to get name, version, and arch
Splits most (all tested) RPM version strings into name, epoch,
version, release, and architecture. Epoch (also called serial) is
an optional component of RPM versioning and is also optional in
version strings provided to this function. RPM assumes the epoch
to be 0 if it is not provided, so that behavior is mirrored here.
**Deprecated** since version 0.2.0. Use :any:`rpm.package` instead.
:param str package_string: an RPM version string of the form
returned by the ``rpm -q`` command
:param bool arch_included: default True - version strings may
optionally be provided without the trailing architecture. If
providing such strings, set this option to False
:return: a dictionary with all parsed package information
:rtype: dict
# Yum sets epoch values to 0 if they are not specified
logger.debug('parse_package(%s, %s)', package_string, arch_included)
default_epoch = '0'
arch = None
if arch_included:
char_list = list(package_string)
arch = _pop_arch(char_list)
package_string = ''.join(char_list)
logger.debug('updated version_string: %s', package_string)
name, epoch, version, release = _rpm_re.match(package_string).groups()
except AttributeError:
raise RpmError('Could not parse package string: %s' % package_string)
if epoch == '' or epoch is None:
epoch = default_epoch
info = {
'name': name,
'EVR': (epoch, version, release),
'arch': arch
logger.debug('parsed information: %s', info)
return info
def _pop_arch(char_list):
"""Pop the architecture from a version string and return it
Returns any portion of a string following the final period. In rpm
version strings, this corresponds to the package architecture.
:param list char_list: an rpm version string in character list form
:return: the parsed architecture as a string
:rtype: str
logger.debug('_pop_arch(%s)', char_list)
arch_list = []
char = char_list.pop()
while char != '.':
arch_list.insert(0, char)
char = char_list.pop()
except IndexError: # Raised for a string with no periods
raise RpmError('Could not parse an architecture. Did you mean to '
'set the arch_included flag to False?')
logger.debug('arch chars: %s', arch_list)
return ''.join(arch_list)
def _check_leading(*char_lists):
"""Remove any non-alphanumeric or non-~ leading characters
Checks the beginning of any provided lists for non-alphanumeric or
non-~ (tilde) leading characters and removes them if found.
Operates on (and possibly alters) the passed list.
:param list char_list: a list or lists of characters
:return: None
:rtype: None
logger.debug('_check_leading(%s)', char_lists)
for char_list in char_lists:
while (len(char_list) != 0 and not char_list[0].isalnum() and
not char_list[0] == '~'):
logger.debug('updated list: %s', char_list)
def _trim_zeros(*char_lists):
"""Trim any zeros from provided character lists
Checks the beginning of any provided lists for '0's and removes any
such leading zeros. Operates on (and possibly) alters the passed
:param list char_lists: a list or lists of characters
:return: None
:rtype: None
logger.debug('_trim_zeros(%s)', char_lists)
for char_list in char_lists:
while len(char_list) != 0 and char_list[0] == '0':
logger.debug('updated block: %s', char_list)
def _pop_digits(char_list):
"""Pop consecutive digits from the front of list and return them
Pops any and all consecutive digits from the start of the provided
character list and returns them as a list of string digits.
Operates on (and possibly alters) the passed list.
:param list char_list: a list of characters
:return: a list of string digits
:rtype: list
logger.debug('_pop_digits(%s)', char_list)
digits = []
while len(char_list) != 0 and char_list[0].isdigit():
logger.debug('got digits: %s', digits)
logger.debug('updated char list: %s', char_list)
return digits
def _pop_letters(char_list):
"""Pop consecutive letters from the front of a list and return them
Pops any and all consecutive letters from the start of the provided
character list and returns them as a list of characters. Operates
on (and possibly alters) the passed list
:param list char_list: a list of characters
:return: a list of characters
:rtype: list
logger.debug('_pop_letters(%s)', char_list)
letters = []
while len(char_list) != 0 and char_list[0].isalpha():
logger.debug('got letters: %s', letters)
logger.debug('updated char list: %s', char_list)
return letters
def _compare_blocks(block_a, block_b):
"""Compare two blocks of characters
Compares two blocks of characters of the form returned by either
the :any:`_pop_digits` or :any:`_pop_letters` function. Blocks
should be character lists containing only digits or only letters.
Both blocks should contain the same character type (digits or
The method of comparison mirrors the method used by RPM. If the
blocks are digit blocks, any leading zeros are trimmed, and
whichever block is longer is assumed to be larger. If the resultant
blocks are the same length, or if the blocks are non-numeric, they
are checked for string equality and considered equal if the string
equality comparison returns True. If not, whichever evaluates as
greater than the other (again in string comparison) is assumed to be
:param list block_a: an all numeric or all alphabetic character
:param list block_b: an all numeric or all alphabetic character
list. Alphabetic or numeric character should match ``block_a``
:return: 1 (if ``a`` is newer), 0 (if versions are equal) or
-1 (if ``b`` is newer)
:rtype: int
logger.debug('_compare_blocks(%s, %s)', block_a, block_b)
if block_a[0].isdigit():
_trim_zeros(block_a, block_b)
if len(block_a) != len(block_b):
logger.debug('block lengths are not equal')
return a_newer if len(block_a) > len(block_b) else b_newer
if block_a == block_b:
logger.debug('blocks are equal')
return a_eq_b
logger.debug('blocks are not equal')
return a_newer if block_a > block_b else b_newer
def _get_block_result(chars_a, chars_b):
"""Get the first block from two character lists and compare
If character list ``a`` begins with a digit, the :any:`_pop_digit`
function is called on both lists to get blocks of all consecutive
digits at the start of each list. If the length of the block
returned when popping digits for ``b`` is zero (``b`` started with a
letter), ``a`` is newer. If ``b`` is of nonzero length, the blocks
are compared using :any:`_compare_blocks`.
If character list ``a`` begins with a letter, the
:any:`_pop_letter` function is called on both lists to get blocks
of all consecutive letters at the start of each list. If the length
of the block returned when popping letters for ``b`` is zero (``b``
started with a digit), ``b`` is newer. If ``b`` is of nonzero
length, blocks ``a`` and ``b`` are compared using
:param list chars_a: a list of characters derived from a version
:param list chars_b: a list of characters derived from a version
:return: 1 (if ``a`` is newer), 0 (if versions are equal), or
-1 (if ``b`` is newer)
:rtype: int
logger.debug('_get_block_result(%s, %s)', chars_a, chars_b)
first_is_digit = chars_a[0].isdigit()
pop_func = _pop_digits if first_is_digit else _pop_letters
return_if_no_b = a_newer if first_is_digit else b_newer
block_a, block_b = pop_func(chars_a), pop_func(chars_b)
if len(block_b) == 0:
logger.debug('blocks are equal')
return return_if_no_b
return _compare_blocks(block_a, block_b)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0