Mini Shell
# Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import time
import logging
import weakref
from botocore import xform_name
from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError, HTTPClientError, ConnectionError
from botocore.model import OperationNotFoundError
from botocore.utils import CachedProperty
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EndpointDiscoveryException(BotoCoreError):
class EndpointDiscoveryRequired(EndpointDiscoveryException):
""" Endpoint Discovery is disabled but is required for this operation. """
fmt = 'Endpoint Discovery is not enabled but this operation requires it.'
class EndpointDiscoveryRefreshFailed(EndpointDiscoveryException):
""" Endpoint Discovery failed to the refresh the known endpoints. """
fmt = 'Endpoint Discovery failed to refresh the required endpoints.'
def block_endpoint_discovery_required_operations(model, **kwargs):
endpoint_discovery = model.endpoint_discovery
if endpoint_discovery and endpoint_discovery.get('required'):
raise EndpointDiscoveryRequired()
class EndpointDiscoveryModel(object):
def __init__(self, service_model):
self._service_model = service_model
def discovery_operation_name(self):
discovery_operation = self._service_model.endpoint_discovery_operation
return xform_name(
def discovery_operation_keys(self):
discovery_operation = self._service_model.endpoint_discovery_operation
keys = []
if discovery_operation.input_shape:
keys = list(discovery_operation.input_shape.members.keys())
return keys
def discovery_required_for(self, operation_name):
operation_model = self._service_model.operation_model(operation_name)
return operation_model.endpoint_discovery.get('required', False)
except OperationNotFoundError:
return False
def discovery_operation_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
input_keys = self.discovery_operation_keys
# Operation and Identifiers are only sent if there are Identifiers
if not kwargs.get('Identifiers'):
kwargs.pop('Operation', None)
kwargs.pop('Identifiers', None)
return dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in input_keys)
def gather_identifiers(self, operation, params):
return self._gather_ids(operation.input_shape, params)
def _gather_ids(self, shape, params, ids=None):
# Traverse the input shape and corresponding parameters, gathering
# any input fields labeled as an endpoint discovery id
if ids is None:
ids = {}
for member_name, member_shape in shape.members.items():
if member_shape.metadata.get('endpointdiscoveryid'):
ids[member_name] = params[member_name]
elif member_shape.type_name == 'structure' and member_name in params:
self._gather_ids(member_shape, params[member_name], ids)
return ids
class EndpointDiscoveryManager(object):
def __init__(self, client, cache=None, current_time=None, always_discover=True):
if cache is None:
cache = {}
self._cache = cache
self._failed_attempts = {}
if current_time is None:
current_time = time.time
self._time = current_time
self._always_discover = always_discover
# This needs to be a weak ref in order to prevent memory leaks on
# python 2.6
self._client = weakref.proxy(client)
self._model = EndpointDiscoveryModel(client.meta.service_model)
def _parse_endpoints(self, response):
endpoints = response['Endpoints']
current_time = self._time()
for endpoint in endpoints:
cache_time = endpoint.get('CachePeriodInMinutes')
endpoint['Expiration'] = current_time + cache_time * 60
return endpoints
def _cache_item(self, value):
if isinstance(value, dict):
return tuple(sorted(value.items()))
return value
def _create_cache_key(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = self._model.discovery_operation_kwargs(**kwargs)
return tuple(self._cache_item(v) for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items()))
def gather_identifiers(self, operation, params):
return self._model.gather_identifiers(operation, params)
def delete_endpoints(self, **kwargs):
cache_key = self._create_cache_key(**kwargs)
if cache_key in self._cache:
del self._cache[cache_key]
def _describe_endpoints(self, **kwargs):
# This is effectively a proxy to whatever name/kwargs the service
# supports for endpoint discovery.
kwargs = self._model.discovery_operation_kwargs(**kwargs)
operation_name = self._model.discovery_operation_name
discovery_operation = getattr(self._client, operation_name)
logger.debug('Discovering endpoints with kwargs: %s', kwargs)
return discovery_operation(**kwargs)
def _get_current_endpoints(self, key):
if key not in self._cache:
return None
now = self._time()
return [e for e in self._cache[key] if now < e['Expiration']]
def _refresh_current_endpoints(self, **kwargs):
cache_key = self._create_cache_key(**kwargs)
response = self._describe_endpoints(**kwargs)
endpoints = self._parse_endpoints(response)
self._cache[cache_key] = endpoints
self._failed_attempts.pop(cache_key, None)
return endpoints
except (ConnectionError, HTTPClientError):
self._failed_attempts[cache_key] = self._time() + 60
return None
def _recently_failed(self, cache_key):
if cache_key in self._failed_attempts:
now = self._time()
if now < self._failed_attempts[cache_key]:
return True
del self._failed_attempts[cache_key]
return False
def _select_endpoint(self, endpoints):
return endpoints[0]['Address']
def describe_endpoint(self, **kwargs):
operation = kwargs['Operation']
discovery_required = self._model.discovery_required_for(operation)
if not self._always_discover and not discovery_required:
# Discovery set to only run on required operations
'Optional discovery disabled. Skipping discovery for Operation: %s'
% operation
return None
# Get the endpoint for the provided operation and identifiers
cache_key = self._create_cache_key(**kwargs)
endpoints = self._get_current_endpoints(cache_key)
if endpoints:
return self._select_endpoint(endpoints)
# All known endpoints are stale
recently_failed = self._recently_failed(cache_key)
if not recently_failed:
# We haven't failed to discover recently, go ahead and refresh
endpoints = self._refresh_current_endpoints(**kwargs)
if endpoints:
return self._select_endpoint(endpoints)
# Discovery has failed recently, do our best to get an endpoint
logger.debug('Endpoint Discovery has failed for: %s', kwargs)
stale_entries = self._cache.get(cache_key, None)
if stale_entries:
# We have stale entries, use those while discovery is failing
return self._select_endpoint(stale_entries)
if discovery_required:
# It looks strange to be checking recently_failed again but,
# this informs us as to whether or not we tried to refresh earlier
if recently_failed:
# Discovery is required and we haven't already refreshed
endpoints = self._refresh_current_endpoints(**kwargs)
if endpoints:
return self._select_endpoint(endpoints)
# No endpoints even refresh, raise hard error
raise EndpointDiscoveryRefreshFailed()
# Discovery is optional, just use the default endpoint for now
return None
class EndpointDiscoveryHandler(object):
def __init__(self, manager):
self._manager = manager
def register(self, events, service_id):
'before-parameter-build.%s' % service_id, self.gather_identifiers
'request-created.%s' % service_id, self.discover_endpoint
events.register('needs-retry.%s' % service_id, self.handle_retries)
def gather_identifiers(self, params, model, context, **kwargs):
endpoint_discovery = model.endpoint_discovery
# Only continue if the operation supports endpoint discovery
if endpoint_discovery is None:
ids = self._manager.gather_identifiers(model, params)
context['discovery'] = {'identifiers': ids}
def discover_endpoint(self, request, operation_name, **kwargs):
ids = request.context.get('discovery', {}).get('identifiers')
if ids is None:
endpoint = self._manager.describe_endpoint(
Operation=operation_name, Identifiers=ids
if endpoint is None:
logger.debug('Failed to discover and inject endpoint')
if not endpoint.startswith('http'):
endpoint = 'https://' + endpoint
logger.debug('Injecting discovered endpoint: %s', endpoint)
request.url = endpoint
def handle_retries(self, request_dict, response, operation, **kwargs):
if response is None:
return None
_, response = response
status = response.get('ResponseMetadata', {}).get('HTTPStatusCode')
error_code = response.get('Error', {}).get('Code')
if status != 421 and error_code != 'InvalidEndpointException':
return None
context = request_dict.get('context', {})
ids = context.get('discovery', {}).get('identifiers')
if ids is None:
return None
# Delete the cached endpoints, forcing a refresh on retry
# TODO: Improve eviction behavior to only evict the bad endpoint if
# there are multiple. This will almost certainly require a lock.
self._manager.delete_endpoints(, Identifiers=ids
return 0
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0