Mini Shell
:codeauthor: Pedro Algarvio (
:codeauthor: Alexandru Bleotu (
Object Oriented Configuration - JSON Schema compatible generator
This code was inspired by `jsl`__, "A Python DSL for describing JSON
.. __:
A configuration document or configuration document section is defined using
the py:class:`Schema`, the configuration items are defined by any of the
subclasses of py:class:`BaseSchemaItem` as attributes of a subclass of
py:class:`Schema` class.
A more complex configuration document (containing a defininitions section)
is defined using the py:class:`DefinitionsSchema`. This type of
schema supports having complex configuration items as attributes (defined
extending the py:class:`ComplexSchemaItem`). These items have other
configuration items (complex or not) as attributes, allowing to verify
more complex JSON data structures
As an example:
.. code-block:: python
class HostConfig(Schema):
title = 'Host Configuration'
description = 'This is the host configuration'
host = StringItem(
'The looong host description',
port = NumberItem(
description='The port number',
The serialized version of the above configuration definition is:
.. code-block:: python
>>> print(HostConfig.serialize())
('$schema', ''),
('title', 'Host Configuration'),
('description', 'This is the host configuration'),
('type', 'object'),
('properties', OrderedDict([
('host', {'minimum': 1,
'type': 'string',
'description': 'The looong host description',
'title': 'Host'}),
('port', {'description': 'The port number',
'default': 80,
'inclusiveMinimum': False,
'maximum': 65535,
'minimum': 0,
'type': 'number'})
('required', ['host']),
('x-ordering', ['host', 'port']),
('additionalProperties', True)]
>>> print(salt.utils.json.dumps(HostConfig.serialize(), indent=2))
"$schema": "",
"title": "Host Configuration",
"description": "This is the host configuration",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"host": {
"minimum": 1,
"type": "string",
"description": "The looong host description",
"title": "Host"
"port": {
"description": "The port number",
"default": 80,
"inclusiveMinimum": false,
"maximum": 65535,
"minimum": 0,
"type": "number"
"required": [
"x-ordering": [
"additionalProperties": false
The serialized version of the configuration block can be used to validate a
configuration dictionary using the `python jsonschema library`__.
.. __:
.. code-block:: python
>>> import jsonschema
>>> jsonschema.validate({'host': 'localhost', 'port': 80}, HostConfig.serialize())
>>> jsonschema.validate({'host': 'localhost', 'port': -1}, HostConfig.serialize())
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 478, in validate
cls(schema, *args, **kwargs).validate(instance)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 123, in validate
raise error
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: -1 is less than the minimum of 0
Failed validating 'minimum' in schema['properties']['port']:
{'default': 80,
'description': 'The port number',
'inclusiveMinimum': False,
'maximum': 65535,
'minimum': 0,
'type': 'number'}
On instance['port']:
A configuration document can even be split into configuration sections. Let's reuse the above
``HostConfig`` class and include it in a configuration block:
.. code-block:: python
class LoggingConfig(Schema):
title = 'Logging Configuration'
description = 'This is the logging configuration'
log_level = StringItem(
'Logging Level',
'The logging level',
class MyConfig(Schema):
title = 'My Config'
description = 'This my configuration'
hostconfig = HostConfig()
logconfig = LoggingConfig()
The JSON Schema string version of the above is:
.. code-block:: python
>>> print salt.utils.json.dumps(MyConfig.serialize(), indent=4)
"$schema": "",
"title": "My Config",
"description": "This my configuration",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"hostconfig": {
"id": "",
"title": "Host Configuration",
"description": "This is the host configuration",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"host": {
"minimum": 1,
"type": "string",
"description": "The looong host description",
"title": "Host"
"port": {
"description": "The port number",
"default": 80,
"inclusiveMinimum": false,
"maximum": 65535,
"minimum": 0,
"type": "number"
"required": [
"x-ordering": [
"additionalProperties": false
"logconfig": {
"id": "",
"title": "Logging Configuration",
"description": "This is the logging configuration",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"log_level": {
"default": "debug",
"minimum": 1,
"type": "string",
"description": "The logging level",
"title": "Logging Level"
"required": [
"x-ordering": [
"additionalProperties": false
"additionalProperties": false
>>> import jsonschema
>>> jsonschema.validate(
{'hostconfig': {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 80},
'logconfig': {'log_level': 'debug'}},
>>> jsonschema.validate(
{'hostconfig': {'host': 'localhost', 'port': -1},
'logconfig': {'log_level': 'debug'}},
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 478, in validate
cls(schema, *args, **kwargs).validate(instance)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 123, in validate
raise error
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: -1 is less than the minimum of 0
Failed validating 'minimum' in schema['properties']['hostconfig']['properties']['port']:
{'default': 80,
'description': 'The port number',
'inclusiveMinimum': False,
'maximum': 65535,
'minimum': 0,
'type': 'number'}
On instance['hostconfig']['port']:
If however, you just want to use the configuration blocks for readability
and do not desire the nested dictionaries serialization, you can pass
``flatten=True`` when defining a configuration section as a configuration
subclass attribute:
.. code-block:: python
class MyConfig(Schema):
title = 'My Config'
description = 'This my configuration'
hostconfig = HostConfig(flatten=True)
logconfig = LoggingConfig(flatten=True)
The JSON Schema string version of the above is:
.. code-block:: python
>>> print(salt.utils.json.dumps(MyConfig, indent=4))
"$schema": "",
"title": "My Config",
"description": "This my configuration",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"host": {
"minimum": 1,
"type": "string",
"description": "The looong host description",
"title": "Host"
"port": {
"description": "The port number",
"default": 80,
"inclusiveMinimum": false,
"maximum": 65535,
"minimum": 0,
"type": "number"
"log_level": {
"default": "debug",
"minimum": 1,
"type": "string",
"description": "The logging level",
"title": "Logging Level"
"x-ordering": [
"additionalProperties": false
import inspect
import textwrap
import salt.utils.args
# import salt.utils.yaml
from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict
class NullSentinel:
A class which instance represents a null value.
Allows specifying fields with a default value of null.
def __bool__(self):
return False
__nonzero__ = __bool__
Null = NullSentinel()
A special value that can be used to set the default value
of a field to null.
# make sure nobody creates another Null value
def _failing_new(*args, **kwargs):
raise TypeError("Can't create another NullSentinel instance")
NullSentinel.__new__ = staticmethod(_failing_new)
del _failing_new
class SchemaMeta(type):
def __prepare__(mcs, name, bases):
return OrderedDict()
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
# Mark the instance as a configuration document/section
attrs["__config__"] = True
attrs["__flatten__"] = False
attrs["__config_name__"] = None
# Let's record the configuration items/sections
items = {}
sections = {}
order = []
# items from parent classes
for base in reversed(bases):
if hasattr(base, "_items"):
if hasattr(base, "_sections"):
if hasattr(base, "_order"):
# Iterate through attrs to discover items/config sections
for key, value in attrs.items():
entry_name = None
if not hasattr(value, "__item__") and not hasattr(value, "__config__"):
if hasattr(value, "__item__"):
# the value is an item instance
if hasattr(value, "title") and value.title is None:
# It's an item instance without a title, make the title
# its name
value.title = key
entry_name = value.__item_name__ or key
items[entry_name] = value
if hasattr(value, "__config__"):
entry_name = value.__config_name__ or key
sections[entry_name] = value
attrs["_order"] = order
attrs["_items"] = items
attrs["_sections"] = sections
return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
def __call__(cls, flatten=False, allow_additional_items=False, **kwargs):
instance = object.__new__(cls)
instance.__config_name__ = kwargs.pop("name", None)
if flatten is True:
# This configuration block is to be treated as a part of the
# configuration for which it was defined as an attribute, not as
# its own sub configuration
instance.__flatten__ = True
if allow_additional_items is True:
# The configuration block only accepts the configuration items
# which are defined on the class. On additional items, validation
# with jsonschema will fail
instance.__allow_additional_items__ = True
return instance
class BaseSchemaItemMeta(type):
Config item metaclass to "tag" the class as a configuration item
def __prepare__(mcs, name, bases):
return OrderedDict()
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
# Register the class as an item class
attrs["__item__"] = True
attrs["__item_name__"] = None
# Instantiate an empty list to store the config item attribute names
attributes = []
for base in reversed(bases):
base_attributes = getattr(base, "_attributes", [])
if base_attributes:
# Extend the attributes with the base argspec argument names
# but skip "self"
for argname in salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec(base.__init__).args:
if argname == "self" or argname in attributes:
if argname == "name":
except TypeError:
# On the base object type, __init__ is just a wrapper which
# triggers a TypeError when we're trying to find out its
# argspec
attrs["_attributes"] = attributes
return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# Create the instance class
instance = object.__new__(cls)
if args:
raise RuntimeError(
"Please pass all arguments as named arguments. Un-named "
"arguments are not supported"
for key in kwargs.copy():
# Store the kwarg keys as the instance attributes for the
# serialization step
if key == "name":
# This is the item name to override the class attribute name
instance.__item_name__ = kwargs.pop(key)
if key not in instance._attributes:
# Init the class
instance.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Validate the instance after initialization
for base in reversed(inspect.getmro(cls)):
validate_attributes = getattr(base, "__validate_attributes__", None)
if validate_attributes:
if (
is not validate_attributes.__code__
# The method was overridden, run base.__validate_attributes__ function
# Finally, run the instance __validate_attributes__ function
# Return the initialized class
return instance
class Schema(metaclass=SchemaMeta):
Configuration definition class
# Define some class level attributes to make PyLint happier
title = None
description = None
_items = _sections = _order = None
__flatten__ = False
__allow_additional_items__ = False
def serialize(cls, id_=None):
# The order matters
serialized = OrderedDict()
if id_ is not None:
# This is meant as a configuration section, sub json schema
serialized["id"] = f"{BASE_SCHEMA_URL}/{id_}.json#"
# Main configuration block, json schema
serialized["$schema"] = ""
if cls.title is not None:
serialized["title"] = cls.title
if cls.description is not None:
if cls.description == cls.__doc__:
serialized["description"] = textwrap.dedent(cls.description).strip()
serialized["description"] = cls.description
required = []
ordering = []
serialized["type"] = "object"
properties = OrderedDict()
cls.after_items_update = []
for name in cls._order: # pylint: disable=E1133
skip_order = False
item_name = None
if name in cls._sections: # pylint: disable=E1135
section = cls._sections[name]
serialized_section = section.serialize(
None if section.__flatten__ is True else name
if section.__flatten__ is True:
# Flatten the configuration section into the parent
# configuration
if "x-ordering" in serialized_section:
if "required" in serialized_section:
if hasattr(section, "after_items_update"):
skip_order = True
# Store it as a configuration section
properties[name] = serialized_section
if name in cls._items: # pylint: disable=E1135
config = cls._items[name]
item_name = config.__item_name__ or name
# Handle the configuration items defined in the class instance
if config.__flatten__ is True:
serialized_config = config.serialize()
skip_order = True
properties[item_name] = config.serialize()
if config.required:
# If it's a required item, add it to the required list
if skip_order is False:
# Store the order of the item
if item_name is not None:
if item_name not in ordering:
if name not in ordering:
if properties:
serialized["properties"] = properties
# Update the serialized object with any items to include after properties.
# Do not overwrite properties already existing in the serialized dict.
if cls.after_items_update:
after_items_update = {}
for entry in cls.after_items_update:
for name, data in entry.items():
if name in after_items_update:
if isinstance(after_items_update[name], list):
after_items_update[name] = data
if after_items_update:
serialized = after_items_update
if required:
# Only include required if not empty
serialized["required"] = required
if ordering:
# Only include ordering if not empty
serialized["x-ordering"] = ordering
serialized["additionalProperties"] = cls.__allow_additional_items__
return serialized
def defaults(cls):
serialized = cls.serialize()
defaults = {}
for name, details in serialized["properties"].items():
if "default" in details:
defaults[name] = details["default"]
if "properties" in details:
for sname, sdetails in details["properties"].items():
if "default" in sdetails:
defaults.setdefault(name, {})[sname] = sdetails["default"]
return defaults
def as_requirements_item(cls):
serialized_schema = cls.serialize()
required = serialized_schema.get("required", [])
for name in serialized_schema["properties"]:
if name not in required:
return RequirementsItem(requirements=required)
# @classmethod
# def render_as_rst(cls):
# '''
# Render the configuration block as a restructured text string
# '''
# # TODO: Implement RST rendering
# raise NotImplementedError
# @classmethod
# def render_as_yaml(cls):
# '''
# Render the configuration block as a parseable YAML string including comments
# '''
# # TODO: Implement YAML rendering
# raise NotImplementedError
class SchemaItem(metaclass=BaseSchemaItemMeta):
Base configuration items class.
All configurations must subclass it
# Define some class level attributes to make PyLint happier
__type__ = None
__format__ = None
_attributes = None
__flatten__ = False
__serialize_attr_aliases__ = None
required = False
def __init__(self, required=None, **extra):
:param required: If the configuration item is required. Defaults to ``False``.
if required is not None:
self.required = required
self.extra = extra
def __validate_attributes__(self):
Run any validation check you need the instance attributes.
Don't call the parent class when overriding this
method because it will just duplicate the executions. This class'es
metaclass will take care of that.
if self.required not in (True, False):
raise RuntimeError("'required' can only be True/False")
def _get_argname_value(self, argname):
Return the argname value looking up on all possible attributes
# Let's see if there's a private function to get the value
argvalue = getattr(self, f"__get_{argname}__", None)
if argvalue is not None and callable(argvalue):
argvalue = argvalue() # pylint: disable=not-callable
if argvalue is None:
# Let's see if the value is defined as a public class variable
argvalue = getattr(self, argname, None)
if argvalue is None:
# Let's see if it's defined as a private class variable
argvalue = getattr(self, f"__{argname}__", None)
if argvalue is None:
# Let's look for it in the extra dictionary
argvalue = self.extra.get(argname, None)
return argvalue
def serialize(self):
Return a serializable form of the config instance
raise NotImplementedError
class BaseSchemaItem(SchemaItem):
Base configuration items class.
All configurations must subclass it
# Let's define description as a class attribute, this will allow a custom configuration
# item to do something like:
# class MyCustomConfig(StringItem):
# '''
# This is my custom config, blah, blah, blah
# '''
# description = __doc__
description = None
# The same for all other base arguments
title = None
default = None
enum = None
enumNames = None
def __init__(
:param required:
If the configuration item is required. Defaults to ``False``.
:param title:
A short explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:param description:
A detailed explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:param default:
The default value for this configuration item. May be :data:`.Null` (a special value
to set the default value to null).
:param enum:
A list(list, tuple, set) of valid choices.
if title is not None:
self.title = title
if description is not None:
self.description = description
if default is not None:
self.default = default
if enum is not None:
self.enum = enum
if enumNames is not None:
self.enumNames = enumNames
def __validate_attributes__(self):
if self.enum is not None:
if not isinstance(self.enum, (list, tuple, set)):
raise RuntimeError(
"Only the 'list', 'tuple' and 'set' python types can be used "
"to define 'enum'"
if not isinstance(self.enum, list):
self.enum = list(self.enum)
if self.enumNames is not None:
if not isinstance(self.enumNames, (list, tuple, set)):
raise RuntimeError(
"Only the 'list', 'tuple' and 'set' python types can be used "
"to define 'enumNames'"
if len(self.enum) != len(self.enumNames):
raise RuntimeError(
"The size of 'enumNames' must match the size of 'enum'"
if not isinstance(self.enumNames, list):
self.enumNames = list(self.enumNames)
def serialize(self):
Return a serializable form of the config instance
serialized = {"type": self.__type__}
for argname in self._attributes:
if argname == "required":
# This is handled elsewhere
argvalue = self._get_argname_value(argname)
if argvalue is not None:
if argvalue is Null:
argvalue = None
# None values are not meant to be included in the
# serialization, since this is not None...
if (
and argname in self.__serialize_attr_aliases__
argname = self.__serialize_attr_aliases__[argname]
serialized[argname] = argvalue
return serialized
def __get_description__(self):
if self.description is not None:
if self.description == self.__doc__:
return textwrap.dedent(self.description).strip()
return self.description
# def render_as_rst(self, name):
# '''
# Render the configuration item as a restructured text string
# '''
# # TODO: Implement YAML rendering
# raise NotImplementedError
# def render_as_yaml(self, name):
# '''
# Render the configuration item as a parseable YAML string including comments
# '''
# # TODO: Include the item rules in the output, minimum, maximum, etc...
# output = '# ----- '
# output += self.title
# output += ' '
# output += '-' * (RENDER_COMMENT_YAML_MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 7 - len(self.title) - 2)
# output += '>\n'
# if self.description:
# output += '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(self.description,
# initial_indent='# '))
# output += '\n'
# yamled_default_value = salt.utils.yaml.safe_dump(self.default, default_flow_style=False).split('\n...', 1)[0]
# output += '# Default: {0}\n'.format(yamled_default_value)
# output += '#{0}: {1}\n'.format(name, yamled_default_value)
# output += '# <---- '
# output += self.title
# output += ' '
# output += '-' * (RENDER_COMMENT_YAML_MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 7 - len(self.title) - 1)
# return output + '\n'
class NullItem(BaseSchemaItem):
__type__ = "null"
class BooleanItem(BaseSchemaItem):
__type__ = "boolean"
class StringItem(BaseSchemaItem):
A string configuration field
__type__ = "string"
__serialize_attr_aliases__ = {"min_length": "minLength", "max_length": "maxLength"}
format = None
pattern = None
min_length = None
max_length = None
def __init__(
format=None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
:param required:
If the configuration item is required. Defaults to ``False``.
:param title:
A short explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:param description:
A detailed explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:param default:
The default value for this configuration item. May be :data:`.Null` (a special value
to set the default value to null).
:param enum:
A list(list, tuple, set) of valid choices.
:param format:
A semantic format of the string (for example, ``"date-time"``, ``"email"``, or ``"uri"``).
:param pattern:
A regular expression (ECMA 262) that a string value must match.
:param min_length:
The minimum length
:param max_length:
The maximum length
if format is not None: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
self.format = format
if pattern is not None:
self.pattern = pattern
if min_length is not None:
self.min_length = min_length
if max_length is not None:
self.max_length = max_length
def __validate_attributes__(self):
if self.format is None and self.__format__ is not None:
self.format = self.__format__
class EMailItem(StringItem):
An internet email address, see `RFC 5322, section 3.4.1`__.
.. __:
__format__ = "email"
class IPv4Item(StringItem):
An IPv4 address configuration field, according to dotted-quad ABNF syntax as defined in
`RFC 2673, section 3.2`__.
.. __:
__format__ = "ipv4"
class IPv6Item(StringItem):
An IPv6 address configuration field, as defined in `RFC 2373, section 2.2`__.
.. __:
__format__ = "ipv6"
class HostnameItem(StringItem):
An Internet host name configuration field, see `RFC 1034, section 3.1`__.
.. __:
__format__ = "hostname"
class DateTimeItem(StringItem):
An ISO 8601 formatted date-time configuration field, as defined by `RFC 3339, section 5.6`__.
.. __:
__format__ = "date-time"
class UriItem(StringItem):
A universal resource identifier (URI) configuration field, according to `RFC3986`__.
.. __:
__format__ = "uri"
class SecretItem(StringItem):
A string configuration field containing a secret, for example, passwords, API keys, etc
__format__ = "secret"
class NumberItem(BaseSchemaItem):
__type__ = "number"
__serialize_attr_aliases__ = {
"multiple_of": "multipleOf",
"exclusive_minimum": "exclusiveMinimum",
"exclusive_maximum": "exclusiveMaximum",
multiple_of = None
minimum = None
exclusive_minimum = None
maximum = None
exclusive_maximum = None
def __init__(
:param required:
If the configuration item is required. Defaults to ``False``.
:param title:
A short explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:param description:
A detailed explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:param default:
The default value for this configuration item. May be :data:`.Null` (a special value
to set the default value to null).
:param enum:
A list(list, tuple, set) of valid choices.
:param multiple_of:
A value must be a multiple of this factor.
:param minimum:
The minimum allowed value
:param exclusive_minimum:
Whether a value is allowed to be exactly equal to the minimum
:param maximum:
The maximum allowed value
:param exclusive_maximum:
Whether a value is allowed to be exactly equal to the maximum
if multiple_of is not None:
self.multiple_of = multiple_of
if minimum is not None:
self.minimum = minimum
if exclusive_minimum is not None:
self.exclusive_minimum = exclusive_minimum
if maximum is not None:
self.maximum = maximum
if exclusive_maximum is not None:
self.exclusive_maximum = exclusive_maximum
class IntegerItem(NumberItem):
__type__ = "integer"
class ArrayItem(BaseSchemaItem):
__type__ = "array"
__serialize_attr_aliases__ = {
"min_items": "minItems",
"max_items": "maxItems",
"unique_items": "uniqueItems",
"additional_items": "additionalItems",
items = None
min_items = None
max_items = None
unique_items = None
additional_items = None
def __init__(
:param required:
If the configuration item is required. Defaults to ``False``.
:param title:
A short explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:param description:
A detailed explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:param default:
The default value for this configuration item. May be :data:`.Null` (a special value
to set the default value to null).
:param enum:
A list(list, tuple, set) of valid choices.
:param items:
Either of the following:
* :class:`BaseSchemaItem` -- all items of the array must match the field schema;
* a list or a tuple of :class:`fields <.BaseSchemaItem>` -- all items of the array must be
valid according to the field schema at the corresponding index (tuple typing);
:param min_items:
Minimum length of the array
:param max_items:
Maximum length of the array
:param unique_items:
Whether all the values in the array must be distinct.
:param additional_items:
If the value of ``items`` is a list or a tuple, and the array length is larger than
the number of fields in ``items``, then the additional items are described
by the :class:`.BaseField` passed using this argument.
:type additional_items: bool or :class:`.BaseSchemaItem`
if items is not None:
self.items = items
if min_items is not None:
self.min_items = min_items
if max_items is not None:
self.max_items = max_items
if unique_items is not None:
self.unique_items = unique_items
if additional_items is not None:
self.additional_items = additional_items
def __validate_attributes__(self):
if not self.items and not self.additional_items:
raise RuntimeError("One of items or additional_items must be passed.")
if self.items is not None:
if isinstance(self.items, (list, tuple)):
for item in self.items:
if not isinstance(item, (Schema, SchemaItem)):
raise RuntimeError(
"All items passed in the item argument tuple/list must be "
"a subclass of Schema, SchemaItem or BaseSchemaItem, "
"not {}".format(type(item))
elif not isinstance(self.items, (Schema, SchemaItem)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The items argument passed must be a subclass of "
"Schema, SchemaItem or BaseSchemaItem, not "
def __get_items__(self):
if isinstance(self.items, (Schema, SchemaItem)):
# This is either a Schema or a Basetem, return it in its
# serialized form
return self.items.serialize()
if isinstance(self.items, (tuple, list)):
items = []
for item in self.items:
return items
class DictItem(BaseSchemaItem):
__type__ = "object"
__serialize_attr_aliases__ = {
"min_properties": "minProperties",
"max_properties": "maxProperties",
"pattern_properties": "patternProperties",
"additional_properties": "additionalProperties",
properties = None
pattern_properties = None
additional_properties = None
min_properties = None
max_properties = None
def __init__(
:param required:
If the configuration item is required. Defaults to ``False``.
:type required:
:param title:
A short explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:type title:
:param description:
A detailed explanation about the purpose of the data described by this item.
:param default:
The default value for this configuration item. May be :data:`.Null` (a special value
to set the default value to null).
:param enum:
A list(list, tuple, set) of valid choices.
:param properties:
A dictionary containing fields
:param pattern_properties:
A dictionary whose keys are regular expressions (ECMA 262).
Properties match against these regular expressions, and for any that match,
the property is described by the corresponding field schema.
:type pattern_properties: dict[str -> :class:`.Schema` or
:class:`.SchemaItem` or :class:`.BaseSchemaItem`]
:param additional_properties:
Describes properties that are not described by the ``properties`` or ``pattern_properties``.
:type additional_properties: bool or :class:`.Schema` or :class:`.SchemaItem`
or :class:`.BaseSchemaItem`
:param min_properties:
A minimum number of properties.
:type min_properties: int
:param max_properties:
A maximum number of properties
:type max_properties: int
if properties is not None: = properties
if pattern_properties is not None:
self.pattern_properties = pattern_properties
if additional_properties is not None:
self.additional_properties = additional_properties
if min_properties is not None:
self.min_properties = min_properties
if max_properties is not None:
self.max_properties = max_properties
def __validate_attributes__(self):
if (
and not self.pattern_properties
and not self.additional_properties
raise RuntimeError(
"One of properties, pattern_properties or additional_properties must be"
" passed"
if is not None:
if not isinstance(, (Schema, dict)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed properties must be passed as a dict or "
" a Schema not '{}'".format(type(
if not isinstance(, Schema):
for key, prop in
if not isinstance(prop, (Schema, SchemaItem)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed property who's key is '{}' must be of type "
"Schema, SchemaItem or BaseSchemaItem, not "
"'{}'".format(key, type(prop))
if self.pattern_properties is not None:
if not isinstance(self.pattern_properties, dict):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed pattern_properties must be passed as a dict "
"not '{}'".format(type(self.pattern_properties))
for key, prop in self.pattern_properties.items():
if not isinstance(prop, (Schema, SchemaItem)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed pattern_property who's key is '{}' must "
"be of type Schema, SchemaItem or BaseSchemaItem, "
"not '{}'".format(key, type(prop))
if self.additional_properties is not None:
if not isinstance(self.additional_properties, (bool, Schema, SchemaItem)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed additional_properties must be of type bool, "
"Schema, SchemaItem or BaseSchemaItem, not '{}'".format(
def __get_properties__(self):
if is None:
if isinstance(, Schema):
properties = OrderedDict()
for key, prop in
properties[key] = prop.serialize()
return properties
def __get_pattern_properties__(self):
if self.pattern_properties is None:
pattern_properties = OrderedDict()
for key, prop in self.pattern_properties.items():
pattern_properties[key] = prop.serialize()
return pattern_properties
def __get_additional_properties__(self):
if self.additional_properties is None:
if isinstance(self.additional_properties, bool):
return self.additional_properties
return self.additional_properties.serialize()
def __call__(self, flatten=False):
self.__flatten__ = flatten
return self
def serialize(self):
result = super().serialize()
required = []
if is not None:
if isinstance(, Schema):
serialized =
if "required" in serialized:
for key, prop in
if prop.required:
if required:
result["required"] = required
return result
class RequirementsItem(SchemaItem):
__type__ = "object"
requirements = None
def __init__(self, requirements=None):
if requirements is not None:
self.requirements = requirements
def __validate_attributes__(self):
if self.requirements is None:
raise RuntimeError("The passed requirements must not be empty")
if not isinstance(self.requirements, (SchemaItem, list, tuple, set)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed requirements must be passed as a list, tuple, "
"set SchemaItem or BaseSchemaItem, not '{}'".format(self.requirements)
if not isinstance(self.requirements, SchemaItem):
if not isinstance(self.requirements, list):
self.requirements = list(self.requirements)
for idx, item in enumerate(self.requirements):
if not isinstance(item, ((str,), SchemaItem)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed requirement at the {} index must be of type "
"str or SchemaItem, not '{}'".format(idx, type(item))
def serialize(self):
if isinstance(self.requirements, SchemaItem):
requirements = self.requirements.serialize()
requirements = []
for requirement in self.requirements:
if isinstance(requirement, SchemaItem):
return {"required": requirements}
class OneOfItem(SchemaItem):
__type__ = "oneOf"
items = None
def __init__(self, items=None, required=None):
if items is not None:
self.items = items
def __validate_attributes__(self):
if not self.items:
raise RuntimeError("The passed items must not be empty")
if not isinstance(self.items, (list, tuple)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed items must be passed as a list/tuple not '{}'".format(
for idx, item in enumerate(self.items):
if not isinstance(item, (Schema, SchemaItem)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed item at the {} index must be of type "
"Schema, SchemaItem or BaseSchemaItem, not "
"'{}'".format(idx, type(item))
if not isinstance(self.items, list):
self.items = list(self.items)
def __call__(self, flatten=False):
self.__flatten__ = flatten
return self
def serialize(self):
return {self.__type__: [i.serialize() for i in self.items]}
class AnyOfItem(OneOfItem):
__type__ = "anyOf"
class AllOfItem(OneOfItem):
__type__ = "allOf"
class NotItem(SchemaItem):
__type__ = "not"
item = None
def __init__(self, item=None):
if item is not None:
self.item = item
def __validate_attributes__(self):
if not self.item:
raise RuntimeError("An item must be passed")
if not isinstance(self.item, (Schema, SchemaItem)):
raise RuntimeError(
"The passed item be of type Schema, SchemaItem or "
"BaseSchemaItem, not '{}'".format(type(self.item))
def serialize(self):
return {self.__type__: self.item.serialize()}
# ----- Custom Preconfigured Configs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
class PortItem(IntegerItem):
minimum = 0 # yes, 0 is a valid port number
maximum = 65535
# <---- Custom Preconfigured Configs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComplexSchemaItem(BaseSchemaItem):
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
Complex Schema Item
# This attribute is populated by the metaclass, but pylint fails to see it
# and assumes it's not an iterable
_attributes = []
_definition_name = None
def __init__(self, definition_name=None, required=None):
self.__type__ = "object"
self._definition_name = (
definition_name if definition_name else self.__class__.__name__
# Schema attributes might have been added as class attributes so we
# and they must be added to the _attributes attr
def _add_missing_schema_attributes(self):
Adds any missed schema attributes to the _attributes list
The attributes can be class attributes and they won't be
included in the _attributes list automatically
for attr in [attr for attr in dir(self) if not attr.startswith("__")]:
attr_val = getattr(self, attr)
if (
isinstance(getattr(self, attr), SchemaItem)
and attr not in self._attributes
def definition_name(self):
return self._definition_name
def serialize(self):
The serialization of the complex item is a pointer to the item
return {"$ref": f"#/definitions/{self.definition_name}"}
def get_definition(self):
"""Returns the definition of the complex item"""
serialized = super().serialize()
# Adjust entries in the serialization
del serialized["definition_name"]
serialized["title"] = self.definition_name
properties = {}
required_attr_names = []
for attr_name in self._attributes:
attr = getattr(self, attr_name)
if attr and isinstance(attr, BaseSchemaItem):
# Remove the attribute entry added by the base serialization
del serialized[attr_name]
properties[attr_name] = attr.serialize()
properties[attr_name]["type"] = attr.__type__
if attr.required:
if serialized.get("properties") is None:
serialized["properties"] = {}
# Assign the required array
if required_attr_names:
serialized["required"] = required_attr_names
return serialized
def get_complex_attrs(self):
"""Returns a dictionary of the complex attributes"""
return [
getattr(self, attr_name)
for attr_name in self._attributes
if isinstance(getattr(self, attr_name), ComplexSchemaItem)
class DefinitionsSchema(Schema):
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
JSON schema class that supports ComplexSchemaItem objects by adding
a definitions section to the JSON schema, containing the item definitions.
All references to ComplexSchemaItems are built using schema inline
def serialize(cls, id_=None):
# Get the initial serialization
serialized = super().serialize(id_)
complex_items = []
# Augment the serializations with the definitions of all complex items
aux_items = cls._items.values()
# Convert dict_view object to a list on Python 3
aux_items = list(aux_items)
while aux_items:
item = aux_items.pop(0)
# Add complex attributes
if isinstance(item, ComplexSchemaItem):
# Handle container items
if isinstance(item, OneOfItem):
elif isinstance(item, ArrayItem):
elif isinstance(item, DictItem):
if item.additional_properties and isinstance(
item.additional_properties, SchemaItem
definitions = OrderedDict()
for config in complex_items:
if isinstance(config, ComplexSchemaItem):
definitions[config.definition_name] = config.get_definition()
serialized["definitions"] = definitions
return serialized
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0