Mini Shell
<pool type='{{ ptype }}'>
<name>{{ name }}</name>
{% if target.path or target.permissions %}
{% if target.path %}
<path>{{ target.path }}</path>
{% endif %}
{% if target.permissions %}
{% for key in ['mode', 'owner', 'group', 'label'] %}
{% if key in target.permissions %}
<{{ key }}>{{ target.permissions[key] }}</{{ key }}>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if source %}
{% if ptype in ['fs', 'logical', 'disk', 'iscsi', 'zfs', 'vstorage', 'iscsi-direct'] %}
{% for device in source.devices %}
<device path='{{ device.path }}'
{% if 'part_separator' in device %}part_separator='{{ device.part_separator }}'{% endif %}/>
{% endfor %}
{% elif ptype in ['dir', 'netfs', 'gluster'] %}
<dir path='{{ source.dir }}'/>
{% elif ptype == 'scsi' %}
<adapter type='{{ source.adapter.type }}'
{% for key in ['name', 'parent', 'managed', 'parent_wwnn', 'parent_wwpn', 'parent_fabric_wwn', 'wwnn', 'wwpn'] %}
{% if key in source.adapter %}{{ key }}='{{ source.adapter[key] }}'{% endif %}
{% endfor %}>
{% if 'parent_address' in source.adapter %}
{% if 'unique_id' in source.adapter.parent_address %}
unique_id='{{ source.adapter.parent_address.unique_id }}'
{% endif %}>
{% for key in source.adapter.parent_address.address %}
{{ key }}='{{ source.adapter.parent_address.address[key] }}'
{% endfor %}/>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if ptype in ['netfs', 'iscsi', 'rbd', 'sheepdog', 'gluster', 'iscsi-direct'] and source.hosts %}
{% for host in source.hosts %}
<host name='{{ }}' {% if host.port %}port='{{ host.port }}'{% endif %}/>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if ptype in ['iscsi', 'rbd', 'iscsi-direct'] and source.auth %}
<auth type='{{source.auth.type}}' username='{{ source.auth.username }}'>
<secret {{ source.auth.secret.type }}='{{source.auth.secret.value}}'/>
{% endif %}
{% if ptype in ['logical', 'rbd', 'sheepdog', 'gluster'] and %}
<name>{{ }}</name>
{% endif %}
{% if ptype in ['fs', 'netfs', 'logical', 'disk'] and source.format %}
<format type='{{ source.format }}'/>
{% endif %}
{% if ptype == 'iscsi-direct' and source.initiator %}
<iqn name='{{ source.initiator }}'/>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0