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# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet :

# This file is part of Fail2Ban.
# Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Fail2Ban developers

__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2013 Steven Hiscocks"
__license__ = "GPL"

import datetime
import inspect
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import unittest
from ..server.failregex import Regex
from ..server.filter import Filter, FileContainer
from ..client.filterreader import FilterReader
from .utils import setUpMyTime, tearDownMyTime, TEST_NOW, CONFIG_DIR

# test-time in UTC as string in isoformat (2005-08-14T10:00:00):
TEST_NOW_STR = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(TEST_NOW).isoformat()

TEST_CONFIG_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config")
TEST_FILES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "files")

# regexp to test greedy catch-all should be not-greedy:
RE_HOST = Regex._resolveHostTag('<HOST>')
RE_WRONG_GREED = re.compile(r'\.[+\*](?!\?)[^\$\^]*' + re.escape(RE_HOST) + r'.*(?:\.[+\*].*|[^\$])$')

class FilterSamplesRegex(unittest.TestCase):

	def setUp(self):
		"""Call before every test case."""
		super(FilterSamplesRegex, self).setUp()
		self._filters = dict()
		self._filterTests = None

	def tearDown(self):
		"""Call after every test case."""
		super(FilterSamplesRegex, self).tearDown()

	def testFiltersPresent(self):
		"""Check to ensure some tests exist"""
			len([test for test in inspect.getmembers(self)
				if test[0].startswith('testSampleRegexs')])
			>= 10,
			"Expected more FilterSampleRegexs tests")

	def testReWrongGreedyCatchAll(self):
		"""Tests regexp RE_WRONG_GREED is intact (positive/negative)"""
		self.assertTrue('greedy .* test' + RE_HOST + ' test not hard-anchored'))
		self.assertTrue('greedy .+ test' + RE_HOST + ' test vary .* anchored$'))
		self.assertFalse('greedy .* test' + RE_HOST + ' test no catch-all, hard-anchored$'))
		self.assertFalse('non-greedy .*? test' + RE_HOST + ' test not hard-anchored'))
		self.assertFalse('non-greedy .+? test' + RE_HOST + ' test vary catch-all .* anchored$'))

	def _readFilter(self, fltName, name, basedir, opts=None):
		# Check filter with this option combination was already used:
		flt = self._filters.get(fltName)
		if flt:
			return flt
		# First time:
		flt = Filter(None)
		flt.returnRawHost = True
		flt.checkAllRegex = True
		flt.checkFindTime = False = True
		# Read filter:
		if opts is None: opts = dict()
		opts = opts.copy()
		filterConf = FilterReader(name, "jail", opts,
			basedir=basedir, share_config=unittest.F2B.share_config)
		self.assertEqual(filterConf.getFile(), name)
		self.assertEqual(filterConf.getJailName(), "jail")

		for opt in filterConf.convert():
			if opt[0] == 'multi-set':
				optval = opt[3]
			elif opt[0] == 'set':
				optval = [opt[3]]
			else: # pragma: no cover - unexpected'Unexpected config-token %r in stream' % (opt,))
			for optval in optval:
				if opt[2] == "prefregex":
					flt.prefRegex = optval
				elif opt[2] == "addfailregex":
				elif opt[2] == "addignoreregex":
				elif opt[2] == "maxlines":
				elif opt[2] == "datepattern":

		# test regexp contains greedy catch-all before <HOST>, that is
		# not hard-anchored at end or has not precise sub expression after <HOST>:
		regexList = flt.getFailRegex()
		for fr in regexList:
			if # pragma: no cover
				raise AssertionError("Following regexp of \"%s\" contains greedy catch-all before <HOST>, "
					"that is not hard-anchored at end or has not precise sub expression after <HOST>:\n%s" %
					(fltName, str(fr).replace(RE_HOST, '<HOST>')))
		# Cache within used filter combinations and return:
		flt = [flt, set()]
		self._filters[fltName] = flt
		return flt

	def _filterOptions(opts):
				return dict((k, v) for k, v in opts.items() if not k.startswith('test.'))
def testSampleRegexsFactory(name, basedir):
	def testFilter(self):

			os.path.isfile(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, "logs", name)),
			"No sample log file available for '%s' filter" % name)
		filenames = [name]
		regexsUsedRe = set()

		# process each test-file (note: array filenames can grow during processing):
		commonOpts = {}
		faildata = {}
		i = 0
		while i < len(filenames):
			filename = filenames[i]; i += 1;
			logFile = FileContainer(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, "logs",
				filename), 'UTF-8', doOpen=True)
			# avoid errors if no NL char at end of test log-file:
			logFile.waitForLineEnd = False

			ignoreBlock = False
			lnnum = 0
			for line in logFile:
				lnnum += 1
				jsonREMatch = re.match("^#+ ?(failJSON|(?:file|filter)Options|addFILE):(.+)$", line)
				if jsonREMatch:
						faildata = json.loads(
						# fileOptions - dict in JSON to control common test-file filter options:
						if == 'fileOptions':
							commonOpts = faildata
						# filterOptions - dict in JSON to control filter options (e. g. mode, etc.):
						if == 'filterOptions':
							# following lines with another filter options:
							self._filterTests = []
							ignoreBlock = False
							for faildata in (faildata if isinstance(faildata, list) else [faildata]):
								if commonOpts: # merge with common file options:
									opts = commonOpts.copy()
									opts = faildata
								# unique filter name (using options combination):
								self.assertTrue(isinstance(opts, dict))
								if opts.get('test.condition'):
									ignoreBlock = not eval(opts.get('test.condition'))
								if not ignoreBlock:
									fltOpts = self._filterOptions(opts)
									fltName = opts.get('test.filter-name')
									if not fltName: fltName = str(fltOpts) if fltOpts else ''
									fltName = name + fltName
									# read it:
									flt = self._readFilter(fltName, name, basedir, opts=fltOpts)
									self._filterTests.append((fltName, flt, opts))
						# addFILE - filename to "include" test-files should be additionally parsed:
						if == 'addFILE':
						# failJSON - faildata contains info of the failure to check it.
					except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover - we've valid json's
						raise ValueError("%s: %s:%i" %
							(e, logFile.getFileName(), lnnum))
					line = next(logFile)
				elif ignoreBlock or line.startswith("#") or not line.strip():
				else: # pragma: no cover - normally unreachable
					faildata = {}
				if ignoreBlock: continue

				# if filter options was not yet specified:
				if not self._filterTests:
					fltName = name
					flt = self._readFilter(fltName, name, basedir, opts=None)
					self._filterTests = [(fltName, flt, {})]

				line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
				# process line using several filter options (if specified in the test-file):
				for fltName, flt, opts in self._filterTests:
					# Bypass if constraint (as expression) is not valid:
					if faildata.get('constraint') and not eval(faildata['constraint']):
					flt, regexsUsedIdx = flt
					regexList = flt.getFailRegex()
					failregex = -1
						fail = {}
						# for logtype "journal" we don't need parse timestamp (simulate real systemd-backend handling):
						if opts.get('logtype') != 'journal':
							ret = flt.processLine(line)
						else: # simulate journal processing, time is known from journal (formatJournalEntry):
							if opts.get('test.prefix-line'): # journal backends creates common prefix-line:
								line = opts.get('test.prefix-line') + line
							ret = flt.processLine(('', TEST_NOW_STR, line), TEST_NOW)
						if ret:
							# filter matched only (in checkAllRegex mode it could return 'nofail' too):
							found = []
							for ret in ret:
								failregex, fid, fail2banTime, fail = ret
								# bypass pending and nofail:
								if fid is None or fail.get('nofail'):
							ret = found

						if not ret:
							# Check line is flagged as none match
							self.assertFalse(faildata.get('match', False),
								"Line not matched when should have")

						# Check line is flagged to match
						self.assertTrue(faildata.get('match', False), 
							"Line matched when shouldn't have")
						self.assertEqual(len(ret), 1,
							"Multiple regexs matched %r" % ([x[0] for x in ret]))

						for ret in ret:
							failregex, fid, fail2banTime, fail = ret
							# Verify match captures (at least fid/host) and timestamp as expected
							for k, v in faildata.items():
								if k not in ("time", "match", "desc", "constraint"):
									fv = fail.get(k, None)
									if fv is None:
										# Fallback for backwards compatibility (previously no fid, was host only):
										if k == "host":
											fv = fid
										# special case for attempts counter:
										if k == "attempts":
											fv = len(fail.get('matches', {}))
									# compare sorted (if set)
									if isinstance(fv, (set, list, dict)):
										self.assertSortedEqual(fv, v)
									self.assertEqual(fv, v)

							t = faildata.get("time", None)
							if t is not None:
									jsonTimeLocal =	datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
								except ValueError:
									jsonTimeLocal =	datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
								jsonTime = time.mktime(jsonTimeLocal.timetuple())
								jsonTime += jsonTimeLocal.microsecond / 1000000.0
								self.assertEqual(fail2banTime, jsonTime,
									"UTC Time  mismatch %s (%s) != %s (%s)  (diff %.3f seconds)" % 
									(fail2banTime, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(fail2banTime)),
									jsonTime, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(jsonTime)),
									fail2banTime - jsonTime) )

					except AssertionError as e: # pragma: no cover
						import pprint
						raise AssertionError("%s: %s on: %s:%i, line:\n  %s\nregex (%s):\n  %s\n"
							"faildata: %s\nfail: %s" % (
								fltName, e, logFile.getFileName(), lnnum, 
								line, failregex, regexList[failregex] if failregex != -1 else None,

		# check missing samples for regex using each filter-options combination:
		for fltName, flt in self._filters.items():
			flt, regexsUsedIdx = flt
			regexList = flt.getFailRegex()
			for failRegexIndex, failRegex in enumerate(regexList):
					failRegexIndex in regexsUsedIdx or failRegex in regexsUsedRe,
					"%s: Regex has no samples: %i: %r" %
						(fltName, failRegexIndex, failRegex))

	return testFilter

for basedir_, filter_ in (
	(CONFIG_DIR, lambda x: not x.endswith('common.conf') and x.endswith('.conf')),
	(TEST_CONFIG_DIR, lambda x: x.startswith('zzz-') and x.endswith('.conf')),
	for filter_ in filter(filter_,
						  os.listdir(os.path.join(basedir_, "filter.d"))):
		filterName = filter_.rpartition(".")[0]
		if not filterName.startswith('.'):
				"testSampleRegexs%s" % filterName.upper(),
				testSampleRegexsFactory(filterName, basedir_))

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0