Mini Shell
Configure Marathon apps via a salt proxy.
.. code-block:: yaml
- config:
cmd: "while [ true ] ; do echo 'Hello Marathon' ; sleep 5 ; done"
cpus: 0.1
mem: 10
instances: 3
.. versionadded:: 2015.8.2
import copy
import logging
import salt.utils.configcomparer
__proxyenabled__ = ["marathon"]
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
def config(name, config):
Ensure that the marathon app with the given id is present and is configured
to match the given config values.
:param name: The app name/id
:param config: The configuration to apply (dict)
:return: A standard Salt changes dictionary
# setup return structure
ret = {
"name": name,
"changes": {},
"result": False,
"comment": "",
# get existing config if app is present
existing_config = None
if __salt__["marathon.has_app"](name):
existing_config = __salt__[""](name)["app"]
# compare existing config with defined config
if existing_config:
update_config = copy.deepcopy(existing_config)
# the app is not configured--we need to create it from scratch
ret["changes"]["app"] = {
"new": config,
"old": None,
update_config = config
# update the config if we registered any changes
if ret["changes"]:
# if test, report there will be an update
if __opts__["test"]:
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = f"Marathon app {name} is set to be updated"
return ret
update_result = __salt__["marathon.update_app"](name, update_config)
if "exception" in update_result:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = "Failed to update app config for {}: {}".format(
return ret
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Updated app config for {name}"
return ret
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Marathon app {name} configured correctly"
return ret
def absent(name):
Ensure that the marathon app with the given id is not present.
:param name: The app name/id
:return: A standard Salt changes dictionary
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""}
if not __salt__["marathon.has_app"](name):
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"App {name} already absent"
return ret
if __opts__["test"]:
ret["result"] = None
ret["comment"] = f"App {name} is set to be removed"
return ret
if __salt__["marathon.rm_app"](name):
ret["changes"] = {"app": name}
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Removed app {name}"
return ret
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = f"Failed to remove app {name}"
return ret
def running(name, restart=False, force=True):
Ensure that the marathon app with the given id is present and restart if set.
:param name: The app name/id
:param restart: Restart the app
:param force: Override the current deployment
:return: A standard Salt changes dictionary
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""}
if not __salt__["marathon.has_app"](name):
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = f"App {name} cannot be restarted because it is absent"
return ret
if __opts__["test"]:
ret["result"] = None
qualifier = "is" if restart else "is not"
ret["comment"] = f"App {name} {qualifier} set to be restarted"
return ret
restart_result = __salt__["marathon.restart_app"](name, restart, force)
if "exception" in restart_result:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = "Failed to restart app {}: {}".format(
name, restart_result["exception"]
return ret
ret["changes"] = restart_result
ret["result"] = True
qualifier = "Restarted" if restart else "Did not restart"
ret["comment"] = f"{qualifier} app {name}"
return ret
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0