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# This file is part of pysnmp software.
# Copyright (c) 2005-2019, Ilya Etingof <>
# License:
import sys
import inspect
import string
from pysnmp.smi.error import *
from pysnmp import debug
from pyasn1.type import univ
from pyasn1.compat import octets
from pyasn1.type.base import Asn1Item

OctetString, Integer, ObjectIdentifier = mibBuilder.importSymbols('ASN1', 'OctetString', 'Integer', 'ObjectIdentifier')
NamedValues, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-ENUMERATION", "NamedValues")
ConstraintsIntersection, ConstraintsUnion, SingleValueConstraint, ValueRangeConstraint, ValueSizeConstraint = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-REFINEMENT", "ConstraintsIntersection", "ConstraintsUnion", "SingleValueConstraint", "ValueRangeConstraint", "ValueSizeConstraint")
Counter32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Counter64 = mibBuilder.importSymbols('SNMPv2-SMI', 'Counter32', 'Unsigned32', 'TimeTicks', 'Counter64')

class TextualConvention(object):
    displayHint = ''
    status = 'current'
    description = ''
    reference = ''
    bits = ()
    __integer = Integer()
    __unsigned32 = Unsigned32()
    __timeticks = TimeTicks()
    __octetString = OctetString()

    def getDisplayHint(self):
        return self.displayHint

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.status

    def getDescription(self):
        return self.description

    def getReference(self):
        return self.reference

    def getValue(self):
        return self.clone()

    def setValue(self, value):
        if value is None:
            value = univ.noValue
        return self.clone(value)

    def prettyOut(self, value):  # override asn1 type method
        """Implements DISPLAY-HINT evaluation"""
        if self.displayHint and (self.__integer.isSuperTypeOf(self, matchConstraints=False) and not self.getNamedValues() or
                                 self.__unsigned32.isSuperTypeOf(self, matchConstraints=False) or
                                 self.__timeticks.isSuperTypeOf(self, matchConstraints=False)):
            _ = lambda t, f=0: (t, f)
            displayHintType, decimalPrecision = _(*self.displayHint.split('-'))
            if displayHintType == 'x':
                return '0x%x' % value
            elif displayHintType == 'd':
                    return '%.*f' % (int(decimalPrecision), float(value) / pow(10, int(decimalPrecision)))
                except Exception:
                    raise SmiError(
                        'float evaluation error: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]
            elif displayHintType == 'o':
                return '0%o' % value
            elif displayHintType == 'b':
                runningValue = value
                outputValue = ['B']
                while runningValue:
                    outputValue.insert(0, '%d' % (runningValue & 0x01))
                    runningValue >>= 1
                return ''.join(outputValue)
                raise SmiError(
                    'Unsupported numeric type spec "%s" at %s' % (displayHintType, self.__class__.__name__)
        elif self.displayHint and self.__octetString.isSuperTypeOf(self, matchConstraints=False):
            outputValue = ''
            runningValue = OctetString(value).asOctets()
            displayHint = self.displayHint
            while runningValue and displayHint:
                # 1
                if displayHint[0] == '*':
                    repeatIndicator = repeatCount = octets.oct2int(runningValue[0])
                    displayHint = displayHint[1:]
                    runningValue = runningValue[1:]
                    repeatCount = 1
                    repeatIndicator = None

                # 2
                octetLength = ''
                while displayHint and displayHint[0] in string.digits:
                    octetLength += displayHint[0]
                    displayHint = displayHint[1:]

                # length is manatory, but people ignore that
                if not octetLength:
                    octetLength = len(runningValue)

                    octetLength = int(octetLength)
                except Exception:
                    raise SmiError(
                        'Bad octet length: %s' % octetLength

                if not displayHint:
                    raise SmiError(
                        'Short octet length: %s' % self.displayHint

                # 3
                displayFormat = displayHint[0]
                displayHint = displayHint[1:]

                # 4
                if displayHint and displayHint[0] not in string.digits and displayHint[0] != '*':
                    displaySep = displayHint[0]
                    displayHint = displayHint[1:]
                    displaySep = ''

                # 5
                if displayHint and displaySep and repeatIndicator is not None:
                    repeatTerminator = displayHint[0]
                    displaySep = ''
                    displayHint = displayHint[1:]
                    repeatTerminator = None

                while repeatCount:
                    repeatCount -= 1
                    if displayFormat == 'a':
                        outputValue += runningValue[:octetLength].decode('ascii', 'ignore')
                    elif displayFormat == 't':
                        outputValue += runningValue[:octetLength].decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
                    elif displayFormat in ('x', 'd', 'o'):
                        number = 0
                        numberString = runningValue[:octetLength]
                        while numberString:
                            number <<= 8
                                number |= octets.oct2int(numberString[0])
                                numberString = numberString[1:]
                            except Exception:
                                raise SmiError(
                                    'Display format eval failure: %s: %s'
                                    % (numberString, sys.exc_info()[1])
                        if displayFormat == 'x':
                            outputValue += '%02x' % number
                        elif displayFormat == 'o':
                            outputValue += '%03o' % number
                            outputValue += '%d' % number
                        raise SmiError(
                            'Unsupported display format char: %s' %
                    if runningValue and repeatTerminator:
                        outputValue += repeatTerminator
                    runningValue = runningValue[octetLength:]
                if runningValue and displaySep:
                    outputValue += displaySep
                if not displayHint:
                    displayHint = self.displayHint

            return outputValue

        for base in inspect.getmro(self.__class__):
            if not issubclass(base, TextualConvention) and issubclass(base, Asn1Item):
                return base.prettyOut(self, value)

        raise SmiError('TEXTUAL-CONVENTION has no underlying SNMP base type')

    def prettyIn(self, value):  # override asn1 type method
        """Implements DISPLAY-HINT parsing into base SNMP value

        Proper parsing seems impossible due to ambiguities.
        Here we are trying to do our best, but be prepared
        for failures on complicated DISPLAY-HINTs.

        Keep in mind that this parser only works with "text"
        input meaning `unicode` (Py2) or `str` (Py3).
        for base in inspect.getmro(self.__class__):
            if not issubclass(base, TextualConvention) and issubclass(base, Asn1Item):
            raise SmiError('TEXTUAL-CONVENTION has no underlying SNMP base type')

        if self.displayHint and (self.__integer.isSuperTypeOf(self, matchConstraints=False) and
                                 self.getNamedValues() or
                                 self.__unsigned32.isSuperTypeOf(self, matchConstraints=False) or
                                 self.__timeticks.isSuperTypeOf(self, matchConstraints=False)):
            value = str(value)

            _ = lambda t, f=0: (t, f)
            displayHintType, decimalPrecision = _(*self.displayHint.split('-'))
            if displayHintType == 'x' and (value.startswith('0x') or value.startswith('-0x')):
                    if value.startswith('-'):
                        return base.prettyIn(self, -int(value[3:], 16))
                        return base.prettyIn(self, int(value[2:], 16))
                except Exception:
                    raise SmiError(
                        'integer evaluation error: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]
            elif displayHintType == 'd':
                    return base.prettyIn(self, int(float(value) * 10**int(decimalPrecision)))
                except Exception:
                    raise SmiError(
                        'float evaluation error: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]
            elif displayHintType == 'o' and (value.startswith('0') or value.startswith('-0')):
                    return base.prettyIn(self, int(value, 8))
                except Exception:
                    raise SmiError(
                        'octal evaluation error: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]
            elif displayHintType == 'b' and (value.startswith('B') or value.startswith('-B')):
                negative = value.startswith('-')
                if negative:
                    value = value[2:]
                    value = value[1:]
                value = [x != '0' and 1 or 0 for x in value]
                binValue = 0
                while value:
                    binValue <<= value[0]
                    del value[0]
                return base.prettyIn(self, binValue)
                raise SmiError(
                    'Unsupported numeric type spec "%s" at %s' % (displayHintType, self.__class__.__name__)

        elif self.displayHint and self.__octetString.isSuperTypeOf(self, matchConstraints=False):
            numBase = {
                'x': 16,
                'd': 10,
                'o': 8
            numDigits = {
                'x': octets.str2octs(string.hexdigits),
                'o': octets.str2octs(string.octdigits),
                'd': octets.str2octs(string.digits)

            # how do we know if object is initialized with display-hint
            # formatted text? based on "text" input maybe?
            # That boils down to `str` object on Py3 or `unicode` on Py2.
            if octets.isStringType(value) and not octets.isOctetsType(value):
                value = base.prettyIn(self, value)
                return base.prettyIn(self, value)

            outputValue = octets.str2octs('')
            runningValue = value
            displayHint = self.displayHint

            while runningValue and displayHint:
                # 1 this information is totally lost, just fail explicitly
                if displayHint[0] == '*':
                    raise SmiError(
                        'Can\'t parse "*" in DISPLAY-HINT (%s)' % self.__class__.__name__

                # 2 this becomes ambiguous when it comes to rendered value
                octetLength = ''
                while displayHint and displayHint[0] in string.digits:
                    octetLength += displayHint[0]
                    displayHint = displayHint[1:]

                # length is mandatory but people ignore that
                if not octetLength:
                    octetLength = len(runningValue)

                    octetLength = int(octetLength)
                except Exception:
                    raise SmiError(
                        'Bad octet length: %s' % octetLength

                if not displayHint:
                    raise SmiError(
                        'Short octet length: %s' % self.displayHint

                # 3
                displayFormat = displayHint[0]
                displayHint = displayHint[1:]

                # 4 this is the lifesaver -- we could use it as an anchor
                if displayHint and displayHint[0] not in string.digits and displayHint[0] != '*':
                    displaySep = displayHint[0]
                    displayHint = displayHint[1:]
                    displaySep = ''

                # 5 is probably impossible to support

                if displayFormat in ('a', 't'):
                    outputValue += runningValue[:octetLength]
                elif displayFormat in numBase:
                    if displaySep:
                        guessedOctetLength = runningValue.find(octets.str2octs(displaySep))
                        if guessedOctetLength == -1:
                            guessedOctetLength = len(runningValue)
                        for idx in range(len(runningValue)):
                            if runningValue[idx] not in numDigits[displayFormat]:
                                guessedOctetLength = idx
                            guessedOctetLength = len(runningValue)

                        num = int(octets.octs2str(runningValue[:guessedOctetLength]), numBase[displayFormat])
                    except Exception:
                        raise SmiError(
                            'Display format eval failure: %s: %s'
                            % (runningValue[:guessedOctetLength], sys.exc_info()[1])

                    num_as_bytes = []
                    if num:
                        while num:
                            num_as_bytes.append(num & 0xFF)
                            num >>= 8
                        num_as_bytes = [0]

                    while len(num_as_bytes) < octetLength:


                    outputValue += octets.ints2octs(num_as_bytes)

                    if displaySep:
                        guessedOctetLength += 1

                    octetLength = guessedOctetLength
                    raise SmiError(
                        'Unsupported display format char: %s' %

                runningValue = runningValue[octetLength:]

                if not displayHint:
                    displayHint = self.displayHint

            return base.prettyIn(self, outputValue)

            return base.prettyIn(self, value)

class DisplayString(TextualConvention, OctetString):
    description = "Represents textual information taken from the NVT ASCII character set, as defined in pages 4, 10-11 of RFC 854. To summarize RFC 854, the NVT ASCII repertoire specifies: - the use of character codes 0-127 (decimal) - the graphics characters (32-126) are interpreted as US ASCII - NUL, LF, CR, BEL, BS, HT, VT and FF have the special meanings specified in RFC 854 - the other 25 codes have no standard interpretation - the sequence 'CR LF' means newline - the sequence 'CR NUL' means carriage-return - an 'LF' not preceded by a 'CR' means moving to the same column on the next line. - the sequence 'CR x' for any x other than LF or NUL is illegal. (Note that this also means that a string may end with either 'CR LF' or 'CR NUL', but not with CR.) Any object defined using this syntax may not exceed 255 characters in length."
    status = 'current'
    subtypeSpec = OctetString.subtypeSpec + ValueSizeConstraint(0, 255)
    displayHint = "255a"

class PhysAddress(TextualConvention, OctetString):
    description = "Represents textual information taken from the NVT ASCII character set, as defined in pages 4, 10-11 of RFC 854. To summarize RFC 854, the NVT ASCII repertoire specifies: - the use of character codes 0-127 (decimal) - the graphics characters (32-126) are interpreted as US ASCII - NUL, LF, CR, BEL, BS, HT, VT and FF have the special meanings specified in RFC 854 - the other 25 codes have no standard interpretation - the sequence 'CR LF' means newline - the sequence 'CR NUL' means carriage-return - an 'LF' not preceded by a 'CR' means moving to the same column on the next line. - the sequence 'CR x' for any x other than LF or NUL is illegal. (Note that this also means that a string may end with either 'CR LF' or 'CR NUL', but not with CR.) Any object defined using this syntax may not exceed 255 characters in length."
    status = 'current'
    displayHint = "1x:"

class MacAddress(TextualConvention, OctetString):
    description = "Represents an 802 MAC address represented in the `canonical' order defined by IEEE 802.1a, i.e., as if it were transmitted least significant bit first, even though 802.5 (in contrast to other 802.x protocols) requires MAC addresses to be transmitted most significant bit first."
    status = 'current'
    subtypeSpec = OctetString.subtypeSpec + ValueSizeConstraint(6, 6)
    displayHint = "1x:"
    fixedLength = 6

class TruthValue(TextualConvention, Integer):
    description = 'Represents a boolean value.'
    status = 'current'
    subtypeSpec = Integer.subtypeSpec + SingleValueConstraint(1, 2)
    namedValues = NamedValues(('true', 1), ('false', 2))

class TestAndIncr(TextualConvention, Integer):
    description = "Represents integer-valued information used for atomic operations. When the management protocol is used to specify that an object instance having this syntax is to be modified, the new value supplied via the management protocol must precisely match the value presently held by the instance. If not, the management protocol set operation fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'. Otherwise, if the current value is the maximum value of 2^31-1 (2147483647 decimal), then the value held by the instance is wrapped to zero; otherwise, the value held by the instance is incremented by one. (Note that regardless of whether the management protocol set operation succeeds, the variable- binding in the request and response PDUs are identical.) The value of the ACCESS clause for objects having this syntax is either `read-write' or `read-create'. When an instance of a columnar object having this syntax is created, any value may be supplied via the management protocol. When the network management portion of the system is re- initialized, the value of every object instance having this syntax must either be incremented from its value prior to the re-initialization, or (if the value prior to the re- initialization is unknown) be set to a pseudo-randomly generated value."
    status = 'current'
    subtypeSpec = Integer.subtypeSpec + ValueRangeConstraint(0, 2147483647)
    defaultValue = 0

    def setValue(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            if value != self:
                raise InconsistentValueError()
            value += 1
            if value > 2147483646:
                value = 0
        if value is None:
            value = univ.noValue
        return self.clone(value)

class AutonomousType(TextualConvention, ObjectIdentifier):
    description = 'Represents an independently extensible type identification value. It may, for example, indicate a particular sub-tree with further MIB definitions, or define a particular type of protocol or hardware.'
    status = 'current'

class InstancePointer(TextualConvention, ObjectIdentifier):
    description = 'A pointer to either a specific instance of a MIB object or a conceptual row of a MIB table in the managed device. In the latter case, by convention, it is the name of the particular instance of the first accessible columnar object in the conceptual row. The two uses of this textual convention are replaced by VariablePointer and RowPointer, respectively.'
    status = 'obsolete'

class VariablePointer(TextualConvention, ObjectIdentifier):
    description = 'A pointer to a specific object instance. For example, sysContact.0 or ifInOctets.3.'
    status = 'current'

class RowPointer(TextualConvention, ObjectIdentifier):
    description = 'Represents a pointer to a conceptual row. The value is the name of the instance of the first accessible columnar object in the conceptual row. For example, ifIndex.3 would point to the 3rd row in the ifTable (note that if ifIndex were not-accessible, then ifDescr.3 would be used instead).'
    status = 'current'

class RowStatus(TextualConvention, Integer):
    """A special kind of scalar MIB variable responsible for
       MIB table row creation/destruction.
    description = "The RowStatus textual convention is used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows, and is used as the value of the SYNTAX clause for the status column of a conceptual row (as described in Section 7.7.1 of [2].)..."
    status = 'current'
    subtypeSpec = Integer.subtypeSpec + SingleValueConstraint(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    namedValues = NamedValues(
        ('notExists', 0), ('active', 1), ('notInService', 2), ('notReady', 3),
        ('createAndGo', 4), ('createAndWait', 5), ('destroy', 6)
    # Known row states
    (stNotExists, stActive, stNotInService,
     stNotReady, stCreateAndGo, stCreateAndWait,
     stDestroy) = list(range(7))

    # States transition matrix (see RFC-1903)
    stateMatrix = {
        # (new-state, current-state)  ->  (error, new-state)
        (stCreateAndGo, stNotExists): (RowCreationWanted, stActive),
        (stCreateAndGo, stNotReady): (InconsistentValueError, stNotReady),
        (stCreateAndGo, stNotInService): (InconsistentValueError, stNotInService),
        (stCreateAndGo, stActive): (InconsistentValueError, stActive),
        (stCreateAndWait, stNotExists): (RowCreationWanted, stActive),
        (stCreateAndWait, stNotReady): (InconsistentValueError, stNotReady),
        (stCreateAndWait, stNotInService): (InconsistentValueError, stNotInService),
        (stCreateAndWait, stActive): (InconsistentValueError, stActive),
        (stActive, stNotExists): (InconsistentValueError, stNotExists),
        (stActive, stNotReady): (InconsistentValueError, stNotReady),
        (stActive, stNotInService): (None, stActive),
        (stActive, stActive): (None, stActive),
        (stNotInService, stNotExists): (InconsistentValueError, stNotExists),
        (stNotInService, stNotReady): (InconsistentValueError, stNotReady),
        (stNotInService, stNotInService): (None, stNotInService),
        (stNotInService, stActive): (None, stActive),
        (stDestroy, stNotExists): (RowDestructionWanted, stNotExists),
        (stDestroy, stNotReady): (RowDestructionWanted, stNotExists),
        (stDestroy, stNotInService): (RowDestructionWanted, stNotExists),
        (stDestroy, stActive): (RowDestructionWanted, stNotExists),
        # This is used on instantiation
        (stNotExists, stNotExists): (None, stNotExists)

    def setValue(self, value):
        if value is None:
            value = univ.noValue

        value = self.clone(value)

        # Run through states transition matrix,
        # resolve new instance value
        excValue, newState = self.stateMatrix.get(
            (value.hasValue() and value or self.stNotExists,
             self.hasValue() and self or self.stNotExists),
            (MibOperationError, None)

        if newState is None:
            newState = univ.noValue

        newState = self.clone(newState)

        debug.logger & debug.flagIns and debug.logger(
            'RowStatus state change from %r to %r produced new state %r, error indication %r' % (
                self, value, newState, excValue))

        if excValue is not None:
            excValue = excValue(
                msg='Exception at row state transition from %r to %r yields state %r and exception' % (
                    self, value, newState), syntax=newState
            raise excValue

        return newState

class TimeStamp(TextualConvention, TimeTicks):
    description = 'The value of the sysUpTime object at which a specific occurrence happened. The specific occurrence must be defined in the description of any object defined using this type. If sysUpTime is reset to zero as a result of a re- initialization of the network management (sub)system, then the values of all TimeStamp objects are also reset. However, after approximately 497 days without a re- initialization, the sysUpTime object will reach 2^^32-1 and then increment around to zero; in this case, existing values of TimeStamp objects do not change. This can lead to ambiguities in the value of TimeStamp objects.'
    status = 'current'

class TimeInterval(TextualConvention, Integer):
    description = 'A period of time, measured in units of 0.01 seconds.'
    status = 'current'
    subtypeSpec = Integer.subtypeSpec + ValueRangeConstraint(0, 2147483647)

class DateAndTime(TextualConvention, OctetString):
    description = "A date-time specification. field octets contents range ----- ------ -------- ----- 1 1-2 year* 0..65536 2 3 month 1..12 3 4 day 1..31 4 5 hour 0..23 5 6 minutes 0..59 6 7 seconds 0..60 (use 60 for leap-second) 7 8 deci-seconds 0..9 8 9 direction from UTC '+' / '-' 9 10 hours from UTC* 0..13 10 11 minutes from UTC 0..59 * Notes: - the value of year is in network-byte order - daylight saving time in New Zealand is +13 For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM EDT would be displayed as: 1992-5-26,13:30:15.0,-4:0 Note that if only local time is known, then timezone information (fields 8-10) is not present."
    status = 'current'
    subtypeSpec = OctetString.subtypeSpec + ValueSizeConstraint(8, 11)
    displayHint = "2d-1d-1d,1d:1d:1d.1d,1a1d:1d"

class StorageType(TextualConvention, Integer):
    description = "Describes the memory realization of a conceptual row. A row which is volatile(2) is lost upon reboot. A row which is either nonVolatile(3), permanent(4) or readOnly(5), is backed up by stable storage. A row which is permanent(4) can be changed but not deleted. A row which is readOnly(5) cannot be changed nor deleted. If the value of an object with this syntax is either permanent(4) or readOnly(5), it cannot be written. Conversely, if the value is either other(1), volatile(2) or nonVolatile(3), it cannot be modified to be permanent(4) or readOnly(5). (All illegal modifications result in a 'wrongValue' error.) Every usage of this textual convention is required to specify the columnar objects which a permanent(4) row must at a minimum allow to be writable."
    status = 'current'
    subtypeSpec = Integer.subtypeSpec + SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    namedValues = NamedValues(
        ('other', 1), ('volatile', 2), ('nonVolatile', 3),
        ('permanent', 4), ('readOnly', 5)

class TDomain(TextualConvention, ObjectIdentifier):
    reference = 'The SNMPv2-TM MIB module is defined in RFC 1906.'
    description = 'Denotes a kind of transport service. Some possible values, such as snmpUDPDomain, are defined in the SNMPv2-TM MIB module. Other possible values are defined in other MIB modules.'
    status = 'current'

class TAddress(TextualConvention, OctetString):
    reference = 'The SNMPv2-TM MIB module is defined in RFC 1906.'
    description = 'Denotes a transport service address. A TAddress value is always interpreted within the context of a TDomain value. Thus, each definition of a TDomain value must be accompanied by a definition of a textual convention for use with that TDomain. Some possible textual conventions, such as SnmpUDPAddress for snmpUDPDomain, are defined in the SNMPv2-TM MIB module. Other possible textual conventions are defined in other MIB modules.'
    status = 'current'
    subtypeSpec = OctetString.subtypeSpec + ValueSizeConstraint(1, 255)

    'SNMPv2-TC', TextualConvention=TextualConvention,
    DisplayString=DisplayString, PhysAddress=PhysAddress,
    MacAddress=MacAddress, TruthValue=TruthValue, TestAndIncr=TestAndIncr,
    AutonomousType=AutonomousType, InstancePointer=InstancePointer,
    VariablePointer=VariablePointer, RowPointer=RowPointer,
    RowStatus=RowStatus, TimeStamp=TimeStamp, TimeInterval=TimeInterval,
    DateAndTime=DateAndTime, StorageType=StorageType, TDomain=TDomain,

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0