Mini Shell
import time
from netmiko.cisco_base_connection import CiscoSSHConnection
class HPComwareBase(CiscoSSHConnection):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Comware doesn't have a way to set terminal width which breaks cmd_verify
global_cmd_verify = kwargs.get("global_cmd_verify")
if global_cmd_verify is None:
kwargs["global_cmd_verify"] = False
return super().__init__(**kwargs)
def session_preparation(self):
Prepare the session after the connection has been established.
Extra time to read HP banners.
delay_factor = self.select_delay_factor(delay_factor=0)
i = 1
while i <= 4:
# Comware can have a banner that prompts you to continue
# 'Press Y or ENTER to continue, N to exit.'
time.sleep(0.5 * delay_factor)
i += 1
time.sleep(0.3 * delay_factor)
command = self.RETURN + "screen-length disable"
# Clear the read buffer
time.sleep(0.3 * self.global_delay_factor)
def config_mode(self, config_command="system-view"):
"""Enter configuration mode."""
return super().config_mode(config_command=config_command)
def exit_config_mode(self, exit_config="return", pattern=r">"):
"""Exit config mode."""
return super().exit_config_mode(exit_config=exit_config, pattern=pattern)
def check_config_mode(self, check_string="]"):
"""Check whether device is in configuration mode. Return a boolean."""
return super().check_config_mode(check_string=check_string)
def set_base_prompt(
self, pri_prompt_terminator=">", alt_prompt_terminator="]", delay_factor=1
Sets self.base_prompt
Used as delimiter for stripping of trailing prompt in output.
Should be set to something that is general and applies in multiple contexts. For Comware
this will be the router prompt with < > or [ ] stripped off.
This will be set on logging in, but not when entering system-view
prompt = super().set_base_prompt(
# Strip off leading character
prompt = prompt[1:]
prompt = prompt.strip()
self.base_prompt = prompt
return self.base_prompt
def enable(self, cmd="system-view"):
"""enable mode on Comware is system-view."""
return self.config_mode(config_command=cmd)
def exit_enable_mode(self, exit_command="return"):
"""enable mode on Comware is system-view."""
return self.exit_config_mode(exit_config=exit_command)
def check_enable_mode(self, check_string="]"):
"""enable mode on Comware is system-view."""
return self.check_config_mode(check_string=check_string)
def save_config(self, cmd="save force", confirm=False, confirm_response=""):
"""Save Config."""
return super().save_config(
cmd=cmd, confirm=confirm, confirm_response=confirm_response
class HPComwareSSH(HPComwareBase):
class HPComwareTelnet(HPComwareBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
default_enter = kwargs.get("default_enter")
kwargs["default_enter"] = "\r\n" if default_enter is None else default_enter
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0