Mini Shell
"""Provides unit tests to verify that the biconnected components algorithms are functioning correctly."""
import unittest
from ..pygraph import (UndirectedGraph, find_biconnected_components, find_articulation_vertices, merge_graphs,
build_triangle_graph, build_square_graph, build_diamond_graph,
build_tetrahedral_graph, build_5_cycle_graph, build_gem_graph)
from . import utility_functions
class BiconnectedComponentsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return an empty set of edges for an empty graph?"""
graph = UndirectedGraph()
expected = []
calculated = find_biconnected_components(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_single_node_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return an empty set of edges for a graph with 1 node?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_single_node_graph()
expected = []
calculated = find_biconnected_components(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_2_node_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return a single edge list for a 2-node connected graph?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_2_node_graph()
expected = [[1]]
calculated = find_biconnected_components(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_triangle_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return a single edge list for a triangle graph?"""
graph = build_triangle_graph()
expected = [[1, 2, 3]]
calculated = find_biconnected_components(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_square_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return a single edge list for a square graph?"""
graph = build_square_graph()
expected = [[1, 2, 3, 4]]
calculated = find_biconnected_components(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_diamond_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return a single edge list for a diamond graph?"""
graph = build_diamond_graph()
expected = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
calculated = find_biconnected_components(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_tetrahedral_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return a single edge list for a tetrahedral graph?"""
graph = build_tetrahedral_graph()
expected = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]
calculated = find_biconnected_components(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_5_cycle_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return a single edge list for a 5-cycle graph?"""
graph = build_5_cycle_graph()
expected = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
calculated = find_biconnected_components(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_gem_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return a single edge list for a gem graph?"""
graph = build_gem_graph()
expected = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]
calculated = find_biconnected_components(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_fully_biconnected_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function correctly return
the entire graph for a fully biconnected graph?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_fully_biconnected_test_graph()
expected_edges = list(range(1, 20)) # There are 19 edges in the test graph, so their IDs go from 1-19
calculated_edges = find_biconnected_components(graph)
# Verify that there is only a single component in the calculated edge list
self.assertEqual(1, len(calculated_edges))
# Verify all edges exist within the calculated edge list
component = calculated_edges[0]
for edge_id in expected_edges:
self.assertIn(edge_id, component)
# Verify that there are precisely the number of edges expected in the calculated edge list
self.assertEqual(19, len(component))
def test_biconnected_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function correctly identify the
components in a graph with multiple biconnected components?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_biconnected_test_graph()
component_a = [1, 2, 3]
component_b = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
component_c = [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
known_components = [component_a, component_b, component_c]
calculated_components = find_biconnected_components(graph)
# Verify that there are the expected number of components
self.assertEqual(3, len(calculated_components))
# --Verify each known component exists and has the correct number of edges
found_components_count = 0
for kc in known_components:
found_known_component = False
for c in calculated_components:
# --Determine if the current component is a superset of known component
# --(it might have more edges than the known component)
superset_match = True
for e in kc:
if e not in c:
# --This is not the correct component, go to the next one
superset_match = False
if superset_match:
# --Determine if the current component has precisely the same number of
# --edges in it as the known component
found_known_component = (len(kc) == len(c))
if found_known_component:
found_components_count += 1
if not found_known_component:
# --We know the current component was not found in the connected components
# --list, fail with an error message
msg = 'Component {} not found in {}'.format(kc, calculated_components)
# --This verifies that we found all three known components in the calculated components
# --Prior tests should stop things before we get this far if there are errors,
# --but it's a simple sanity check test
self.assertEqual(3, found_components_count)
def test_disconnected_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_biconnected_components'' function return components for each connected component?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_biconnected_test_graph()
addition_graph = build_triangle_graph()
node_map, edge_map = merge_graphs(graph, addition_graph)
calculated_components = find_biconnected_components(graph)
# Verify that there are the expected number of components
self.assertEqual(4, len(calculated_components))
class ArticulationVerticesTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_articulation_vertices_empty_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_articulation_vertices'' function return an empty list when run on an empty graph?"""
graph = UndirectedGraph()
expected = []
calculated = find_articulation_vertices(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_articulation_vertices_fully_biconnected_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_articulation_vertices'' function return an empty list
when run on a fully biconnected graph?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_fully_biconnected_test_graph()
expected = []
calculated = find_articulation_vertices(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_articulation_vertices_single_cut_vertex(self):
"""Does the ''find_articulation_vertices'' function return a single
articulation vertex for a graph with a single cut vertex?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_3_node_line_graph()
expected = [2]
calculated = find_articulation_vertices(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_articulation_vertices_single_cut_vertex_is_root(self):
"""Does the ''find_articulation_vertices'' function return a single
articulation vertex for a graph where the root node is the single cut vertex?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_3_node_line_root_articulation_graph()
expected = [1]
calculated = find_articulation_vertices(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_articulation_vertices_dual_cut_vertices(self):
"""Does the ''find_articulation_vertices'' function return a pair of
articulation vertices for a graph where there are two?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_simple_test_graph()
expected = [1, 2]
calculated = find_articulation_vertices(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
def test_articulation_vertices_biconnected_graph(self):
"""Does the ''find_articulation_vertices'' function return the correct list
of articulation vertices for a graph with multiple biconnected components?"""
graph = utility_functions.build_biconnected_test_graph()
expected = [2, 5, 7, 8]
calculated = find_articulation_vertices(graph)
self.assertEqual(expected, calculated)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0