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Direktori : /opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/netapi/rest_tornado/
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A non-blocking REST API for Salt

.. py:currentmodule:: salt.netapi.rest_tornado.saltnado

:depends:   - tornado Python module

:configuration: All authentication is done through Salt's :ref:`external auth
    <acl-eauth>` system which requires additional configuration not described

In order to run rest_tornado with the salt-master
add the following to the Salt master config file.

.. code-block:: yaml

        # can be any port
        port: 8000
        # address to bind to (defaults to
        # socket backlog
        backlog: 128
        ssl_crt: /etc/pki/api/certs/server.crt
        # no need to specify ssl_key if cert and key
        # are in one single file
        ssl_key: /etc/pki/api/certs/server.key
        debug: False
        disable_ssl: False
        webhook_disable_auth: False
        cors_origin: null

.. _rest_tornado-auth:


Authentication is performed by passing a session token with each request.
Tokens are generated via the :py:class:`SaltAuthHandler` URL.

The token may be sent in one of two ways:

* Include a custom header named :mailheader:`X-Auth-Token`.
* Sent via a cookie. This option is a convenience for HTTP clients that
  automatically handle cookie support (such as browsers).

.. seealso:: You can bypass the session handling via the :py:class:`RunSaltAPIHandler` URL.


rest_tornado supports Cross-site HTTP requests out of the box. It is by default
deactivated and controlled by the `cors_origin` config key.

You can allow all origins by settings `cors_origin` to `*`.

You can allow only one origin with this configuration:

.. code-block:: yaml


You can also be more specific and select only a few allowed origins by using
a list. For example:

.. code-block:: yaml


The format for origin are full URL, with both scheme and port if not standard.

In this case, rest_tornado will check if the Origin header is in the allowed
list if it's the case allow the origin. Else it will returns nothing,
effectively preventing the origin to make request.

For reference, CORS is a mechanism used by browser to allow (or disallow)
requests made from browser from a different origin than salt-api. It's
complementary to Authentication and mandatory only if you plan to use
a salt client developed as a Javascript browser application.


Commands are sent to a running Salt master via this module by sending HTTP
requests to the URLs detailed below.

.. admonition:: Content negotiation

    This REST interface is flexible in what data formats it will accept as well
    as what formats it will return (e.g., JSON, YAML, x-www-form-urlencoded).

    * Specify the format of data in the request body by including the
      :mailheader:`Content-Type` header.
    * Specify the desired data format for the response body with the
      :mailheader:`Accept` header.

Data sent in :http:method:`post` and :http:method:`put` requests  must be in
the format of a list of lowstate dictionaries. This allows multiple commands to
be executed in a single HTTP request.

.. glossary::

        A dictionary containing various keys that instruct Salt which command
        to run, where that command lives, any parameters for that command, any
        authentication credentials, what returner to use, etc.

        Salt uses the lowstate data format internally in many places to pass
        command data between functions. Salt also uses lowstate for the
        :ref:`LocalClient() <python-api>` Python API interface.

The following example (in JSON format) causes Salt to execute two commands::

        "client": "local",
        "tgt": "*",
        "fun": "test.fib",
        "arg": ["10"]
        "client": "runner",
        "fun": "jobs.lookup_jid",
        "jid": "20130603122505459265"

Multiple commands in a Salt API request will be executed in serial and makes
no guarantees that all commands will run. Meaning that if test.fib (from the
example above) had an exception, the API would still execute "jobs.lookup_jid".

Responses to these lowstates are an in-order list of dicts containing the
return data, a yaml response could look like::

    - ms-1: true
      ms-2: true
    - ms-1: foo
      ms-2: bar

In the event of an exception while executing a command the return for that lowstate
will be a string, for example if no minions matched the first lowstate we would get
a return like::

    - No minions matched the target. No command was sent, no jid was assigned.
    - ms-1: true
      ms-2: true

.. admonition:: x-www-form-urlencoded

    Sending JSON or YAML in the request body is simple and most flexible,
    however sending data in urlencoded format is also supported with the
    caveats below. It is the default format for HTML forms, many JavaScript
    libraries, and the :command:`curl` command.

    For example, the equivalent to running ``salt '*'`` is sending
    ``*`` in the HTTP request body.


    * Only a single command may be sent per HTTP request.
    * Repeating the ``arg`` parameter multiple times will cause those
      parameters to be combined into a single list.

      Note, some popular frameworks and languages (notably jQuery, PHP, and
      Ruby on Rails) will automatically append empty brackets onto repeated
      parameters. E.g., ``arg=one``, ``arg=two`` will be sent as ``arg[]=one``,
      ``arg[]=two``. This is not supported; send JSON or YAML instead.

.. |req_token| replace:: a session token from :py:class:`~SaltAuthHandler`.
.. |req_accept| replace:: the desired response format.
.. |req_ct| replace:: the format of the request body.

.. |res_ct| replace:: the format of the response body; depends on the
    :mailheader:`Accept` request header.

.. |200| replace:: success
.. |400| replace:: bad request
.. |401| replace:: authentication required
.. |406| replace:: requested Content-Type not available
.. |500| replace:: internal server error

import cgi
import fnmatch
import logging
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy

import tornado.escape
import tornado.gen
import tornado.httpserver
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
from tornado.concurrent import Future

import salt.auth
import salt.client
import salt.netapi
import salt.runner
import salt.utils.args
import salt.utils.event
import salt.utils.json
import salt.utils.minions
import salt.utils.yaml
from salt.exceptions import (
from salt.utils.event import tagify

_json = salt.utils.json.import_json()
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _json_dumps(obj, **kwargs):
    Invoke salt.utils.json.dumps using the alternate json module loaded using
    salt.utils.json.import_json(). This ensures that we properly encode any
    strings in the object before we perform the serialization.
    return salt.utils.json.dumps(obj, _json_module=_json, **kwargs)

# The clients rest_cherrypi supports. We want to mimic the interface, but not
#     necessarily use the same API under the hood
# # all of these require coordinating minion stuff
#  - "local" (done)
#  - "local_async" (done)

# # master side
#  - "runner" (done)
#  - "wheel" (need asynchronous api...)

AUTH_COOKIE_NAME = "session_id"

class TimeoutException(Exception):

class Any(Future):
    Future that wraps other futures to "block" until one is done

    def __init__(self, futures):
        for future in futures:

    def done_callback(self, future):
        # Any is completed once one is done, we don't set for the rest
        if not self.done():

class EventListener:
    Class responsible for listening to the salt master event bus and updating
    futures. This is the core of what makes this asynchronous, this allows us to do
    non-blocking work in the main processes and "wait" for an event to happen

    def __init__(self, mod_opts, opts):
        self.mod_opts = mod_opts
        self.opts = opts
        self.event = salt.utils.event.get_event(

        # tag -> list of futures
        self.tag_map = defaultdict(list)

        # request_obj -> list of (tag, future)
        self.request_map = defaultdict(list)

        # map of future -> timeout_callback
        self.timeout_map = {}


    def clean_by_request(self, request):
        Remove all futures that were waiting for request `request` since it is done waiting
        if request not in self.request_map:
        for tag, matcher, future in self.request_map[request]:
            # timeout the future
            self._timeout_future(tag, matcher, future)
            # remove the timeout
            if future in self.timeout_map:
                del self.timeout_map[future]

        del self.request_map[request]

    def prefix_matcher(mtag, tag):
        if mtag is None or tag is None:
            raise TypeError("mtag or tag can not be None")
        return mtag.startswith(tag)

    def exact_matcher(mtag, tag):
        if mtag is None or tag is None:
            raise TypeError("mtag or tag can not be None")
        return mtag == tag

    def get_event(
        Get an event (asynchronous of course) return a future that will get it later
        future = Future()
        _loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()
        assert _loop
        if callback is not None:

            def handle_future(future):
                _loop.add_callback(callback, future)  # pylint: disable=not-callable

        # add this tag and future to the callbacks
        self.tag_map[(tag, matcher)].append(future)
        self.request_map[request].append((tag, matcher, future))

        if timeout:
            timeout_future = _loop.call_later(
                timeout, self._timeout_future, tag, matcher, future
            self.timeout_map[future] = timeout_future

        return future

    def _timeout_future(self, tag, matcher, future):
        Timeout a specific future
        if (tag, matcher) not in self.tag_map:
        if not future.done():
        # We need to remove it from the map even if we didn't explicitly time it out
        # Otherwise, we get a memory leak in the tag_map
        if future in self.tag_map[(tag, matcher)] and future.done():
            self.tag_map[(tag, matcher)].remove(future)
        if len(self.tag_map[(tag, matcher)]) == 0:
            del self.tag_map[(tag, matcher)]

    def _handle_event_socket_recv(self, raw):
        Callback for events on the event sub socket
        mtag, data = self.event.unpack(raw)

        # see if we have any futures that need this info:
        for (tag, matcher), futures in self.tag_map.items():
                is_matched = matcher(mtag, tag)
            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                log.error("Failed to run a matcher.", exc_info=True)
                is_matched = False

            if not is_matched:

            for future in futures:
                if future.done():
                future.set_result({"data": data, "tag": mtag})
                self.tag_map[(tag, matcher)].remove(future)
                if future in self.timeout_map:
                    del self.timeout_map[future]

    def destroy(self):

class BaseSaltAPIHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):  # pylint: disable=W0223
    ct_out_map = (
        ("application/json", _json_dumps),
        ("application/x-yaml", salt.utils.yaml.safe_dump),

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._auto_finish = False

    def _verify_client(self, low):
        Verify that the client is in fact one we have
        if "client" not in low or low.get("client") not in self.saltclients:
            self.write("400 Invalid Client: Client not found in salt clients")
            return False
        return True

    def initialize(self):
        Initialize the handler before requests are called
        if not hasattr(self.application, "event_listener"):
            log.debug("init a listener")
            self.application.event_listener = EventListener(

        if not hasattr(self, "saltclients"):
            local_client = salt.client.get_local_client(mopts=self.application.opts)
            self.saltclients = {
                "local": local_client.run_job_async,
                # not the actual client we'll use.. but its what we'll use to get args
                "local_async": local_client.run_job_async,
                "runner": salt.runner.RunnerClient(
                "runner_async": None,  # empty, since we use the same client as `runner`

        if not hasattr(self, "ckminions"):
            self.ckminions = salt.utils.minions.CkMinions(self.application.opts)

    def token(self):
        The token used for the request
        # find the token (cookie or headers)
        if AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER in self.request.headers:
            return self.request.headers[AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER]
            return self.get_cookie(AUTH_COOKIE_NAME)

    def _verify_auth(self):
        Boolean whether the request is auth'd
        if self.token:
            token_dict = self.application.auth.get_tok(self.token)
            if token_dict and token_dict.get("expire", 0) > time.time():
                return True
        return False

    def prepare(self):
        Run before get/posts etc. Pre-flight checks:
            - verify that we can speak back to them (compatible accept header)
        # Find an acceptable content-type
        accept_header = self.request.headers.get("Accept", "*/*")
        # Ignore any parameter, including q (quality) one
        parsed_accept_header = [
            cgi.parse_header(h)[0] for h in accept_header.split(",")

        def find_acceptable_content_type(parsed_accept_header):
            for media_range in parsed_accept_header:
                for content_type, dumper in self.ct_out_map:
                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(content_type, media_range):
                        return content_type, dumper
            return None, None

        content_type, dumper = find_acceptable_content_type(parsed_accept_header)

        # better return message?
        if not content_type:

        self.content_type = content_type
        self.dumper = dumper

        # do the common parts
        self.start = time.time()
        self.connected = True

        self.lowstate = self._get_lowstate()

    def timeout_futures(self):
        timeout a session
        # TODO: set a header or something??? so we know it was a timeout

    def on_finish(self):
        When the job has been done, lets cleanup
        # timeout all the futures
        # clear local_client objects to disconnect event publisher's IOStream connections
        del self.saltclients

    def on_connection_close(self):
        If the client disconnects, lets close out

    def serialize(self, data):
        Serlialize the output based on the Accept header
        self.set_header("Content-Type", self.content_type)

        return self.dumper(data)

    def _form_loader(self, _):
        function to get the data from the urlencoded forms
        ignore the data passed in and just get the args from wherever they are
        data = {}
        for key in self.request.arguments:
            val = self.get_arguments(key)
            if len(val) == 1:
                data[key] = val[0]
                data[key] = val
        return data

    def deserialize(self, data):
        Deserialize the data based on request content type headers
        ct_in_map = {
            "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": self._form_loader,
            "application/json": salt.utils.json.loads,
            "application/x-yaml": salt.utils.yaml.safe_load,
            "text/yaml": salt.utils.yaml.safe_load,
            # because people are terrible and don't mean what they say
            "text/plain": salt.utils.json.loads,

            # Use cgi.parse_header to correctly separate parameters from value
            value, parameters = cgi.parse_header(self.request.headers["Content-Type"])
            return ct_in_map[value](tornado.escape.native_str(data))
        except KeyError:
        except ValueError:

    def _get_lowstate(self):
        Format the incoming data into a lowstate object
        if not self.request.body:
        data = self.deserialize(self.request.body)
        self.request_payload = copy(data)

        if data and "arg" in data and not isinstance(data["arg"], list):
            data["arg"] = [data["arg"]]

        if not isinstance(data, list):
            lowstate = [data]
            lowstate = data

        return lowstate

    def set_default_headers(self):
        Set default CORS headers
        mod_opts = self.application.mod_opts

        if mod_opts.get("cors_origin"):
            origin = self.request.headers.get("Origin")

            allowed_origin = _check_cors_origin(origin, mod_opts["cors_origin"])

            if allowed_origin:
                self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", allowed_origin)

    def options(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Return CORS headers for preflight requests
        # Allow X-Auth-Token in requests
        request_headers = self.request.headers.get("Access-Control-Request-Headers")
        allowed_headers = request_headers.split(",")

        # Filter allowed header here if needed.

        # Allow request headers
        self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", ",".join(allowed_headers))

        # Allow X-Auth-Token in responses
        self.set_header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "X-Auth-Token")

        # Allow all methods
        self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "OPTIONS, GET, POST")


class SaltAuthHandler(BaseSaltAPIHandler):  # pylint: disable=W0223
    Handler for login requests

    def get(self):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        All logins are done over post, this is a parked endpoint

        .. http:get:: /login

            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -i localhost:8000/login

        .. code-block:: text

            GET /login HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Accept: application/json

        **Example response:**

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
            Content-Type: application/json
            Content-Length: 58

            {"status": "401 Unauthorized", "return": "Please log in"}
        self.set_header("WWW-Authenticate", "Session")

        ret = {"status": "401 Unauthorized", "return": "Please log in"}


    # TODO: make asynchronous? Underlying library isn't... and we ARE making disk calls :(
    def post(self):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        :ref:`Authenticate <rest_tornado-auth>` against Salt's eauth system

        .. http:post:: /login

            :reqheader X-Auth-Token: |req_token|
            :reqheader Accept: |req_accept|
            :reqheader Content-Type: |req_ct|

            :form eauth: the eauth backend configured for the user
            :form username: username
            :form password: password

            :status 200: |200|
            :status 400: |400|
            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|
            :status 500: |500|

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -si localhost:8000/login \\
                    -H "Accept: application/json" \\
                    -d username='saltuser' \\
                    -d password='saltpass' \\
                    -d eauth='pam'

        .. code-block:: text

            POST / HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Content-Length: 42
            Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
            Accept: application/json


        **Example response:**

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json
            Content-Length: 206
            X-Auth-Token: 6d1b722e
            Set-Cookie: session_id=6d1b722e; expires=Sat, 17 Nov 2012 03:23:52 GMT; Path=/

            {"return": {
                "token": "6d1b722e",
                "start": 1363805943.776223,
                "expire": 1363849143.776224,
                "user": "saltuser",
                "eauth": "pam",
                "perms": [
            if not isinstance(self.request_payload, dict):

            creds = {
                "username": self.request_payload["username"],
                "password": self.request_payload["password"],
                "eauth": self.request_payload["eauth"],
        # if any of the args are missing, its a bad request
        except KeyError:

        token = self.application.auth.mk_token(creds)
        if "token" not in token:
            # TODO: nicer error message
            # 'Could not authenticate using provided credentials')
            # return since we don't want to execute any more
        self.set_cookie(AUTH_COOKIE_NAME, token["token"])

        # Grab eauth config for the current backend for the current user
            eauth = self.application.opts["external_auth"][token["eauth"]]
            perms = salt.netapi.sum_permissions(token, eauth)
            perms = salt.netapi.sorted_permissions(perms)
        # If we can't find the creds, then they aren't authorized
        except KeyError:

        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
                "Configuration for external_auth malformed for eauth '%s', "
                "and user '%s'.",
            # TODO better error -- 'Configuration for external_auth could not be read.'

        ret = {
            "return": [
                    "token": token["token"],
                    "expire": token["expire"],
                    "start": token["start"],
                    "user": token["name"],
                    "eauth": token["eauth"],
                    "perms": perms,


class SaltAPIHandler(BaseSaltAPIHandler):  # pylint: disable=W0223
    Main API handler for base "/"

    def get(self):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        An endpoint to determine salt-api capabilities

        .. http:get:: /

            :reqheader Accept: |req_accept|

            :status 200: |200|
            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -i localhost:8000

        .. code-block:: text

            GET / HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Accept: application/json

        **Example response:**

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json
            Content-Legnth: 83

            {"clients": ["local", "local_async", "runner", "runner_async"], "return": "Welcome"}
        ret = {"clients": list(self.saltclients.keys()), "return": "Welcome"}

    def post(self):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        Send one or more Salt commands (lowstates) in the request body

        .. http:post:: /

            :reqheader X-Auth-Token: |req_token|
            :reqheader Accept: |req_accept|
            :reqheader Content-Type: |req_ct|

            :resheader Content-Type: |res_ct|

            :status 200: |200|
            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|

            :term:`lowstate` data describing Salt commands must be sent in the
            request body.

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -si https://localhost:8000 \\
                    -H "Accept: application/x-yaml" \\
                    -H "X-Auth-Token: d40d1e1e" \\
                    -d client=local \\
                    -d tgt='*' \\
                    -d fun='' \\
                    -d arg

        .. code-block:: text

            POST / HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Accept: application/x-yaml
            X-Auth-Token: d40d1e1e
            Content-Length: 36
            Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


        **Example response:**

        Responses are an in-order list of the lowstate's return data. In the
        event of an exception running a command the return will be a string
        instead of a mapping.

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Length: 200
            Allow: GET, HEAD, POST
            Content-Type: application/x-yaml

            - ms-0: true
                ms-1: true
                ms-2: true
                ms-3: true
                ms-4: true

        .. admonition:: multiple commands

            Note that if multiple :term:`lowstate` structures are sent, the Salt
            API will execute them in serial, and will not stop execution upon failure
            of a previous job. If you need to have commands executed in order and
            stop on failure please use compound-command-execution.

        # if you aren't authenticated, redirect to login
        if not self._verify_auth():


    def disbatch(self):
        Disbatch all lowstates to the appropriate clients
        ret = []

        # check clients before going, we want to throw 400 if one is bad
        for low in self.lowstate:
            if not self._verify_client(low):

            # Make sure we have 'token' or 'username'/'password' in each low chunk.
            # Salt will verify the credentials are correct.
            if self.token is not None and "token" not in low:
                low["token"] = self.token

            if not (
                ("token" in low)
                or ("username" in low and "password" in low and "eauth" in low)
                ret.append("Failed to authenticate")

            # disbatch to the correct handler
                chunk_ret = yield getattr(self, "_disbatch_{}".format(low["client"]))(
            except (AuthenticationError, AuthorizationError, EauthAuthenticationError):
                ret.append("Failed to authenticate")
            except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                ret.append(f"Unexpected exception while handling request: {ex}")
                log.error("Unexpected exception while handling request:", exc_info=True)

            self.write(self.serialize({"return": ret}))
        except RuntimeError as exc:
            log.exception("Encountered Runtime Error")

    def get_minion_returns(
        self, events, is_finished, is_timed_out, min_wait_time, minions
        def more_todo():
            Check if there are any more minions we are waiting on returns from
            return any(x is False for x in minions.values())

        # here we want to follow the behavior of LocalClient.get_iter_returns
        # namely we want to wait at least syndic_wait (assuming we are a syndic)
        # and that there are no more jobs running on minions. We are allowed to exit
        # early if gather_job_timeout has been exceeded
        chunk_ret = {}
        while True:
            to_wait = events + [is_finished, is_timed_out]
            if not min_wait_time.done():
                to_wait += [min_wait_time]

            def cancel_inflight_futures():
                for event in to_wait:
                    if not event.done() and event is not is_timed_out:

            f = yield Any(to_wait)
                # When finished entire routine, cleanup other futures and return result
                if f is is_finished or f is is_timed_out:
                    raise tornado.gen.Return(chunk_ret)
                elif f is min_wait_time:
                    if not more_todo():
                        raise tornado.gen.Return(chunk_ret)

                f_result = f.result()
                # if this is a start, then we need to add it to the pile
                if f_result["tag"].endswith("/new"):
                    for minion_id in f_result["data"]["minions"]:
                        if minion_id not in minions:
                            minions[minion_id] = False
                    chunk_ret[f_result["data"]["id"]] = f_result["data"]["return"]
                    # clear finished event future
                    minions[f_result["data"]["id"]] = True
                    # if there are no more minions to wait for, then we are done
                    if not more_todo() and min_wait_time.done():
                        raise tornado.gen.Return(chunk_ret)

            except TimeoutException:
                if f in events:

    def _disbatch_local(self, chunk):
        Dispatch local client commands
        # Generate jid and find all minions before triggering a job to subscribe all returns from minions
        chunk["jid"] = (
            if not chunk.get("jid", None)
            else chunk["jid"]
        minions = set(
            self.ckminions.check_minions(chunk["tgt"], chunk.get("tgt_type", "glob"))

        def subscribe_minion(minion):
            salt_evt = self.application.event_listener.get_event(
                tag="salt/job/{}/ret/{}".format(chunk["jid"], minion),
            syndic_evt = self.application.event_listener.get_event(
                tag="syndic/job/{}/ret/{}".format(chunk["jid"], minion),
            return salt_evt, syndic_evt

        # start listening for the event before we fire the job to avoid races
        events = []
        for minion in minions:
            salt_evt, syndic_evt = subscribe_minion(minion)

        f_call = self._format_call_run_job_async(chunk)
        # fire a job off
        pub_data = yield self.saltclients["local"](
            *f_call.get("args", ()), **f_call.get("kwargs", {})

        # if the job didn't publish, lets not wait around for nothing
        # TODO: set header??
        if "jid" not in pub_data:
            for future in events:
                except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            raise tornado.gen.Return(
                "No minions matched the target. No command was sent, no jid was"
                " assigned."

        # get_event for missing minion
        for minion in list(set(pub_data["minions"]) - set(minions)):
            salt_evt, syndic_evt = subscribe_minion(minion)

        # Map of minion_id -> returned for all minions we think we need to wait on
        minions = {m: False for m in pub_data["minions"]}

        # minimum time required for return to complete. By default no waiting, if
        # we are a syndic then we must wait syndic_wait at a minimum
        min_wait_time = Future()

        # wait syndic a while to avoid missing published events
        if self.application.opts["order_masters"]:
            min_wait_time = tornado.gen.sleep(self.application.opts["syndic_wait"])

        # To ensure job_not_running and all_return are terminated by each other, communicate using a future
        is_finished = tornado.gen.Future()
        is_timed_out = tornado.gen.sleep(self.application.opts["gather_job_timeout"])

        # ping until the job is not running, while doing so, if we see new minions returning
        # that they are running the job, add them to the list
        result = yield self.get_minion_returns(
        raise tornado.gen.Return(result)

    def job_not_running(self, jid, tgt, tgt_type, minions, is_finished):
        Return a future which will complete once jid (passed in) is no longer
        running on tgt
        ping_pub_data = yield self.saltclients["local"](
            tgt, "saltutil.find_job", [jid], tgt_type=tgt_type
        ping_tag = tagify([ping_pub_data["jid"], "ret"], "job")

        minion_running = False

        while True:
                event = self.application.event_listener.get_event(
                f = yield Any([event, is_finished])
                # When finished entire routine, cleanup other futures and return result
                if f is is_finished:
                    if not event.done():
                    raise tornado.gen.Return(True)
                event = f.result()
            except TimeoutException:
                if not minion_running or is_finished.done():
                    raise tornado.gen.Return(True)
                    ping_pub_data = yield self.saltclients["local"](
                        tgt, "saltutil.find_job", [jid], tgt_type=tgt_type
                    ping_tag = tagify([ping_pub_data["jid"], "ret"], "job")
                    minion_running = False

            # Minions can return, we want to see if the job is running...
            if event["data"].get("return", {}) == {}:
            if event["data"]["id"] not in minions:
                minions[event["data"]["id"]] = False
            minion_running = True

    def _disbatch_local_async(self, chunk):
        Disbatch local client_async commands
        f_call = self._format_call_run_job_async(chunk)
        # fire a job off
        pub_data = yield self.saltclients["local_async"](
            *f_call.get("args", ()), **f_call.get("kwargs", {})

        raise tornado.gen.Return(pub_data)

    def _disbatch_runner(self, chunk):
        Disbatch runner client commands
        full_return = chunk.pop("full_return", False)
        pub_data = self.saltclients["runner"](chunk)
        tag = pub_data["tag"] + "/ret"
            event = yield self.application.event_listener.get_event(self, tag=tag)

            # only return the return data
            ret = event if full_return else event["data"]["return"]
            raise tornado.gen.Return(ret)
        except TimeoutException:
            raise tornado.gen.Return("Timeout waiting for runner to execute")

    def _disbatch_runner_async(self, chunk):
        Disbatch runner client_async commands
        pub_data = self.saltclients["runner"](chunk)
        raise tornado.gen.Return(pub_data)

    # salt.utils.args.format_call doesn't work for functions having the
    # annotation tornado.gen.coroutine
    def _format_call_run_job_async(self, chunk):
        f_call = salt.utils.args.format_call(
            salt.client.LocalClient.run_job, chunk, is_class_method=True
        f_call.get("kwargs", {})["io_loop"] = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()
        return f_call

class MinionSaltAPIHandler(SaltAPIHandler):  # pylint: disable=W0223
    A convenience endpoint for minion related functions

    def get(self, mid=None):  # pylint: disable=W0221
        A convenience URL for getting lists of minions or getting minion

        .. http:get:: /minions/(mid)

            :reqheader X-Auth-Token: |req_token|
            :reqheader Accept: |req_accept|

            :status 200: |200|
            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -i localhost:8000/minions/ms-3

        .. code-block:: text

            GET /minions/ms-3 HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Accept: application/x-yaml

        **Example response:**

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Length: 129005
            Content-Type: application/x-yaml

            - ms-3:
        # if you aren't authenticated, redirect to login
        if not self._verify_auth():

        self.lowstate = [{"client": "local", "tgt": mid or "*", "fun": "grains.items"}]

    def post(self):
        Start an execution command and immediately return the job id

        .. http:post:: /minions

            :reqheader X-Auth-Token: |req_token|
            :reqheader Accept: |req_accept|
            :reqheader Content-Type: |req_ct|

            :resheader Content-Type: |res_ct|

            :status 200: |200|
            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|

            :term:`lowstate` data describing Salt commands must be sent in the
            request body. The ``client`` option will be set to

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -sSi localhost:8000/minions \\
                -H "Accept: application/x-yaml" \\
                -d tgt='*' \\
                -d fun='status.diskusage'

        .. code-block:: text

            POST /minions HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Accept: application/x-yaml
            Content-Length: 26
            Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


        **Example response:**

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
            Content-Length: 86
            Content-Type: application/x-yaml

            - jid: '20130603122505459265'
              minions: [ms-4, ms-3, ms-2, ms-1, ms-0]
        # if you aren't authenticated, redirect to login
        if not self._verify_auth():

        # verify that all lowstates are the correct client type
        for low in self.lowstate:
            # if you didn't specify, its fine
            if "client" not in low:
                low["client"] = "local_async"
            # if you specified something else, we don't do that
            if low.get("client") != "local_async":
                self.write("We don't serve your kind here")


class JobsSaltAPIHandler(SaltAPIHandler):  # pylint: disable=W0223
    A convenience endpoint for job cache data

    def get(self, jid=None):  # pylint: disable=W0221
        A convenience URL for getting lists of previously run jobs or getting
        the return from a single job

        .. http:get:: /jobs/(jid)

            List jobs or show a single job from the job cache.

            :status 200: |200|
            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -i localhost:8000/jobs

        .. code-block:: text

            GET /jobs HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Accept: application/x-yaml

        **Example response:**

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Length: 165
            Content-Type: application/x-yaml

            - '20121130104633606931':
                - '3'
                Function: test.fib
                Start Time: 2012, Nov 30 10:46:33.606931
                Target: jerry
                Target-type: glob

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -i localhost:8000/jobs/20121130104633606931

        .. code-block:: text

            GET /jobs/20121130104633606931 HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Accept: application/x-yaml

        **Example response:**

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Length: 73
            Content-Type: application/x-yaml

            - Arguments:
                - '3'
                Function: test.fib
                - jerry
                Start Time: 2012, Nov 30 10:46:33.606931
                Target: '*'
                Target-type: glob
                User: saltdev
                jid: '20121130104633606931'
            - jerry:
                - - 0
                - 1
                - 1
                - 2
                - 6.9141387939453125e-06
        # if you aren't authenticated, redirect to login
        if not self._verify_auth():

        if jid:
            self.lowstate = [{"fun": "jobs.list_job", "jid": jid, "client": "runner"}]
            self.lowstate = [{"fun": "jobs.list_jobs", "client": "runner"}]


class RunSaltAPIHandler(SaltAPIHandler):  # pylint: disable=W0223
    Endpoint to run commands without normal session handling

    def post(self):
        Run commands bypassing the :ref:`normal session handling

        .. http:post:: /run

            This entry point is primarily for "one-off" commands. Each request
            must pass full Salt authentication credentials. Otherwise this URL
            is identical to the :py:meth:`root URL (/) <LowDataAdapter.POST>`.

            :term:`lowstate` data describing Salt commands must be sent in the
            request body.

            :status 200: |200|
            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -sS localhost:8000/run \\
                -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \\
                -d client='local' \\
                -d tgt='*' \\
                -d fun='' \\
                -d username='saltdev' \\
                -d password='saltdev' \\
                -d eauth='pam'

        .. code-block:: text

            POST /run HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Accept: application/x-yaml
            Content-Length: 75
            Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


        **Example response:**

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Length: 73
            Content-Type: application/x-yaml

            - ms-0: true
                ms-1: true
                ms-2: true
                ms-3: true
                ms-4: true

class EventsSaltAPIHandler(SaltAPIHandler):  # pylint: disable=W0223
    Expose the Salt event bus

    The event bus on the Salt master exposes a large variety of things, notably
    when executions are started on the master and also when minions ultimately
    return their results. This URL provides a real-time window into a running
    Salt infrastructure.

    .. seealso:: :ref:`events`

    def get(self):
        An HTTP stream of the Salt master event bus

        This stream is formatted per the Server Sent Events (SSE) spec. Each
        event is formatted as JSON.

        .. http:get:: /events

            :status 200: |200|
            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -NsS localhost:8000/events

        .. code-block:: text

            GET /events HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000

        **Example response:**

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Connection: keep-alive
            Cache-Control: no-cache
            Content-Type: text/event-stream;charset=utf-8

            retry: 400
            data: {'tag': '', 'data': {'minions': ['ms-4', 'ms-3', 'ms-2', 'ms-1', 'ms-0']}}

            data: {'tag': '20130802115730568475', 'data': {'jid': '20130802115730568475', 'return': True, 'retcode': 0, 'success': True, 'cmd': '_return', 'fun': '', 'id': 'ms-1'}}

        The event stream can be easily consumed via JavaScript:

        .. code-block:: javascript

            <!-- Note, you must be authenticated! -->
            var source = new EventSource('/events');
            source.onopen = function() { console.debug('opening') };
            source.onerror = function(e) { console.debug('error!', e) };
            source.onmessage = function(e) { console.debug( };

        Or using CORS:

        .. code-block:: javascript

            var source = new EventSource('/events', {withCredentials: true});

        Some browser clients lack CORS support for the ``EventSource()`` API. Such
        clients may instead pass the :mailheader:`X-Auth-Token` value as an URL

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -NsS localhost:8000/events/6d1b722e

        It is also possible to consume the stream via the shell.

        Records are separated by blank lines; the ``data:`` and ``tag:``
        prefixes will need to be removed manually before attempting to
        unserialize the JSON.

        curl's ``-N`` flag turns off input buffering which is required to
        process the stream incrementally.

        Here is a basic example of printing each event as it comes in:

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -NsS localhost:8000/events |\
                    while IFS= read -r line ; do
                        echo $line

        Here is an example of using awk to filter events based on tag:

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -NsS localhost:8000/events |\
                    awk '
                        BEGIN { RS=""; FS="\\n" }
                        $1 ~ /^tag: salt\/job\/[0-9]+\/new$/ { print $0 }
            tag: salt/job/20140112010149808995/new
            data: {"tag": "salt/job/20140112010149808995/new", "data": {"tgt_type": "glob", "jid": "20140112010149808995", "tgt": "jerry", "_stamp": "2014-01-12_01:01:49.809617", "user": "shouse", "arg": [], "fun": "", "minions": ["jerry"]}}
            tag: 20140112010149808995
            data: {"tag": "20140112010149808995", "data": {"fun_args": [], "jid": "20140112010149808995", "return": true, "retcode": 0, "success": true, "cmd": "_return", "_stamp": "2014-01-12_01:01:49.819316", "fun": "", "id": "jerry"}}
        # if you aren't authenticated, redirect to login
        if not self._verify_auth():
        # set the streaming headers
        self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream")
        self.set_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
        self.set_header("Connection", "keep-alive")

        self.write(f"retry: {400}\n")

        while True:
                if not self._verify_auth():
                    log.debug("Token is no longer valid")

                event = yield self.application.event_listener.get_event(self)
                self.write("tag: {}\n".format(event.get("tag", "")))
                self.write(f"data: {_json_dumps(event)}\n\n")
            except TimeoutException:

class WebhookSaltAPIHandler(SaltAPIHandler):  # pylint: disable=W0223
    A generic web hook entry point that fires an event on Salt's event bus

    External services can POST data to this URL to trigger an event in Salt.
    For example, Amazon SNS, Jenkins-CI or Travis-CI, or GitHub web hooks.

    .. note:: Be mindful of security

        Salt's Reactor can run any code. A Reactor SLS that responds to a hook
        event is responsible for validating that the event came from a trusted
        source and contains valid data.

        **This is a generic interface and securing it is up to you!**

        This URL requires authentication however not all external services can
        be configured to authenticate. For this reason authentication can be
        selectively disabled for this URL. Follow best practices -- always use
        SSL, pass a secret key, configure the firewall to only allow traffic
        from a known source, etc.

    The event data is taken from the request body. The
    :mailheader:`Content-Type` header is respected for the payload.

    The event tag is prefixed with ``salt/netapi/hook`` and the URL path is
    appended to the end. For example, a ``POST`` request sent to
    ``/hook/mycompany/myapp/mydata`` will produce a Salt event with the tag

    The following is an example ``.travis.yml`` file to send notifications to
    Salt of successful test runs:

    .. code-block:: yaml

        language: python
        script: python -m unittest tests
            - 'curl -sS -d branch="${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" -d commit="${TRAVIS_COMMIT}"'

    .. seealso:: :ref:`Events <events>`, :ref:`Reactor <reactor>`

    def post(self, tag_suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=W0221
        Fire an event in Salt with a custom event tag and data

        .. http:post:: /hook

            :status 200: |200|
            :status 401: |401|
            :status 406: |406|
            :status 413: request body is too large

        **Example request:**

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -sS localhost:8000/hook -d foo='Foo!' -d bar='Bar!'

        .. code-block:: text

            POST /hook HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8000
            Content-Length: 16
            Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


        **Example response**:

        .. code-block:: text

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Length: 14
            Content-Type: application/json

            {"success": true}

        As a practical example, an internal continuous-integration build
        server could send an HTTP POST request to the URL
        ``http://localhost:8000/hook/mycompany/build/success`` which contains
        the result of a build and the SHA of the version that was built as
        JSON. That would then produce the following event in Salt that could be
        used to kick off a deployment via Salt's Reactor:

        .. code-block:: text

            Event fired at Fri Feb 14 17:40:11 2014
            Tag: salt/netapi/hook/mycompany/build/success
            {'_stamp': '2014-02-14_17:40:11.440996',
                'headers': {
                    'X-My-Secret-Key': 'F0fAgoQjIT@W',
                    'Content-Length': '37',
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                    'Host': 'localhost:8000',
                    'Remote-Addr': ''},
                'post': {'revision': 'aa22a3c4b2e7', 'result': True}}

        Salt's Reactor could listen for the event:

        .. code-block:: yaml

              - 'salt/netapi/hook/mycompany/build/*':
                - /srv/reactor/react_ci_builds.sls

        And finally deploy the new build:

        .. code-block:: jinja

            {% set secret_key = data.get('headers', {}).get('X-My-Secret-Key') %}
            {% set build = data.get('post', {}) %}

            {% if secret_key == 'F0fAgoQjIT@W' and build.result == True %}
                - tgt: 'application*'
                - arg:
                  - myapp.deploy
                - kwarg:
                      revision: {{ revision }}
            {% endif %}
        disable_auth = self.application.mod_opts.get("webhook_disable_auth")
        if not disable_auth and not self._verify_auth():

        # if you have the tag, prefix
        tag = "salt/netapi/hook"
        if tag_suffix:
            tag += tag_suffix

        # TODO: consolidate??
        self.event = salt.utils.event.get_event(

        arguments = {}
        for argname in self.request.query_arguments:
            value = self.get_arguments(argname)
            if len(value) == 1:
                value = value[0]
            arguments[argname] = value
        ret = self.event.fire_event(
                "post": self.request_payload,
                "get": arguments,
                # In Tornado >= v4.0.3, the headers come
                # back as an HTTPHeaders instance, which
                # is a dictionary. We must cast this as
                # a dictionary in order for msgpack to
                # serialize it.
                "headers": dict(self.request.headers),

        self.write(self.serialize({"success": ret}))

def _check_cors_origin(origin, allowed_origins):
    Check if an origin match cors allowed origins
    if isinstance(allowed_origins, list):
        if origin in allowed_origins:
            return origin
    elif allowed_origins == "*":
        return allowed_origins
    elif allowed_origins == origin:
        # Cors origin is either * or specific origin
        return allowed_origins

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0