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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Tests for L{twisted.internet.stdio}.

@var properEnv: A copy of L{os.environ} which has L{bytes} keys/values on POSIX
    platforms and native L{str} keys/values on Windows.

import itertools
import os
import sys
from unittest import skipIf

from twisted.internet import defer, error, protocol, reactor, stdio
from twisted.python import filepath, log
from twisted.python.reflect import requireModule
from twisted.python.runtime import platform
from twisted.test.test_tcp import ConnectionLostNotifyingProtocol
from twisted.trial.unittest import SkipTest, TestCase

# A short string which is intended to appear here and nowhere else,
# particularly not in any random garbage output CPython unavoidable
# generates (such as in warning text and so forth).  This is searched
# for in the output from stdio_test_lastwrite and if it is found at
# the end, the functionality works.
UNIQUE_LAST_WRITE_STRING = b"xyz123abc Twisted is great!"

properEnv = dict(os.environ)
properEnv["PYTHONPATH"] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)

class StandardIOTestProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
    Test helper for collecting output from a child process and notifying
    something when it exits.

    @ivar onConnection: A L{defer.Deferred} which will be called back with
    L{None} when the connection to the child process is established.

    @ivar onCompletion: A L{defer.Deferred} which will be errbacked with the
    failure associated with the child process exiting when it exits.

    @ivar onDataReceived: A L{defer.Deferred} which will be called back with
    this instance whenever C{childDataReceived} is called, or L{None} to
    suppress these callbacks.

    @ivar data: A C{dict} mapping file descriptors to strings containing all
    bytes received from the child process on each file descriptor.

    onDataReceived = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.onConnection = defer.Deferred()
        self.onCompletion = defer.Deferred() = {}

    def connectionMade(self):

    def childDataReceived(self, name, bytes):
        Record all bytes received from the child process in the C{data}
        dictionary.  Fire C{onDataReceived} if it is not L{None}.
        """[name] =, b"") + bytes
        if self.onDataReceived is not None:
            d, self.onDataReceived = self.onDataReceived, None

    def processEnded(self, reason):

class StandardInputOutputTests(TestCase):

    if platform.isWindows() and requireModule("win32process") is None:
        skip = (
            "On windows, spawnProcess is not available in the "
            "absence of win32process."

    def _spawnProcess(self, proto, sibling, *args, **kw):
        Launch a child Python process and communicate with it using the
        given ProcessProtocol.

        @param proto: A L{ProcessProtocol} instance which will be connected
        to the child process.

        @param sibling: The basename of a file containing the Python program
        to run in the child process.

        @param *args: strings which will be passed to the child process on
        the command line as C{argv[2:]}.

        @param **kw: additional arguments to pass to L{reactor.spawnProcess}.

        @return: The L{IProcessTransport} provider for the spawned process.
        args = [
            b"twisted.test." + sibling,
        ] + list(args)
        return reactor.spawnProcess(proto, sys.executable, args, env=properEnv, **kw)

    def _requireFailure(self, d, callback):
        def cb(result):
  "Process terminated with non-Failure: {result!r}")

        def eb(err):
            return callback(err)

        return d.addCallbacks(cb, eb)

    def test_loseConnection(self):
        Verify that a protocol connected to L{StandardIO} can disconnect
        itself using C{transport.loseConnection}.
        errorLogFile = self.mktemp()
        log.msg("Child process logging to " + errorLogFile)
        p = StandardIOTestProcessProtocol()
        d = p.onCompletion
        self._spawnProcess(p, b"stdio_test_loseconn", errorLogFile)

        def processEnded(reason):
            # Copy the child's log to ours so it's more visible.
            with open(errorLogFile) as f:
                for line in f:
                    log.msg("Child logged: " + line.rstrip())


        return self._requireFailure(d, processEnded)

    def test_readConnectionLost(self):
        When stdin is closed and the protocol connected to it implements
        L{IHalfCloseableProtocol}, the protocol's C{readConnectionLost} method
        is called.
        errorLogFile = self.mktemp()
        log.msg("Child process logging to " + errorLogFile)
        p = StandardIOTestProcessProtocol()
        p.onDataReceived = defer.Deferred()

        def cbBytes(ignored):
            d = p.onCompletion
            return d


        def processEnded(reason):

        d = self._requireFailure(p.onDataReceived, processEnded)

        self._spawnProcess(p, b"stdio_test_halfclose", errorLogFile)
        return d

    def test_lastWriteReceived(self):
        Verify that a write made directly to stdout using L{os.write}
        after StandardIO has finished is reliably received by the
        process reading that stdout.
        p = StandardIOTestProcessProtocol()

        # Note: the macOS bug which prompted the addition of this test
        # is an apparent race condition involving non-blocking PTYs.
        # Delaying the parent process significantly increases the
        # likelihood of the race going the wrong way.  If you need to
        # fiddle with this code at all, uncommenting the next line
        # will likely make your life much easier.  It is commented out
        # because it makes the test quite slow.

        # p.onConnection.addCallback(lambda ign: __import__('time').sleep(5))

                p, b"stdio_test_lastwrite", UNIQUE_LAST_WRITE_STRING, usePTY=True
        except ValueError as e:
            # Some platforms don't work with usePTY=True
            raise SkipTest(str(e))

        def processEnded(reason):
            Asserts that the parent received the bytes written by the child
            immediately after the child starts.
                f"Received {!r} from child, did not find expected bytes.",

        return self._requireFailure(p.onCompletion, processEnded)

    def test_hostAndPeer(self):
        Verify that the transport of a protocol connected to L{StandardIO}
        has C{getHost} and C{getPeer} methods.
        p = StandardIOTestProcessProtocol()
        d = p.onCompletion
        self._spawnProcess(p, b"stdio_test_hostpeer")

        def processEnded(reason):
            host, peer =[1].splitlines()

        return self._requireFailure(d, processEnded)

    def test_write(self):
        Verify that the C{write} method of the transport of a protocol
        connected to L{StandardIO} sends bytes to standard out.
        p = StandardIOTestProcessProtocol()
        d = p.onCompletion

        self._spawnProcess(p, b"stdio_test_write")

        def processEnded(reason):
            self.assertEqual([1], b"ok!")

        return self._requireFailure(d, processEnded)

    def test_writeSequence(self):
        Verify that the C{writeSequence} method of the transport of a
        protocol connected to L{StandardIO} sends bytes to standard out.
        p = StandardIOTestProcessProtocol()
        d = p.onCompletion

        self._spawnProcess(p, b"stdio_test_writeseq")

        def processEnded(reason):
            self.assertEqual([1], b"ok!")

        return self._requireFailure(d, processEnded)

    def _junkPath(self):
        junkPath = self.mktemp()
        with open(junkPath, "wb") as junkFile:
            for i in range(1024):
                junkFile.write(b"%d\n" % (i,))
        return junkPath

    def test_producer(self):
        Verify that the transport of a protocol connected to L{StandardIO}
        is a working L{IProducer} provider.
        p = StandardIOTestProcessProtocol()
        d = p.onCompletion

        written = []
        toWrite = list(range(100))

        def connectionMade(ign):
            if toWrite:
                written.append(b"%d\n" % (toWrite.pop(),))
                reactor.callLater(0.01, connectionMade, None)

        proc = self._spawnProcess(p, b"stdio_test_producer")


        def processEnded(reason):
            self.assertEqual([1], b"".join(written))
                toWrite, "Connection lost with %d writes left to go." % (len(toWrite),)

        return self._requireFailure(d, processEnded)

    def test_consumer(self):
        Verify that the transport of a protocol connected to L{StandardIO}
        is a working L{IConsumer} provider.
        p = StandardIOTestProcessProtocol()
        d = p.onCompletion

        junkPath = self._junkPath()

        self._spawnProcess(p, b"stdio_test_consumer", junkPath)

        def processEnded(reason):
            with open(junkPath, "rb") as f:

        return self._requireFailure(d, processEnded)

        "StandardIO does not accept stdout as an argument to Windows.  "
        "Testing redirection to a file is therefore harder.",
    def test_normalFileStandardOut(self):
        If L{StandardIO} is created with a file descriptor which refers to a
        normal file (ie, a file from the filesystem), L{StandardIO.write}
        writes bytes to that file.  In particular, it does not immediately
        consider the file closed or call its protocol's C{connectionLost}
        onConnLost = defer.Deferred()
        proto = ConnectionLostNotifyingProtocol(onConnLost)
        path = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
        self.normal = normal ="wb")

        kwargs = dict(stdout=normal.fileno())
        if not platform.isWindows():
            # Make a fake stdin so that StandardIO doesn't mess with the *real*
            # stdin.
            r, w = os.pipe()
            self.addCleanup(os.close, r)
            self.addCleanup(os.close, w)
            kwargs["stdin"] = r
        connection = stdio.StandardIO(proto, **kwargs)

        # The reactor needs to spin a bit before it might have incorrectly
        # decided stdout is closed.  Use this counter to keep track of how
        # much we've let it spin.  If it closes before we expected, this
        # counter will have a value that's too small and we'll know.
        howMany = 5
        count = itertools.count()

        def spin():
            for value in count:
                if value == howMany:
                connection.write(b"%d" % (value,))
            reactor.callLater(0, spin)

        reactor.callLater(0, spin)

        # Once the connection is lost, make sure the counter is at the
        # appropriate value.
        def cbLost(reason):
            self.assertEqual(next(count), howMany + 1)
                path.getContent(), b"".join(b"%d" % (i,) for i in range(howMany))

        return onConnLost

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