Mini Shell
Management of Open vSwitch ports.
def __virtual__():
Only make these states available if Open vSwitch module is available.
if "openvswitch.port_add" in __salt__:
return True
return (False, "openvswitch module could not be loaded")
def present(
name, bridge, tunnel_type=None, id=None, remote=None, dst_port=None, internal=False
Ensures that the named port exists on bridge, eventually creates it.
name: The name of the port.
bridge: The name of the bridge.
tunnel_type: Optional type of interface to create, currently supports: vlan, vxlan and gre.
id: Optional tunnel's key.
remote: Remote endpoint's IP address.
dst_port: Port to use when creating tunnelport in the switch.
internal: Create an internal port if one does not exist
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""}
tunnel_types = ("vlan", "vxlan", "gre")
if tunnel_type and tunnel_type not in tunnel_types:
raise TypeError(
"The optional type argument must be one of these values: {}.".format(
bridge_exists = __salt__["openvswitch.bridge_exists"](bridge)
port_list = []
if bridge_exists:
port_list = __salt__["openvswitch.port_list"](bridge)
# Comment and change messages
comments = {}
comments["comment_bridge_notexists"] = f"Bridge {bridge} does not exist."
comments["comment_port_exists"] = f"Port {name} already exists."
comments["comment_port_created"] = "Port {} created on bridge {}.".format(
name, bridge
comments["comment_port_notcreated"] = (
f"Unable to create port {name} on bridge {bridge}."
comments["changes_port_created"] = {
name: {
"old": f"No port named {name} present.",
"new": f"Created port {name} on bridge {bridge}.",
comments["comment_port_internal"] = (
"Port {} already exists, but interface type has been changed to internal.".format(
comments["changes_port_internal"] = {"internal": {"old": False, "new": True}}
comments["comment_port_internal_not_changed"] = (
"Port {} already exists, but the interface type could not be changed to"
" internal.".format(name)
if tunnel_type:
comments["comment_invalid_ip"] = "Remote is not valid ip address."
if tunnel_type == "vlan":
comments["comment_vlan_invalid_id"] = "VLANs id must be between 0 and 4095."
comments["comment_vlan_invalid_name"] = (
f"Could not find network interface {name}."
comments["comment_vlan_port_exists"] = (
"Port {} with access to VLAN {} already exists on bridge {}.".format(
name, id, bridge
comments["comment_vlan_created"] = (
"Created port {} with access to VLAN {} on bridge {}.".format(
name, id, bridge
comments["comment_vlan_notcreated"] = (
"Unable to create port {} with access to VLAN {} on bridge {}.".format(
name, id, bridge
comments["changes_vlan_created"] = {
name: {
"old": (
"No port named {} with access to VLAN {} present on "
"bridge {} present.".format(name, id, bridge)
"new": (
"Created port {1} with access to VLAN {2} on "
"bridge {0}.".format(bridge, name, id)
elif tunnel_type == "gre":
comments["comment_gre_invalid_id"] = (
"Id of GRE tunnel must be an unsigned 32-bit integer."
comments["comment_gre_interface_exists"] = (
"GRE tunnel interface {} with rempte ip {} and key {} "
"already exists on bridge {}.".format(name, remote, id, bridge)
comments["comment_gre_created"] = (
"Created GRE tunnel interface {} with remote ip {} and key {} "
"on bridge {}.".format(name, remote, id, bridge)
comments["comment_gre_notcreated"] = (
"Unable to create GRE tunnel interface {} with remote ip {} and key {} "
"on bridge {}.".format(name, remote, id, bridge)
comments["changes_gre_created"] = {
name: {
"old": (
"No GRE tunnel interface {} with remote ip {} and key {} "
"on bridge {} present.".format(name, remote, id, bridge)
"new": (
"Created GRE tunnel interface {} with remote ip {} and key {} "
"on bridge {}.".format(name, remote, id, bridge)
elif tunnel_type == "vxlan":
comments["comment_dstport"] = (
" (dst_port" + str(dst_port) + ")" if 0 < dst_port <= 65535 else ""
comments["comment_vxlan_invalid_id"] = (
"Id of VXLAN tunnel must be an unsigned 64-bit integer."
comments["comment_vxlan_interface_exists"] = (
"VXLAN tunnel interface {} with rempte ip {} and key {} "
"already exists on bridge {}{}.".format(
name, remote, id, bridge, comments["comment_dstport"]
comments["comment_vxlan_created"] = (
"Created VXLAN tunnel interface {} with remote ip {} and key {} "
"on bridge {}{}.".format(
name, remote, id, bridge, comments["comment_dstport"]
comments["comment_vxlan_notcreated"] = (
"Unable to create VXLAN tunnel interface {} with remote ip {} and key"
" {} on bridge {}{}.".format(
name, remote, id, bridge, comments["comment_dstport"]
comments["changes_vxlan_created"] = {
name: {
"old": (
"No VXLAN tunnel interface {} with remote ip {} and key {} "
"on bridge {}{} present.".format(
name, remote, id, bridge, comments["comment_dstport"]
"new": (
"Created VXLAN tunnel interface {} with remote ip {} and key {}"
" on bridge {}{}.".format(
name, remote, id, bridge, comments["comment_dstport"]
# Check VLANs attributes
def _check_vlan():
tag = __salt__["openvswitch.port_get_tag"](name)
interfaces = __salt__["network.interfaces"]()
if not 0 <= id <= 4095:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vlan_invalid_id"]
elif not internal and name not in interfaces:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vlan_invalid_name"]
elif tag and name in port_list:
if int(tag[0]) == id:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vlan_port_exists"]
except (ValueError, KeyError):
# Check GRE tunnels attributes
def _check_gre():
interface_options = __salt__["openvswitch.interface_get_options"](name)
interface_type = __salt__["openvswitch.interface_get_type"](name)
if not 0 <= id <= 2**32:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_gre_invalid_id"]
elif not __salt__["dig.check_ip"](remote):
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_invalid_ip"]
elif interface_options and interface_type and name in port_list:
interface_attroptions = (
'{key="' + str(id) + '", remote_ip="' + str(remote) + '"}'
if (
interface_type[0] == "gre"
and interface_options[0] == interface_attroptions
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_gre_interface_exists"]
except KeyError:
# Check VXLAN tunnels attributes
def _check_vxlan():
interface_options = __salt__["openvswitch.interface_get_options"](name)
interface_type = __salt__["openvswitch.interface_get_type"](name)
if not 0 <= id <= 2**64:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vxlan_invalid_id"]
elif not __salt__["dig.check_ip"](remote):
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_invalid_ip"]
elif interface_options and interface_type and name in port_list:
opt_port = (
'dst_port="' + str(dst_port) + '", ' if 0 < dst_port <= 65535 else ""
interface_attroptions = (
f'{{{opt_port}key="' + str(id) + '", remote_ip="' + str(remote) + '"}'
if (
interface_type[0] == "vxlan"
and interface_options[0] == interface_attroptions
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vxlan_interface_exists"]
except KeyError:
# Dry run, test=true mode
if __opts__["test"]:
if bridge_exists:
if tunnel_type == "vlan":
if not ret["comment"]:
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vlan_created"]
elif tunnel_type == "vxlan":
if not ret["comment"]:
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vxlan_created"]
elif tunnel_type == "gre":
if not ret["comment"]:
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_gre_created"]
if name in port_list:
ret["result"] = True
current_type = __salt__["openvswitch.interface_get_type"](name)
# The interface type is returned as a single-element list.
if internal and (current_type != ["internal"]):
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_internal"]
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_exists"]
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_created"]
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_bridge_notexists"]
return ret
if bridge_exists:
if tunnel_type == "vlan":
if not ret["comment"]:
port_create_vlan = __salt__["openvswitch.port_create_vlan"](
bridge, name, id, internal
if port_create_vlan:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vlan_created"]
ret["changes"] = comments["changes_vlan_created"]
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vlan_notcreated"]
elif tunnel_type == "vxlan":
if not ret["comment"]:
port_create_vxlan = __salt__["openvswitch.port_create_vxlan"](
bridge, name, id, remote, dst_port
if port_create_vxlan:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vxlan_created"]
ret["changes"] = comments["changes_vxlan_created"]
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_vxlan_notcreated"]
elif tunnel_type == "gre":
if not ret["comment"]:
port_create_gre = __salt__["openvswitch.port_create_gre"](
bridge, name, id, remote
if port_create_gre:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_gre_created"]
ret["changes"] = comments["changes_gre_created"]
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_gre_notcreated"]
if name in port_list:
current_type = __salt__["openvswitch.interface_get_type"](name)
# The interface type is returned as a single-element list.
if internal and (current_type != ["internal"]):
# We do not have a direct way of only setting the interface
# type to internal, so we add the port with the --may-exist
# option.
port_add = __salt__["openvswitch.port_add"](
bridge, name, may_exist=True, internal=internal
if port_add:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_internal"]
ret["changes"] = comments["changes_port_internal"]
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_internal_not_changed"]
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_exists"]
port_add = __salt__["openvswitch.port_add"](
bridge, name, internal=internal
if port_add:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_created"]
ret["changes"] = comments["changes_port_created"]
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_notcreated"]
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_bridge_notexists"]
return ret
def absent(name, bridge=None):
Ensures that the named port exists on bridge, eventually deletes it.
If bridge is not set, port is removed from whatever bridge contains it.
name: The name of the port.
bridge: The name of the bridge.
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""}
bridge_exists = False
if bridge:
bridge_exists = __salt__["openvswitch.bridge_exists"](bridge)
if bridge_exists:
port_list = __salt__["openvswitch.port_list"](bridge)
port_list = ()
port_list = [name]
# Comment and change messages
comments = {}
comments["comment_bridge_notexists"] = f"Bridge {bridge} does not exist."
comments["comment_port_notexists"] = "Port {} does not exist on bridge {}.".format(
name, bridge
comments["comment_port_deleted"] = f"Port {name} deleted."
comments["comment_port_notdeleted"] = f"Unable to delete port {name}."
comments["changes_port_deleted"] = {
name: {
"old": f"Port named {name} may exist.",
"new": f"Deleted port {name}.",
# Dry run, test=true mode
if __opts__["test"]:
if bridge and not bridge_exists:
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_bridge_notexists"]
elif name not in port_list:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_notexists"]
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_deleted"]
return ret
if bridge and not bridge_exists:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_bridge_notexists"]
elif name not in port_list:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_notexists"]
if bridge:
port_remove = __salt__["openvswitch.port_remove"](br=bridge, port=name)
port_remove = __salt__["openvswitch.port_remove"](br=None, port=name)
if port_remove:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_deleted"]
ret["changes"] = comments["changes_port_deleted"]
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = comments["comment_port_notdeleted"]
return ret
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0