Mini Shell
Microsoft Update files management via wusa.exe
:maintainer: Thomas Lemarchand
:platform: Windows
:depends: PowerShell
.. versionadded:: 2018.3.4
import logging
import os
import salt.utils.platform
import salt.utils.win_pwsh
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = "wusa"
__func_alias__ = {"list_": "list"}
def __virtual__():
Load only on Windows
if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
return False, "Only available on Windows systems"
powershell_info = __salt__["cmd.shell_info"](shell="powershell", list_modules=False)
if not powershell_info["installed"]:
return False, "PowerShell not available"
return __virtualname__
def is_installed(name):
Check if a specific KB is installed.
name (str):
The name of the KB to check
bool: ``True`` if installed, otherwise ``False``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' wusa.is_installed KB123456
return (
cmd=f"Get-HotFix -Id {name}",
== 0
def install(path, restart=False):
Install a KB from a .msu file.
path (str):
The full path to the msu file to install
restart (bool):
``True`` to force a restart if required by the installation. Adds
the ``/forcerestart`` switch to the ``wusa.exe`` command. ``False``
will add the ``/norestart`` switch instead. Default is ``False``
bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False``
CommandExecutionError: If the package is already installed or an error
is encountered
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' wusa.install C:/temp/KB123456.msu
# Build the command
cmd = ["wusa.exe", path, "/quiet"]
if restart:
# Run the command
ret_code = __salt__["cmd.retcode"](cmd, ignore_retcode=True)
# Check the ret_code
file_name = os.path.basename(path)
errors = {
2359302: f"{file_name} is already installed",
3010: (
f"{file_name} correctly installed but server reboot is needed to "
f"complete installation"
87: "Unknown error",
if ret_code in errors:
raise CommandExecutionError(errors[ret_code], ret_code)
elif ret_code:
raise CommandExecutionError(f"Unknown error: {ret_code}")
return True
def uninstall(path, restart=False):
Uninstall a specific KB.
path (str):
The full path to the msu file to uninstall. This can also be just
the name of the KB to uninstall
restart (bool):
``True`` to force a restart if required by the installation. Adds
the ``/forcerestart`` switch to the ``wusa.exe`` command. ``False``
will add the ``/norestart`` switch instead. Default is ``False``
bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False``
CommandExecutionError: If an error is encountered
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' wusa.uninstall KB123456
# or
salt '*' wusa.uninstall C:/temp/KB123456.msu
# Build the command
cmd = ["wusa.exe", "/uninstall", "/quiet"]
kb = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
if os.path.exists(path):
cmd.append("/kb:{}".format(kb[2:] if kb.lower().startswith("kb") else kb))
if restart:
# Run the command
ret_code = __salt__["cmd.retcode"](cmd, ignore_retcode=True)
# Check the ret_code
# If you pass /quiet and specify /kb, you'll always get retcode 87 if there
# is an error. Use the actual file to get a more descriptive error
errors = {
-2145116156: f"{kb} does not support uninstall",
2359303: f"{kb} not installed",
87: "Unknown error. Try specifying an .msu file",
if ret_code in errors:
raise CommandExecutionError(errors[ret_code], ret_code)
elif ret_code:
raise CommandExecutionError(f"Unknown error: {ret_code}")
return True
def list_():
Get a list of updates installed on the machine
list: A list of installed updates
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' wusa.list
kbs = []
ret = salt.utils.win_pwsh.run_dict("Get-HotFix | Select HotFixID")
for item in ret:
return kbs
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0