Mini Shell
Manage software from FreeBSD ports
.. versionadded:: 2014.1.0
.. note::
It may be helpful to use a higher timeout when running a
:mod:`ports.installed <salt.states.ports>` state, since compiling the port
may exceed Salt's timeout.
.. code-block:: bash
salt -t 1200 '*' state.highstate
import copy
import logging
# Needed by imported function _options_file_exists
import os # pylint: disable=W0611
import sys
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError
from salt.modules.freebsdports import _normalize, _options_file_exists
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def __virtual__():
if __grains__.get("os", "") == "FreeBSD" and "ports.install" in __salt__:
return "ports"
return (False, "ports module could not be loaded")
def _repack_options(options):
Repack the options data
return {
str(x): _normalize(y)
for x, y in
def _get_option_list(options):
Returns the key/value pairs in the passed dict in a commaspace-delimited
list in the format "key=value".
return ", ".join([f"{x}={y}" for x, y in options.items()])
def _build_option_string(options):
Common function to get a string to append to the end of the state comment
if options:
return f"with the following build options: {_get_option_list(options)}"
return "with the default build options"
def installed(name, options=None):
Verify that the desired port is installed, and that it was compiled with
the desired options.
Make sure that the desired non-default options are set
.. warning::
Any build options not passed here assume the default values for the
port, and are not just differences from the existing cached options
from a previous ``make config``.
Example usage:
.. code-block:: yaml
- options:
- IPV6: off
ret = {
"name": name,
"changes": {},
"result": True,
"comment": f"{name} is already installed",
current_options = __salt__["ports.showconfig"](
name, default=False, dict_return=True
default_options = __salt__["ports.showconfig"](
name, default=True, dict_return=True
# unpack the options from the top-level return dict
if current_options:
current_options = current_options[next(iter(current_options))]
if default_options:
default_options = default_options[next(iter(default_options))]
except (SaltInvocationError, CommandExecutionError) as exc:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = (
"Unable to get configuration for {}. Port name may "
"be invalid, or ports tree may need to be updated. "
"Error message: {}".format(name, exc)
return ret
options = _repack_options(options) if options is not None else {}
desired_options = copy.deepcopy(default_options)
ports_pre = [
x["origin"] for x in __salt__["pkg.list_pkgs"](with_origin=True).values()
if current_options == desired_options and name in ports_pre:
# Port is installed as desired
if options:
ret["comment"] += " " + _build_option_string(options)
return ret
if not default_options:
if options:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = (
"{} does not have any build options, yet options were specified".format(
return ret
if __opts__["test"]:
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = f"{name} will be installed"
return ret
bad_opts = [x for x in options if x not in default_options]
if bad_opts:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = (
"The following options are not available for {}: {}".format(
name, ", ".join(bad_opts)
return ret
if __opts__["test"]:
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = f"{name} will be installed "
ret["comment"] += _build_option_string(options)
return ret
if options:
if not __salt__["ports.config"](name, reset=True, **options):
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = f"Unable to set options for {name}"
return ret
if _options_file_exists(name):
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = f"Unable to clear options for {name}"
return ret
ret["changes"] = __salt__["ports.install"](name)
ports_post = [
x["origin"] for x in __salt__["pkg.list_pkgs"](with_origin=True).values()
err = sys.modules[__salt__[""].__module__].__context__.pop(
"ports.install_error", None
if err or name not in ports_post:
ret["result"] = False
if ret["result"]:
ret["comment"] = f"Successfully installed {name}"
if default_options:
ret["comment"] += " " + _build_option_string(options)
ret["comment"] = f"Failed to install {name}"
if err:
ret["comment"] += f". Error message:\n{err}"
return ret
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0