Mini Shell
:maintainer: Evan Borgstrom <>
Pythonic object interface to creating state data, see the pyobjects renderer
for more documentation.
import inspect
import logging
from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class StateException(Exception):
class DuplicateState(StateException):
class InvalidFunction(StateException):
class Registry:
The StateRegistry holds all of the states that have been created.
states = OrderedDict()
requisites = []
includes = []
extends = OrderedDict()
enabled = True
def empty(cls):
cls.states = OrderedDict()
cls.requisites = []
cls.includes = []
cls.extends = OrderedDict()
def include(cls, *args):
if not cls.enabled:
cls.includes += args
def salt_data(cls):
states = OrderedDict([(id_, states_) for id_, states_ in cls.states.items()])
if cls.includes:
states["include"] = cls.includes
if cls.extends:
states["extend"] = OrderedDict(
[(id_, states_) for id_, states_ in cls.extends.items()]
return states
def add(cls, id_, state, extend=False):
if not cls.enabled:
if extend:
attr = cls.extends
attr = cls.states
if id_ in attr:
if state.full_func in attr[id_]:
raise DuplicateState(
"A state with id ''{}'', type ''{}'' exists".format(
id_, state.full_func
attr[id_] = OrderedDict()
# if we have requisites in our stack then add them to the state
if cls.requisites:
for req in cls.requisites:
if req.requisite not in state.kwargs:
state.kwargs[req.requisite] = []
def extend(cls, id_, state):
cls.add(id_, state, extend=True)
def make_extend(cls, name):
return StateExtend(name)
def push_requisite(cls, requisite):
if not cls.enabled:
def pop_requisite(cls):
if not cls.enabled:
del cls.requisites[-1]
class StateExtend:
def __init__(self, name): = name
class StateRequisite:
def __init__(self, requisite, module, id_):
self.requisite = requisite
self.module = module
self.id_ = id_
def __call__(self):
return {self.module: self.id_}
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
class StateFactory:
The StateFactory is used to generate new States through a natural syntax
It is used by initializing it with the name of the salt module::
File = StateFactory("file")
Any attribute accessed on the instance returned by StateFactory is a lambda
that is a short cut for generating State objects::
File.managed('/path/', owner='root', group='root')
The kwargs are passed through to the State object
def __init__(self, module, valid_funcs=None):
self.module = module
if valid_funcs is None:
valid_funcs = []
self.valid_funcs = valid_funcs
def __getattr__(self, func):
if self.valid_funcs and func not in self.valid_funcs:
raise InvalidFunction(
"The function '{}' does not exist in the StateFactory for '{}'".format(
func, self.module
def make_state(id_, **kwargs):
return State(id_, self.module, func, **kwargs)
return make_state
def __call__(self, id_, requisite="require"):
When an object is called it is being used as a requisite
# return the correct data structure for the requisite
return StateRequisite(requisite, self.module, id_)
class State:
This represents a single item in the state tree
The id_ is the id of the state, the func is the full name of the salt
state (i.e. file.managed). All the keyword args you pass in become the
properties of your state.
def __init__(self, id_, module, func, **kwargs):
self.id_ = id_
self.module = module
self.func = func
# our requisites should all be lists, but when you only have a
# single item it's more convenient to provide it without
# wrapping it in a list. transform them into a list
for attr in REQUISITES:
if attr in kwargs:
except TypeError:
kwargs[attr] = [kwargs[attr]]
self.kwargs = kwargs
if isinstance(self.id_, StateExtend):
Registry.extend(, self)
self.id_ =
Registry.add(self.id_, self)
self.requisite = StateRequisite("require", self.module, self.id_)
def attrs(self):
kwargs = self.kwargs
# handle our requisites
for attr in REQUISITES:
if attr in kwargs:
# rebuild the requisite list transforming any of the actual
# StateRequisite objects into their representative dict
kwargs[attr] = [
req() if isinstance(req, StateRequisite) else req
for req in kwargs[attr]
# build our attrs from kwargs. we sort the kwargs by key so that we
# have consistent ordering for tests
return [{k: kwargs[k]} for k in sorted(kwargs.keys())]
def full_func(self):
return f"{self.module!s}.{self.func!s}"
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.id_!s} = {self.full_func!s}:{self.attrs!s}"
def __call__(self):
return {self.full_func: self.attrs}
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
class SaltObject:
Object based interface to the functions in __salt__
.. code-block:: python
Salt = SaltObject(__salt__)
def __init__(self, salt):
self._salt = salt
def __getattr__(self, mod):
class __wrapper__:
def __getattr__(wself, func): # pylint: disable=E0213
return self._salt[f"{mod}.{func}"]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError
return __wrapper__()
class MapMeta(type):
This is the metaclass for our Map class, used for building data maps based
off of grain data.
def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases):
return OrderedDict()
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
c = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
c.__ordered_attrs__ = attrs.keys()
return c
def __init__(cls, name, bases, nmspc):
cls.__set_attributes__() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
super().__init__(name, bases, nmspc)
def __set_attributes__(cls):
match_info = []
grain_targets = set()
# find all of our filters
for item in cls.__ordered_attrs__:
if item[0] == "_":
filt = cls.__dict__[item]
# only process classes
if not inspect.isclass(filt):
# which grain are we filtering on
grain = getattr(filt, "__grain__", "os_family")
# does the object pointed to have a __match__ attribute?
# if so use it, otherwise use the name of the object
# this is so that you can match complex values, which the python
# class name syntax does not allow
match = getattr(filt, "__match__", item)
match_attrs = {}
for name in filt.__dict__:
if name[0] != "_":
match_attrs[name] = filt.__dict__[name]
match_info.append((grain, match, match_attrs))
# Reorder based on priority
if not hasattr(cls.priority, "__iter__"):
log.error("pyobjects: priority must be an iterable")
new_match_info = []
for grain in cls.priority:
# Using list() here because we will be modifying
# match_info during iteration
for index, item in list(enumerate(match_info)):
if item[0] == grain:
# Add item to new list
# Clear item from old list
match_info[index] = None
except TypeError:
# Already moved this item to new list
# Add in any remaining items not defined in priority
new_match_info.extend([x for x in match_info if x is not None])
# Save reordered list as the match_info list
match_info = new_match_info
except AttributeError:
# Check for matches and update the attrs dict accordingly
attrs = {}
if match_info:
grain_vals = Map.__salt__["grains.item"](*grain_targets)
for grain, match, match_attrs in match_info:
if grain not in grain_vals:
if grain_vals[grain] == match:
if hasattr(cls, "merge"):
pillar = Map.__salt__["pillar.get"](cls.merge)
if pillar:
for name in attrs:
setattr(cls, name, attrs[name])
def need_salt(*a, **k):
log.error("Map needs __salt__ set before it can be used!")
return {}
class Map(metaclass=MapMeta): # pylint: disable=W0232
__salt__ = {"grains.filter_by": need_salt, "pillar.get": need_salt}
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0