Mini Shell
Network NTP
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
Manage the configuration of NTP peers and servers on the network devices through the NAPALM proxy.
:codeauthor: Mircea Ulinic <> & Jerome Fleury <>
:maturity: new
:depends: napalm
:platform: unix
- Requires netaddr_ to be installed: `pip install netaddr` to check if IP
Addresses are correctly specified
- Requires dnspython_ to be installed: `pip install dnspython` to resolve the
nameserver entities (in case the user does not configure the peers/servers
using their IP addresses)
- :mod:`NAPALM proxy minion <salt.proxy.napalm>`
- :mod:`NTP operational and configuration management module <salt.modules.napalm_ntp>`
.. _netaddr:
.. _dnspython:
import logging
import salt.utils.napalm
from netaddr import IPAddress
from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError
except ImportError:
import dns.resolver # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
except ImportError:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# state properties
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__virtualname__ = "netntp"
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# global variables
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# property functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __virtual__():
NAPALM library must be installed for this module to work and run in a (proxy) minion.
return salt.utils.napalm.virtual(__opts__, __virtualname__, __file__)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# helper functions -- will not be exported
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _default_ret(name):
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""}
return ret
def _retrieve_ntp_peers():
"""Retrieves configured NTP peers"""
return __salt__["ntp.peers"]()
def _retrieve_ntp_servers():
"""Retrieves configured NTP servers"""
return __salt__["ntp.servers"]()
def _check(peers):
"""Checks whether the input is a valid list of peers and transforms domain names into IP Addresses"""
if not isinstance(peers, list):
return False
for peer in peers:
if not isinstance(peer, str):
return False
if (
): # if does not have this lib installed, will simply try to load what user specified
# if the addresses are not correctly specified, will trow error when loading the actual config
return True
ip_only_peers = []
for peer in peers:
ip_only_peers.append(str(IPAddress(peer))) # append the str value
except AddrFormatError:
# if not a valid IP Address
# will try to see if it is a nameserver and resolve it
continue # without the dns resolver cannot populate the list of NTP entities based on their nameserver
# so we'll move on
dns_reply = []
# try to see if it is a valid NS
dns_reply = dns.resolver.query(peer)
except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
# no a valid DNS entry either
return False
for dns_ip in dns_reply:
peers = ip_only_peers
return True
def _clean(lst):
return [elem for elem in lst if elem]
def _set_ntp_peers(peers):
"""Calls ntp.set_peers."""
return __salt__["ntp.set_peers"](*peers, commit=False)
def _set_ntp_servers(servers):
"""Calls ntp.set_servers."""
return __salt__["ntp.set_servers"](*servers, commit=False)
def _delete_ntp_peers(peers):
"""Calls ntp.delete_peers."""
return __salt__["ntp.delete_peers"](*peers, commit=False)
def _delete_ntp_servers(servers):
"""Calls ntp.delete_servers."""
return __salt__["ntp.delete_servers"](*servers, commit=False)
def _exec_fun(name, *kargs):
if name in list(globals().keys()):
return globals().get(name)(*kargs)
return None
def _check_diff_and_configure(fun_name, peers_servers, name="peers"):
_ret = _default_ret(fun_name)
_options = ["peers", "servers"]
if name not in _options:
return _ret
_retrieve_fun = f"_retrieve_ntp_{name}"
ntp_list_output = _exec_fun(
) # contains only IP Addresses as dictionary keys
if ntp_list_output.get("result", False) is False:
_ret["comment"] = "Cannot retrieve NTP {what} from the device: {reason}".format(
what=name, reason=ntp_list_output.get("comment")
return _ret
configured_ntp_list = set(ntp_list_output.get("out", {}))
desired_ntp_list = set(peers_servers)
if configured_ntp_list == desired_ntp_list:
"comment": f"NTP {name} already configured as needed.",
"result": True,
return _ret
list_to_set = list(desired_ntp_list - configured_ntp_list)
list_to_delete = list(configured_ntp_list - desired_ntp_list)
list_to_set = _clean(list_to_set)
list_to_delete = _clean(list_to_delete)
changes = {}
if list_to_set:
changes["added"] = list_to_set
if list_to_delete:
changes["removed"] = list_to_delete
_ret.update({"changes": changes})
if __opts__["test"] is True:
{"result": None, "comment": "Testing mode: configuration was not changed!"}
return _ret
# <---- Retrieve existing NTP peers and determine peers to be added/removed --------------------------------------->
# ----- Call _set_ntp_peers and _delete_ntp_peers as needed ------------------------------------------------------->
expected_config_change = False
successfully_changed = True
comment = ""
if list_to_set:
_set_fun = f"_set_ntp_{name}"
_set = _exec_fun(_set_fun, list_to_set)
if _set.get("result"):
expected_config_change = True
else: # something went wrong...
successfully_changed = False
comment += "Cannot set NTP {what}: {reason}".format(
what=name, reason=_set.get("comment")
if list_to_delete:
_delete_fun = f"_delete_ntp_{name}"
_removed = _exec_fun(_delete_fun, list_to_delete)
if _removed.get("result"):
expected_config_change = True
else: # something went wrong...
successfully_changed = False
comment += "Cannot remove NTP {what}: {reason}".format(
what=name, reason=_removed.get("comment")
"successfully_changed": successfully_changed,
"expected_config_change": expected_config_change,
"comment": comment,
return _ret
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# callable functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def managed(name, peers=None, servers=None):
Manages the configuration of NTP peers and servers on the device, as specified in the state SLS file.
NTP entities not specified in these lists will be removed whilst entities not configured on the device will be set.
SLS Example:
.. code-block:: yaml
- peers:
- servers:
Output example:
.. code-block:: python
'edge01.nrt04': {
'netntp_|-netntp_example_|-netntp_example_|-managed': {
'comment': 'NTP servers already configured as needed.',
'name': 'netntp_example',
'start_time': '12:45:24.056659',
'duration': 2938.857,
'changes': {
'peers': {
'removed': [
'added': [
'result': None
ret = _default_ret(name)
result = ret.get("result", False)
comment = ret.get("comment", "")
changes = ret.get("changes", {})
if not (
isinstance(peers, list) or isinstance(servers, list)
): # none of the is a list
return ret # just exit
if isinstance(peers, list) and not _check(peers): # check and clean peers
ret["comment"] = (
"NTP peers must be a list of valid IP Addresses or Domain Names"
return ret
if isinstance(servers, list) and not _check(servers): # check and clean servers
ret["comment"] = (
"NTP servers must be a list of valid IP Addresses or Domain Names"
return ret
# ----- Retrieve existing NTP peers and determine peers to be added/removed --------------------------------------->
successfully_changed = True
expected_config_change = False
if isinstance(peers, list):
_peers_ret = _check_diff_and_configure(name, peers, name="peers")
expected_config_change = _peers_ret.get("expected_config_change", False)
successfully_changed = _peers_ret.get("successfully_changed", True)
result = result and _peers_ret.get("result", False)
comment += "\n" + _peers_ret.get("comment", "")
_changed_peers = _peers_ret.get("changes", {})
if _changed_peers:
changes["peers"] = _changed_peers
if isinstance(servers, list):
_servers_ret = _check_diff_and_configure(name, servers, name="servers")
expected_config_change = expected_config_change or _servers_ret.get(
"expected_config_change", False
successfully_changed = successfully_changed and _servers_ret.get(
"successfully_changed", True
result = result and _servers_ret.get("result", False)
comment += "\n" + _servers_ret.get("comment", "")
_changed_servers = _servers_ret.get("changes", {})
if _changed_servers:
changes["servers"] = _changed_servers
ret.update({"changes": changes})
if not (changes or expected_config_change):
ret.update({"result": True, "comment": "Device configured properly."})
return ret
if __opts__["test"] is True:
"result": None,
"comment": (
"This is in testing mode, the device configuration was not changed!"
return ret
# <---- Call _set_ntp_peers and _delete_ntp_peers as needed --------------------------------------------------------
# ----- Try to commit changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
if expected_config_change: # commit only in case there's something to update
config_result, config_comment = __salt__["net.config_control"]()
result = config_result and successfully_changed
comment += config_comment
# <---- Try to commit changes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ret.update({"result": result, "comment": comment})
return ret
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0