Mini Shell
Install pkg, dmg and .app applications on macOS minions.
import logging
import os
import shlex
import salt.utils.platform
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__virtualname__ = "macpackage"
def __virtual__():
Only work on Mac OS
if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin():
return __virtualname__
return (False, "Only available on Mac OS systems with pipes")
def install(pkg, target="LocalSystem", store=False, allow_untrusted=False):
Install a pkg file
pkg (str): The package to install
target (str): The target in which to install the package to
store (bool): Should the package be installed as if it was from the
allow_untrusted (bool): Allow the installation of untrusted packages?
dict: A dictionary containing the results of the installation
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' macpackage.install test.pkg
if "*." not in pkg:
# If we use wildcards, we cannot use quotes
pkg = shlex.quote(pkg)
target = shlex.quote(target)
cmd = f"installer -pkg {pkg} -target {target}"
if store:
cmd += " -store"
if allow_untrusted:
cmd += " -allowUntrusted"
# We can only use wildcards in python_shell which is
# sent by the macpackage state
python_shell = False
if "*." in cmd:
python_shell = True
return __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=python_shell)
def install_app(app, target="/Applications/"):
Install an app file by moving it into the specified Applications directory
app (str): The location of the .app file
target (str): The target in which to install the package to
Default is ''/Applications/''
str: The results of the rsync command
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' macpackage.install_app /tmp/ /Applications/
if target[-4:] != ".app":
if app[-1:] == "/":
base_app = os.path.basename(app[:-1])
base_app = os.path.basename(app)
target = os.path.join(target, base_app)
if not app[-1] == "/":
app += "/"
cmd = f'rsync -a --delete "{app}" "{target}"'
return __salt__[""](cmd)
def uninstall_app(app):
Uninstall an app file by removing it from the Applications directory
app (str): The location of the .app file
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' macpackage.uninstall_app /Applications/
return __salt__["file.remove"](app)
def mount(dmg):
Attempt to mount a dmg file to a temporary location and return the
location of the pkg file inside
dmg (str): The location of the dmg file to mount
tuple: Tuple containing the results of the command along with the mount
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' macpackage.mount /tmp/software.dmg
temp_dir = __salt__["temp.dir"](prefix="dmg-")
cmd = f'hdiutil attach -readonly -nobrowse -mountpoint {temp_dir} "{dmg}"'
return __salt__[""](cmd), temp_dir
def unmount(mountpoint):
Attempt to unmount a dmg file from a temporary location
mountpoint (str): The location of the mount point
str: The results of the hdutil detach command
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' macpackage.unmount /dev/disk2
cmd = f'hdiutil detach "{mountpoint}"'
return __salt__[""](cmd)
def installed_pkgs():
Return the list of installed packages on the machine
list: List of installed packages
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' macpackage.installed_pkgs
cmd = "pkgutil --pkgs"
return __salt__[""](cmd).split("\n")
def get_pkg_id(pkg):
Attempt to get the package ID from a .pkg file
pkg (str): The location of the pkg file
list: List of all of the package IDs
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' macpackage.get_pkg_id /tmp/test.pkg
pkg = shlex.quote(pkg)
package_ids = []
# Create temp directory
temp_dir = __salt__["temp.dir"](prefix="pkg-")
# List all of the PackageInfo files
cmd = f"xar -t -f {pkg} | grep PackageInfo"
out = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=True, output_loglevel="quiet")
files = out.split("\n")
if "Error opening" not in out:
# Extract the PackageInfo files
cmd = "xar -x -f {} {}".format(pkg, " ".join(files))
__salt__[""](cmd, cwd=temp_dir, output_loglevel="quiet")
# Find our identifiers
for f in files:
i = _get_pkg_id_from_pkginfo(os.path.join(temp_dir, f))
if i:
package_ids = _get_pkg_id_dir(pkg)
# Clean up
return package_ids
def get_mpkg_ids(mpkg):
Attempt to get the package IDs from a mounted .mpkg file
mpkg (str): The location of the mounted mpkg file
list: List of package IDs
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' macpackage.get_mpkg_ids /dev/disk2
mpkg = shlex.quote(mpkg)
package_infos = []
base_path = os.path.dirname(mpkg)
# List all of the .pkg files
cmd = f"find {base_path} -name *.pkg"
out = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=True)
pkg_files = out.split("\n")
for p in pkg_files:
return package_infos
def _get_pkg_id_from_pkginfo(pkginfo):
# Find our identifiers
pkginfo = shlex.quote(pkginfo)
cmd = "cat {} | grep -Eo 'identifier=\"[a-zA-Z.0-9\\-]*\"' | cut -c 13- | tr -d '\"'".format(
out = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=True)
if "No such file" not in out:
return out.split("\n")
return []
def _get_pkg_id_dir(path):
path = shlex.quote(os.path.join(path, "Contents/Info.plist"))
cmd = f'/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :CFBundleIdentifier" {path}'
# We can only use wildcards in python_shell which is
# sent by the macpackage state
python_shell = False
if "*." in cmd:
python_shell = True
out = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=python_shell)
if "Does Not Exist" not in out:
return [out]
return []
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0