Mini Shell

Direktori : /opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/modules/inspectlib/
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Current File : //opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/modules/inspectlib/

# Copyright 2015 SUSE LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import os
import time

import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.fsutils
from salt.modules.inspectlib import EnvLoader
from salt.modules.inspectlib.entities import Package, PackageCfgFile, PayloadFile
from salt.modules.inspectlib.exceptions import InspectorQueryException, SIException

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SysInfo:
    System information.

    def __init__(self, systype):
        if systype.lower() == "solaris":
            raise SIException(f"Platform {systype} not (yet) supported.")

    def _grain(self, grain):
        An alias for grains getter.
        return __grains__.get(grain, "N/A")

    def _get_disk_size(self, device):
        Get a size of a disk.
        out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](f"df {device}")
        if out["retcode"]:
            msg = "Disk size info error: {}".format(out["stderr"])
            raise SIException(msg)

        devpath, blocks, used, available, used_p, mountpoint = (
            elm for elm in out["stdout"].split(os.linesep)[-1].split(" ") if elm
        return {
            "device": devpath,
            "blocks": blocks,
            "used": used,
            "available": available,
            "used (%)": used_p,
            "mounted": mountpoint,

    def _get_fs(self):
        Get available file systems and their types.

        data = dict()
        for dev, dev_data in salt.utils.fsutils._blkid().items():
            dev = self._get_disk_size(dev)
            device = dev.pop("device")
            dev["type"] = dev_data.get("type", "UNKNOWN")
            data[device] = dev

        return data

    def _get_mounts(self):
        Get mounted FS on the system.
        return salt.utils.fsutils._get_mounts()

    def _get_cpu(self):
        Get available CPU information.
        # CPU data in grains is OK-ish, but lscpu is still better in this case
        out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]("lscpu")
        data = dict()
        for descr, value in [
            elm.split(":", 1) for elm in out["stdout"].split(os.linesep)
            data[descr.strip()] = value.strip()

        return data

    def _get_mem(self):
        Get memory.
        out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]("vmstat -s")
        if out["retcode"]:
            raise SIException("Memory info error: {}".format(out["stderr"]))

        ret = dict()
        for line in out["stdout"].split(os.linesep):
            line = line.strip()
            if not line:
            size, descr = line.split(" ", 1)
            if descr.startswith("K "):
                descr = descr[2:]
                size = size + "K"
            ret[descr] = size
        return ret

    def _get_network(self):
        Get network configuration.
        data = dict()
        data["interfaces"] =
        data["subnets"] =

        return data

    def _get_os(self):
        Get operating system summary
        return {
            "name": self._grain("os"),
            "family": self._grain("os_family"),
            "arch": self._grain("osarch"),
            "release": self._grain("osrelease"),

class Query(EnvLoader):
    Query the system.
    This class is actually puts all Salt features together,
    so there would be no need to pick it from various places.

    # Configuration: config files
    # Identity: users/groups
    # Software: packages, patterns, repositories
    # Services
    # System: distro, RAM etc
    # Changes: all files that are managed and were changed from the original
    # all: include all scopes (scary!)
    # payload: files that are not managed

    SCOPES = [

    def __init__(self, scope, cachedir=None):

        :param scope:
        if scope and scope not in self.SCOPES:
            raise InspectorQueryException(
                "Unknown scope: {}. Must be one of: {}".format(
                    repr(scope), ", ".join(self.SCOPES)
        elif not scope:
            raise InspectorQueryException(
                "Scope cannot be empty. Must be one of: {}".format(
                    ", ".join(self.SCOPES)
        EnvLoader.__init__(self, cachedir=cachedir)
        self.scope = "_" + scope
        self.local_identity = dict()

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Call the query with the defined scope.

        :param args:
        :param kwargs:

        return getattr(self, self.scope)(*args, **kwargs)

    def _changes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns all diffs to the configuration files.
        raise Exception("Not yet implemented")

    def _configuration(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Return configuration files.

        data = dict()
        for pkg in self.db.get(Package):
            configs = list()
            for pkg_cfg in self.db.get(PackageCfgFile, eq={"pkgid":}):
            data[] = configs

        if not data:
            raise InspectorQueryException("No inspected configuration yet available.")

        return data

    def _get_local_users(self, disabled=None):
        Return all known local accounts to the system.
        users = dict()
        path = "/etc/passwd"
        with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "r") as fp_:
            for line in fp_:
                line = line.strip()
                if ":" not in line:
                name, password, uid, gid, gecos, directory, shell = line.split(":")
                active = not (password == "*" or password.startswith("!"))
                if (
                    (disabled is False and active)
                    or (disabled is True and not active)
                    or disabled is None
                    users[name] = {
                        "uid": uid,
                        "git": gid,
                        "info": gecos,
                        "home": directory,
                        "shell": shell,
                        "disabled": not active,

        return users

    def _get_local_groups(self):
        Return all known local groups to the system.
        groups = dict()
        path = "/etc/group"
        with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "r") as fp_:
            for line in fp_:
                line = line.strip()
                if ":" not in line:
                name, password, gid, users = line.split(":")
                groups[name] = {
                    "gid": gid,

                if users:
                    groups[name]["users"] = users.split(",")

        return groups

    def _get_external_accounts(self, locals):
        Return all known accounts, excluding local accounts.
        users = dict()
        out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]("passwd -S -a")
        if out["retcode"]:
            # System does not supports all accounts descriptions, just skipping.
            return users
        status = {
            "L": "Locked",
            "NP": "No password",
            "P": "Usable password",
            "LK": "Locked",
        for data in [
            elm.strip().split(" ")
            for elm in out["stdout"].split(os.linesep)
            if elm.strip()
            if len(data) < 2:
            name, login = data[:2]
            if name not in locals:
                users[name] = {"login": login, "status": status.get(login, "N/A")}

        return users

    def _identity(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Local users and groups.

            Can be either 'local', 'remote' or 'all' (equal to "local,remote").
            Remote accounts cannot be resolved on all systems, but only
            those, which supports 'passwd -S -a'.

            True (or False, default) to return only disabled accounts.
        LOCAL = "local accounts"
        EXT = "external accounts"

        data = dict()
        data[LOCAL] = self._get_local_users(disabled=kwargs.get("disabled"))
        data[EXT] = self._get_external_accounts(data[LOCAL].keys()) or "N/A"
        data["local groups"] = self._get_local_groups()

        return data

    def _system(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This basically calls grains items and picks out only
        necessary information in a certain structure.

        :param args:
        :param kwargs:
        sysinfo = SysInfo(__grains__.get("kernel"))

        data = dict()
        data["cpu"] = sysinfo._get_cpu()
        data["disks"] = sysinfo._get_fs()
        data["mounts"] = sysinfo._get_mounts()
        data["memory"] = sysinfo._get_mem()
        data["network"] = sysinfo._get_network()
        data["os"] = sysinfo._get_os()

        return data

    def _software(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Return installed software.
        data = dict()
        if "exclude" in kwargs:
            excludes = kwargs["exclude"].split(",")
            excludes = list()

        os_family = __grains__.get("os_family").lower()

        # Get locks
        if os_family == "suse":
            LOCKS = "pkg.list_locks"
            if "products" not in excludes:
                products = __salt__["pkg.list_products"]()
                if products:
                    data["products"] = products
        elif os_family == "redhat":
            LOCKS = "pkg.get_locked_packages"
            LOCKS = None

        if LOCKS and "locks" not in excludes:
            locks = __salt__[LOCKS]()
            if locks:
                data["locks"] = locks

        # Get patterns
        if os_family == "suse":
            PATTERNS = "pkg.list_installed_patterns"
        elif os_family == "redhat":
            PATTERNS = "pkg.group_list"
            PATTERNS = None

        if PATTERNS and "patterns" not in excludes:
            patterns = __salt__[PATTERNS]()
            if patterns:
                data["patterns"] = patterns

        # Get packages
        if "packages" not in excludes:
            data["packages"] = __salt__["pkg.list_pkgs"]()

        # Get repositories
        if "repositories" not in excludes:
            repos = __salt__["pkg.list_repos"]()
            if repos:
                data["repositories"] = repos

        return data

    def _services(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Get list of enabled and disabled services on the particular system.
        return {
            "enabled": __salt__["service.get_enabled"](),
            "disabled": __salt__["service.get_disabled"](),

    def _id_resolv(self, iid, named=True, uid=True):
        Resolve local users and groups.

        :param iid:
        :param named:
        :param uid:

        if not self.local_identity:
            self.local_identity["users"] = self._get_local_users()
            self.local_identity["groups"] = self._get_local_groups()

        if not named:
            return iid

        for name, meta in self.local_identity[uid and "users" or "groups"].items():
            if (uid and int(meta.get("uid", -1)) == iid) or (
                not uid and int(meta.get("gid", -1)) == iid
                return name

        return iid

    def _payload(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Find all unmanaged files. Returns maximum 1000 values.


        * **filter**: Include only results which path starts from the filter string.
        * **time**: Display time in Unix ticks or format according to the configured TZ (default)
                    Values: ticks, tz (default)
        * **size**: Format size. Values: B, KB, MB, GB
        * **owners**: Resolve UID/GID to an actual names or leave them numeric (default).
                      Values: name (default), id
        * **type**: Comma-separated type of included payload: dir (or directory), link and/or file.
        * **brief**: Return just a list of matches, if True. Default: False
        * **offset**: Offset of the files
        * **max**: Maximum returned values. Default 1000.


        * **total**: Return a total amount of found payload files

        def _size_format(size, fmt):
            if fmt is None:
                return size

            fmt = fmt.lower()
            if fmt == "b":
                return f"{size} Bytes"
            elif fmt == "kb":
                return f"{round((float(size) / 0x400), 2)} Kb"
            elif fmt == "mb":
                return f"{round((float(size) / 0x400 / 0x400), 2)} Mb"
            elif fmt == "gb":
                return f"{round((float(size) / 0x400 / 0x400 / 0x400), 2)} Gb"

        filter = kwargs.get("filter")
        offset = kwargs.get("offset", 0)

        timeformat = kwargs.get("time", "tz")
        if timeformat not in ["ticks", "tz"]:
            raise InspectorQueryException(
                f'Unknown "{timeformat}" value for parameter "time"'

        def tfmt(param):
            return (
                timeformat == "tz"
                and time.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(param))
                or int(param)

        size_fmt = kwargs.get("size")
        if size_fmt is not None and size_fmt.lower() not in ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb"]:
            raise InspectorQueryException(
                'Unknown "{}" value for parameter "size". '
                "Should be either B, Kb, Mb or Gb".format(timeformat)

        owners = kwargs.get("owners", "id")
        if owners not in ["name", "id"]:
            raise InspectorQueryException(
                'Unknown "{}" value for parameter "owners". '
                "Should be either name or id (default)".format(owners)

        incl_type = [prm for prm in kwargs.get("type", "").lower().split(",") if prm]
        if not incl_type:

        for i_type in incl_type:
            if i_type not in ["directory", "dir", "d", "file", "f", "link", "l"]:
                raise InspectorQueryException(
                    'Unknown "{}" values for parameter "type". '
                    "Should be comma separated one or more of "
                    "dir, file and/or link.".format(", ".join(incl_type))

        if "total" in args:
            return {"total": len(self.db.get(PayloadFile))}

        brief = kwargs.get("brief")
        pld_files = list() if brief else dict()
        for pld_data in self.db.get(PayloadFile)[
            offset : offset + kwargs.get("max", 1000)
            if brief:
                pld_files[pld_data.path] = {
                    "uid": self._id_resolv(pld_data.uid, named=owners == "id"),
                    "gid": self._id_resolv(
                        pld_data.gid, named=owners == "id", uid=False
                    "size": _size_format(pld_data.p_size, fmt=size_fmt),
                    "mode": oct(pld_data.mode),
                    "accessed": tfmt(pld_data.atime),
                    "modified": tfmt(pld_data.mtime),
                    "created": tfmt(pld_data.ctime),

        return pld_files

    def _all(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Return all the summary of the particular system.
        data = dict()
        data["software"] = self._software(**kwargs)
        data["system"] = self._system(**kwargs)
        data["services"] = self._services(**kwargs)
            data["configuration"] = self._configuration(**kwargs)
        except InspectorQueryException as ex:
            data["configuration"] = "N/A"
        data["payload"] = self._payload(**kwargs) or "N/A"

        return data

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0