Mini Shell
Microsoft certificate management via the PKI Client PowerShell module.
The PKI Client PowerShell module is only available on Windows 8+ and Windows
Server 2012+.
:platform: Windows
- PowerShell 4
- PKI Client Module (Windows 8+ / Windows Server 2012+)
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
import ast
import logging
import os
import salt.utils.json
import salt.utils.platform
import salt.utils.powershell
import salt.utils.versions
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError
_DEFAULT_CONTEXT = "LocalMachine"
_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = "win_pki"
def __virtual__():
Requires Windows
Requires Windows 8+ / Windows Server 2012+
Requires PowerShell
Requires PKI Client PowerShell module installed.
if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
return False, "Only available on Windows Systems"
if salt.utils.versions.version_cmp(__grains__["osversion"], "6.2.9200") == -1:
return False, "Only available on Windows 8+ / Windows Server 2012 +"
if not __salt__["cmd.shell_info"]("powershell")["installed"]:
return False, "Powershell not available"
if not salt.utils.powershell.module_exists("PKI"):
return False, "PowerShell PKI module not available"
return __virtualname__
def _cmd_run(cmd, as_json=False):
Ensure that the Pki module is loaded, and convert to and extract data from
Json as needed.
cmd_full = ["Import-Module -Name PKI; "]
if as_json:
r"ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4 -InputObject " r"@({})".format(cmd)
cmd_ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](
"".join(cmd_full), shell="powershell", python_shell=True
if cmd_ret["stderr"]:
raise CommandExecutionError(
"Unable to execute command: {}\nError: {}".format(cmd, cmd_ret["stderr"])
if as_json:
items = salt.utils.json.loads(cmd_ret["stdout"], strict=False)
return items
except ValueError:
raise CommandExecutionError(
"Unable to parse return data as JSON:\n{}".format(cmd_ret["stdout"])
return cmd_ret["stdout"]
def _validate_cert_path(name):
Ensure that the certificate path, as determind from user input, is valid.
cmd = rf"Test-Path -Path '{name}'"
if not ast.literal_eval(_cmd_run(cmd=cmd)):
raise SaltInvocationError(rf"Invalid path specified: {name}")
def _validate_cert_format(name):
Ensure that the certificate format, as determind from user input, is valid.
cert_formats = ["cer", "pfx"]
if name not in cert_formats:
raise SaltInvocationError(
"Invalid certificate format '{}' specified. Valid formats: {}".format(
name, cert_formats
def get_stores():
Get the certificate location contexts and their corresponding stores.
:return: A dictionary of the certificate location contexts and stores.
:rtype: dict
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_pki.get_stores
ret = dict()
cmd = r"Get-ChildItem -Path 'Cert:\' | Select-Object LocationName, StoreNames"
items = _cmd_run(cmd=cmd, as_json=True)
for item in items:
ret[item["LocationName"]] = list()
for store in item["StoreNames"]:
return ret
def get_certs(context=_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, store=_DEFAULT_STORE):
Get the available certificates in the given store.
:param str context: The name of the certificate store location context.
:param str store: The name of the certificate store.
:return: A dictionary of the certificate thumbprints and properties.
:rtype: dict
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_pki.get_certs
ret = dict()
cmd = list()
blacklist_keys = ["DnsNameList"]
store_path = rf"Cert:\{context}\{store}"
cmd.append(rf"Get-ChildItem -Path '{store_path}' | Select-Object")
cmd.append(" DnsNameList, SerialNumber, Subject, Thumbprint, Version")
items = _cmd_run(cmd="".join(cmd), as_json=True)
for item in items:
cert_info = dict()
for key in item:
if key not in blacklist_keys:
cert_info[key.lower()] = item[key]
names = item.get("DnsNameList", None)
if isinstance(names, list):
cert_info["dnsnames"] = [name.get("Unicode") for name in names]
cert_info["dnsnames"] = []
ret[item["Thumbprint"]] = cert_info
return ret
def get_cert_file(name, cert_format=_DEFAULT_FORMAT, password=""):
Get the details of the certificate file.
:param str name: The filesystem path of the certificate file.
:param str cert_format: The certificate format. Specify 'cer' for X.509, or
'pfx' for PKCS #12.
:param str password: The password of the certificate. Only applicable to pfx
format. Note that if used interactively, the password will be seen by all minions.
To protect the password, use a state and get the password from pillar.
:return: A dictionary of the certificate thumbprints and properties.
:rtype: dict
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_pki.get_cert_file name='C:\\certs\\example.cer'
ret = dict()
cmd = list()
blacklist_keys = ["DnsNameList"]
cert_format = cert_format.lower()
if not name or not os.path.isfile(name):
_LOG.error("Path is not present: %s", name)
return ret
if cert_format == "pfx":
if password:
cmd.append("$CertObject = New-Object")
" System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2;"
cmd.append(rf" $CertObject.Import('{name}'")
cmd.append(",'DefaultKeySet') ; $CertObject")
" | Select-Object DnsNameList, SerialNumber, Subject, "
"Thumbprint, Version"
cmd.append(rf"Get-PfxCertificate -FilePath '{name}'")
" | Select-Object DnsNameList, SerialNumber, Subject, "
"Thumbprint, Version"
cmd.append("$CertObject = New-Object")
cmd.append(" System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2;")
cmd.append(rf" $CertObject.Import('{name}'); $CertObject")
" | Select-Object DnsNameList, SerialNumber, Subject, Thumbprint, Version"
items = _cmd_run(cmd="".join(cmd), as_json=True)
for item in items:
for key in item:
if key not in blacklist_keys:
ret[key.lower()] = item[key]
ret["dnsnames"] = [name["Unicode"] for name in item["DnsNameList"]]
if ret:
_LOG.debug("Certificate thumbprint obtained successfully: %s", name)
_LOG.error("Unable to obtain certificate thumbprint: %s", name)
return ret
def import_cert(
Import the certificate file into the given certificate store.
:param str name: The path of the certificate file to import.
:param str cert_format: The certificate format. Specify 'cer' for X.509, or
'pfx' for PKCS #12.
:param str context: The name of the certificate store location context.
:param str store: The name of the certificate store.
:param bool exportable: Mark the certificate as exportable. Only applicable
to pfx format.
:param str password: The password of the certificate. Only applicable to pfx
format. Note that if used interactively, the password will be seen by all minions.
To protect the password, use a state and get the password from pillar.
:param str saltenv: The environment the file resides in.
:return: A boolean representing whether all changes succeeded.
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_pki.import_cert name='salt://cert.cer'
cmd = list()
thumbprint = None
store_path = rf"Cert:\{context}\{store}"
cert_format = cert_format.lower()
cached_source_path = __salt__["cp.cache_file"](name, saltenv)
if not cached_source_path:
_LOG.error("Unable to get cached copy of file: %s", name)
return False
if password:
cert_props = get_cert_file(
name=cached_source_path, cert_format=cert_format, password=password
cert_props = get_cert_file(name=cached_source_path, cert_format=cert_format)
current_certs = get_certs(context=context, store=store)
if cert_props["thumbprint"] in current_certs:
"Certificate thumbprint '%s' already present in store: %s",
return True
if cert_format == "pfx":
# In instances where an empty password is needed, we use a
# System.Security.SecureString object since ConvertTo-SecureString will
# not convert an empty string.
if password:
r"$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString " r"-String '{}'".format(password)
cmd.append(" -AsPlainText -Force; ")
cmd.append("$Password = New-Object System.Security.SecureString; ")
r"Import-PfxCertificate " r"-FilePath '{}'".format(cached_source_path)
cmd.append(rf" -CertStoreLocation '{store_path}'")
cmd.append(r" -Password $Password")
if exportable:
cmd.append(" -Exportable")
cmd.append(r"Import-Certificate " r"-FilePath '{}'".format(cached_source_path))
cmd.append(rf" -CertStoreLocation '{store_path}'")
new_certs = get_certs(context=context, store=store)
for new_cert in new_certs:
if new_cert not in current_certs:
thumbprint = new_cert
if thumbprint:
_LOG.debug("Certificate imported successfully: %s", name)
return True
_LOG.error("Unable to import certificate: %s", name)
return False
def export_cert(
Export the certificate to a file from the given certificate store.
:param str name: The destination path for the exported certificate file.
:param str thumbprint: The thumbprint value of the target certificate.
:param str cert_format: The certificate format. Specify 'cer' for X.509, or
'pfx' for PKCS #12.
:param str context: The name of the certificate store location context.
:param str store: The name of the certificate store.
:param str password: The password of the certificate. Only applicable to pfx
format. Note that if used interactively, the password will be seen by all minions.
To protect the password, use a state and get the password from pillar.
:return: A boolean representing whether all changes succeeded.
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_pki.export_cert name='C:\\certs\\example.cer' thumbprint='AAA000'
cmd = list()
thumbprint = thumbprint.upper()
cert_path = rf"Cert:\{context}\{store}\{thumbprint}"
cert_format = cert_format.lower()
if cert_format == "pfx":
# In instances where an empty password is needed, we use a
# System.Security.SecureString object since ConvertTo-SecureString will
# not convert an empty string.
if password:
r"$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString " r"-String '{}'".format(password)
cmd.append(" -AsPlainText -Force; ")
cmd.append("$Password = New-Object System.Security.SecureString; ")
r"Export-PfxCertificate "
r"-Cert '{}' -FilePath '{}'".format(cert_path, name)
cmd.append(r" -Password $Password")
r"Export-Certificate " r"-Cert '{}' -FilePath '{}'".format(cert_path, name)
cmd.append(rf" | Out-Null; Test-Path -Path '{name}'")
ret = ast.literal_eval(_cmd_run(cmd="".join(cmd)))
if ret:
_LOG.debug("Certificate exported successfully: %s", name)
_LOG.error("Unable to export certificate: %s", name)
return ret
def test_cert(
Check the certificate for validity.
:param str thumbprint: The thumbprint value of the target certificate.
:param str context: The name of the certificate store location context.
:param str store: The name of the certificate store.
:param bool untrusted_root: Whether the root certificate is required to be
trusted in chain building.
:param str dns_name: The DNS name to verify as valid for the certificate.
:param str eku: The enhanced key usage object identifiers to verify for the
certificate chain.
:return: A boolean representing whether the certificate was considered
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_pki.test_cert thumbprint='AAA000' dns_name='example.test'
cmd = list()
thumbprint = thumbprint.upper()
cert_path = rf"Cert:\{context}\{store}\{thumbprint}"
cmd.append(rf"Test-Certificate -Cert '{cert_path}'")
if untrusted_root:
cmd.append(" -AllowUntrustedRoot")
if dns_name:
cmd.append(f" -DnsName '{dns_name}'")
if eku:
cmd.append(f" -EKU '{eku}'")
cmd.append(" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue")
return ast.literal_eval(_cmd_run(cmd="".join(cmd)))
def remove_cert(thumbprint, context=_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, store=_DEFAULT_STORE):
Remove the certificate from the given certificate store.
:param str thumbprint: The thumbprint value of the target certificate.
:param str context: The name of the certificate store location context.
:param str store: The name of the certificate store.
:return: A boolean representing whether all changes succeeded.
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_pki.remove_cert thumbprint='AAA000'
thumbprint = thumbprint.upper()
store_path = rf"Cert:\{context}\{store}"
cert_path = rf"{store_path}\{thumbprint}"
cmd = rf"Remove-Item -Path '{cert_path}'"
current_certs = get_certs(context=context, store=store)
if thumbprint not in current_certs:
"Certificate '%s' already absent in store: %s", thumbprint, store_path
return True
new_certs = get_certs(context=context, store=store)
if thumbprint in new_certs:
_LOG.error("Unable to remove certificate: %s", cert_path)
return False
_LOG.debug("Certificate removed successfully: %s", cert_path)
return True
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0