Mini Shell
Module for managing timezone on Windows systems.
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
import pytz
except ImportError:
HAS_PYTZ = False
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = "timezone"
class TzMapper:
def __init__(self, unix_to_win):
self.win_to_unix = {k.lower(): v for k, v in unix_to_win.items()}
self.unix_to_win = {v.lower(): k for k, v in unix_to_win.items()}
def add(self, k, v):
self.unix_to_win[k.lower()] = v
self.win_to_unix[v.lower()] = k
def remove(self, k):
def get_win(self, key, default=None):
return self.unix_to_win.get(key.lower(), default)
def get_unix(self, key, default=None):
return self.win_to_unix.get(key.lower(), default)
def list_win(self):
return sorted(self.unix_to_win.values())
def list_unix(self):
return sorted(self.win_to_unix.values())
mapper = TzMapper(
"AUS Central Standard Time": "Australia/Darwin",
"AUS Eastern Standard Time": "Australia/Sydney",
"Afghanistan Standard Time": "Asia/Kabul",
"Alaskan Standard Time": "America/Anchorage",
"Aleutian Standard Time": "America/Adak",
"Altai Standard Time": "Asia/Barnaul",
"Arab Standard Time": "Asia/Riyadh",
"Arabian Standard Time": "Asia/Dubai",
"Arabic Standard Time": "Asia/Baghdad",
"Argentina Standard Time": "America/Buenos_Aires",
"Astrakhan Standard Time": "Europe/Astrakhan",
"Atlantic Standard Time": "America/Halifax",
"Aus Central W. Standard Time": "Australia/Eucla",
"Azerbaijan Standard Time": "Asia/Baku",
"Azores Standard Time": "Atlantic/Azores",
"Bahia Standard Time": "America/Bahia",
"Bangladesh Standard Time": "Asia/Dhaka",
"Belarus Standard Time": "Europe/Minsk",
"Bougainville Standard Time": "Pacific/Bougainville",
"Canada Central Standard Time": "America/Regina",
"Cape Verde Standard Time": "Atlantic/Cape_Verde",
"Caucasus Standard Time": "Asia/Yerevan",
"Cen. Australia Standard Time": "Australia/Adelaide",
"Central America Standard Time": "America/Guatemala",
"Central Asia Standard Time": "Asia/Almaty",
"Central Brazilian Standard Time": "America/Cuiaba",
"Central Europe Standard Time": "Europe/Budapest",
"Central European Standard Time": "Europe/Warsaw",
"Central Pacific Standard Time": "Pacific/Guadalcanal",
"Central Standard Time": "America/Chicago",
"Central Standard Time (Mexico)": "America/Mexico_City",
"Chatham Islands Standard Time": "Pacific/Chatham",
"China Standard Time": "Asia/Shanghai",
"Cuba Standard Time": "America/Havana",
"Dateline Standard Time": "Etc/GMT+12",
"E. Africa Standard Time": "Africa/Nairobi",
"E. Australia Standard Time": "Australia/Brisbane",
"E. Europe Standard Time": "Europe/Chisinau",
"E. South America Standard Time": "America/Sao_Paulo",
"Easter Island Standard Time": "Pacific/Easter",
"Eastern Standard Time": "America/New_York",
"Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)": "America/Cancun",
"Egypt Standard Time": "Africa/Cairo",
"Ekaterinburg Standard Time": "Asia/Yekaterinburg",
"FLE Standard Time": "Europe/Kiev",
"Fiji Standard Time": "Pacific/Fiji",
"GMT Standard Time": "Europe/London",
"GTB Standard Time": "Europe/Bucharest",
"Georgian Standard Time": "Asia/Tbilisi",
"Greenland Standard Time": "America/Godthab",
"Greenwich Standard Time": "Atlantic/Reykjavik",
"Haiti Standard Time": "America/Port-au-Prince",
"Hawaiian Standard Time": "Pacific/Honolulu",
"India Standard Time": "Asia/Calcutta",
"Iran Standard Time": "Asia/Tehran",
"Israel Standard Time": "Asia/Jerusalem",
"Jordan Standard Time": "Asia/Amman",
"Kaliningrad Standard Time": "Europe/Kaliningrad",
"Korea Standard Time": "Asia/Seoul",
"Libya Standard Time": "Africa/Tripoli",
"Line Islands Standard Time": "Pacific/Kiritimati",
"Lord Howe Standard Time": "Australia/Lord_Howe",
"Magadan Standard Time": "Asia/Magadan",
"Magallanes Standard Time": "America/Punta_Arenas",
"Marquesas Standard Time": "Pacific/Marquesas",
"Mauritius Standard Time": "Indian/Mauritius",
"Middle East Standard Time": "Asia/Beirut",
"Montevideo Standard Time": "America/Montevideo",
"Morocco Standard Time": "Africa/Casablanca",
"Mountain Standard Time": "America/Denver",
"Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)": "America/Chihuahua",
"Myanmar Standard Time": "Asia/Rangoon",
"N. Central Asia Standard Time": "Asia/Novosibirsk",
"Namibia Standard Time": "Africa/Windhoek",
"Nepal Standard Time": "Asia/Katmandu",
"New Zealand Standard Time": "Pacific/Auckland",
"Newfoundland Standard Time": "America/St_Johns",
"Norfolk Standard Time": "Pacific/Norfolk",
"North Asia East Standard Time": "Asia/Irkutsk",
"North Asia Standard Time": "Asia/Krasnoyarsk",
"North Korea Standard Time": "Asia/Pyongyang",
"Omsk Standard Time": "Asia/Omsk",
"Pacific SA Standard Time": "America/Santiago",
"Pacific Standard Time": "America/Los_Angeles",
"Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)": "America/Tijuana",
"Pakistan Standard Time": "Asia/Karachi",
"Paraguay Standard Time": "America/Asuncion",
"Romance Standard Time": "Europe/Paris",
"Russia Time Zone 10": "Asia/Srednekolymsk",
"Russia Time Zone 11": "Asia/Kamchatka",
"Russia Time Zone 3": "Europe/Samara",
"Russian Standard Time": "Europe/Moscow",
"SA Eastern Standard Time": "America/Cayenne",
"SA Pacific Standard Time": "America/Bogota",
"SA Western Standard Time": "America/La_Paz",
"SE Asia Standard Time": "Asia/Bangkok",
"Saint Pierre Standard Time": "America/Miquelon",
"Sakhalin Standard Time": "Asia/Sakhalin",
"Samoa Standard Time": "Pacific/Apia",
"Saratov Standard Time": "Europe/Saratov",
"Singapore Standard Time": "Asia/Singapore",
"South Africa Standard Time": "Africa/Johannesburg",
"Sri Lanka Standard Time": "Asia/Colombo",
"Syria Standard Time": "Asia/Damascus",
"Taipei Standard Time": "Asia/Taipei",
"Tasmania Standard Time": "Australia/Hobart",
"Tocantins Standard Time": "America/Araguaina",
"Tokyo Standard Time": "Asia/Tokyo",
"Tomsk Standard Time": "Asia/Tomsk",
"Tonga Standard Time": "Pacific/Tongatapu",
"Transbaikal Standard Time": "Asia/Chita",
"Turkey Standard Time": "Europe/Istanbul",
"Turks And Caicos Standard Time": "America/Grand_Turk",
"US Eastern Standard Time": "America/Indianapolis",
"US Mountain Standard Time": "America/Phoenix",
"UTC": "Etc/GMT",
"UTC+12": "Etc/GMT-12",
"UTC+13": "Etc/GMT-13",
"UTC-02": "Etc/GMT+2",
"UTC-08": "Etc/GMT+8",
"UTC-09": "Etc/GMT+9",
"UTC-11": "Etc/GMT+11",
"Ulaanbaatar Standard Time": "Asia/Ulaanbaatar",
"Venezuela Standard Time": "America/Caracas",
"Vladivostok Standard Time": "Asia/Vladivostok",
"W. Australia Standard Time": "Australia/Perth",
"W. Central Africa Standard Time": "Africa/Lagos",
"W. Europe Standard Time": "Europe/Berlin",
"W. Mongolia Standard Time": "Asia/Hovd",
"West Asia Standard Time": "Asia/Tashkent",
"West Bank Standard Time": "Asia/Hebron",
"West Pacific Standard Time": "Pacific/Port_Moresby",
"Yakutsk Standard Time": "Asia/Yakutsk",
def __virtual__():
Only load on windows
if not __utils__["platform.is_windows"]():
return False, "Module win_timezone: Not on Windows client"
if not HAS_PYTZ:
return False, "Module win_timezone: pytz not found"
if not __utils__["path.which"]("tzutil"):
return False, "Module win_timezone: tzutil not found"
return __virtualname__
def get_zone():
Get current timezone (i.e. America/Denver)
str: Timezone in unix format
CommandExecutionError: If timezone could not be gathered
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' timezone.get_zone
cmd = ["tzutil", "/g"]
res = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False)
if res["retcode"] or not res["stdout"]:
raise CommandExecutionError(
"tzutil encountered an error getting timezone", info=res
tz = res["stdout"].lower()
if tz.endswith("_dstoff"):
tz = tz[:-7]
return mapper.get_unix(tz, "Unknown")
def get_offset():
Get current numeric timezone offset from UTC (i.e. -0700)
str: Offset from UTC
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' timezone.get_offset
tz_object = pytz.timezone(get_zone())
utc_time = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow())
loc_time = utc_time.astimezone(tz_object)
norm_time = tz_object.normalize(loc_time)
return norm_time.strftime("%z")
def get_zonecode():
Get current timezone (i.e. PST, MDT, etc)
str: An abbreviated timezone code
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' timezone.get_zonecode
tz_object = pytz.timezone(get_zone())
loc_time = tz_object.localize(datetime.utcnow())
return loc_time.tzname()
def set_zone(timezone):
Sets the timezone using the tzutil.
timezone (str): A valid timezone
bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False``
CommandExecutionError: If invalid timezone is passed
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' timezone.set_zone 'America/Denver'
# if it's one of the key's just use it
if timezone.lower() in mapper.win_to_unix:
win_zone = timezone
elif timezone.lower() in mapper.unix_to_win:
# if it's one of the values, use the key
win_zone = mapper.get_win(timezone)
# Raise error because it's neither key nor value
raise CommandExecutionError(f"Invalid timezone passed: {timezone}")
# Set the value
cmd = ["tzutil", "/s", win_zone]
res = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False)
if res["retcode"]:
raise CommandExecutionError(
f"tzutil encountered an error setting timezone: {timezone}",
return zone_compare(timezone)
def zone_compare(timezone):
Compares the given timezone with the machine timezone. Mostly useful for
running state checks.
timezone (str):
The timezone to compare. This can be in Windows or Unix format. Can
be any of the values returned by the ``timezone.list`` function
bool: ``True`` if they match, otherwise ``False``
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' timezone.zone_compare 'America/Denver'
# if it's one of the key's just use it
if timezone.lower() in mapper.win_to_unix:
check_zone = timezone
elif timezone.lower() in mapper.unix_to_win:
# if it's one of the values, use the key
check_zone = mapper.get_win(timezone)
# Raise error because it's neither key nor value
raise CommandExecutionError(f"Invalid timezone passed: {timezone}")
return get_zone() == mapper.get_unix(check_zone, "Unknown")
def list(unix_style=True):
Return a list of Timezones that this module supports. These can be in either
Unix or Windows format.
.. versionadded:: 2018.3.3
unix_style (bool):
``True`` returns Unix-style timezones. ``False`` returns
Windows-style timezones. Default is ``True``
list: A list of supported timezones
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
# Unix-style timezones
salt '*' timezone.list
# Windows-style timezones
salt '*' timezone.list unix_style=False
if unix_style:
return mapper.list_unix()
return mapper.list_win()
def get_hwclock():
Get current hardware clock setting (UTC or localtime)
.. note::
The hardware clock is always local time on Windows so this will always
return "localtime"
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' timezone.get_hwclock
# The hardware clock is always localtime on Windows
return "localtime"
def set_hwclock(clock):
Sets the hardware clock to be either UTC or localtime
.. note::
The hardware clock is always local time on Windows so this will always
return ``False``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' timezone.set_hwclock UTC
# The hardware clock is always localtime on Windows
return False
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0