Mini Shell
Support for getting and setting the environment variables
of the current salt process.
import os
import salt.utils.platform
def __virtual__():
No dependency checks, and not renaming, just return True
return True
def _norm_key(key):
Normalize windows environment keys
if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
return key.upper()
return key
def setenv(
Set the salt process environment variables.
The environment key to set. Must be a string.
Either a string or dict. When string, it will be the value
set for the environment key of 'name' above.
When a dict, each key/value pair represents an environment
variable to set.
If a key's value is False and false_unsets is True, then the
key will be removed from the salt processes environment dict
entirely. If a key's value is False and false_unsets is not
True, then the key's value will be set to an empty string.
Default: False
USE WITH CAUTION! This option can unset environment variables
needed for salt to function properly.
If clear_all is True, then any environment variables not
defined in the environ dict will be deleted.
Default: False
If True, apply these environ changes to the main salt-minion
process. If False, the environ changes will only affect the
current salt subprocess.
Default: False
On Windows minions this will set the environment variable in the
registry so that it is always added as a environment variable when
applications open. If you want to set the variable to HKLM instead of
HKCU just pass in "HKLM" for this parameter. On all other minion types
this will be ignored. Note: This will only take affect on applications
opened after this has been set.
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: foo
- value: bar
- update_minion: True
- name: does_not_matter
- value:
foo: bar
baz: quux
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": ""}
environ = {}
if isinstance(value, str) or value is False:
environ[name] = value
elif isinstance(value, dict):
environ = value
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = "Environ value must be string, dict or False"
return ret
if clear_all is True:
# Any keys not in 'environ' dict supplied by user will be unset
to_unset = [key for key in os.environ if key not in environ]
for key in to_unset:
if false_unsets is not True:
# This key value will change to ''
ret["changes"].update({key: ""})
# We're going to delete the key
ret["changes"].update({key: None})
current_environ = dict(os.environ)
already_set = []
for key, val in environ.items():
if val is False:
# We unset this key from the environment if
# false_unsets is True. Otherwise we want to set
# the value to ''
def key_exists():
if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
permanent_hive = "HKCU"
permanent_key = "Environment"
if permanent == "HKLM":
permanent_hive = "HKLM"
permanent_key = (
r" Manager\Environment"
# pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
out = __utils__["reg.read_value"](
permanent_hive, permanent_key, _norm_key(key)
return out["success"] is True
return False
if current_environ.get(_norm_key(key), None) is None and not key_exists():
# The key does not exist in environment
if false_unsets is not True:
# This key will be added with value ''
ret["changes"].update({key: ""})
# The key exists.
if false_unsets is not True:
# Check to see if the value will change
if current_environ.get(_norm_key(key), None) != "":
# This key value will change to ''
ret["changes"].update({key: ""})
# We're going to delete the key
ret["changes"].update({key: None})
elif current_environ.get(_norm_key(key), "") == val:
ret["changes"].update({key: val})
if __opts__["test"]:
if ret["changes"]:
ret["comment"] = "Environ values will be changed"
ret["comment"] = "Environ values are already set with the correct values"
return ret
if ret["changes"]:
environ_ret = __salt__["environ.setenv"](
environ, false_unsets, clear_all, update_minion, permanent
if not environ_ret:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = "Failed to set environ variables"
return ret
ret["result"] = True
ret["changes"] = environ_ret
ret["comment"] = "Environ values were set"
ret["comment"] = "Environ values were already set with the correct values"
return ret
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0