Mini Shell
Using states instead of maps to deploy clouds
.. versionadded:: 2014.1.0
Use this minion to spin up a cloud instance:
.. code-block:: yaml
import pprint
import as suc
def __virtual__():
Only load if the cloud module is available in __salt__
if "cloud.profile" in __salt__:
return True
return (False, "cloud module could not be loaded")
def _check_name(name):
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": ""}
if suc.check_name(name, "a-zA-Z0-9._-"):
ret["comment"] = "Invalid characters in name."
ret["result"] = False
return ret
ret["result"] = True
return ret
def _valid(name, comment="", changes=None):
if not changes:
changes = {}
return {"name": name, "result": True, "changes": changes, "comment": comment}
def _get_instance(names):
# for some reason loader overwrites __opts__['test'] with default
# value of False, thus store and then load it again after action
test = __opts__.get("test", False)
instance = __salt__["cloud.action"](fun="show_instance", names=names)
__opts__["test"] = test
return instance
def present(name, cloud_provider, onlyif=None, unless=None, opts=None, **kwargs):
Spin up a single instance on a cloud provider, using salt-cloud. This state
does not take a profile argument; rather, it takes the arguments that would
normally be configured as part of the state.
Note that while this function does take any configuration argument that
would normally be used to create an instance, it will not verify the state
of any of those arguments on an existing instance. Stateful properties of
an instance should be configured using their own individual state (i.e.,
cloud.tagged, cloud.untagged, etc).
The name of the instance to create
The name of the cloud provider to use
Do run the state only if is unless succeed
Do not run the state at least unless succeed
Any extra opts that need to be used
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": ""}
retcode = __salt__["cmd.retcode"]
if onlyif is not None:
if not isinstance(onlyif, str):
if not onlyif:
return _valid(name, comment="onlyif condition is false")
elif isinstance(onlyif, str):
if retcode(onlyif, python_shell=True) != 0:
return _valid(name, comment="onlyif condition is false")
if unless is not None:
if not isinstance(unless, str):
if unless:
return _valid(name, comment="unless condition is true")
elif isinstance(unless, str):
if retcode(unless, python_shell=True) == 0:
return _valid(name, comment="unless condition is true")
# provider=None not cloud_provider because
# need to ensure ALL providers don't have the instance
if __salt__["cloud.has_instance"](name=name, provider=None):
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Already present instance {name}"
return ret
if __opts__["test"]:
ret["comment"] = f"Instance {name} needs to be created"
return ret
info = __salt__["cloud.create"](cloud_provider, name, opts=opts, **kwargs)
if info and "Error" not in info:
ret["changes"] = info
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = (
"Created instance {} using provider {} and the following options: {}".format(
name, cloud_provider, pprint.pformat(kwargs)
elif info and "Error" in info:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = "Failed to create instance {} using profile {}: {}".format(
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = (
"Failed to create instance {} using profile {}, "
"please check your configuration".format(name, profile)
return ret
def absent(name, onlyif=None, unless=None):
Ensure that no instances with the specified names exist.
CAUTION: This is a destructive state, which will search all
configured cloud providers for the named instance,
and destroy it.
The name of the instance to destroy
Do run the state only if is unless succeed
Do not run the state at least unless succeed
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": ""}
retcode = __salt__["cmd.retcode"]
if onlyif is not None:
if not isinstance(onlyif, str):
if not onlyif:
return _valid(name, comment="onlyif condition is false")
elif isinstance(onlyif, str):
if retcode(onlyif, python_shell=True) != 0:
return _valid(name, comment="onlyif condition is false")
if unless is not None:
if not isinstance(unless, str):
if unless:
return _valid(name, comment="unless condition is true")
elif isinstance(unless, str):
if retcode(unless, python_shell=True) == 0:
return _valid(name, comment="unless condition is true")
if not __salt__["cloud.has_instance"](name=name, provider=None):
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Already absent instance {name}"
return ret
if __opts__["test"]:
ret["comment"] = f"Instance {name} needs to be destroyed"
return ret
info = __salt__["cloud.destroy"](name)
if info and "Error" not in info:
ret["changes"] = info
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Destroyed instance {name}"
elif "Error" in info:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = "Failed to destroy instance {}: {}".format(
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = f"Failed to destroy instance {name}"
return ret
def profile(name, profile, onlyif=None, unless=None, opts=None, **kwargs):
Create a single instance on a cloud provider, using a salt-cloud profile.
Note that while profiles used this function do take any configuration
argument that would normally be used to create an instance using a profile,
this state will not verify the state of any of those arguments on an
existing instance. Stateful properties of an instance should be configured
using their own individual state (i.e., cloud.tagged, cloud.untagged, etc).
The name of the instance to create
The name of the cloud profile to use
Do run the state only if is unless succeed
Do not run the state at least unless succeed
Any profile override or addition
Any extra opts that need to be used
ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": ""}
retcode = __salt__["cmd.retcode"]
if onlyif is not None:
if not isinstance(onlyif, str):
if not onlyif:
return _valid(name, comment="onlyif condition is false")
elif isinstance(onlyif, str):
if retcode(onlyif, python_shell=True) != 0:
return _valid(name, comment="onlyif condition is false")
if unless is not None:
if not isinstance(unless, str):
if unless:
return _valid(name, comment="unless condition is true")
elif isinstance(unless, str):
if retcode(unless, python_shell=True) == 0:
return _valid(name, comment="unless condition is true")
instance = _get_instance([name])
if instance and not any("Not Actioned" in key for key in instance):
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Already present instance {name}"
return ret
if __opts__["test"]:
ret["comment"] = f"Instance {name} needs to be created"
return ret
info = __salt__["cloud.profile"](profile, name, vm_overrides=kwargs, opts=opts)
# get either {Error: ''} or {namestring: {Error: ''}}
# which is what we can get from providers returns
main_error = info.get("Error", "")
name_error = ""
if isinstance(info, dict):
subinfo = info.get(name, {})
if isinstance(subinfo, dict):
name_error = subinfo.get("Error", None)
error = main_error or name_error
if info and not error:
node_info = info.get(name)
ret["result"] = True
default_msg = "Created instance {} using profile {}".format(
# some providers support changes
if "changes" in node_info:
ret["changes"] = node_info["changes"]
ret["comment"] = node_info.get("comment", default_msg)
ret["changes"] = info
ret["comment"] = default_msg
elif error:
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = "Failed to create instance {} using profile {}: {}".format(
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = "Failed to create instance {} using profile {}".format(
return ret
def volume_present(name, provider=None, **kwargs):
Check that a block volume exists.
ret = _check_name(name)
if not ret["result"]:
return ret
volumes = __salt__["cloud.volume_list"](provider=provider)
if name in volumes:
ret["comment"] = f"Volume exists: {name}"
ret["result"] = True
return ret
elif __opts__["test"]:
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} will be created."
ret["result"] = None
return ret
response = __salt__["cloud.volume_create"](names=name, provider=provider, **kwargs)
if response:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} was created"
ret["changes"] = {"old": None, "new": response}
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} failed to create."
return ret
def volume_absent(name, provider=None, **kwargs):
Check that a block volume exists.
ret = _check_name(name)
if not ret["result"]:
return ret
volumes = __salt__["cloud.volume_list"](provider=provider)
if name not in volumes:
ret["comment"] = "Volume is absent."
ret["result"] = True
return ret
elif __opts__["test"]:
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} will be deleted."
ret["result"] = None
return ret
response = __salt__["cloud.volume_delete"](names=name, provider=provider, **kwargs)
if response:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} was deleted"
ret["changes"] = {"old": volumes[name], "new": response}
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} failed to delete."
return ret
def volume_attached(name, server_name, provider=None, **kwargs):
Check if a block volume is attached.
ret = _check_name(name)
if not ret["result"]:
return ret
ret = _check_name(server_name)
if not ret["result"]:
return ret
volumes = __salt__["cloud.volume_list"](provider=provider)
instance = __salt__["cloud.action"](fun="show_instance", names=server_name)
if name in volumes and volumes[name]["attachments"]:
volume = volumes[name]
ret["comment"] = "Volume {name} is already attached: {attachments}".format(
ret["result"] = True
return ret
elif name not in volumes:
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} does not exist"
ret["result"] = False
return ret
elif not instance:
ret["comment"] = f"Server {server_name} does not exist"
ret["result"] = False
return ret
elif __opts__["test"]:
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} will be will be attached."
ret["result"] = None
return ret
response = __salt__["cloud.volume_attach"](
provider=provider, names=name, server_name=server_name, **kwargs
if response:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} was created"
ret["changes"] = {"old": volumes[name], "new": response}
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} failed to attach."
return ret
def volume_detached(name, server_name=None, provider=None, **kwargs):
Check if a block volume is attached.
Returns True if server or Volume do not exist.
ret = _check_name(name)
if not ret["result"]:
return ret
if server_name is not None:
ret = _check_name(server_name)
if not ret["result"]:
return ret
volumes = __salt__["cloud.volume_list"](provider=provider)
if server_name:
instance = __salt__["cloud.action"](fun="show_instance", names=[name])
instance = None
if name in volumes and not volumes[name]["attachments"]:
volume = volumes[name]
ret["comment"] = "Volume {name} is not currently attached to anything.".format(
ret["result"] = True
return ret
elif name not in volumes:
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} does not exist"
ret["result"] = True
return ret
elif not instance and server_name is not None:
ret["comment"] = f"Server {server_name} does not exist"
ret["result"] = True
return ret
elif __opts__["test"]:
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} will be will be detached."
ret["result"] = None
return ret
response = __salt__["cloud.volume_detach"](
provider=provider, names=name, server_name=server_name, **kwargs
if response:
ret["result"] = True
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} was created"
ret["changes"] = {"old": volumes[name], "new": response}
ret["result"] = False
ret["comment"] = f"Volume {name} failed to detach."
return ret
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0