Mini Shell
"""Messaging library for Python."""
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, cast
__version__ = '5.4.2'
__author__ = 'Ask Solem'
__contact__ = ''
__homepage__ = ''
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
# -eof meta-
version_info_t = namedtuple('version_info_t', (
'major', 'minor', 'micro', 'releaselevel', 'serial',
# bumpversion can only search for {current_version}
# so we have to parse the version here.
_temp = cast(re.Match, re.match(
r'(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)(.+)?', __version__)).groups()
VERSION = version_info = version_info_t(
int(_temp[0]), int(_temp[1]), int(_temp[2]), _temp[3] or '', '')
del _temp
del re
globals()['kcah_acitats'[::-1].upper()] = False
if STATICA_HACK: # pragma: no cover
# This is never executed, but tricks static analyzers (PyDev, PyCharm,
# pylint, etc.) into knowing the types of these symbols, and what
# they contain.
from kombu.common import eventloop, uuid # noqa
from kombu.connection import BrokerConnection, Connection # noqa
from kombu.entity import Exchange, Queue, binding # noqa
from kombu.message import Message # noqa
from kombu.messaging import Consumer, Producer # noqa
from kombu.pools import connections, producers # noqa
from kombu.serialization import disable_insecure_serializers # noqa
from kombu.serialization import enable_insecure_serializers # noqa
from kombu.utils.url import parse_url # noqa
# Lazy loading.
# - See werkzeug/ for the rationale behind this.
from types import ModuleType # noqa
all_by_module = {
'kombu.connection': ['Connection', 'BrokerConnection'],
'kombu.entity': ['Exchange', 'Queue', 'binding'],
'kombu.message': ['Message'],
'kombu.messaging': ['Consumer', 'Producer'],
'kombu.pools': ['connections', 'producers'],
'kombu.utils.url': ['parse_url'],
'kombu.common': ['eventloop', 'uuid'],
'kombu.serialization': [
object_origins = {}
for _module, items in all_by_module.items():
for item in items:
object_origins[item] = _module
class module(ModuleType):
"""Customized Python module."""
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
if name in object_origins:
module = __import__(object_origins[name], None, None, [name])
for extra_name in all_by_module[module.__name__]:
setattr(self, extra_name, getattr(module, extra_name))
return getattr(module, name)
return ModuleType.__getattribute__(self, name)
def __dir__(self) -> list[str]:
result = list(new_module.__all__)
result.extend(('__file__', '__path__', '__doc__', '__all__',
'__docformat__', '__name__', '__path__', 'VERSION',
'__package__', '__version__', '__author__',
'__contact__', '__homepage__', '__docformat__'))
return result
# keep a reference to this module so that it's not garbage collected
old_module = sys.modules[__name__]
new_module = sys.modules[__name__] = module(__name__)
'__file__': __file__,
'__path__': __path__,
'__doc__': __doc__,
'__all__': tuple(object_origins),
'__version__': __version__,
'__author__': __author__,
'__contact__': __contact__,
'__homepage__': __homepage__,
'__docformat__': __docformat__,
'__package__': __package__,
'version_info_t': version_info_t,
'version_info': version_info,
if os.environ.get('KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG'): # pragma: no cover
os.environ.update(KOMBU_LOG_CHANNEL='1', KOMBU_LOG_CONNECTION='1')
from .utils import debug
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0