Mini Shell
Module for returning various status data about a minion.
These data can be useful for compiling into stats later.
import collections
import copy
import datetime
import fnmatch
import itertools
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import salt.config
import salt.minion
import salt.utils.event
import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.path
import salt.utils.platform
import salt.utils.stringutils
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
__virtualname__ = "status"
# Don't shadow built-in's.
__func_alias__ = {"time_": "time"}
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def __virtual__():
Not all functions supported by Windows
if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
return False, "Windows platform is not supported by this module"
return __virtualname__
def _number(text):
Convert a string to a number.
Returns an integer if the string represents an integer, a floating
point number if the string is a real number, or the string unchanged
if text.isdigit():
return int(text)
return float(text)
except ValueError:
return text
def _get_boot_time_aix():
Return the number of seconds since boot time on AIX
t=$(LC_ALL=POSIX ps -o etime= -p 1)
d=0 h=0
case $t in *-*) d=${t%%-*}; t=${t#*-};; esac
case $t in *:*:*) h=${t%%:*}; t=${t#*:};; esac
s=$((d*86400 + h*3600 + ${t%%:*}*60 + ${t#*:}))
res = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]("ps -o etime= -p 1")
if res["retcode"] > 0:
raise CommandExecutionError("Unable to find boot_time for pid 1.")
bt_time = res["stdout"]
match = re.match(r"\s*(?:(\d+)-)?(?:(\d\d):)?(\d\d):(\d\d)\s*", bt_time)
if not match:
raise CommandExecutionError("Unexpected time format.")
groups = match.groups(default="00")
boot_secs = (
_number(groups[0]) * 86400
+ _number(groups[1]) * 3600
+ _number(groups[2]) * 60
+ _number(groups[3])
return boot_secs
def _aix_loadavg():
Return the load average on AIX
# 03:42PM up 9 days, 20:41, 2 users, load average: 0.28, 0.47, 0.69
uptime = __salt__[""]("uptime")
ldavg = uptime.split("load average")
load_avg = ldavg[1].split()
return {
"1-min": load_avg[1].strip(","),
"5-min": load_avg[2].strip(","),
"15-min": load_avg[3],
def _aix_nproc():
Return the maximun number of PROCESSES allowed per user on AIX
nprocs = __salt__[""](
"lsattr -E -l sys0 | grep maxuproc", python_shell=True
return _number(nprocs[1])
def procs():
Return the process data
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.procs
# Get the user, pid and cmd
ret = {}
uind = 0
pind = 0
cind = 0
plines = __salt__[""](__grains__["ps"], python_shell=True).splitlines()
guide = plines.pop(0).split()
if "USER" in guide:
uind = guide.index("USER")
elif "UID" in guide:
uind = guide.index("UID")
if "PID" in guide:
pind = guide.index("PID")
if "COMMAND" in guide:
cind = guide.index("COMMAND")
elif "CMD" in guide:
cind = guide.index("CMD")
for line in plines:
if not line:
comps = line.split()
ret[comps[pind]] = {"user": comps[uind], "cmd": " ".join(comps[cind:])}
return ret
def custom():
Return a custom composite of status data and info for this minion,
based on the minion config file. An example config like might be::
status.cpustats.custom: [ 'cpu', 'ctxt', 'btime', 'processes' ]
Where status refers to, cpustats is the function
where we get our data, and custom is this function It is followed
by a list of keys that we want returned.
This function is meant to replace all_status(), which returns
anything and everything, which we probably don't want.
By default, nothing is returned. Warning: Depending on what you
include, there can be a LOT here!
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.custom
ret = {}
conf = __salt__["config.dot_vals"]("status")
for key, val in conf.items():
func = ".".join(key.split(".")[:-1])
vals = {}
if func != "status.custom":
vals = __salt__[func]()
for item in val:
ret[item] = vals[item]
except KeyError:
log.warning("val %s not in return of %s", item, func)
ret[item] = "UNKNOWN"
except KeyError:
log.warning("custom status %s isn't loaded", func)
return ret
def uptime():
Return the uptime for this system.
.. versionchanged:: 2015.8.9
The uptime function was changed to return a dictionary of easy-to-read
key/value pairs containing uptime information, instead of the output
from a ```` call.
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.0
Support for OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, MacOS, and Solaris
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.uptime
curr_seconds = time.time()
# Get uptime in seconds
if salt.utils.platform.is_linux():
ut_path = "/proc/uptime"
if not os.path.exists(ut_path):
raise CommandExecutionError(f"File {ut_path} was not found.")
with salt.utils.files.fopen(ut_path) as rfh:
seconds = int(float([0]))
elif salt.utils.platform.is_sunos():
# note: some flavors/versions report the host uptime inside a zone
res = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]("kstat -p unix:0:system_misc:boot_time")
if res["retcode"] > 0:
raise CommandExecutionError("The boot_time kstat was not found.")
seconds = int(curr_seconds - int(res["stdout"].split()[-1]))
elif salt.utils.platform.is_openbsd() or salt.utils.platform.is_netbsd():
bt_data = __salt__["sysctl.get"]("kern.boottime")
if not bt_data:
raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot find kern.boottime system parameter")
seconds = int(curr_seconds - int(bt_data))
elif salt.utils.platform.is_freebsd() or salt.utils.platform.is_darwin():
# format: { sec = 1477761334, usec = 664698 } Sat Oct 29 17:15:34 2016
bt_data = __salt__["sysctl.get"]("kern.boottime")
if not bt_data:
raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot find kern.boottime system parameter")
data = bt_data.split("{")[-1].split("}")[0].strip().replace(" ", "")
uptime = {
k: int(
for k, v in [p.strip().split("=") for p in data.split(",")]
seconds = int(curr_seconds - uptime["sec"])
elif salt.utils.platform.is_aix():
seconds = _get_boot_time_aix()
return __salt__[""]("uptime")
# Setup datetime and timedelta objects
boot_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(curr_seconds - seconds)
curr_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(curr_seconds)
up_time = curr_time - boot_time
# Construct return information
ut_ret = {
"seconds": seconds,
"since_iso": boot_time.isoformat(),
"since_t": int(curr_seconds - seconds),
"days": up_time.days,
"time": f"{up_time.seconds // 3600}:{up_time.seconds % 3600 // 60}",
if salt.utils.path.which("who"):
who_cmd = (
"who" if salt.utils.platform.is_openbsd() else "who -s"
) # OpenBSD does not support -s
ut_ret["users"] = len(__salt__[""](who_cmd).split(os.linesep))
return ut_ret
def loadavg():
Return the load averages for this minion
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.loadavg
:raises CommandExecutionError: If the system cannot report loadaverages to Python
if __grains__["kernel"] == "AIX":
return _aix_loadavg()
load_avg = os.getloadavg()
except AttributeError:
# Some UNIX-based operating systems do not have os.getloadavg()
raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(
"status.loadavag is not available on your platform"
return {"1-min": load_avg[0], "5-min": load_avg[1], "15-min": load_avg[2]}
def cpustats():
Return the CPU stats for this minion
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
.. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
Added support for OpenBSD
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.cpustats
def linux_cpustats():
linux specific implementation of cpustats
ret = {}
with salt.utils.files.fopen("/proc/stat", "r") as fp_:
stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
except OSError:
for line in stats.splitlines():
if not line:
comps = line.split()
if comps[0] == "cpu":
ret[comps[0]] = {
"idle": _number(comps[4]),
"iowait": _number(comps[5]),
"irq": _number(comps[6]),
"nice": _number(comps[2]),
"softirq": _number(comps[7]),
"steal": _number(comps[8]),
"system": _number(comps[3]),
"user": _number(comps[1]),
elif comps[0] == "intr":
ret[comps[0]] = {
"total": _number(comps[1]),
"irqs": [_number(x) for x in comps[2:]],
elif comps[0] == "softirq":
ret[comps[0]] = {
"total": _number(comps[1]),
"softirqs": [_number(x) for x in comps[2:]],
ret[comps[0]] = _number(comps[1])
return ret
def freebsd_cpustats():
freebsd specific implementation of cpustats
vmstat = __salt__[""]("vmstat -P").splitlines()
vm0 = vmstat[0].split()
cpu0loc = vm0.index("cpu0")
vm1 = vmstat[1].split()
usloc = vm1.index("us")
vm2 = vmstat[2].split()
cpuctr = 0
ret = {}
for cpu in vm0[cpu0loc:]:
ret[cpu] = {
"us": _number(vm2[usloc + 3 * cpuctr]),
"sy": _number(vm2[usloc + 1 + 3 * cpuctr]),
"id": _number(vm2[usloc + 2 + 3 * cpuctr]),
cpuctr += 1
return ret
def sunos_cpustats():
sunos specific implementation of cpustats
mpstat = __salt__[""]("mpstat 1 2").splitlines()
fields = mpstat[0].split()
ret = {}
for cpu in mpstat:
if cpu.startswith("CPU"):
cpu = cpu.split()
ret[_number(cpu[0])] = {}
for i in range(1, len(fields) - 1):
ret[_number(cpu[0])][fields[i]] = _number(cpu[i])
return ret
def aix_cpustats():
AIX specific implementation of cpustats
ret = {}
ret["mpstat"] = []
procn = None
fields = []
for line in __salt__[""]("mpstat -a").splitlines():
if not line:
procn = len(ret["mpstat"])
if line.startswith("System"):
comps = line.split(":")
ret["mpstat"][procn]["system"] = {}
cpu_comps = comps[1].split()
for comp in cpu_comps:
cpu_vals = comp.split("=")
ret["mpstat"][procn]["system"][cpu_vals[0]] = cpu_vals[1]
if line.startswith("cpu"):
fields = line.split()
if fields:
cpustat = line.split()
ret[_number(cpustat[0])] = {}
for i in range(1, len(fields) - 1):
ret[_number(cpustat[0])][fields[i]] = _number(cpustat[i])
return ret
def openbsd_cpustats():
openbsd specific implementation of cpustats
systat = __salt__[""]("systat -s 2 -B cpu").splitlines()
fields = systat[3].split()
ret = {}
for cpu in systat[4:]:
cpu_line = cpu.split()
cpu_idx = cpu_line[0]
ret[cpu_idx] = {}
for idx, field in enumerate(fields[1:]):
ret[cpu_idx][field] = cpu_line[idx + 1]
return ret
# dict that return a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Linux": linux_cpustats,
"FreeBSD": freebsd_cpustats,
"Junos": freebsd_cpustats,
"OpenBSD": openbsd_cpustats,
"SunOS": sunos_cpustats,
"AIX": aix_cpustats,
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def meminfo():
Return the memory info for this minion
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
.. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
Added support for OpenBSD
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.meminfo
def linux_meminfo():
linux specific implementation of meminfo
ret = {}
with salt.utils.files.fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r") as fp_:
stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
except OSError:
for line in stats.splitlines():
if not line:
comps = line.split()
comps[0] = comps[0].replace(":", "")
ret[comps[0]] = {
"value": comps[1],
if len(comps) > 2:
ret[comps[0]]["unit"] = comps[2]
return ret
def freebsd_meminfo():
freebsd specific implementation of meminfo
sysctlvm = __salt__[""]("sysctl vm").splitlines()
sysctlvm = [x for x in sysctlvm if x.startswith("vm")]
sysctlvm = [x.split(":") for x in sysctlvm]
sysctlvm = [[y.strip() for y in x] for x in sysctlvm]
sysctlvm = [x for x in sysctlvm if x[1]] # If x[1] not empty
ret = {}
for line in sysctlvm:
ret[line[0]] = line[1]
# Special handling for as it's especially important
sysctlvmtot = __salt__[""]("sysctl -n vm.vmtotal").splitlines()
sysctlvmtot = [x for x in sysctlvmtot if x]
ret["vm.vmtotal"] = sysctlvmtot
return ret
def aix_meminfo():
AIX specific implementation of meminfo
ret = {}
ret["svmon"] = []
ret["vmstat"] = []
procn = None
fields = []
pagesize_flag = False
for line in __salt__[""]("svmon -G").splitlines():
# Note: svmon is per-system
# size inuse free pin virtual mmode
# memory 1048576 1039740 8836 285078 474993 Ded
# pg space 917504 2574
# work pers clnt other
# pin 248379 0 2107 34592
# in use 474993 0 564747
# PageSize PoolSize inuse pgsp pin virtual
# s 4 KB - 666956 2574 60726 102209
# m 64 KB - 23299 0 14022 23299
if not line:
if re.match(r"\s", line):
# assume fields line
fields = line.split()
if line.startswith("memory") or line.startswith("pin"):
procn = len(ret["svmon"])
comps = line.split()
ret["svmon"][procn][comps[0]] = {}
for idx, field in enumerate(fields):
if len(comps) > idx + 1:
ret["svmon"][procn][comps[0]][field] = comps[idx + 1]
if line.startswith("pg space") or line.startswith("in use"):
procn = len(ret["svmon"])
comps = line.split()
pg_space = f"{comps[0]} {comps[1]}"
ret["svmon"][procn][pg_space] = {}
for idx, field in enumerate(fields):
if len(comps) > idx + 2:
ret["svmon"][procn][pg_space][field] = comps[idx + 2]
if line.startswith("PageSize"):
fields = line.split()
pagesize_flag = False
if pagesize_flag:
procn = len(ret["svmon"])
comps = line.split()
ret["svmon"][procn][comps[0]] = {}
for idx, field in enumerate(fields):
if len(comps) > idx:
ret["svmon"][procn][comps[0]][field] = comps[idx]
for line in __salt__[""]("vmstat -v").splitlines():
# Note: vmstat is per-system
if not line:
procn = len(ret["vmstat"])
comps = line.lstrip().split(" ", 1)
ret["vmstat"][procn][comps[1]] = comps[0]
return ret
def openbsd_meminfo():
openbsd specific implementation of meminfo
vmstat = __salt__[""]("vmstat").splitlines()
# We're only interested in memory and page values which are printed
# as subsequent fields.
fields = [
"active virtual pages",
"free list size",
"page faults",
"pages reclaimed",
"pages paged in",
"pages paged out",
"pages freed",
"pages scanned",
data = vmstat[2].split()[2:10]
ret = dict(zip(fields, data))
return ret
# dict that return a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Linux": linux_meminfo,
"FreeBSD": freebsd_meminfo,
"Junos": freebsd_meminfo,
"OpenBSD": openbsd_meminfo,
"AIX": aix_meminfo,
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def cpuinfo():
.. versionchanged:: 2016.3.2
Return the CPU info for this minion
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
.. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
Added support for NetBSD and OpenBSD
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.cpuinfo
def linux_cpuinfo():
linux specific cpuinfo implementation
ret = {}
with salt.utils.files.fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r") as fp_:
stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
except OSError:
for line in stats.splitlines():
if not line:
comps = line.split(":")
comps[0] = comps[0].strip()
if comps[0] == "flags":
ret[comps[0]] = comps[1].split()
ret[comps[0]] = comps[1].strip()
return ret
def bsd_cpuinfo():
bsd specific cpuinfo implementation
bsd_cmd = "sysctl hw.model hw.ncpu"
ret = {}
if __grains__["kernel"].lower() in ["netbsd", "openbsd"]:
sep = "="
sep = ":"
for line in __salt__[""](bsd_cmd).splitlines():
if not line:
comps = line.split(sep)
comps[0] = comps[0].strip()
ret[comps[0]] = comps[1].strip()
return ret
def sunos_cpuinfo():
sunos specific cpuinfo implementation
ret = {}
ret["isainfo"] = {}
for line in __salt__[""]("isainfo -x").splitlines():
# Note: isainfo is per-system and not per-cpu
# Output Example:
# amd64: rdrand f16c vmx avx xsave pclmulqdq aes sse4.2 sse4.1 ssse3 popcnt tscp cx16 sse3 sse2 sse fxsr mmx cmov amd_sysc cx8 tsc fpu
# i386: rdrand f16c vmx avx xsave pclmulqdq aes sse4.2 sse4.1 ssse3 popcnt tscp ahf cx16 sse3 sse2 sse fxsr mmx cmov sep cx8 tsc fpu
if not line:
comps = line.split(":")
comps[0] = comps[0].strip()
ret["isainfo"][comps[0]] = sorted(comps[1].strip().split())
ret["psrinfo"] = []
procn = None
for line in __salt__[""]("psrinfo -v -p").splitlines():
# Output Example:
# The physical processor has 6 cores and 12 virtual processors (0-5 12-17)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (0 12)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (1 13)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (2 14)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (3 15)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (4 16)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (5 17)
# x86 (GenuineIntel 306E4 family 6 model 62 step 4 clock 2100 MHz)
# Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz
# The physical processor has 6 cores and 12 virtual processors (6-11 18-23)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (6 18)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (7 19)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (8 20)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (9 21)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (10 22)
# The core has 2 virtual processors (11 23)
# x86 (GenuineIntel 306E4 family 6 model 62 step 4 clock 2100 MHz)
# Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz
# Output Example 2:
# The physical processor has 4 virtual processors (0-3)
# x86 (GenuineIntel 406D8 family 6 model 77 step 8 clock 2400 MHz)
# Intel(r) Atom(tm) CPU C2558 @ 2.40GHz
if not line:
if line.startswith("The physical processor"):
procn = len(ret["psrinfo"])
line = line.split()
if "cores" in line:
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["topology"] = {}
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["topology"]["cores"] = _number(line[4])
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["topology"]["threads"] = _number(line[7])
elif "virtual" in line:
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["topology"] = {}
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["topology"]["threads"] = _number(line[4])
elif line.startswith(" " * 6): # 3x2 space indent
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["name"] = line.strip()
elif line.startswith(" " * 4): # 2x2 space indent
line = line.strip().split()
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["vendor"] = line[1][1:]
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["family"] = _number(line[4])
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["model"] = _number(line[6])
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["step"] = _number(line[8])
ret["psrinfo"][procn]["clock"] = f"{line[10]} {line[11][:-1]}"
return ret
def aix_cpuinfo():
AIX specific cpuinfo implementation
ret = {}
ret["prtconf"] = []
ret["lparstat"] = []
procn = None
for line in __salt__[""](
'prtconf | grep -i "Processor"', python_shell=True
# Note: prtconf is per-system and not per-cpu
# Output Example:
# prtconf | grep -i "Processor"
# Processor Type: PowerPC_POWER7
# Processor Implementation Mode: POWER 7
# Processor Version: PV_7_Compat
# Number Of Processors: 2
# Processor Clock Speed: 3000 MHz
# Model Implementation: Multiple Processor, PCI bus
# + proc0 Processor
# + proc4 Processor
if not line:
procn = len(ret["prtconf"])
if line.startswith("Processor") or line.startswith("Number"):
comps = line.split(":")
comps[0] = comps[0].rstrip()
ret["prtconf"][procn][comps[0]] = comps[1]
for line in __salt__[""](
'prtconf | grep "CPU"', python_shell=True
# Note: prtconf is per-system and not per-cpu
# Output Example:
# CPU Type: 64-bit
if not line:
procn = len(ret["prtconf"])
if line.startswith("CPU"):
comps = line.split(":")
comps[0] = comps[0].rstrip()
ret["prtconf"][procn][comps[0]] = comps[1]
for line in __salt__[""](
"lparstat -i | grep CPU", python_shell=True
# Note: lparstat is per-system and not per-cpu
# Output Example:
# Online Virtual CPUs : 2
# Maximum Virtual CPUs : 2
# Minimum Virtual CPUs : 1
# Maximum Physical CPUs in system : 32
# Active Physical CPUs in system : 32
# Active CPUs in Pool : 32
# Shared Physical CPUs in system : 32
# Physical CPU Percentage : 25.00%
# Desired Virtual CPUs : 2
if not line:
procn = len(ret["lparstat"])
comps = line.split(":")
comps[0] = comps[0].rstrip()
ret["lparstat"][procn][comps[0]] = comps[1]
return ret
# dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Linux": linux_cpuinfo,
"FreeBSD": bsd_cpuinfo,
"Junos": bsd_cpuinfo,
"NetBSD": bsd_cpuinfo,
"OpenBSD": bsd_cpuinfo,
"SunOS": sunos_cpuinfo,
"AIX": aix_cpuinfo,
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def diskstats():
.. versionchanged:: 2016.3.2
Return the disk stats for this minion
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.diskstats
def linux_diskstats():
linux specific implementation of diskstats
ret = {}
with salt.utils.files.fopen("/proc/diskstats", "r") as fp_:
stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
except OSError:
for line in stats.splitlines():
if not line:
comps = line.split()
ret[comps[2]] = {
"major": _number(comps[0]),
"minor": _number(comps[1]),
"device": _number(comps[2]),
"reads_issued": _number(comps[3]),
"reads_merged": _number(comps[4]),
"sectors_read": _number(comps[5]),
"ms_spent_reading": _number(comps[6]),
"writes_completed": _number(comps[7]),
"writes_merged": _number(comps[8]),
"sectors_written": _number(comps[9]),
"ms_spent_writing": _number(comps[10]),
"io_in_progress": _number(comps[11]),
"ms_spent_in_io": _number(comps[12]),
"weighted_ms_spent_in_io": _number(comps[13]),
return ret
def generic_diskstats():
generic implementation of diskstats
note: freebsd and sunos
ret = {}
iostat = __salt__[""]("iostat -xzd").splitlines()
header = iostat[1]
for line in iostat[2:]:
comps = line.split()
ret[comps[0]] = {}
for metric, value in zip(header.split()[1:], comps[1:]):
ret[comps[0]][metric] = _number(value)
return ret
def aix_diskstats():
AIX specific implementation of diskstats
ret = {}
procn = None
fields = []
disk_name = ""
disk_mode = ""
for line in __salt__[""]("iostat -dDV").splitlines():
# Note: iostat -dDV is per-system
# System configuration: lcpu=8 drives=1 paths=2 vdisks=2
# hdisk0 xfer: %tm_act bps tps bread bwrtn
# 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.8
# read: rps avgserv minserv maxserv timeouts fails
# 0.0 2.5 0.3 12.4 0 0
# write: wps avgserv minserv maxserv timeouts fails
# 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.7 0 0
# queue: avgtime mintime maxtime avgwqsz avgsqsz sqfull
# 0.3 0.0 5.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if not line or line.startswith("System") or line.startswith("-----------"):
if not re.match(r"\s", line):
# have new disk
dsk_comps = line.split(":")
dsk_firsts = dsk_comps[0].split()
disk_name = dsk_firsts[0]
disk_mode = dsk_firsts[1]
fields = dsk_comps[1].split()
ret[disk_name] = []
procn = len(ret[disk_name])
ret[disk_name][procn][disk_mode] = {}
if ":" in line:
comps = line.split(":")
fields = comps[1].split()
disk_mode = comps[0].lstrip()
procn = len(ret[disk_name])
ret[disk_name][procn][disk_mode] = {}
comps = line.split()
for idx, field in enumerate(fields):
if len(comps) > idx:
ret[disk_name][procn][disk_mode][field] = comps[idx]
return ret
# dict that return a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Linux": linux_diskstats,
"FreeBSD": generic_diskstats,
"Junos": generic_diskstats,
"SunOS": generic_diskstats,
"AIX": aix_diskstats,
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def diskusage(*args):
Return the disk usage for this minion
salt '*' status.diskusage [paths and/or filesystem types]
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.diskusage # usage for all filesystems
salt '*' status.diskusage / /tmp # usage for / and /tmp
salt '*' status.diskusage ext? # usage for ext[234] filesystems
salt '*' status.diskusage / ext? # usage for / and all ext filesystems
selected = set()
fstypes = set()
if not args:
# select all filesystems
for arg in args:
if arg.startswith("/"):
# select path
# select fstype
if fstypes:
# determine which mount points host the specified fstypes
regex = re.compile(
"|".join(fnmatch.translate(fstype).format("(%s)") for fstype in fstypes)
# ifile source of data varies with OS, otherwise all the same
if __grains__["kernel"] == "Linux":
with salt.utils.files.fopen("/proc/mounts", "r") as fp_:
ifile = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
except OSError:
return {}
elif __grains__["kernel"] in ("FreeBSD", "SunOS"):
ifile = __salt__[""]("mount -p").splitlines()
raise CommandExecutionError(
"status.diskusage not yet supported on this platform"
for line in ifile:
comps = line.split()
if __grains__["kernel"] == "SunOS":
if len(comps) >= 4:
mntpt = comps[2]
fstype = comps[3]
if regex.match(fstype):
if len(comps) >= 3:
mntpt = comps[1]
fstype = comps[2]
if regex.match(fstype):
# query the filesystems disk usage
ret = {}
for path in selected:
fsstats = os.statvfs(path)
blksz = fsstats.f_bsize
available = fsstats.f_bavail * blksz
total = fsstats.f_blocks * blksz
ret[path] = {"available": available, "total": total}
return ret
def vmstats():
.. versionchanged:: 2016.3.2
Return the virtual memory stats for this minion
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.vmstats
def linux_vmstats():
linux specific implementation of vmstats
ret = {}
with salt.utils.files.fopen("/proc/vmstat", "r") as fp_:
stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
except OSError:
for line in stats.splitlines():
if not line:
comps = line.split()
ret[comps[0]] = _number(comps[1])
return ret
def generic_vmstats():
generic implementation of vmstats
note: works on FreeBSD, SunOS and OpenBSD (possibly others)
ret = {}
for line in __salt__[""]("vmstat -s").splitlines():
comps = line.split()
if comps[0].isdigit():
ret[" ".join(comps[1:])] = _number(comps[0].strip())
return ret
# dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Linux": linux_vmstats,
"FreeBSD": generic_vmstats,
"Junos": generic_vmstats,
"OpenBSD": generic_vmstats,
"SunOS": generic_vmstats,
"AIX": generic_vmstats,
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def nproc():
Return the number of processing units available on this system
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
.. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
Added support for Darwin, FreeBSD and OpenBSD
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.nproc
def linux_nproc():
linux specific implementation of nproc
return _number(__salt__[""]("nproc").strip())
except ValueError:
return 0
def generic_nproc():
generic implementation of nproc
ncpu_data = __salt__["sysctl.get"]("hw.ncpu")
if not ncpu_data:
# We need at least one CPU to run
return 1
return _number(ncpu_data)
# dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Linux": linux_nproc,
"Darwin": generic_nproc,
"FreeBSD": generic_nproc,
"Junos": generic_nproc,
"OpenBSD": generic_nproc,
"AIX": _aix_nproc,
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def netstats():
Return the network stats for this minion
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
.. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
Added support for OpenBSD
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.netstats
def linux_netstats():
linux specific netstats implementation
ret = {}
with salt.utils.files.fopen("/proc/net/netstat", "r") as fp_:
stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
except OSError:
headers = [""]
for line in stats.splitlines():
if not line:
comps = line.split()
if comps[0] == headers[0]:
index = len(headers) - 1
row = {}
for field in range(index):
if field < 1:
row[headers[field]] = _number(comps[field])
rowname = headers[0].replace(":", "")
ret[rowname] = row
headers = comps
return ret
def freebsd_netstats():
return bsd_netstats()
def bsd_netstats():
bsd specific netstats implementation
ret = {}
for line in __salt__[""]("netstat -s").splitlines():
if line.startswith("\t\t"):
continue # Skip, too detailed
if not line.startswith("\t"):
key = line.split()[0].replace(":", "")
ret[key] = {}
comps = line.split()
if comps[0].isdigit():
ret[key][" ".join(comps[1:])] = comps[0]
return ret
def sunos_netstats():
sunos specific netstats implementation
ret = {}
for line in __salt__[""]("netstat -s").splitlines():
line = line.replace("=", " = ").split()
if len(line) > 6:
if "=" in line:
if len(line) >= 3:
if line[2].isdigit() or line[2][0] == "-":
line[2] = _number(line[2])
ret[line[0]] = line[2]
if len(line) >= 6:
if line[5].isdigit() or line[5][0] == "-":
line[5] = _number(line[5])
ret[line[3]] = line[5]
return ret
def aix_netstats():
AIX specific netstats implementation
ret = {}
fields = []
procn = None
proto_name = None
for line in __salt__[""]("netstat -s").splitlines():
if not line:
if not re.match(r"\s", line) and ":" in line:
comps = line.split(":")
proto_name = comps[0]
ret[proto_name] = []
procn = len(ret[proto_name])
comps = line.split()
comps[0] = comps[0].strip()
if comps[0].isdigit():
ret[proto_name][procn][" ".join(comps[1:])] = _number(comps[0])
return ret
# dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Linux": linux_netstats,
"FreeBSD": bsd_netstats,
"Junos": bsd_netstats,
"OpenBSD": bsd_netstats,
"SunOS": sunos_netstats,
"AIX": aix_netstats,
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def netdev():
.. versionchanged:: 2016.3.2
Return the network device stats for this minion
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.netdev
def linux_netdev():
linux specific implementation of netdev
ret = {}
with salt.utils.files.fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r") as fp_:
stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
except OSError:
for line in stats.splitlines():
if not line:
if line.find(":") < 0:
comps = line.split()
# Fix lines like eth0:9999..'
comps[0] = line.split(":")[0].strip()
# Support lines both like eth0:999 and eth0: 9999
comps.insert(1, line.split(":")[1].strip().split()[0])
ret[comps[0]] = {
"iface": comps[0],
"rx_bytes": _number(comps[2]),
"rx_compressed": _number(comps[8]),
"rx_drop": _number(comps[5]),
"rx_errs": _number(comps[4]),
"rx_fifo": _number(comps[6]),
"rx_frame": _number(comps[7]),
"rx_multicast": _number(comps[9]),
"rx_packets": _number(comps[3]),
"tx_bytes": _number(comps[10]),
"tx_carrier": _number(comps[16]),
"tx_colls": _number(comps[15]),
"tx_compressed": _number(comps[17]),
"tx_drop": _number(comps[13]),
"tx_errs": _number(comps[12]),
"tx_fifo": _number(comps[14]),
"tx_packets": _number(comps[11]),
return ret
def freebsd_netdev():
freebsd specific implementation of netdev
def _dict_tree():
return collections.defaultdict(_dict_tree)
ret = _dict_tree()
netstat = __salt__[""]("netstat -i -n -4 -b -d").splitlines()
netstat += __salt__[""]("netstat -i -n -6 -b -d").splitlines()[1:]
header = netstat[0].split()
for line in netstat[1:]:
comps = line.split()
for i in range(4, 13): # The columns we want
ret[comps[0]][comps[2]][comps[3]][header[i]] = _number(comps[i])
return ret
def sunos_netdev():
sunos specific implementation of netdev
ret = {}
##NOTE: we cannot use hwaddr_interfaces here, so we grab both ip4 and ip6
for dev in itertools.chain(
__grains__["ip4_interfaces"].keys(), __grains__["ip6_interfaces"].keys()
# fetch device info
netstat_ipv4 = __salt__[""](
f"netstat -i -I {dev} -n -f inet"
netstat_ipv6 = __salt__[""](
f"netstat -i -I {dev} -n -f inet6"
# prepare data
netstat_ipv4[0] = netstat_ipv4[0].split()
netstat_ipv4[1] = netstat_ipv4[1].split()
netstat_ipv6[0] = netstat_ipv6[0].split()
netstat_ipv6[1] = netstat_ipv6[1].split()
# add data
ret[dev] = {}
for val in netstat_ipv4[0][:-1]:
if val == "Name":
if val in ["Address", "Net/Dest"]:
ret[dev][f"IPv4 {val}"] = val
ret[dev][val] = _number(val)
for val in netstat_ipv6[0][:-1]:
if val == "Name":
if val in ["Address", "Net/Dest"]:
ret[dev][f"IPv6 {val}"] = val
ret[dev][val] = _number(val)
return ret
def aix_netdev():
AIX specific implementation of netdev
ret = {}
fields = []
procn = None
for dev in itertools.chain(
__grains__["ip4_interfaces"].keys(), __grains__["ip6_interfaces"].keys()
# fetch device info
# root@la68pp002_pub:# netstat -i -n -I en0 -f inet
# Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
# en0 1500 link#3 e2.eb.32.42.84.c 10029668 0 446490 0 0
# en0 1500 172.29.128 10029668 0 446490 0 0
# root@la68pp002_pub:# netstat -i -n -I en0 -f inet6
# Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
# en0 1500 link#3 e2.eb.32.42.84.c 10029731 0 446499 0 0
netstat_ipv4 = __salt__[""](
f"netstat -i -n -I {dev} -f inet"
netstat_ipv6 = __salt__[""](
f"netstat -i -n -I {dev} -f inet6"
# add data
ret[dev] = []
for line in netstat_ipv4:
if line.startswith("Name"):
fields = line.split()
comps = line.split()
if len(comps) < 3:
raise CommandExecutionError(
"Insufficent data returned by command to process '{}'".format(
if comps[2].startswith("link"):
procn = len(ret[dev])
ret[dev][procn]["ipv4"] = {}
for i in range(1, len(fields)):
if len(comps) > i:
ret[dev][procn]["ipv4"][fields[i]] = comps[i]
for line in netstat_ipv6:
if line.startswith("Name"):
fields = line.split()
comps = line.split()
if len(comps) < 3:
raise CommandExecutionError(
"Insufficent data returned by command to process '{}'".format(
if comps[2].startswith("link"):
procn = len(ret[dev])
ret[dev][procn]["ipv6"] = {}
for i in range(1, len(fields)):
if len(comps) > i:
ret[dev][procn]["ipv6"][fields[i]] = comps[i]
return ret
# dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Linux": linux_netdev,
"FreeBSD": freebsd_netdev,
"Junos": freebsd_netdev,
"SunOS": sunos_netdev,
"AIX": aix_netdev,
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def w(): # pylint: disable=C0103
Return a list of logged in users for this minion, using the w command
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.w
def linux_w():
Linux specific implementation for w
user_list = []
users = __salt__[""]("w -fh").splitlines()
for row in users:
if not row:
comps = row.split()
rec = {
"idle": comps[3],
"jcpu": comps[4],
"login": comps[2],
"pcpu": comps[5],
"tty": comps[1],
"user": comps[0],
"what": " ".join(comps[6:]),
return user_list
def bsd_w():
Generic BSD implementation for w
user_list = []
users = __salt__[""]("w -h").splitlines()
for row in users:
if not row:
comps = row.split()
rec = {
"from": comps[2],
"idle": comps[4],
"login": comps[3],
"tty": comps[1],
"user": comps[0],
"what": " ".join(comps[5:]),
return user_list
# dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Darwin": bsd_w,
"FreeBSD": bsd_w,
"Junos": bsd_w,
"Linux": linux_w,
"OpenBSD": bsd_w,
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def all_status():
Return a composite of all status data and info for this minion.
Warning: There is a LOT here!
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.all_status
return {
"cpuinfo": cpuinfo(),
"cpustats": cpustats(),
"diskstats": diskstats(),
"diskusage": diskusage(),
"loadavg": loadavg(),
"meminfo": meminfo(),
"netdev": netdev(),
"netstats": netstats(),
"uptime": uptime(),
"vmstats": vmstats(),
"w": w(),
def pid(sig):
Return the PID or an empty string if the process is running or not.
Pass a signature to use to find the process via ps. Note you can pass
a Python-compatible regular expression to return all pids of
processes matching the regexp.
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' <sig>
my_pid = str(os.getpid())
cmd = __grains__["ps"]
output = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"](cmd, python_shell=True)
pids = ""
for line in output.splitlines():
if my_pid in line:
if, line):
if pids:
pids += "\n"
pids += line.split()[1]
return pids
def version():
Return the system version for this minion
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
.. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
Added support for OpenBSD
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.version
def linux_version():
linux specific implementation of version
with salt.utils.files.fopen("/proc/version", "r") as fp_:
return salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
except OSError:
return {}
def bsd_version():
bsd specific implementation of version
return __salt__[""]("sysctl -n kern.version")
# dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
get_version = {
"Linux": linux_version,
"FreeBSD": bsd_version,
"Junos": bsd_version,
"OpenBSD": bsd_version,
"AIX": lambda: __salt__[""]("oslevel -s"),
errmsg = "This method is unsupported on the current operating system!"
return get_version.get(__grains__["kernel"], lambda: errmsg)()
def master(master=None, connected=True):
.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0
Return the connection status with master. Fire an event if the
connection to master is not as expected. This function is meant to be
run via a scheduled job from the minion. If master_ip is an FQDN/Hostname,
it must be resolvable to a valid IPv4 address.
.. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
Added support for AIX
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.master
master_ips = None
if master:
master_ips =
if not master_ips:
master_connection_status = False
port = __salt__["config.get"]("publish_port", default=4505)
connected_ips =
# Get connection status for master
for master_ip in master_ips:
if master_ip in connected_ips:
master_connection_status = True
# Connection to master is not as expected
if master_connection_status is not connected:
with salt.utils.event.get_event("minion", opts=__opts__, listen=False) as event:
if master_connection_status:
{"master": master}, salt.minion.master_event(type="connected")
{"master": master}, salt.minion.master_event(type="disconnected")
return master_connection_status
def ping_master(master):
.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0
Sends ping request to the given master. Fires '__master_failback' event on success.
Returns bool result.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.ping_master localhost
if master is None or master == "":
return False
opts = copy.deepcopy(__opts__)
opts["master"] = master
if "master_ip" in opts: # avoid 'master ip changed' warning
del opts["master_ip"]
opts.update(salt.minion.resolve_dns(opts, fallback=False))
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
return False
timeout = opts.get("auth_timeout", 60)
load = {"cmd": "ping"}
result = False
with, crypt="clear") as channel:
payload = channel.send(load, tries=0, timeout=timeout)
result = True
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if result:
with salt.utils.event.get_event(
"minion", opts=__opts__, listen=False
) as event:
{"master": master}, salt.minion.master_event(type="failback")
return result
def proxy_reconnect(proxy_name, opts=None):
Forces proxy minion reconnection when not alive.
The virtual name of the proxy module.
opts: None
Opts dictionary. Not intended for CLI usage.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.proxy_reconnect rest_sample
if not opts:
opts = __opts__
if "proxy" not in opts:
return False # fail
proxy_keepalive_fn = proxy_name + ".alive"
if proxy_keepalive_fn not in __proxy__:
return False # fail
chk_reboot_active_key = proxy_name + ".get_reboot_active"
if chk_reboot_active_key in __proxy__ and __proxy__[chk_reboot_active_key]():
# if rebooting or shutting down, don't run proxy_reconnect
# it interferes with the connection and disrupts the shutdown/reboot
# especially
minion_id = opts.get("proxyid", "") or opts.get("id", "")
"%s (%s proxy) is rebooting or shutting down. Don't probe connection.",
return True
is_alive = __proxy__[proxy_keepalive_fn](opts)
if not is_alive:
minion_id = opts.get("proxyid", "") or opts.get("id", "")"%s (%s proxy) is down. Restarting.", minion_id, proxy_name)
__proxy__[proxy_name + ".shutdown"](opts) # safely close connection
__proxy__[proxy_name + ".init"](opts) # reopen connection
log.debug("Restarted %s (%s proxy)!", minion_id, proxy_name)
return True # success
def time_(format="%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p"):
.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0
Return the current time on the minion,
formatted based on the format parameter.
Default date format: Monday, 27. July 2015 07:55AM
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' status.time
salt '*' status.time '%s'
dt =
return dt.strftime(format)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0