Mini Shell
Edit ini files
:maintainer: <>
:maturity: new
:depends: re
:platform: all
(for example /etc/sysctl.conf)
import logging
import os
import re
import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.json
import salt.utils.stringutils
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__virtualname__ = "ini"
def __virtual__():
Rename to ini
return __virtualname__
INI_REGX = re.compile(r"^\s*\[(.+?)\]\s*$", flags=re.M)
COM_REGX = re.compile(r"^\s*(#|;)\s*(.*)")
INDENTED_REGX = re.compile(r"(\s+)(.*)")
def set_option(file_name, sections=None, separator="=", encoding=None):
Edit an ini file, replacing one or more sections. Returns a dictionary
containing the changes made.
file_name (str):
The full path to the ini file.
sections (dict):
A dictionary representing the sections to be edited in the ini file.
The keys are the section names and the values are a dictionary
containing the options. If the ini file does not contain sections
the keys and values represent the options. The default is ``None``.
separator (str):
The character used to separate keys and values. Standard ini files
use the "=" character. The default is ``=``.
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
encoding (str):
A string value representing encoding of the target ini file. If
``None`` is passed, it uses the system default which is likely
``utf-8``. Default is ``None``
.. versionadded:: 3006.6
dict: A dictionary representing the changes made to the ini file
API Example:
.. code-block:: python
import salt.client
with salt.client.get_local_client() as sc:
'target', 'ini.set_option', ['path_to_ini_file', '{"section_to_change": {"key": "value"}}']
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ini.set_option /path/to/ini '{section_foo: {key: value}}'
sections = sections or {}
inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator, encoding=encoding)
changes = inifile.update(sections)
return changes
def get_option(file_name, section, option, separator="=", encoding=None):
Get value of a key from a section in an ini file. Returns ``None`` if
no matching key was found.
file_name (str):
The full path to the ini file.
section (str):
A string value representing the section of the ini that the option
is in. If the option is not in a section, leave this empty.
option (str):
A string value representing the option to search for.
separator (str):
The character used to separate keys and values. Standard ini files
use the "=" character. The default is ``=``.
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
encoding (str):
A string value representing encoding of the target ini file. If
``None`` is passed, it uses the system default which is likely
``utf-8``. Default is ``None``
.. versionadded:: 3006.6
str: The value as defined in the ini file, or ``None`` if empty or not
API Example:
.. code-block:: python
import salt.client
with salt.client.get_local_client() as sc:
sc.cmd('target', 'ini.get_option', [path_to_ini_file, section_name, option])
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ini.get_option /path/to/ini section_name option_name
inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator, encoding=encoding)
if section:
return inifile.get(section, {}).get(option, None)
except AttributeError:
return None
return inifile.get(option, None)
def remove_option(file_name, section, option, separator="=", encoding=None):
Remove a key/value pair from a section in an ini file. Returns the value of
the removed key, or ``None`` if nothing was removed.
file_name (str):
The full path to the ini file.
section (str):
A string value representing the section of the ini that the option
is in. If the option is not in a section, leave this empty.
option (str):
A string value representing the option to search for.
separator (str):
The character used to separate keys and values. Standard ini files
use the "=" character. The default is ``=``.
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
encoding (str):
A string value representing encoding of the target ini file. If
``None`` is passed, it uses the system default which is likely
``utf-8``. Default is ``None``
.. versionadded:: 3006.6
str: A string value representing the option that was removed or ``None``
if nothing was removed
API Example:
.. code-block:: python
import salt
sc = salt.client.get_local_client()
sc.cmd('target', 'ini.remove_option', [path_to_ini_file, section_name, option])
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ini.remove_option /path/to/ini section_name option_name
inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator, encoding=encoding)
if isinstance(inifile.get(section), (dict, OrderedDict)):
value = inifile.get(section, {}).pop(option, None)
value = inifile.pop(option, None)
return value
def get_section(file_name, section, separator="=", encoding=None):
Retrieve a section from an ini file. Returns the section as a dictionary. If
the section is not found, an empty dictionary is returned.
file_name (str):
The full path to the ini file.
section (str):
A string value representing name of the section to search for.
separator (str):
The character used to separate keys and values. Standard ini files
use the "=" character. The default is ``=``.
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
encoding (str):
A string value representing encoding of the target ini file. If
``None`` is passed, it uses the system default which is likely
``utf-8``. Default is ``None``
.. versionadded:: 3006.6
dict: A dictionary containing the names and values of all items in the
section of the ini file. If the section is not found, an empty
dictionary is returned
API Example:
.. code-block:: python
import salt.client
with salt.client.get_local_client() as sc:
sc.cmd('target', 'ini.get_section', [path_to_ini_file, section_name])
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ini.get_section /path/to/ini section_name
inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator, encoding=encoding)
ret = {}
for key, value in inifile.get(section, {}).items():
if key[0] != "#":
ret.update({key: value})
return ret
def remove_section(file_name, section, separator="=", encoding=None):
Remove a section in an ini file. Returns the removed section as a
dictionary, or ``None`` if nothing is removed.
file_name (str):
The full path to the ini file.
section (str):
A string value representing the name of the section search for.
separator (str):
The character used to separate keys and values. Standard ini files
use the "=" character. The default is ``=``.
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
encoding (str):
A string value representing encoding of the target ini file. If
``None`` is passed, it uses the system default which is likely
``utf-8``. Default is ``None``
.. versionadded:: 3006.6
dict: A dictionary containing the names and values of all items in the
section that was removed or ``None`` if nothing was removed
API Example:
.. code-block:: python
import salt.client
with salt.client.get_local_client() as sc:
sc.cmd('target', 'ini.remove_section', [path_to_ini_file, section_name])
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ini.remove_section /path/to/ini section_name
inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator, encoding=encoding)
if section in inifile:
section = inifile.pop(section)
ret = {}
for key, value in section.items():
if key[0] != "#":
ret.update({key: value})
return ret
def get_ini(file_name, separator="=", encoding=None):
Retrieve the whole structure from an ini file and return it as a dictionary.
file_name (str):
The full path to the ini file.
separator (str):
The character used to separate keys and values. Standard ini files
use the "=" character. The default is ``=``.
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
encoding (str):
A string value representing encoding of the target ini file. If
``None`` is passed, it uses the system default which is likely
``utf-8``. Default is ``None``
.. versionadded:: 3006.6
dict: A dictionary containing the sections along with the values and
names contained in each section
API Example:
.. code-block:: python
import salt.client
with salt.client.get_local_client() as sc:
sc.cmd('target', 'ini.get_ini', [path_to_ini_file])
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ini.get_ini /path/to/ini
def ini_odict2dict(odict):
Transform OrderedDict to regular dict recursively
:param odict: OrderedDict
:return: regular dict
ret = {}
for key, val in odict.items():
if key[0] != "#":
if isinstance(val, (dict, OrderedDict)):
ret.update({key: ini_odict2dict(val)})
ret.update({key: val})
return ret
inifile = _Ini.get_ini_file(file_name, separator=separator, encoding=encoding)
return ini_odict2dict(inifile)
class _Section(OrderedDict):
def __init__(self, name, inicontents="", separator="=", commenter="#"):
super().__init__(self) = name
self.inicontents = inicontents
self.sep = separator = commenter
opt_regx_prefix = r"(\s*)(.+?)\s*"
opt_regx_suffix = r"\s*(.*)\s*"
self.opt_regx_str = r"{}(\{}){}".format(
opt_regx_prefix, self.sep, opt_regx_suffix
self.opt_regx = re.compile(self.opt_regx_str)
def refresh(self, inicontents=None):
comment_count = 1
unknown_count = 1
curr_indent = ""
inicontents = inicontents or self.inicontents
inicontents = inicontents.strip(os.linesep)
if not inicontents:
for opt in self:
for opt_str in inicontents.split(os.linesep):
# Match comments
com_match = COM_REGX.match(opt_str)
if com_match:
name = f"#comment{comment_count}" =
comment_count += 1
self.update({name: opt_str})
# Add indented lines to the value of the previous entry.
indented_match = INDENTED_REGX.match(opt_str)
if indented_match:
indent ="\t", " ")
if indent > curr_indent:
options = list(self)
if options:
prev_opt = options[-1]
value = self.get(prev_opt)
self.update({prev_opt: os.linesep.join((value, opt_str))})
# Match normal key+value lines.
opt_match = self.opt_regx.match(opt_str)
if opt_match:
curr_indent, name, self.sep, value = opt_match.groups()
curr_indent = curr_indent.replace("\t", " ")
self.update({name: value})
# Anything remaining is a mystery.
name = f"#unknown{unknown_count}"
self.update({name: opt_str})
unknown_count += 1
def _uncomment_if_commented(self, opt_key):
# should be called only if opt_key is not already present
# will uncomment the key if commented and create a place holder
# for the key where the correct value can be update later
# used to preserve the ordering of comments and commented options
# and to make sure options without sectons go above any section
options_backup = OrderedDict()
comment_index = None
for key, value in self.items():
if comment_index is not None:
options_backup.update({key: value})
if "#comment" not in key:
opt_match = self.opt_regx.match(value.lstrip("#"))
if opt_match and == opt_key:
comment_index = key
for key in options_backup:
self.pop(comment_index, None)
super().update({opt_key: None})
for key, value in options_backup.items():
super().update({key: value})
def update(self, update_dict):
changes = {}
for key, value in update_dict.items():
# Ensure the value is either a _Section or a string
if isinstance(value, (dict, OrderedDict)):
sect = _Section(
name=key, inicontents="", separator=self.sep,
value = sect
value_plain = value.as_dict()
value = str(value)
value_plain = value
if key not in self:
changes.update({key: {"before": None, "after": value_plain}})
# If it's not a section, it may already exist as a
# commented-out key/value pair
if not isinstance(value, _Section):
super().update({key: value})
curr_value = self.get(key, None)
if isinstance(curr_value, _Section):
sub_changes = curr_value.update(value)
if sub_changes:
changes.update({key: sub_changes})
if curr_value != value:
{key: {"before": curr_value, "after": value_plain}}
super().update({key: value})
return changes
def gen_ini(self):
yield "{0}[{1}]{0}".format(os.linesep,
sections_dict = OrderedDict()
for name, value in self.items():
# Handle Comment Lines
if COM_REGX.match(name):
yield f"{value}{os.linesep}"
# Handle Sections
elif isinstance(value, _Section):
sections_dict.update({name: value})
# Key / Value pairs
# Adds spaces between the separator
yield "{}{}{}{}".format(
f" {self.sep} " if self.sep != " " else self.sep,
for name, value in sections_dict.items():
yield from value.gen_ini()
def as_ini(self):
return "".join(self.gen_ini())
def as_dict(self):
return dict(self)
def dump(self):
def __repr__(self, _repr_running=None):
_repr_running = _repr_running or {}
super_repr = super().__repr__(_repr_running)
except TypeError:
super_repr = super().__repr__()
return os.linesep.join((super_repr, salt.utils.json.dumps(self, indent=4)))
def __str__(self):
return salt.utils.json.dumps(self, indent=4)
def __eq__(self, item):
return isinstance(item, self.__class__) and ==
def __ne__(self, item):
return not (isinstance(item, self.__class__) and ==
class _Ini(_Section):
def __init__(
self, name, inicontents="", separator="=", commenter="#", encoding=None
self, inicontents=inicontents, separator=separator, commenter=commenter
) = name
if encoding is None:
encoding = __salt_system_encoding__
self.encoding = encoding
def refresh(self, inicontents=None):
if inicontents is None:
if not os.path.exists(
log.trace("File %s does not exist and will be created",
# We need to set decode on open and not try to do it later with
# stringutils
with salt.utils.files.fopen(, "r", encoding=self.encoding
) as rfh:
inicontents =
inicontents = os.linesep.join(inicontents.splitlines())
except OSError as exc:
if __opts__["test"] is False:
raise CommandExecutionError(
f"Unable to open file '{}'. Exception: {exc}"
if not inicontents:
# Remove anything left behind from a previous run.
inicontents = INI_REGX.split(inicontents)
# Pop anything defined outside of a section (ie. at the top of
# the ini file).
for section_name, sect_ini in self._gen_tuples(inicontents):
sect_obj = _Section(section_name, sect_ini, separator=self.sep)
self.update({ sect_obj})
except StopIteration:
def flush(self):
# We need to encode in the fopen command instead of using
# data.encode in the writelines command. Using data.encode will
# cause a BoM to be placed on every line of the file
with salt.utils.files.fopen(, "w", encoding=self.encoding
) as outfile:
ini_gen = self.gen_ini()
ini_gen_list = list(ini_gen)
# Avoid writing an initial line separator.
if ini_gen_list:
ini_gen_list[0] = ini_gen_list[0].lstrip(os.linesep)
except OSError as exc:
raise CommandExecutionError(
f"Unable to write file '{}'. Exception: {exc}"
def get_ini_file(file_name, separator="=", encoding=None):
inifile = _Ini(file_name, separator=separator, encoding=encoding)
return inifile
def _gen_tuples(list_object):
while True:
key = list_object.pop()
value = list_object.pop()
except IndexError:
yield key, value
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0