Mini Shell
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Tests for L{twisted.web.distrib}.
from os.path import abspath
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
import pwd as _pwd
except ImportError:
pwd = None
pwd = _pwd
from unittest import skipIf
from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.logger import globalLogPublisher
from twisted.python import failure, filepath
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.spread.banana import SIZE_LIMIT
from twisted.test import proto_helpers
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from twisted.web import client, distrib, resource, server, static
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from twisted.web.test._util import _render
from twisted.web.test.test_web import DummyChannel, DummyRequest
class MySite(server.Site):
class PBServerFactory(pb.PBServerFactory):
A PB server factory which keeps track of the most recent protocol it
@ivar proto: L{None} or the L{Broker} instance most recently returned
from C{buildProtocol}.
proto = None
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
self.proto = pb.PBServerFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
return self.proto
class ArbitraryError(Exception):
An exception for this test.
class DistribTests(TestCase):
port1 = None
port2 = None
sub = None
f1 = None
def tearDown(self):
Clean up all the event sources left behind by either directly by
test methods or indirectly via some distrib API.
dl = [defer.Deferred(), defer.Deferred()]
if self.f1 is not None and self.f1.proto is not None:
self.f1.proto.notifyOnDisconnect(lambda: dl[0].callback(None))
if self.sub is not None and self.sub.publisher is not None: dl[1].callback(None))
if self.port1 is not None:
if self.port2 is not None:
return defer.gatherResults(dl)
def testDistrib(self):
# site1 is the publisher
r1 = resource.Resource()
r1.putChild(b"there", static.Data(b"root", "text/plain"))
site1 = server.Site(r1)
self.f1 = PBServerFactory(distrib.ResourcePublisher(site1))
self.port1 = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.f1)
self.sub = distrib.ResourceSubscription("", self.port1.getHost().port)
r2 = resource.Resource()
r2.putChild(b"here", self.sub)
f2 = MySite(r2)
self.port2 = reactor.listenTCP(0, f2)
agent = client.Agent(reactor)
url = f"{self.port2.getHost().port}/here/there"
url = url.encode("ascii")
d = agent.request(b"GET", url)
d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b"root")
return d
def _setupDistribServer(self, child):
Set up a resource on a distrib site using L{ResourcePublisher}.
@param child: The resource to publish using distrib.
@return: A tuple consisting of the host and port on which to contact
the created site.
distribRoot = resource.Resource()
distribRoot.putChild(b"child", child)
distribSite = server.Site(distribRoot)
self.f1 = distribFactory = PBServerFactory(
distribPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, distribFactory, interface="")
addr = distribPort.getHost()
self.sub = mainRoot = distrib.ResourceSubscription(, addr.port)
mainSite = server.Site(mainRoot)
mainPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, mainSite, interface="")
mainAddr = mainPort.getHost()
return mainPort, mainAddr
def _requestTest(self, child, **kwargs):
Set up a resource on a distrib site using L{ResourcePublisher} and
then retrieve it from a L{ResourceSubscription} via an HTTP client.
@param child: The resource to publish using distrib.
@param **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to L{Agent.request} when
requesting the resource.
@return: A L{Deferred} which fires with the result of the request.
mainPort, mainAddr = self._setupDistribServer(child)
agent = client.Agent(reactor)
url = f"http://{}:{mainAddr.port}/child"
url = url.encode("ascii")
d = agent.request(b"GET", url, **kwargs)
return d
def _requestAgentTest(self, child, **kwargs):
Set up a resource on a distrib site using L{ResourcePublisher} and
then retrieve it from a L{ResourceSubscription} via an HTTP client.
@param child: The resource to publish using distrib.
@param **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to L{Agent.request} when
requesting the resource.
@return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a tuple consisting of a
L{twisted.test.proto_helpers.AccumulatingProtocol} containing the
body of the response and an L{IResponse} with the response itself.
mainPort, mainAddr = self._setupDistribServer(child)
url = f"http://{}:{mainAddr.port}/child"
url = url.encode("ascii")
d = client.Agent(reactor).request(b"GET", url, **kwargs)
def cbCollectBody(response):
protocol = proto_helpers.AccumulatingProtocol()
d = protocol.closedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
d.addCallback(lambda _: (protocol, response))
return d
return d
def test_requestHeaders(self):
The request headers are available on the request object passed to a
distributed resource's C{render} method.
requestHeaders = {}
logObserver = proto_helpers.EventLoggingObserver()
req = [None]
class ReportRequestHeaders(resource.Resource):
def render(self, request):
req[0] = request
return b""
def check_logs():
msgs = [e["log_format"] for e in logObserver]
self.assertIn("connected to publisher", msgs)
self.assertIn("could not connect to distributed web service: {msg}", msgs)
self.assertIn(req[0], msgs)
request = self._requestTest(
ReportRequestHeaders(), headers=Headers({"foo": ["bar"]})
def cbRequested(result):
self.assertEqual(requestHeaders[b"Foo"], [b"bar"])
return request
def test_requestResponseCode(self):
The response code can be set by the request object passed to a
distributed resource's C{render} method.
class SetResponseCode(resource.Resource):
def render(self, request):
return ""
request = self._requestAgentTest(SetResponseCode())
def cbRequested(result):
self.assertEqual(result[0].data, b"")
self.assertEqual(result[1].code, 200)
self.assertEqual(result[1].phrase, b"OK")
return request
def test_requestResponseCodeMessage(self):
The response code and message can be set by the request object passed to
a distributed resource's C{render} method.
class SetResponseCode(resource.Resource):
def render(self, request):
request.setResponseCode(200, b"some-message")
return ""
request = self._requestAgentTest(SetResponseCode())
def cbRequested(result):
self.assertEqual(result[0].data, b"")
self.assertEqual(result[1].code, 200)
self.assertEqual(result[1].phrase, b"some-message")
return request
def test_largeWrite(self):
If a string longer than the Banana size limit is passed to the
L{distrib.Request} passed to the remote resource, it is broken into
smaller strings to be transported over the PB connection.
class LargeWrite(resource.Resource):
def render(self, request):
request.write(b"x" * SIZE_LIMIT + b"y")
return server.NOT_DONE_YET
request = self._requestTest(LargeWrite())
request.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b"x" * SIZE_LIMIT + b"y")
return request
def test_largeReturn(self):
Like L{test_largeWrite}, but for the case where C{render} returns a
long string rather than explicitly passing it to L{Request.write}.
class LargeReturn(resource.Resource):
def render(self, request):
return b"x" * SIZE_LIMIT + b"y"
request = self._requestTest(LargeReturn())
request.addCallback(self.assertEqual, b"x" * SIZE_LIMIT + b"y")
return request
def test_connectionLost(self):
If there is an error issuing the request to the remote publisher, an
error response is returned.
# Using pb.Root as a publisher will cause request calls to fail with an
# error every time. Just what we want to test.
self.f1 = serverFactory = PBServerFactory(pb.Root())
self.port1 = serverPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, serverFactory)
self.sub = subscription = distrib.ResourceSubscription(
"", serverPort.getHost().port
request = DummyRequest([b""])
d = _render(subscription, request)
def cbRendered(ignored):
self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 500)
# This is the error we caused the request to fail with. It should
# have been logged.
errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(pb.NoSuchMethod)
self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
# The error page is rendered as HTML.
expected = [
b" <head><title>500 - Server Connection Lost</title></head>",
b" <body>",
b" <h1>Server Connection Lost</h1>",
b" <p>Connection to distributed server lost:"
b"[Failure instance: Traceback from remote host -- "
b"twisted.spread.flavors.NoSuchMethod: "
b"No such method: remote_request",
b" </body>",
self.assertEqual([b"\n".join(expected)], request.written)
return d
def test_logFailed(self):
When a request fails, the string form of the failure is logged.
logObserver = proto_helpers.EventLoggingObserver.createWithCleanup(
self, globalLogPublisher
f = failure.Failure(ArbitraryError())
request = DummyRequest([b""])
issue = distrib.Issue(request)
self.assertEquals(1, len(logObserver))
self.assertIn("Failure instance", logObserver[0]["log_format"])
def test_requestFail(self):
When L{twisted.web.distrib.Request}'s fail is called, the failure
is logged.
logObserver = proto_helpers.EventLoggingObserver.createWithCleanup(
self, globalLogPublisher
err = ArbitraryError()
f = failure.Failure(err)
req = distrib.Request(DummyChannel())
self.assertEquals(1, len(logObserver))
self.assertIs(logObserver[0]["log_failure"], f)
class _PasswordDatabase:
def __init__(self, users):
self._users = users
def getpwall(self):
return iter(self._users)
def getpwnam(self, username):
for user in self._users:
if user[0] == username:
return user
raise KeyError()
class UserDirectoryTests(TestCase):
Tests for L{UserDirectory}, a resource for listing all user resources
available on a system.
def setUp(self):
self.alice = ("alice", "x", 123, 456, "Alice,,,", self.mktemp(), "/bin/sh")
self.bob = ("bob", "x", 234, 567, "Bob,,,", self.mktemp(), "/bin/sh")
self.database = _PasswordDatabase([self.alice, self.bob]) = distrib.UserDirectory(self.database)
def test_interface(self):
L{UserDirectory} instances provide L{resource.IResource}.
def _404Test(self, name):
Verify that requesting the C{name} child of C{} results
in a 404 response.
request = DummyRequest([name])
result =, request)
d = _render(result, request)
def cbRendered(ignored):
self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 404)
return d
def test_getInvalidUser(self):
L{UserDirectory.getChild} returns a resource which renders a 404
response when passed a string which does not correspond to any known
return self._404Test("carol")
def test_getUserWithoutResource(self):
L{UserDirectory.getChild} returns a resource which renders a 404
response when passed a string which corresponds to a known user who has
neither a user directory nor a user distrib socket.
return self._404Test("alice")
def test_getPublicHTMLChild(self):
L{UserDirectory.getChild} returns a L{static.File} instance when passed
the name of a user with a home directory containing a I{public_html}
home = filepath.FilePath(self.bob[-2])
public_html = home.child("public_html")
request = DummyRequest(["bob"])
result ="bob", request)
self.assertIsInstance(result, static.File)
self.assertEqual(result.path, public_html.path)
def test_getDistribChild(self):
L{UserDirectory.getChild} returns a L{ResourceSubscription} instance
when passed the name of a user suffixed with C{".twistd"} who has a
home directory containing a I{.twistd-web-pb} socket.
home = filepath.FilePath(self.bob[-2])
web = home.child(".twistd-web-pb")
request = DummyRequest(["bob"])
result ="bob.twistd", request)
self.assertIsInstance(result, distrib.ResourceSubscription)
self.assertEqual(, "unix")
self.assertEqual(abspath(result.port), web.path)
def test_invalidMethod(self):
L{UserDirectory.render} raises L{UnsupportedMethod} in response to a
non-I{GET} request.
request = DummyRequest([""])
request.method = "POST"
self.assertRaises(server.UnsupportedMethod,, request)
def test_render(self):
L{UserDirectory} renders a list of links to available user content
in response to a I{GET} request.
public_html = filepath.FilePath(self.alice[-2]).child("public_html")
web = filepath.FilePath(self.bob[-2])
# This really only works if it's a unix socket, but the implementation
# doesn't currently check for that. It probably should someday, and
# then skip users with non-sockets.
request = DummyRequest([""])
result = _render(, request)
def cbRendered(ignored):
document = parseString(b"".join(request.written))
# Each user should have an li with a link to their page.
[alice, bob] = document.getElementsByTagName("li")
self.assertEqual(alice.firstChild.tagName, "a")
self.assertEqual(alice.firstChild.getAttribute("href"), "alice/")
self.assertEqual(, "Alice (file)")
self.assertEqual(bob.firstChild.tagName, "a")
self.assertEqual(bob.firstChild.getAttribute("href"), "bob.twistd/")
self.assertEqual(, "Bob (twistd)")
return result
@skipIf(not pwd, "pwd module required")
def test_passwordDatabase(self):
If L{UserDirectory} is instantiated with no arguments, it uses the
L{pwd} module as its password database.
directory = distrib.UserDirectory()
self.assertIdentical(directory._pwd, pwd)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0