Mini Shell
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Tests for loading tests by name.
import os
import sys
import unittest as pyunit
from hashlib import md5
from twisted.python import filepath, util
from twisted.python.modules import getModule
from twisted.python.reflect import ModuleNotFound
from twisted.trial import reporter, runner, unittest
from twisted.trial._asyncrunner import _iterateTests
from twisted.trial.itrial import ITestCase
from twisted.trial.test import packages
def testNames(tests):
Return the id of each test within the given test suite or case.
names = []
for test in _iterateTests(tests):
return names
class FinderPy3Tests(packages.SysPathManglingTest):
def setUp(self):
self.loader = runner.TestLoader()
def test_findNonModule(self):
findByName, if given something findable up until the last entry, will
raise AttributeError (as it cannot tell if 'nonexistent' here is
supposed to be a module or a class).
AttributeError, self.loader.findByName, "twisted.trial.test.nonexistent"
def test_findNonPackage(self):
self.assertRaises(ModuleNotFound, self.loader.findByName, "nonextant")
def test_findNonFile(self):
findByName, given a file path that doesn't exist, will raise a
ValueError saying that it is not a Python file.
path = util.sibpath(__file__, "")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.loader.findByName, path)
def test_findFileWithImportError(self):
findByName will re-raise ImportErrors inside modules that it has found
and imported.
ImportError, self.loader.findByName, "unimportablepackage.test_module"
class FileTests(packages.SysPathManglingTest):
Tests for L{runner.filenameToModule}.
def test_notFile(self):
L{runner.filenameToModule} raises a C{ValueError} when a non-existing
file is passed.
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError, runner.filenameToModule, "it")
self.assertEqual(str(err), "'it' doesn't exist")
def test_moduleInPath(self):
If the file in question is a module on the Python path, then it should
properly import and return that module.
sample1 = runner.filenameToModule(util.sibpath(__file__, ""))
from twisted.trial.test import sample as sample2
self.assertEqual(sample2, sample1)
def test_moduleNotInPath(self):
If passed the path to a file containing the implementation of a
module within a package which is not on the import path,
L{runner.filenameToModule} returns a module object loosely
resembling the module defined by that file anyway.
sample1 = runner.filenameToModule(
os.path.join(self.parent, "goodpackage", "")
self.assertEqual(sample1.__name__, "goodpackage.test_sample")
from goodpackage import test_sample as sample2 # type: ignore[import]
self.assertIsNot(sample1, sample2)
self.assertEqual(sample1.__spec__, sample2.__spec__)
def test_packageInPath(self):
If the file in question is a package on the Python path, then it should
properly import and return that package.
package1 = runner.filenameToModule(os.path.join(self.parent, "goodpackage"))
self.assertIs(package1, sys.modules["goodpackage"])
def test_packageNotInPath(self):
If passed the path to a directory which represents a package which
is not on the import path, L{runner.filenameToModule} returns a
module object loosely resembling the package defined by that
directory anyway.
package1 = runner.filenameToModule(os.path.join(self.parent, "goodpackage"))
self.assertEqual(package1.__name__, "goodpackage")
import goodpackage
self.assertIsNot(package1, goodpackage)
self.assertEqual(package1.__spec__, goodpackage.__spec__)
def test_directoryNotPackage(self):
L{runner.filenameToModule} raises a C{ValueError} when the name of an
empty directory is passed that isn't considered a valid Python package
because it doesn't contain a C{} file.
emptyDir = filepath.FilePath(self.parent).child("emptyDirectory")
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError, runner.filenameToModule, emptyDir.path)
self.assertEqual(str(err), f"{emptyDir.path!r} is not a package directory")
def test_filenameNotPython(self):
L{runner.filenameToModule} raises a C{SyntaxError} when a non-Python
file is passed.
filename = filepath.FilePath(self.parent).child("notpython")
filename.setContent(b"This isn't python")
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, runner.filenameToModule, filename.path)
def test_filenameMatchesPackage(self):
The C{__file__} attribute of the module should match the package name.
filename = filepath.FilePath(self.parent).child("")
module = runner.filenameToModule(filename.path)
self.assertEqual(filename.path, module.__file__)
def test_directory(self):
Test loader against a filesystem directory containing an empty
C{} file. It should handle 'path' and 'path/' the same way.
goodDir = filepath.FilePath(self.parent).child("goodDirectory")
module = runner.filenameToModule(goodDir.path)
module = runner.filenameToModule(goodDir.path + os.path.sep)
class LoaderTests(packages.SysPathManglingTest):
Tests for L{trial.TestLoader}.
def setUp(self):
self.loader = runner.TestLoader()
def test_sortCases(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
suite = self.loader.loadClass(sample.AlphabetTest)
["test_a", "test_b", "test_c"],
[test._testMethodName for test in suite._tests],
newOrder = ["test_b", "test_c", "test_a"]
sortDict = dict(zip(newOrder, range(3)))
self.loader.sorter = lambda x: sortDict.get(x.shortDescription(), -1)
suite = self.loader.loadClass(sample.AlphabetTest)
self.assertEqual(newOrder, [test._testMethodName for test in suite._tests])
def test_loadFailure(self):
Loading a test that fails and getting the result of it ends up with one
test ran and one failure.
suite = self.loader.loadByName(
result = reporter.TestResult()
self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1)
self.assertEqual(len(result.failures), 1)
def test_loadBadDecorator(self):
A decorated test method for which the decorator has failed to set the
method's __name__ correctly is loaded and its name in the class scope
from twisted.trial.test import sample
suite = self.loader.loadAnything(
qualName=["sample", "DecorationTest", "test_badDecorator"],
self.assertEqual(1, suite.countTestCases())
self.assertEqual("test_badDecorator", suite._testMethodName)
def test_loadGoodDecorator(self):
A decorated test method for which the decorator has set the method's
__name__ correctly is loaded and the only name by which it goes is used.
from twisted.trial.test import sample
suite = self.loader.loadAnything(
qualName=["sample", "DecorationTest", "test_goodDecorator"],
self.assertEqual(1, suite.countTestCases())
self.assertEqual("test_goodDecorator", suite._testMethodName)
def test_loadRenamedDecorator(self):
Load a decorated method which has been copied to a new name inside the
class. Thus its __name__ and its key in the class's __dict__ no
longer match.
from twisted.trial.test import sample
suite = self.loader.loadAnything(
qualName=["sample", "DecorationTest", "test_renamedDecorator"],
self.assertEqual(1, suite.countTestCases())
self.assertEqual("test_renamedDecorator", suite._testMethodName)
def test_loadClass(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
suite = self.loader.loadClass(sample.FooTest)
self.assertEqual(2, suite.countTestCases())
["test_bar", "test_foo"], [test._testMethodName for test in suite._tests]
def test_loadNonClass(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadClass, sample)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadClass, sample.FooTest.test_foo)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadClass, "string")
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadClass, ("foo", "bar"))
def test_loadNonTestCase(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.loader.loadClass, sample.NotATest)
def test_loadModule(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
suite = self.loader.loadModule(sample)
self.assertEqual(10, suite.countTestCases())
def test_loadNonModule(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadModule, sample.FooTest)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadModule, sample.FooTest.test_foo)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadModule, "string")
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadModule, ("foo", "bar"))
def test_loadPackage(self):
import goodpackage
suite = self.loader.loadPackage(goodpackage)
self.assertEqual(7, suite.countTestCases())
def test_loadNonPackage(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadPackage, sample.FooTest)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadPackage, sample.FooTest.test_foo)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadPackage, "string")
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadPackage, ("foo", "bar"))
def test_loadModuleAsPackage(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
## XXX -- should this instead raise a ValueError? -- jml
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadPackage, sample)
def test_loadPackageRecursive(self):
import goodpackage
suite = self.loader.loadPackage(goodpackage, recurse=True)
self.assertEqual(14, suite.countTestCases())
def test_loadAnythingOnModule(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
suite = self.loader.loadAnything(sample)
sample.__name__, suite._tests[0]._tests[0].__class__.__module__
def test_loadAnythingOnClass(self):
from twisted.trial.test import sample
suite = self.loader.loadAnything(sample.FooTest)
self.assertEqual(2, suite.countTestCases())
def test_loadAnythingOnPackage(self):
import goodpackage
suite = self.loader.loadAnything(goodpackage)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(suite, self.loader.suiteFactory))
self.assertEqual(7, suite.countTestCases())
def test_loadAnythingOnPackageRecursive(self):
import goodpackage
suite = self.loader.loadAnything(goodpackage, recurse=True)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(suite, self.loader.suiteFactory))
self.assertEqual(14, suite.countTestCases())
def test_loadAnythingOnString(self):
# the important thing about this test is not the string-iness
# but the non-handledness.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.loader.loadAnything, "goodpackage")
def test_importErrors(self):
import package # type: ignore[import]
suite = self.loader.loadPackage(package, recurse=True)
result = reporter.Reporter()
self.assertEqual(False, result.wasSuccessful())
self.assertEqual(2, len(result.errors))
errors = [ for test, error in result.errors]
errors, ["package.test_bad_module", "package.test_import_module"]
def test_differentInstances(self):
L{TestLoader.loadClass} returns a suite with each test method
represented by a different instances of the L{TestCase} they are
defined on.
class DistinctInstances(pyunit.TestCase):
def test_1(self):
self.first = "test1Run"
def test_2(self):
self.assertFalse(hasattr(self, "first"))
suite = self.loader.loadClass(DistinctInstances)
result = reporter.Reporter()
def test_loadModuleWith_test_suite(self):
Check that C{test_suite} is used when present and other L{TestCase}s are
not included.
from twisted.trial.test import mockcustomsuite
suite = self.loader.loadModule(mockcustomsuite)
self.assertEqual(0, suite.countTestCases())
self.assertEqual("MyCustomSuite", getattr(suite, "name", None))
def test_loadModuleWith_testSuite(self):
Check that C{testSuite} is used when present and other L{TestCase}s are
not included.
from twisted.trial.test import mockcustomsuite2
suite = self.loader.loadModule(mockcustomsuite2)
self.assertEqual(0, suite.countTestCases())
self.assertEqual("MyCustomSuite", getattr(suite, "name", None))
def test_loadModuleWithBothCustom(self):
Check that if C{testSuite} and C{test_suite} are both present in a
module then C{testSuite} gets priority.
from twisted.trial.test import mockcustomsuite3
suite = self.loader.loadModule(mockcustomsuite3)
self.assertEqual("testSuite", getattr(suite, "name", None))
def test_customLoadRaisesAttributeError(self):
Make sure that any C{AttributeError}s raised by C{testSuite} are not
swallowed by L{TestLoader}.
def testSuite():
raise AttributeError("should be reraised")
from twisted.trial.test import mockcustomsuite2
mockcustomsuite2.testSuite, original = (testSuite, mockcustomsuite2.testSuite)
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self.loader.loadModule, mockcustomsuite2)
mockcustomsuite2.testSuite = original
# XXX - duplicated and modified from test_script
def assertSuitesEqual(self, test1, test2):
names1 = testNames(test1)
names2 = testNames(test2)
self.assertEqual(names1, names2)
def test_loadByNamesDuplicate(self):
Check that loadByNames ignores duplicate names
module = "twisted.trial.test.test_log"
suite1 = self.loader.loadByNames([module, module], True)
suite2 = self.loader.loadByName(module, True)
self.assertSuitesEqual(suite1, suite2)
def test_loadByNamesPreservesOrder(self):
L{TestLoader.loadByNames} preserves the order of tests provided to it.
modules = [
suite1 = self.loader.loadByNames(modules)
suite2 = runner.TestSuite(map(self.loader.loadByName, modules))
self.assertEqual(testNames(suite1), testNames(suite2))
def test_loadDifferentNames(self):
Check that loadByNames loads all the names that it is given
modules = ["goodpackage", "package.test_module"]
suite1 = self.loader.loadByNames(modules)
suite2 = runner.TestSuite(map(self.loader.loadByName, modules))
self.assertSuitesEqual(suite1, suite2)
def test_loadInheritedMethods(self):
Check that test methods names which are inherited from are all
loaded rather than just one.
methods = [
suite1 = self.loader.loadByNames(methods)
suite2 = runner.TestSuite(map(self.loader.loadByName, methods))
self.assertSuitesEqual(suite1, suite2)
class ZipLoadingTests(LoaderTests):
def setUp(self):
from twisted.python.test.test_zippath import zipit
zipit(self.parent, self.parent + ".zip")
self.parent += ".zip"
self.mangleSysPath(self.oldPath + [self.parent])
class PackageOrderingTests(packages.SysPathManglingTest):
def setUp(self):
self.loader = runner.TestLoader()
self.topDir = self.mktemp()
parent = os.path.join(self.topDir, "uberpackage")
open(os.path.join(parent, ""), "wb").close()
packages.SysPathManglingTest.setUp(self, parent)
self.mangleSysPath(self.oldPath + [self.topDir])
def _trialSortAlgorithm(self, sorter):
Right now, halfway by accident, trial sorts like this:
1. all modules are grouped together in one list and sorted.
2. within each module, the classes are grouped together in one list
and sorted.
3. finally within each class, each test method is grouped together
in a list and sorted.
This attempts to return a sorted list of testable thingies following
those rules, so that we can compare the behavior of loadPackage.
The things that show as 'cases' are errors from modules which failed to
import, and test methods. Let's gather all those together.
pkg = getModule("uberpackage")
testModules = []
for testModule in pkg.walkModules():
sortedModules = sorted(testModules, key=sorter) # ONE
for modinfo in sortedModules:
# Now let's find all the classes.
module = modinfo.load(None)
if module is None:
yield modinfo
testClasses = []
for attrib in modinfo.iterAttributes():
if runner.isTestCase(attrib.load()):
sortedClasses = sorted(testClasses, key=sorter) # TWO
for clsinfo in sortedClasses:
testMethods = []
for attr in clsinfo.iterAttributes():
sortedMethods = sorted(testMethods, key=sorter) # THREE
yield from sortedMethods
def loadSortedPackages(self,
Verify that packages are loaded in the correct order.
import uberpackage # type: ignore[import]
self.loader.sorter = sorter
suite = self.loader.loadPackage(uberpackage, recurse=True)
# XXX: Work around strange, unexplained Zope crap.
# jml, 2007-11-15.
suite = unittest.decorate(suite, ITestCase)
resultingTests = list(_iterateTests(suite))
manifest = list(self._trialSortAlgorithm(sorter))
for number, (manifestTest, actualTest) in enumerate(
zip(manifest, resultingTests)
"#%d: %s != %s" % (number,,,
self.assertEqual(len(manifest), len(resultingTests))
def test_sortPackagesDefaultOrder(self):
def test_sortPackagesSillyOrder(self):
def sillySorter(s):
# This has to work on fully-qualified class names and class
# objects, which is silly, but it's the "spec", such as it is.
# if isinstance(s, type):
# return s.__module__+'.'+s.__name__
n =
d = md5(n.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()
return d
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0