Mini Shell
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: jaraco.collections
Version: 4.1.0
Summary: Collection objects similar to those in stdlib by jaraco
Author: Jason R. Coombs
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
Requires-Python: >=3.7
License-File: LICENSE
Requires-Dist: jaraco.text
Provides-Extra: docs
Requires-Dist: sphinx >=3.5 ; extra == 'docs'
Requires-Dist: jaraco.packaging >=9 ; extra == 'docs'
Requires-Dist: rst.linker >=1.9 ; extra == 'docs'
Requires-Dist: furo ; extra == 'docs'
Requires-Dist: sphinx-lint ; extra == 'docs'
Requires-Dist: jaraco.tidelift >=1.4 ; extra == 'docs'
Provides-Extra: testing
Requires-Dist: pytest >=6 ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-checkdocs >=2.4 ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: flake8 <5 ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-enabler >=1.3 ; extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-black >=0.3.7 ; (platform_python_implementation != "PyPy") and extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-mypy >=0.9.1 ; (platform_python_implementation != "PyPy") and extra == 'testing'
Requires-Dist: pytest-flake8 ; (python_version < "3.12") and extra == 'testing'
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:alt: tests
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:alt: Code style: Black
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Models and classes to supplement the stdlib 'collections' module.
See the docs, linked above, for descriptions and usage examples.
Highlights include:
- RangeMap: A mapping that accepts a range of values for keys.
- Projection: A subset over an existing mapping.
- DictFilter: A different implementation of a projection.
- KeyTransformingDict: Generalized mapping with keys transformed by a function.
- FoldedCaseKeyedDict: A dict whose string keys are case-insensitive.
- BijectiveMap: A map where keys map to values and values back to their keys.
- ItemsAsAttributes: A mapping mix-in exposing items as attributes.
- IdentityOverrideMap: A map whose keys map by default to themselves unless overridden.
- FrozenDict: A hashable, immutable map.
- Enumeration: An object whose keys are enumerated.
- Everything: A container that contains all things.
- Least, Greatest: Objects that are always less than or greater than any other.
- pop_all: Return all items from the mutable sequence and remove them from that sequence.
- DictStack: A stack of dicts, great for sharing scopes.
- WeightedLookup: A specialized RangeMap for selecting an item by weights.
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Security Contact
To report a security vulnerability, please use the
`Tidelift security contact <>`_.
Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0