Mini Shell
Module for managing PowerShell through PowerShellGet (PSGet)
- PowerShell 5.0
- PSGet
Support for PowerShell
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree
import salt.utils.platform
import salt.utils.versions
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
# Set up logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = "psget"
def __virtual__():
Set the system module of the kernel is Windows
# Verify Windows
if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
log.debug("Module PSGet: Only available on Windows systems")
return False, "Module PSGet: Only available on Windows systems"
# Verify PowerShell
powershell_info = __salt__["cmd.shell_info"]("powershell")
if not powershell_info["installed"]:
log.debug("Module PSGet: Requires PowerShell")
return False, "Module PSGet: Requires PowerShell"
# Verify PowerShell 5.0 or greater
if["version"], "<", "5.0"):
log.debug("Module PSGet: Requires PowerShell 5 or newer")
return False, "Module PSGet: Requires PowerShell 5 or newer."
return __virtualname__
def _ps_xml_to_dict(parent, dic=None):
Formats powershell Xml to a dict.
Note: This _ps_xml_to_dict is not perfect with powershell Xml.
if dic is None:
dic = {}
for child in parent:
if list(child):
new_dic = _ps_xml_to_dict(child, {})
if "Name" in new_dic:
dic[new_dic["Name"]] = new_dic
[name for ps_type, name in child.items() if ps_type == "Type"][
] = new_dic
except IndexError:
dic[child.text] = new_dic
for xml_type, name in child.items():
if xml_type == "Name":
dic[name] = child.text
return dic
def _pshell(cmd, cwd=None, depth=2):
Execute the desired powershell command and ensure that it returns data
in Xml format and load that into python
cmd = f'{cmd} | ConvertTo-Xml -Depth {depth} -As "stream"'
log.debug("DSC: %s", cmd)
results = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](
cmd, shell="powershell", cwd=cwd, python_shell=True
if "pid" in results:
del results["pid"]
if "retcode" not in results or results["retcode"] != 0:
# run_all logs an error to log.error, fail hard back to the user
raise CommandExecutionError(f"Issue executing powershell {cmd}", info=results)
ret = _ps_xml_to_dict(
except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError:
results["stdout"] = results["stdout"][:1000] + ". . ."
raise CommandExecutionError("No XML results from powershell", info=results)
return ret
def bootstrap():
Make sure that nuget-anycpu.exe is installed.
This will download the official nuget-anycpu.exe from the internet.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'win01' psget.bootstrap
cmd = (
"Get-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -ForceBootstrap | Select Name, Version,"
" ProviderPath"
ret = _pshell(cmd, depth=1)
return ret
def avail_modules(desc=False):
List available modules in registered Powershell module repositories.
:param desc: If ``True``, the verbose description will be returned.
:type desc: ``bool``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'win01' psget.avail_modules
salt 'win01' psget.avail_modules desc=True
cmd = "Find-Module | Select Name, Description"
modules = _pshell(cmd, depth=1)
names = []
if desc:
names = {}
for key in modules:
module = modules[key]
if desc:
names[module["Name"]] = module["Description"]
return names
def list_modules(desc=False):
List currently installed PSGet Modules on the system.
:param desc: If ``True``, the verbose description will be returned.
:type desc: ``bool``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'win01' psget.list_modules
salt 'win01' psget.list_modules desc=True
cmd = "Get-InstalledModule"
modules = _pshell(cmd)
names = []
if desc:
names = {}
for key in modules:
module = modules[key]
if desc:
names[module["Name"]] = module
return names
def install(
name, minimum_version=None, required_version=None, scope=None, repository=None
Install a Powershell module from powershell gallery on the system.
:param name: Name of a Powershell module
:type name: ``str``
:param minimum_version: The maximum version to install, e.g. 1.23.2
:type minimum_version: ``str``
:param required_version: Install a specific version
:type required_version: ``str``
:param scope: The scope to install the module to, e.g. CurrentUser, Computer
:type scope: ``str``
:param repository: The friendly name of a private repository, e.g. MyREpo
:type repository: ``str``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'win01' psget.install PowerPlan
# Putting quotes around the parameter protects against command injection
flags = [("Name", name)]
if minimum_version is not None:
flags.append(("MinimumVersion", minimum_version))
if required_version is not None:
flags.append(("RequiredVersion", required_version))
if scope is not None:
flags.append(("Scope", scope))
if repository is not None:
flags.append(("Repository", repository))
params = ""
for flag, value in flags:
params += f"-{flag} {value} "
cmd = f"Install-Module {params} -Force"
return name in list_modules()
def update(name, maximum_version=None, required_version=None):
Update a PowerShell module to a specific version, or the newest
:param name: Name of a Powershell module
:type name: ``str``
:param maximum_version: The maximum version to install, e.g. 1.23.2
:type maximum_version: ``str``
:param required_version: Install a specific version
:type required_version: ``str``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'win01' psget.update PowerPlan
# Putting quotes around the parameter protects against command injection
flags = [("Name", name)]
if maximum_version is not None:
flags.append(("MaximumVersion", maximum_version))
if required_version is not None:
flags.append(("RequiredVersion", required_version))
params = ""
for flag, value in flags:
params += f"-{flag} {value} "
cmd = f"Update-Module {params} -Force"
return name in list_modules()
def remove(name):
Remove a Powershell DSC module from the system.
:param name: Name of a Powershell DSC module
:type name: ``str``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'win01' psget.remove PowerPlan
# Putting quotes around the parameter protects against command injection
cmd = f'Uninstall-Module "{name}"'
no_ret = _pshell(cmd)
return name not in list_modules()
def register_repository(name, location, installation_policy=None):
Register a PSGet repository on the local machine
:param name: The name for the repository
:type name: ``str``
:param location: The URI for the repository
:type location: ``str``
:param installation_policy: The installation policy
for packages, e.g. Trusted, Untrusted
:type installation_policy: ``str``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'win01' psget.register_repository MyRepo
# Putting quotes around the parameter protects against command injection
flags = [("Name", name)]
flags.append(("SourceLocation", location))
if installation_policy is not None:
flags.append(("InstallationPolicy", installation_policy))
params = ""
for flag, value in flags:
params += f"-{flag} {value} "
cmd = f"Register-PSRepository {params}"
no_ret = _pshell(cmd)
return name not in list_modules()
def get_repository(name):
Get the details of a local PSGet repository
:param name: Name of the repository
:type name: ``str``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'win01' psget.get_repository MyRepo
# Putting quotes around the parameter protects against command injection
cmd = f'Get-PSRepository "{name}"'
no_ret = _pshell(cmd)
return name not in list_modules()
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0