Mini Shell
Support for the softwareupdate command on MacOS.
import os
import re
import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.mac_utils
import salt.utils.path
import salt.utils.platform
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError
__virtualname__ = "softwareupdate"
def __virtual__():
Only for MacOS
if not salt.utils.platform.is_darwin():
return (
"The softwareupdate module could not be loaded: "
"module only works on MacOS systems.",
return __virtualname__
def _get_available(recommended=False, restart=False, shut_down=False):
Utility function to get all available update packages.
Sample return date:
{ 'updatename': '1.2.3-45', ... }
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--list"]
out = salt.utils.mac_utils.execute_return_result(cmd)
if __grains__["osrelease_info"][0] > 10 or __grains__["osrelease_info"][1] >= 15:
# Example output:
# Software Update Tool
# Finding available software
# Software Update found the following new or updated software:
# * Label: Command Line Tools beta 5 for Xcode-11.0
# Title: Command Line Tools beta 5 for Xcode, Version: 11.0, Size: 224804K, Recommended: YES,
# * Label: macOS Catalina Developer Beta-6
# Title: macOS Catalina Public Beta, Version: 5, Size: 3084292K, Recommended: YES, Action: restart,
# * Label: BridgeOSUpdateCustomer
# Title: BridgeOSUpdateCustomer, Version:, Size: 390674K, Recommended: YES, Action: shut down,
# - Label: iCal-1.0.2
# Title: iCal, Version: 1.0.2, Size: 6520K,
rexp = re.compile(
r"(?m)" # Turn on multiline matching
r"^\s*[*-] Label: " # Name lines start with * or - and "Label: "
r"(?P<name>[^ ].*)[\r\n]" # Capture the rest of that line; this is the update name.
r".*Version: (?P<version>[^,]*), " # Grab the version number.
r"Size: (?P<size>[^,]*),\s*" # Grab the size; unused at this time.
r"(?P<recommended>Recommended: YES,)?\s*" # Optionally grab the recommended flag.
r"(?P<action>Action: (?:restart|shut down),)?" # Optionally grab an action.
# Example output:
# Software Update Tool
# Finding available software
# Software Update found the following new or updated software:
# * Command Line Tools (macOS Mojave version 10.14) for Xcode-10.3
# Command Line Tools (macOS Mojave version 10.14) for Xcode (10.3), 199140K [recommended]
# * macOS 10.14.1 Update
# macOS 10.14.1 Update (10.14.1), 199140K [recommended] [restart]
# * BridgeOSUpdateCustomer
# BridgeOSUpdateCustomer (, 328394K, [recommended] [shut down]
# - iCal-1.0.2
# iCal, (1.0.2), 6520K
rexp = re.compile(
r"(?m)" # Turn on multiline matching
r"^\s+[*-] " # Name lines start with 3 spaces and either a * or a -.
r"(?P<name>.*)[\r\n]" # The rest of that line is the name.
r".*\((?P<version>[^ \)]*)" # Capture the last parenthesized value on the next line.
r"[^\r\n\[]*(?P<recommended>\[recommended\])?\s?" # Capture [recommended] if there.
r"(?P<action>\[(?:restart|shut down)\])?" # Capture an action if present.
# Build a list of lambda funcs to apply to matches to filter based
# on our args.
conditions = []
conditions.append(lambda m:"recommended"))
lambda m: "restart" in ("action") or "")
) # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
lambda m: "shut down" in ("action") or "")
) # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
return {"name"):"version")
for m in rexp.finditer(out)
if all(f(m) for f in conditions)
def list_available(recommended=False, restart=False, shut_down=False):
List all available updates.
:param bool recommended: Show only recommended updates.
:param bool restart: Show only updates that require a restart.
:return: Returns a dictionary containing the updates
:rtype: dict
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.list_available
return _get_available(recommended, restart, shut_down)
def ignore(name):
Ignore a specific program update. When an update is ignored the '-' and
version number at the end will be omitted, so "SecUpd2014-001-1.0" becomes
"SecUpd2014-001". It will be removed automatically if present. An update
is successfully ignored when it no longer shows up after list_updates.
:param name: The name of the update to add to the ignore list.
:ptype: str
:return: True if successful, False if not
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.ignore <update-name>
# remove everything after and including the '-' in the updates name.
to_ignore = name.rsplit("-", 1)[0]
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--ignore", to_ignore]
return to_ignore in list_ignored()
def list_ignored():
List all updates that have been ignored. Ignored updates are shown
without the '-' and version number at the end, this is how the
softwareupdate command works.
:return: The list of ignored updates
:rtype: list
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.list_ignored
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--list", "--ignore"]
out = salt.utils.mac_utils.execute_return_result(cmd)
# rep parses lines that look like the following:
# "Safari6.1.2MountainLion-6.1.2",
# or:
# Safari6.1.2MountainLion-6.1.2
rexp = re.compile(r'(?m)^ ["]?([^,|\s].*[^"|\n|,])[,|"]?')
return rexp.findall(out)
def reset_ignored():
Make sure the ignored updates are not ignored anymore,
returns a list of the updates that are no longer ignored.
:return: True if the list was reset, Otherwise False
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.reset_ignored
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--reset-ignored"]
return list_ignored() == []
def schedule_enabled():
Check the status of automatic update scheduling.
:return: True if scheduling is enabled, False if disabled
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.schedule_enabled
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--schedule"]
ret = salt.utils.mac_utils.execute_return_result(cmd)
enabled = ret.split()[-1]
return salt.utils.mac_utils.validate_enabled(enabled) == "on"
def schedule_enable(enable):
Enable/disable automatic update scheduling.
:param enable: True/On/Yes/1 to turn on automatic updates. False/No/Off/0
to turn off automatic updates. If this value is empty, the current
status will be returned.
:type: bool str
:return: True if scheduling is enabled, False if disabled
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.schedule_enable on|off
status = salt.utils.mac_utils.validate_enabled(enable)
cmd = [
return salt.utils.mac_utils.validate_enabled(schedule_enabled()) == status
def update_all(recommended=False, restart=True):
Install all available updates. Returns a dictionary containing the name
of the update and the status of its installation.
:param bool recommended: If set to True, only install the recommended
updates. If set to False (default) all updates are installed.
:param bool restart: Set this to False if you do not want to install updates
that require a restart. Default is True
:return: A dictionary containing the updates that were installed and the
status of its installation. If no updates were installed an empty
dictionary is returned.
:rtype: dict
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.update_all
to_update = _get_available(recommended, restart)
if not to_update:
return {}
for _update in to_update:
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--install", _update]
ret = {}
updates_left = _get_available()
for _update in to_update:
ret[_update] = True if _update not in updates_left else False
return ret
def update(name):
Install a named update.
:param str name: The name of the of the update to install.
:return: True if successfully updated, otherwise False
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.update <update-name>
if not update_available(name):
raise SaltInvocationError(f"Update not available: {name}")
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--install", name]
return not update_available(name)
def update_available(name):
Check whether or not an update is available with a given name.
:param str name: The name of the update to look for
:return: True if available, False if not
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.update_available <update-name>
salt '*' softwareupdate.update_available "<update with whitespace>"
return name in _get_available()
def list_downloads():
Return a list of all updates that have been downloaded locally.
:return: A list of updates that have been downloaded
:rtype: list
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.list_downloads
outfiles = []
for root, subFolder, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk("/Library/Updates"):
for f in files:
outfiles.append(os.path.join(root, f))
dist_files = []
for f in outfiles:
if f.endswith(".dist"):
ret = []
for update in _get_available():
for f in dist_files:
with salt.utils.files.fopen(f) as fhr:
if update.rsplit("-", 1)[0] in salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
return ret
def download(name):
Download a named update so that it can be installed later with the
``update`` or ``update_all`` functions
:param str name: The update to download.
:return: True if successful, otherwise False
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' <update name>
if not update_available(name):
raise SaltInvocationError(f"Update not available: {name}")
if name in list_downloads():
return True
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--download", name]
return name in list_downloads()
def download_all(recommended=False, restart=True):
Download all available updates so that they can be installed later with the
``update`` or ``update_all`` functions. It returns a list of updates that
are now downloaded.
:param bool recommended: If set to True, only install the recommended
updates. If set to False (default) all updates are installed.
:param bool restart: Set this to False if you do not want to install updates
that require a restart. Default is True
:return: A list containing all downloaded updates on the system.
:rtype: list
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdate.download_all
to_download = _get_available(recommended, restart)
for name in to_download:
return list_downloads()
def get_catalog():
.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0
Get the current catalog being used for update lookups. Will return a url if
a custom catalog has been specified. Otherwise the word 'Default' will be
:return: The catalog being used for update lookups
:rtype: str
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdates.get_catalog
cmd = ["defaults", "read", "/Library/Preferences/"]
out = salt.utils.mac_utils.execute_return_result(cmd)
if "AppleCatalogURL" in out:
out = salt.utils.mac_utils.execute_return_result(cmd)
return out
elif "CatalogURL" in out:
out = salt.utils.mac_utils.execute_return_result(cmd)
return out
return "Default"
def set_catalog(url):
.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0
Set the Software Update Catalog to the URL specified
:param str url: The url to the update catalog
:return: True if successful, False if not
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdates.set_catalog http://swupd.local:8888/index.sucatalog
# This command always returns an error code, though it completes
# successfully. Success will be determined by making sure get_catalog
# returns the passed url
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--set-catalog", url]
except CommandExecutionError as exc:
return get_catalog() == url
def reset_catalog():
.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0
Reset the Software Update Catalog to the default.
:return: True if successful, False if not
:rtype: bool
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' softwareupdates.reset_catalog
# This command always returns an error code, though it completes
# successfully. Success will be determined by making sure get_catalog
# returns 'Default'
cmd = ["softwareupdate", "--clear-catalog"]
except CommandExecutionError as exc:
return get_catalog() == "Default"
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0