Mini Shell
Version parsing based on `packaging.version` and `looseversion.LooseVersion`
which works under python 3 because on python 3 you can no longer compare
strings against integers.
import datetime
import inspect
import logging
import numbers
import os
import sys
import warnings
import looseversion
import packaging.version
import salt.version
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Version(packaging.version.Version):
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
other = Version(other)
return super().__lt__(other)
def __le__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
other = Version(other)
return super().__le__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
other = Version(other)
return super().__eq__(other)
def __ge__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
other = Version(other)
return super().__ge__(other)
def __gt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
other = Version(other)
return super().__gt__(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
other = Version(other)
return super().__ne__(other)
class StrictVersion(Version):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
f"'{__name__}.StrictVersion' is no longer a subclass of "
"'distutils.versions.StrictVersion'. It's usage has been "
"deprecated and should no longer be used. Please switch to "
f"'{__name__}.Version' which is a subclass of "
f"'packaging.version.Version'. '{__name__}.StrictVersion' will "
"be removed in {version}.",
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class LooseVersion(looseversion.LooseVersion):
def parse(self, vstring):
# Convert every part of the version to string in order to be able to compare
self._str_version = [
str(vp).zfill(8) if isinstance(vp, int) else vp for vp in self.version
def _cmp(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
other = LooseVersion(other)
string_in_version = False
for part in self.version + other.version:
if not isinstance(part, int):
string_in_version = True
if string_in_version is False:
return super()._cmp(other)
# If we reached this far, it means at least a part of the version contains a string
# In python 3, strings and integers are not comparable
if self._str_version == other._str_version:
return 0
if self._str_version < other._str_version:
return -1
if self._str_version > other._str_version:
return 1
def _format_warning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=None):
Replacement for warnings.formatwarning that disables the echoing of
the 'line' parameter.
return f"{filename}:{lineno}: {category.__name__}: {message}\n"
def warn_until(
Helper function to raise a warning, by default, a ``DeprecationWarning``,
until the provided ``version``, after which, a ``RuntimeError`` will
be raised to remind the developers to remove the warning because the
target version has been reached.
:param version: The version info or name after which the warning becomes a ``RuntimeError``.
For example ``(2019, 2)``, ``3000``, ``Hydrogen`` or an instance of
:class:`salt.version.SaltStackVersion` or :class:`salt.version.SaltVersion`.
:param message: The warning message to be displayed.
:param category: The warning class to be thrown, by default
:param stacklevel: There should be no need to set the value of
``stacklevel``. Salt should be able to do the right thing.
:param _version_info_: In order to reuse this function for other SaltStack
projects, they need to be able to provide the
version info to compare to.
:param _dont_call_warnings: This parameter is used just to get the
functionality until the actual error is to be
issued. When we're only after the salt version
checks to raise a ``RuntimeError``.
if isinstance(version, salt.version.SaltVersion):
version = salt.version.SaltStackVersion(*
elif isinstance(version, int):
version = salt.version.SaltStackVersion(version)
elif isinstance(version, tuple):
version = salt.version.SaltStackVersion(*version)
elif isinstance(version, str):
if version.lower() not in salt.version.SaltStackVersion.LNAMES:
raise RuntimeError(
"Incorrect spelling for the release name in the warn_utils "
"call. Expecting one of these release names: {}".format(
[ for vs in salt.version.SaltVersionsInfo.versions()]
version = salt.version.SaltStackVersion.from_name(version)
elif not isinstance(version, salt.version.SaltStackVersion):
raise RuntimeError(
"The 'version' argument should be passed as a tuple, integer, string or "
"an instance of 'salt.version.SaltVersion' or "
if stacklevel is None:
# Attribute the warning to the calling function, not to warn_until()
stacklevel = 2
if _version_info_ is None:
_version_info_ = salt.version.__version_info__
_version_ = salt.version.SaltStackVersion(*_version_info_)
if _version_ >= version:
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(sys._getframe(stacklevel - 1))
deprecated_message = (
"The warning triggered on filename '{filename}', line number "
"{lineno}, is supposed to be shown until version "
"{until_version} is released. Current version is now "
"{salt_version}. Please remove the warning.".format(
if os.environ.get("RAISE_DEPRECATIONS_RUNTIME_ERRORS", "0") == "1":
# We don't raise RuntimeError by default since that can break
# users systems. We do however want to raise them in a CI context.
raise RuntimeError(deprecated_message)
# Otherwise, print the deprecated message to STDERR
if _dont_call_warnings is False and os.environ.get("PYTHONWARNINGS") != "ignore":
def warn_until_date(
Helper function to raise a warning, by default, a ``DeprecationWarning``,
until the provided ``date``, after which, a ``RuntimeError`` will
be raised to remind the developers to remove the warning because the
target date has been reached.
:param date: A ```` or ``datetime.datetime`` instance.
:param message: The warning message to be displayed.
:param category: The warning class to be thrown, by default
:param stacklevel: There should be no need to set the value of
``stacklevel``. Salt should be able to do the right thing.
:param _dont_call_warnings: This parameter is used just to get the
functionality until the actual error is to be
issued. When we're only after the date
checks to raise a ``RuntimeError``.
_strptime_fmt = "%Y%m%d"
if not isinstance(date, (str,, datetime.datetime)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The 'date' argument should be passed as a '' or "
"'datetime.datetime()' objects or as string parserable by "
"'datetime.datetime.strptime()' with the following format '{}'.".format(
elif isinstance(date, str):
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, _strptime_fmt)
# We're really not interested in the time
if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime):
date =
if stacklevel is None:
# Attribute the warning to the calling function, not to warn_until_date()
stacklevel = 2
today = _current_date or datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
if today >= date:
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(sys._getframe(stacklevel - 1))
deprecated_message = (
"{message} This warning(now exception) triggered on "
"filename '{filename}', line number {lineno}, is "
"supposed to be shown until {date}. Today is {today}. "
"Please remove the warning.".format(
message=message.format(date=date.isoformat(), today=today.isoformat()),
if os.environ.get("RAISE_DEPRECATIONS_RUNTIME_ERRORS", "0") == "1":
# We don't raise RuntimeError by default since that can break
# users systems. We do however want to raise them in a CI context.
raise RuntimeError(deprecated_message)
# Otherwise, print the deprecated message to STDERR
if _dont_call_warnings is False and os.environ.get("PYTHONWARNINGS") != "ignore":
message.format(date=date.isoformat(), today=today.isoformat()),
def kwargs_warn_until(
Helper function to raise a warning (by default, a ``DeprecationWarning``)
when unhandled keyword arguments are passed to function, until the
provided ``version_info``, after which, a ``RuntimeError`` will be raised
to remind the developers to remove the ``**kwargs`` because the target
version has been reached.
This function is used to help deprecate unused legacy ``**kwargs`` that
were added to function parameters lists to preserve backwards compatibility
when removing a parameter. See
:ref:`the deprecation development docs <deprecations>`
for the modern strategy for deprecating a function parameter.
:param kwargs: The caller's ``**kwargs`` argument value (a ``dict``).
:param version: The version info or name after which the warning becomes a
``RuntimeError``. For example ``(0, 17)`` or ``Hydrogen``
or an instance of :class:`salt.version.SaltStackVersion`.
:param category: The warning class to be thrown, by default
:param stacklevel: There should be no need to set the value of
``stacklevel``. Salt should be able to do the right thing.
:param _version_info_: In order to reuse this function for other SaltStack
projects, they need to be able to provide the
version info to compare to.
:param _dont_call_warnings: This parameter is used just to get the
functionality until the actual error is to be
issued. When we're only after the salt version
checks to raise a ``RuntimeError``.
if not isinstance(version, (tuple, str, salt.version.SaltStackVersion)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The 'version' argument should be passed as a tuple, string or "
"an instance of 'salt.version.SaltStackVersion'."
elif isinstance(version, tuple):
version = salt.version.SaltStackVersion(*version)
elif isinstance(version, str):
version = salt.version.SaltStackVersion.from_name(version)
if stacklevel is None:
# Attribute the warning to the calling function,
# not to kwargs_warn_until() or warn_until()
stacklevel = 3
if _version_info_ is None:
_version_info_ = salt.version.__version_info__
_version_ = salt.version.SaltStackVersion(*_version_info_)
if kwargs or >=
arg_names = ", ".join(f"'{key}'" for key in kwargs)
"The following parameter(s) have been deprecated and "
"will be removed in '{}': {}.".format(version.string, arg_names)
def version_cmp(pkg1, pkg2, ignore_epoch=False):
Compares two version strings using `LooseVersion`. This
is a fallback for providers which don't have a version comparison utility
built into them. Return -1 if version1 < version2, 0 if version1 ==
version2, and 1 if version1 > version2. Return None if there was a problem
making the comparison.
def normalize(x):
return str(x).split(":", 1)[-1] if ignore_epoch else str(x)
pkg1 = normalize(pkg1)
pkg2 = normalize(pkg2)
# pylint: disable=no-member
if LooseVersion(pkg1) < LooseVersion(pkg2):
return -1
elif LooseVersion(pkg1) == LooseVersion(pkg2):
return 0
elif LooseVersion(pkg1) > LooseVersion(pkg2):
return 1
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
return None
def compare(ver1="", oper="==", ver2="", cmp_func=None, ignore_epoch=False):
Compares two version numbers. Accepts a custom function to perform the
cmp-style version comparison, otherwise uses version_cmp().
cmp_map = {"<": (-1,), "<=": (-1, 0), "==": (0,), ">=": (0, 1), ">": (1,)}
if oper not in ("!=",) and oper not in cmp_map:
log.error("Invalid operator '%s' for version comparison", oper)
return False
if cmp_func is None:
cmp_func = version_cmp
cmp_result = cmp_func(ver1, ver2, ignore_epoch=ignore_epoch)
if cmp_result is None:
return False
# Check if integer/long
if not isinstance(cmp_result, numbers.Integral):
log.error("The version comparison function did not return an integer/long.")
return False
if oper == "!=":
return cmp_result not in cmp_map["=="]
# Gracefully handle cmp_result not in (-1, 0, 1).
if cmp_result < -1:
cmp_result = -1
elif cmp_result > 1:
cmp_result = 1
return cmp_result in cmp_map[oper]
def check_boto_reqs(
boto_ver=None, boto3_ver=None, botocore_ver=None, check_boto=True, check_boto3=True
Checks for the version of various required boto libs in one central location. Most
boto states and modules rely on a single version of the boto, boto3, or botocore libs.
However, some require newer versions of any of these dependencies. This function allows
the module to pass in a version to override the default minimum required version.
This function is useful in centralizing checks for ``__virtual__()`` functions in the
various, and many, boto modules and states.
The minimum required version of the boto library. Defaults to ``2.0.0``.
The minimum required version of the boto3 library. Defaults to ``1.2.6``.
The minimum required version of the botocore library. Defaults to ``1.3.23``.
Boolean defining whether or not to check for boto deps. This defaults to ``True`` as
most boto modules/states rely on boto, but some do not.
Boolean defining whether or not to check for boto3 (and therefore botocore) deps.
This defaults to ``True`` as most boto modules/states rely on boto3/botocore, but
some do not.
if check_boto is True:
# Late import so we can only load these for this function
import boto
has_boto = True
except ImportError:
has_boto = False
if boto_ver is None:
boto_ver = "2.0.0"
if not has_boto or version_cmp(boto.__version__, boto_ver) == -1:
return False, f"A minimum version of boto {boto_ver} is required."
if check_boto3 is True:
# Late import so we can only load these for this function
import boto3
import botocore
has_boto3 = True
except ImportError:
has_boto3 = False
# boto_s3_bucket module requires boto3 1.2.6 and botocore 1.3.23 for
# idempotent ACL operations via the fix in
if boto3_ver is None:
boto3_ver = "1.2.6"
if botocore_ver is None:
botocore_ver = "1.3.23"
if not has_boto3 or version_cmp(boto3.__version__, boto3_ver) == -1:
return (
f"A minimum version of boto3 {boto3_ver} is required.",
elif version_cmp(botocore.__version__, botocore_ver) == -1:
return (
f"A minimum version of botocore {botocore_ver} is required",
return True
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0