Mini Shell
Tencent Cloud Cloud Module
.. versionadded:: 3000
The Tencent Cloud Cloud Module is used to control access to the Tencent Cloud instance.
To use this module, set up the cloud configuration at
``/etc/salt/cloud.providers`` or ``/etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/*.conf``:
.. code-block:: yaml
driver: tencentcloud
# Tencent Cloud Secret Id
id: AKIDA64pOio9BMemkApzevX0HS169S4b750A
# Tencent Cloud Secret Key
key: 8r2xmPn0C5FDvRAlmcJimiTZKVRsk260
# Tencent Cloud Region
location: ap-guangzhou
:depends: tencentcloud-sdk-python
import logging
import pprint
import time
import salt.config as config
import salt.utils.json
from salt.exceptions import (
# Try import tencentcloud sdk
from tencentcloud.common import credential # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from tencentcloud.common.profile.client_profile import ClientProfile
from tencentcloud.cvm.v20170312 import cvm_client
from tencentcloud.cvm.v20170312 import models as cvm_models
from tencentcloud.vpc.v20170312 import models as vpc_models
from tencentcloud.vpc.v20170312 import vpc_client
# pylint: enable=no-name-in-module
except ImportError:
# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# The default region
DEFAULT_REGION = "ap-guangzhou"
# The Tencent Cloud
__virtualname__ = "tencentcloud"
def __virtual__():
Only load in this module if the Tencent Cloud configurations are in place
if get_configured_provider() is False:
return False
if get_dependencies() is False:
return False
return __virtualname__
def _get_active_provider_name():
return __active_provider_name__.value()
except AttributeError:
return __active_provider_name__
def get_configured_provider():
Return the first configured instance.
return config.is_provider_configured(
__opts__, _get_active_provider_name() or __virtualname__, ("id", "key")
def get_dependencies():
Warn if dependencies aren't met.
return config.check_driver_dependencies(
__virtualname__, {"tencentcloud-sdk-python": HAS_TENCENTCLOUD_SDK}
def get_provider_client(name=None):
Return a new provider client
provider = get_configured_provider()
secretId = provider.get("id")
secretKey = provider.get("key")
region = __get_location(None)
cpf = ClientProfile()
cpf.language = "en-US"
crd = credential.Credential(secretId, secretKey)
if name == "cvm_client":
client = cvm_client.CvmClient(crd, region, cpf)
elif name == "vpc_client":
client = vpc_client.VpcClient(crd, region, cpf)
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(f"Client name {name} is not supported")
return client
def avail_locations(call=None):
Return Tencent Cloud available region
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud --list-locations my-tencentcloud-config
salt-cloud -f avail_locations my-tencentcloud-config
if call == "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The avail_locations function must be called with "
"-f or --function, or with the --list-locations option"
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.DescribeRegionsRequest()
resp = client.DescribeRegions(req)
ret = {}
for region in resp.RegionSet:
if region.RegionState != "AVAILABLE":
ret[region.Region] = region.RegionName
return ret
def avail_images(call=None):
Return Tencent Cloud available image
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud --list-images my-tencentcloud-config
salt-cloud -f avail_images my-tencentcloud-config
if call == "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The avail_images function must be called with "
"-f or --function, or with the --list-images option"
return _get_images(
def avail_sizes(call=None):
Return Tencent Cloud available instance type
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud --list-sizes my-tencentcloud-config
salt-cloud -f avail_sizes my-tencentcloud-config
if call == "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The avail_sizes function must be called with "
"-f or --function, or with the --list-sizes option"
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.DescribeInstanceTypeConfigsRequest()
resp = client.DescribeInstanceTypeConfigs(req)
ret = {}
for typeConfig in resp.InstanceTypeConfigSet:
ret[typeConfig.InstanceType] = {
"Zone": typeConfig.Zone,
"InstanceFamily": typeConfig.InstanceFamily,
"Memory": f"{typeConfig.Memory}GB",
"CPU": f"{typeConfig.CPU}-Core",
if typeConfig.GPU:
ret[typeConfig.InstanceType]["GPU"] = f"{typeConfig.GPU}-Core"
return ret
def list_securitygroups(call=None):
Return all Tencent Cloud security groups in current region
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -f list_securitygroups my-tencentcloud-config
if call == "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The list_securitygroups function must be called with -f or --function."
client = get_provider_client("vpc_client")
req = vpc_models.DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest()
req.Offset = 0
req.Limit = 100
resp = client.DescribeSecurityGroups(req)
ret = {}
for sg in resp.SecurityGroupSet:
ret[sg.SecurityGroupId] = {
"SecurityGroupName": sg.SecurityGroupName,
"SecurityGroupDesc": sg.SecurityGroupDesc,
"ProjectId": sg.ProjectId,
"IsDefault": sg.IsDefault,
"CreatedTime": sg.CreatedTime,
return ret
def list_custom_images(call=None):
Return all Tencent Cloud images in current region
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -f list_custom_images my-tencentcloud-config
if call == "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The list_custom_images function must be called with -f or --function."
return _get_images(["PRIVATE_IMAGE", "IMPORT_IMAGE"])
def list_availability_zones(call=None):
Return all Tencent Cloud availability zones in current region
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -f list_availability_zones my-tencentcloud-config
if call == "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The list_availability_zones function must be called with -f or --function."
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.DescribeZonesRequest()
resp = client.DescribeZones(req)
ret = {}
for zone in resp.ZoneSet:
if zone.ZoneState != "AVAILABLE":
ret[zone.Zone] = (zone.ZoneName,)
return ret
def list_nodes(call=None):
Return a list of instances that are on the provider
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -Q
if call == "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The list_nodes function must be called with -f or --function."
ret = {}
nodes = _get_nodes()
for instance in nodes:
ret[instance.InstanceId] = {
"InstanceId": instance.InstanceId,
"InstanceName": instance.InstanceName,
"InstanceType": instance.InstanceType,
"ImageId": instance.ImageId,
"PublicIpAddresses": instance.PublicIpAddresses,
"PrivateIpAddresses": instance.PrivateIpAddresses,
"InstanceState": instance.InstanceState,
return ret
def list_nodes_full(call=None):
Return a list of instances that are on the provider, with full details
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -F
if call == "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The list_nodes_full function must be called with -f or --function."
ret = {}
nodes = _get_nodes()
for instance in nodes:
instanceAttribute = vars(instance)
ret[instance.InstanceName] = instanceAttribute
for k in [
ret[instance.InstanceName][k] = str(instanceAttribute[k])
provider = _get_active_provider_name() or "tencentcloud"
if ":" in provider:
comps = provider.split(":")
provider = comps[0]
__opts__["update_cachedir"] = True
__utils__["cloud.cache_node_list"](ret, provider, __opts__)
return ret
def list_nodes_select(call=None):
Return a list of instances that are on the provider, with select fields
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -S
def list_nodes_min(call=None):
Return a list of instances that are on the provider, Only names, and their state, is returned.
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -f list_nodes_min my-tencentcloud-config
if call == "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The list_nodes_min function must be called with -f or --function."
ret = {}
nodes = _get_nodes()
for instance in nodes:
ret[instance.InstanceName] = {
"InstanceId": instance.InstanceId,
"InstanceState": instance.InstanceState,
return ret
def create(vm_):
Create a single Tencent Cloud instance from a data dict.
Tencent Cloud profiles require a ``provider``, ``availability_zone``, ``image`` and ``size``.
Set up profile at ``/etc/salt/cloud.profiles`` or ``/etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/*.conf``:
.. code-block:: yaml
provider: my-tencentcloud-config
availability_zone: ap-guangzhou-3
image: img-31tjrtph
size: S1.SMALL1
allocate_public_ip: True
internet_max_bandwidth_out: 1
password: '153e41ec96140152'
- sg-5e90804b
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -p tencentcloud-guangzhou-s1 myinstance
# Check for required profile parameters before sending any API calls.
if (
and config.is_profile_configured(
_get_active_provider_name() or "tencentcloud",
is False
return False
except AttributeError:
"starting create",
"creating", vm_, ["name", "profile", "provider", "driver"]
log.debug("Try creating instance: %s", pprint.pformat(vm_))
# Init cvm client
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.RunInstancesRequest()
req.InstanceName = vm_["name"]
# Required parameters
req.InstanceType = __get_size(vm_)
req.ImageId = __get_image(vm_)
zone = __get_availability_zone(vm_)
projectId = vm_.get("project_id", 0)
req.Placement = {"Zone": zone, "ProjectId": projectId}
# Optional parameters
req.SecurityGroupIds = __get_securitygroups(vm_)
req.HostName = vm_.get("hostname", vm_["name"])
req.InstanceChargeType = vm_.get("instance_charge_type", "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR")
if req.InstanceChargeType == "PREPAID":
period = vm_.get("instance_charge_type_prepaid_period", 1)
renewFlag = vm_.get(
"instance_charge_type_prepaid_renew_flag", "NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW"
req.InstanceChargePrepaid = {"Period": period, "RenewFlag": renewFlag}
allocate_public_ip = vm_.get("allocate_public_ip", False)
internet_max_bandwidth_out = vm_.get("internet_max_bandwidth_out", 0)
if allocate_public_ip and internet_max_bandwidth_out > 0:
req.InternetAccessible = {
"PublicIpAssigned": allocate_public_ip,
"InternetMaxBandwidthOut": internet_max_bandwidth_out,
internet_charge_type = vm_.get("internet_charge_type", "")
if internet_charge_type != "":
req.InternetAccessible["InternetChargeType"] = internet_charge_type
req.LoginSettings = {}
req.VirtualPrivateCloud = {}
req.SystemDisk = {}
keyId = vm_.get("key_name", "")
if keyId:
req.LoginSettings["KeyIds"] = [keyId]
password = vm_.get("password", "")
if password:
req.LoginSettings["Password"] = password
private_ip = vm_.get("private_ip", "")
if private_ip:
req.VirtualPrivateCloud["PrivateIpAddresses"] = private_ip
vpc_id = vm_.get("vpc_id", "")
if vpc_id:
req.VirtualPrivateCloud["VpcId"] = vpc_id
subnetId = vm_.get("subnet_id", "")
if subnetId:
req.VirtualPrivateCloud["SubnetId"] = subnetId
system_disk_size = vm_.get("system_disk_size", 0)
if system_disk_size:
req.SystemDisk["DiskSize"] = system_disk_size
system_disk_type = vm_.get("system_disk_type", "")
if system_disk_type:
req.SystemDisk["DiskType"] = system_disk_type
"requesting instance",
args=__utils__["cloud.filter_event"]("requesting", vm_, list(vm_)),
resp = client.RunInstances(req)
if not resp.InstanceIdSet:
raise SaltCloudSystemExit("Unexpected error, no instance created")
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
"Error creating %s on tencentcloud\n\n"
"The following exception was thrown when trying to "
"run the initial deployment: %s",
# Show the traceback if the debug logging level is enabled
return False
def __query_node_data(vm_name):
data = show_instance(vm_name, call="action")
if not data:
return False
if data["InstanceState"] != "RUNNING":
return False
if data["PrivateIpAddresses"]:
return data
data =
"wait_for_ip_timeout", vm_, __opts__, default=10 * 60
"wait_for_ip_interval", vm_, __opts__, default=10
except (SaltCloudExecutionTimeout, SaltCloudExecutionFailure) as exc:
except SaltCloudSystemExit:
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(str(exc))
if data["PublicIpAddresses"]:
ssh_ip = data["PublicIpAddresses"][0]
elif data["PrivateIpAddresses"]:
ssh_ip = data["PrivateIpAddresses"][0]
log.error("No available ip: cant connect to salt")
return False
log.debug("Instance %s: %s is now running", vm_["name"], ssh_ip)
vm_["ssh_host"] = ssh_ip
# The instance is booted and accessible, let's Salt it!
ret = __utils__["cloud.bootstrap"](vm_, __opts__)
log.debug("'%s' instance creation details:\n%s", vm_["name"], pprint.pformat(data))
"created instance",
"created", vm_, ["name", "profile", "provider", "driver"]
return ret
def start(name, call=None):
Start a Tencent Cloud instance
Notice: the instance state must be stopped
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -a start myinstance
if call != "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit("The stop action must be called with -a or --action.")
node = _get_node(name)
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.StartInstancesRequest()
req.InstanceIds = [node.InstanceId]
resp = client.StartInstances(req)
return resp
def stop(name, force=False, call=None):
Stop a Tencent Cloud running instance
Note: use `force=True` to make force stop
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -a stop myinstance
salt-cloud -a stop myinstance force=True
if call != "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit("The stop action must be called with -a or --action.")
node = _get_node(name)
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.StopInstancesRequest()
req.InstanceIds = [node.InstanceId]
if force:
req.ForceStop = "TRUE"
resp = client.StopInstances(req)
return resp
def reboot(name, call=None):
Reboot a Tencent Cloud instance
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -a reboot myinstance
if call != "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit("The stop action must be called with -a or --action.")
node = _get_node(name)
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.RebootInstancesRequest()
req.InstanceIds = [node.InstanceId]
resp = client.RebootInstances(req)
return resp
def destroy(name, call=None):
Destroy a Tencent Cloud instance
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -a destroy myinstance
salt-cloud -d myinstance
if call == "function":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The destroy action must be called with -d, --destroy, -a or --action."
"destroying instance",
args={"name": name},
node = _get_node(name)
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.TerminateInstancesRequest()
req.InstanceIds = [node.InstanceId]
resp = client.TerminateInstances(req)
"destroyed instance",
args={"name": name},
return resp
def script(vm_):
Return the script deployment object
config.get_cloud_config_value("script", vm_, __opts__),
__opts__,, vm_)
def show_image(kwargs, call=None):
Show the details of Tencent Cloud image
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -f show_image tencentcloud image=img-31tjrtph
if call != "function":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The show_image function must be called with -f or --function"
if not isinstance(kwargs, dict):
kwargs = {}
if "image" not in kwargs:
raise SaltCloudSystemExit("No image specified.")
image = kwargs["image"]
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.DescribeImagesRequest()
req.ImageIds = [image]
resp = client.DescribeImages(req)
if not resp.ImageSet:
raise SaltCloudNotFound(f"The specified image '{image}' could not be found.")
ret = {}
for image in resp.ImageSet:
ret[image.ImageId] = {
"ImageName": image.ImageName,
"ImageType": image.ImageType,
"ImageSource": image.ImageSource,
"Platform": image.Platform,
"Architecture": image.Architecture,
"ImageSize": f"{image.ImageSize}GB",
"ImageState": image.ImageState,
return ret
def show_instance(name, call=None):
Show the details of Tencent Cloud instance
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance
if call != "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The show_instance action must be called with -a or --action."
node = _get_node(name)
ret = vars(node)
for k in [
ret[k] = str(ret[k])
return ret
def show_disk(name, call=None):
Show the disk details of Tencent Cloud instance
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-cloud -a show_disk myinstance
if call != "action":
raise SaltCloudSystemExit(
"The show_disks action must be called with -a or --action."
node = _get_node(name)
ret = {}
ret[node.SystemDisk.DiskId] = {
"SystemDisk": True,
"DiskSize": node.SystemDisk.DiskSize,
"DiskType": node.SystemDisk.DiskType,
"DeleteWithInstance": True,
"SnapshotId": "",
if node.DataDisks:
for disk in node.DataDisks:
ret[disk.DiskId] = {
"SystemDisk": False,
"DiskSize": disk.DiskSize,
"DiskType": disk.DiskType,
"DeleteWithInstance": disk.DeleteWithInstance,
"SnapshotId": disk.SnapshotId,
return ret
def _get_node(name):
Return Tencent Cloud instance detail by name
attempts = 5
while attempts >= 0:
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.DescribeInstancesRequest()
req.Filters = [{"Name": "instance-name", "Values": [name]}]
resp = client.DescribeInstances(req)
return resp.InstanceSet[0]
except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except
attempts -= 1
"Failed to get data for node '%s': %s. Remaining attempts: %d",
raise SaltCloudNotFound(f"Failed to get instance info {name}")
def _get_nodes():
Return all list of Tencent Cloud instances
ret = []
offset = 0
limit = 100
while True:
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.DescribeInstancesRequest()
req.Offset = offset
req.Limit = limit
resp = client.DescribeInstances(req)
for v in resp.InstanceSet:
if len(ret) >= resp.TotalCount:
offset += len(resp.InstanceSet)
return ret
def _get_images(image_type):
Return all list of Tencent Cloud images
client = get_provider_client("cvm_client")
req = cvm_models.DescribeImagesRequest()
req.Filters = [{"Name": "image-type", "Values": image_type}]
req.Offset = 0
req.Limit = 100
resp = client.DescribeImages(req)
ret = {}
for image in resp.ImageSet:
if image.ImageState != "NORMAL":
ret[image.ImageId] = {
"ImageName": image.ImageName,
"ImageType": image.ImageType,
"ImageSource": image.ImageSource,
"Platform": image.Platform,
"Architecture": image.Architecture,
"ImageSize": f"{image.ImageSize}GB",
return ret
def __get_image(vm_):
vm_image = str(
config.get_cloud_config_value("image", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False)
if not vm_image:
raise SaltCloudNotFound("No image specified.")
images = avail_images()
if vm_image in images:
return vm_image
raise SaltCloudNotFound(f"The specified image '{vm_image}' could not be found.")
def __get_size(vm_):
vm_size = str(
config.get_cloud_config_value("size", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False)
if not vm_size:
raise SaltCloudNotFound("No size specified.")
sizes = avail_sizes()
if vm_size in sizes:
return vm_size
raise SaltCloudNotFound(f"The specified size '{vm_size}' could not be found.")
def __get_securitygroups(vm_):
vm_securitygroups = config.get_cloud_config_value(
"securitygroups", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False
if not vm_securitygroups:
return []
securitygroups = list_securitygroups()
for idx, value in enumerate(vm_securitygroups):
vm_securitygroups[idx] = str(value)
if vm_securitygroups[idx] not in securitygroups:
raise SaltCloudNotFound(
"The specified securitygroups '{}' could not be found.".format(
return vm_securitygroups
def __get_availability_zone(vm_):
vm_availability_zone = str(
"availability_zone", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False
if not vm_availability_zone:
raise SaltCloudNotFound("No availability_zone specified.")
availability_zones = list_availability_zones()
if vm_availability_zone in availability_zones:
return vm_availability_zone
raise SaltCloudNotFound(
"The specified availability_zone '{}' could not be found.".format(
def __get_location(vm_):
Return the Tencent Cloud region to use, in this order:
- CLI parameter
- VM parameter
- Cloud profile setting
vm_location = str(
vm_ or get_configured_provider(),
if not vm_location:
raise SaltCloudNotFound("No location specified.")
return vm_location
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0