Mini Shell
A beacon to execute salt execution module functions. This beacon will fire only if the return data is "truthy".
The function return, function name and args and/or kwargs, will be passed as data in the event.
The configuration can accept a list of salt functions to execute every interval.
Make sure to allot enough time via 'interval' key to allow all salt functions to execute.
The salt functions will be executed sequentially.
The elements in list of functions can be either a simple string (with no arguments) or a dictionary with a single
key being the salt execution module and sub keys indicating args and / or kwargs.
See example config below.
.. code-block:: yaml
- salt_fun:
- slsutil.renderer:
- salt://states/apache.sls
- default_renderer: jinja
- interval: 3600 # seconds
import salt.utils.beacons
def _parse_args(args_kwargs_dict):
args = args_kwargs_dict.get("args", [])
kwargs = args_kwargs_dict.get("kwargs", {})
if kwargs:
_kwargs = {}
list(map(_kwargs.update, kwargs))
kwargs = _kwargs
return args, kwargs
def validate(config):
config = salt.utils.beacons.list_to_dict(config)
if isinstance(config["salt_fun"], str):
# a simple str is taking as the single function with no args / kwargs
fun = config["salt_fun"]
if fun not in __salt__:
return False, f"{fun} not in __salt__"
for entry in config["salt_fun"]:
if isinstance(entry, dict):
# check dict is of correct form
fun, args_kwargs_dict = next(iter(entry.items()))
for key in args_kwargs_dict:
if key == "args":
if not isinstance(args_kwargs_dict[key], list):
return (
f"args key for fun {fun} must be list",
elif key == "kwargs":
if not isinstance(args_kwargs_dict[key], list):
return (
"kwargs key for fun {} must be list of key value pairs".format(
for key_value in args_kwargs_dict[key]:
if not isinstance(key_value, dict):
return (
f"{key_value} is not a key / value pair",
return (
f"key {key} not allowed under fun {fun}",
# entry must be function itself
fun = entry
if fun not in __salt__:
return False, f"{fun} not in __salt__"
return True, "valid config"
def beacon(config):
events = []
config = salt.utils.beacons.list_to_dict(config)
if isinstance(config["salt_fun"], str):
# support for single salt_fun with no args / kwargs supplied as str
fun = config["salt_fun"]
ret = __salt__[fun]()
return [{"salt_fun": fun, "ret": ret}]
# else, we should have an iterable
for entry in config["salt_fun"]:
if isinstance(entry, dict):
fun, args_kwargs_dict = list(entry.items())[0]
args, kwargs = _parse_args(args_kwargs_dict)
fun = entry
args = ()
kwargs = {}
ret = __salt__[fun](*args, **kwargs)
if ret:
_ret = {"salt_fun": fun, "ret": ret}
if args:
_ret["args"] = args
if kwargs:
_ret["kwargs"] = kwargs
return events
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0