Mini Shell
import time
from netmiko.cisco_base_connection import CiscoSSHConnection
class CiscoS300SSH(CiscoSSHConnection):
Support for Cisco SG300 series of devices.
Note, must configure the following to disable SG300 from prompting for username twice:
configure terminal
ip ssh password-auth
def session_preparation(self):
"""Prepare the session after the connection has been established."""
self.ansi_escape_codes = True
self.set_terminal_width(command="terminal width 511", pattern="terminal")
self.disable_paging(command="terminal datadump")
# Clear the read buffer
time.sleep(0.3 * self.global_delay_factor)
def save_config(self, cmd="write memory", confirm=True, confirm_response="Y"):
return super().save_config(
cmd=cmd, confirm=confirm, confirm_response=confirm_response
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0