Mini Shell
"""Provides unit tests to verify that the Breadth First Search algorithm is functioning correctly."""
import unittest
from collections import defaultdict
from ..pygraph import UndirectedGraph, depth_first_search, get_connected_components
from . import utility_functions
class DepthFirstSearchTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_dfs_with_empty_graph(self):
"""Does the ''depth_first_search'' function return an empty list for an empty graph?"""
graph = UndirectedGraph()
expected = []
ordering = depth_first_search(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, ordering)
def test_dfs_with_single_node(self):
"""Does the ''depth_first_search'' function return a single node when given a trivial graph?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_single_node_graph()
expected = [1]
ordering = depth_first_search(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, ordering)
def test_dfs_with_line_graph(self):
"""Does the ''depth_first_search'' function return the proper path for a line-graph?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_3_node_line_graph()
expected = [1, 2, 3]
ordering = depth_first_search(graph, 1)
self.assertEqual(expected, ordering)
def test_dfs_depth_ordering(self):
"""Does the ''depth_first_search'' function return nodes in a proper ordering?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_biconnected_test_graph()
ordering = depth_first_search(graph, 1)
node_lookup_by_index = dict(list(zip(list(range(1, len(ordering) + 1)), ordering)))
items_sorted_by_dfs_index = list(zip(ordering, list(range(1, len(ordering) + 1))))
# index_lookup_by_node = dict(items_sorted_by_dfs_index)
visited_by_node = defaultdict(lambda: False)
connected_components = get_connected_components(graph)
# If a node and its dfs-list successor are in the same connected component, and the non-successor node has
# unvisited neighbors, then the successor must be one of those neighbors
def in_same_component(node_a, node_b):
for component in connected_components:
if node_a in component:
return node_b in component
return False
for node_id, dfs_index in items_sorted_by_dfs_index[:-1]:
visited_by_node[node_id] = True
successor_node_id = node_lookup_by_index[dfs_index+1]
if in_same_component(node_id, successor_node_id):
neighbor_nodes = graph.neighbors(node_id)
has_unvisited_neighbors = any([not visited_by_node[n] for n in neighbor_nodes])
if has_unvisited_neighbors:
self.assertIn(successor_node_id, neighbor_nodes)
def test_dfs_with_connected_graph_contains_all_nodes(self):
"""Does the ''depth_first_search'' function return all the nodes for a connected graph?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_biconnected_test_graph()
all_nodes = graph.get_all_node_ids()
ordering = depth_first_search(graph, 1)
self.assertEqual(len(all_nodes), len(ordering))
for n in all_nodes:
self.assertIn(n, ordering)
def test_dfs_with_disconnected_graph_contains_all_nodes(self):
"""Does the ''depth_first_search'' function return all the nodes for a disconnected graph?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_disconnected_test_graph()
all_nodes = graph.get_all_node_ids()
ordering = depth_first_search(graph, 1)
self.assertEqual(len(all_nodes), len(ordering))
for n in all_nodes:
self.assertIn(n, ordering)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0