Mini Shell
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Tests for L{twisted.python.usage}, a command line option parsing library.
from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.trial import unittest
class WellBehaved(usage.Options):
optParameters = [
["long", "w", "default", "and a docstring"],
["another", "n", "no docstring"],
["longonly", None, "noshort"],
["shortless", None, "except", "this one got docstring"],
optFlags = [
flagallicious docstringness for this here
["flout", "o"],
def opt_myflag(self):
self.opts["myflag"] = "PONY!"
def opt_myparam(self, value):
self.opts["myparam"] = f"{value} WITH A PONY!"
class ParseCorrectnessTests(unittest.TestCase):
Test L{usage.Options.parseOptions} for correct values under
good conditions.
def setUp(self):
Instantiate and parseOptions a well-behaved Options class.
self.niceArgV = (
"--long Alpha -n Beta " "--shortless Gamma -f --myflag " "--myparam Tofu"
self.nice = WellBehaved()
def test_checkParameters(self):
Parameters have correct values.
self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts["long"], "Alpha")
self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts["another"], "Beta")
self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts["longonly"], "noshort")
self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts["shortless"], "Gamma")
def test_checkFlags(self):
Flags have correct values.
self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts["aflag"], 1)
self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts["flout"], 0)
def test_checkCustoms(self):
Custom flags and parameters have correct values.
self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts["myflag"], "PONY!")
self.assertEqual(self.nice.opts["myparam"], "Tofu WITH A PONY!")
class TypedOptions(usage.Options):
optParameters = [
["fooint", None, 392, "Foo int", int],
["foofloat", None, 4.23, "Foo float", float],
["eggint", None, None, "Egg int without default", int],
["eggfloat", None, None, "Egg float without default", float],
def opt_under_score(self, value):
This option has an underscore in its name to exercise the _ to -
self.underscoreValue = value
opt_u = opt_under_score
class TypedTests(unittest.TestCase):
Test L{usage.Options.parseOptions} for options with forced types.
def setUp(self):
self.usage = TypedOptions()
def test_defaultValues(self):
Default values are parsed.
argV = []
self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts["fooint"], 392)
self.assertIsInstance(self.usage.opts["fooint"], int)
self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts["foofloat"], 4.23)
self.assertIsInstance(self.usage.opts["foofloat"], float)
def test_parsingValues(self):
int and float values are parsed.
argV = ("--fooint 912 --foofloat -823.1 " "--eggint 32 --eggfloat 21").split()
self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts["fooint"], 912)
self.assertIsInstance(self.usage.opts["fooint"], int)
self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts["foofloat"], -823.1)
self.assertIsInstance(self.usage.opts["foofloat"], float)
self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts["eggint"], 32)
self.assertIsInstance(self.usage.opts["eggint"], int)
self.assertEqual(self.usage.opts["eggfloat"], 21.0)
self.assertIsInstance(self.usage.opts["eggfloat"], float)
def test_underscoreOption(self):
A dash in an option name is translated to an underscore before being
dispatched to a handler.
self.usage.parseOptions(["--under-score", "foo"])
self.assertEqual(self.usage.underscoreValue, "foo")
def test_underscoreOptionAlias(self):
An option name with a dash in it can have an alias.
self.usage.parseOptions(["-u", "bar"])
self.assertEqual(self.usage.underscoreValue, "bar")
def test_invalidValues(self):
Passing wrong values raises an error.
argV = "--fooint egg".split()
self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, self.usage.parseOptions, argV)
class WrongTypedOptions(usage.Options):
optParameters = [["barwrong", None, None, "Bar with wrong coerce", "he"]]
class WeirdCallableOptions(usage.Options):
def _bar(value):
raise RuntimeError("Ouch")
def _foo(value):
raise ValueError("Yay")
optParameters = [
["barwrong", None, None, "Bar with strange callable", _bar],
["foowrong", None, None, "Foo with strange callable", _foo],
class WrongTypedTests(unittest.TestCase):
Test L{usage.Options.parseOptions} for wrong coerce options.
def test_nonCallable(self):
Using a non-callable type fails.
us = WrongTypedOptions()
argV = "--barwrong egg".split()
self.assertRaises(TypeError, us.parseOptions, argV)
def test_notCalledInDefault(self):
The coerce functions are not called if no values are provided.
us = WeirdCallableOptions()
argV = []
def test_weirdCallable(self):
Errors raised by coerce functions are handled properly.
us = WeirdCallableOptions()
argV = "--foowrong blah".split()
# ValueError is swallowed as UsageError
e = self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, us.parseOptions, argV)
self.assertEqual(str(e), "Parameter type enforcement failed: Yay")
us = WeirdCallableOptions()
argV = "--barwrong blah".split()
# RuntimeError is not swallowed
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, us.parseOptions, argV)
class OutputTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_uppercasing(self):
Error output case adjustment does not mangle options
opt = WellBehaved()
e = self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, opt.parseOptions, ["-Z"])
self.assertEqual(str(e), "option -Z not recognized")
class InquisitionOptions(usage.Options):
optFlags = [
("expect", "e"),
optParameters = [
("torture-device", "t", "comfy-chair", "set preferred torture device"),
class HolyQuestOptions(usage.Options):
optFlags = [
("horseback", "h", "use a horse"),
("for-grail", "g"),
class SubCommandOptions(usage.Options):
optFlags = [
("europian-swallow", None, "set default swallow type to Europian"),
subCommands = [
("inquisition", "inquest", InquisitionOptions, "Perform an inquisition"),
("holyquest", "quest", HolyQuestOptions, "Embark upon a holy quest"),
class SubCommandTests(unittest.TestCase):
Test L{usage.Options.parseOptions} for options with subcommands.
def test_simpleSubcommand(self):
A subcommand is recognized.
o = SubCommandOptions()
o.parseOptions(["--europian-swallow", "inquisition"])
self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, "inquisition")
self.assertIsInstance(o.subOptions, InquisitionOptions)
self.assertEqual(o.subOptions["torture-device"], "comfy-chair")
def test_subcommandWithFlagsAndOptions(self):
Flags and options of a subcommand are assigned.
o = SubCommandOptions()
o.parseOptions(["inquisition", "--expect", "--torture-device=feather"])
self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, "inquisition")
self.assertIsInstance(o.subOptions, InquisitionOptions)
self.assertEqual(o.subOptions["torture-device"], "feather")
def test_subcommandAliasWithFlagsAndOptions(self):
Flags and options of a subcommand alias are assigned.
o = SubCommandOptions()
o.parseOptions(["inquest", "--expect", "--torture-device=feather"])
self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, "inquisition")
self.assertIsInstance(o.subOptions, InquisitionOptions)
self.assertEqual(o.subOptions["torture-device"], "feather")
def test_anotherSubcommandWithFlagsAndOptions(self):
Flags and options of another subcommand are assigned.
o = SubCommandOptions()
o.parseOptions(["holyquest", "--for-grail"])
self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, "holyquest")
self.assertIsInstance(o.subOptions, HolyQuestOptions)
def test_noSubcommand(self):
If no subcommand is specified and no default subcommand is assigned,
a subcommand will not be implied.
o = SubCommandOptions()
self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "subOptions"))
def test_defaultSubcommand(self):
Flags and options in the default subcommand are assigned.
o = SubCommandOptions()
o.defaultSubCommand = "inquest"
self.assertEqual(o.subCommand, "inquisition")
self.assertIsInstance(o.subOptions, InquisitionOptions)
self.assertEqual(o.subOptions["torture-device"], "comfy-chair")
def test_subCommandParseOptionsHasParent(self):
The parseOptions method from the Options object specified for the
given subcommand is called.
class SubOpt(usage.Options):
def parseOptions(self, *a, **kw):
self.sawParent = self.parent
usage.Options.parseOptions(self, *a, **kw)
class Opt(usage.Options):
subCommands = [
("foo", "f", SubOpt, "bar"),
o = Opt()
self.assertTrue(hasattr(o.subOptions, "sawParent"))
self.assertEqual(o.subOptions.sawParent, o)
def test_subCommandInTwoPlaces(self):
The .parent pointer is correct even when the same Options class is
used twice.
class SubOpt(usage.Options):
class OptFoo(usage.Options):
subCommands = [
("foo", "f", SubOpt, "quux"),
class OptBar(usage.Options):
subCommands = [
("bar", "b", SubOpt, "quux"),
oFoo = OptFoo()
oBar = OptBar()
self.assertTrue(hasattr(oFoo.subOptions, "parent"))
self.assertTrue(hasattr(oBar.subOptions, "parent"))
self.failUnlessIdentical(oFoo.subOptions.parent, oFoo)
self.failUnlessIdentical(oBar.subOptions.parent, oBar)
class HelpStringTests(unittest.TestCase):
Test generated help strings.
def setUp(self):
Instantiate a well-behaved Options class.
self.niceArgV = (
"--long Alpha -n Beta " "--shortless Gamma -f --myflag " "--myparam Tofu"
self.nice = WellBehaved()
def test_noGoBoom(self):
__str__ shouldn't go boom.
except Exception as e:
def test_whitespaceStripFlagsAndParameters(self):
Extra whitespace in flag and parameters docs is stripped.
# We test this by making sure aflag and it's help string are on the
# same line.
lines = [s for s in str(self.nice).splitlines() if s.find("aflag") >= 0]
self.assertTrue(len(lines) > 0)
self.assertTrue(lines[0].find("flagallicious") >= 0)
class PortCoerceTests(unittest.TestCase):
Test the behavior of L{usage.portCoerce}.
def test_validCoerce(self):
Test the answers with valid input.
self.assertEqual(0, usage.portCoerce("0"))
self.assertEqual(3210, usage.portCoerce("3210"))
self.assertEqual(65535, usage.portCoerce("65535"))
def test_errorCoerce(self):
Test error path.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, usage.portCoerce, "")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, usage.portCoerce, "-21")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, usage.portCoerce, "212189")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, usage.portCoerce, "foo")
class ZshCompleterTests(unittest.TestCase):
Test the behavior of the various L{twisted.usage.Completer} classes
for producing output usable by zsh tab-completion system.
def test_completer(self):
Completer produces zsh shell-code that produces no completion matches.
c = usage.Completer()
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, ":some-option:")
c = usage.Completer(descr="some action", repeat=True)
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, "*:some action:")
def test_files(self):
CompleteFiles produces zsh shell-code that completes file names
according to a glob.
c = usage.CompleteFiles()
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option (*):_files -g "*"')
c = usage.CompleteFiles("*.py")
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, ':some-option (*.py):_files -g "*.py"')
c = usage.CompleteFiles("*.py", descr="some action", repeat=True)
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, '*:some action (*.py):_files -g "*.py"')
def test_dirs(self):
CompleteDirs produces zsh shell-code that completes directory names.
c = usage.CompleteDirs()
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, ":some-option:_directories")
c = usage.CompleteDirs(descr="some action", repeat=True)
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, "*:some action:_directories")
def test_list(self):
CompleteList produces zsh shell-code that completes words from a fixed
list of possibilities.
c = usage.CompleteList("ABC")
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, ":some-option:(A B C)")
c = usage.CompleteList(["1", "2", "3"])
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, ":some-option:(1 2 3)")
c = usage.CompleteList(["1", "2", "3"], descr="some action", repeat=True)
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, "*:some action:(1 2 3)")
def test_multiList(self):
CompleteMultiList produces zsh shell-code that completes multiple
comma-separated words from a fixed list of possibilities.
c = usage.CompleteMultiList("ABC")
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, ":some-option:_values -s , 'some-option' A B C")
c = usage.CompleteMultiList(["1", "2", "3"])
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(got, ":some-option:_values -s , 'some-option' 1 2 3")
c = usage.CompleteMultiList(["1", "2", "3"], descr="some action", repeat=True)
got = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
expected = "*:some action:_values -s , 'some action' 1 2 3"
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
def test_usernames(self):
CompleteUsernames produces zsh shell-code that completes system
c = usage.CompleteUsernames()
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(out, ":some-option:_users")
c = usage.CompleteUsernames(descr="some action", repeat=True)
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(out, "*:some action:_users")
def test_groups(self):
CompleteGroups produces zsh shell-code that completes system group
c = usage.CompleteGroups()
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(out, ":group:_groups")
c = usage.CompleteGroups(descr="some action", repeat=True)
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(out, "*:some action:_groups")
def test_hostnames(self):
CompleteHostnames produces zsh shell-code that completes hostnames.
c = usage.CompleteHostnames()
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(out, ":some-option:_hosts")
c = usage.CompleteHostnames(descr="some action", repeat=True)
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(out, "*:some action:_hosts")
def test_userAtHost(self):
CompleteUserAtHost produces zsh shell-code that completes hostnames or
a word of the form <username>@<hostname>.
c = usage.CompleteUserAtHost()
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertTrue(out.startswith(":host | user@host:"))
c = usage.CompleteUserAtHost(descr="some action", repeat=True)
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertTrue(out.startswith("*:some action:"))
def test_netInterfaces(self):
CompleteNetInterfaces produces zsh shell-code that completes system
network interface names.
c = usage.CompleteNetInterfaces()
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(out, ":some-option:_net_interfaces")
c = usage.CompleteNetInterfaces(descr="some action", repeat=True)
out = c._shellCode("some-option", usage._ZSH)
self.assertEqual(out, "*:some action:_net_interfaces")
class CompleterNotImplementedTests(unittest.TestCase):
Using an unknown shell constant with the various Completer() classes
should raise NotImplementedError
def test_unknownShell(self):
Using an unknown shellType should raise NotImplementedError
classes = [
for cls in classes:
action = cls()
except BaseException:
action = cls(None)
NotImplementedError, action._shellCode, None, "bad_shell_type"
class FlagFunctionTests(unittest.TestCase):
Tests for L{usage.flagFunction}.
class SomeClass:
Dummy class for L{usage.flagFunction} tests.
def oneArg(self, a):
A one argument method to be tested by L{usage.flagFunction}.
@param a: a useless argument to satisfy the function's signature.
def noArg(self):
A no argument method to be tested by L{usage.flagFunction}.
def manyArgs(self, a, b, c):
A multiple arguments method to be tested by L{usage.flagFunction}.
@param a: a useless argument to satisfy the function's signature.
@param b: a useless argument to satisfy the function's signature.
@param c: a useless argument to satisfy the function's signature.
def test_hasArg(self):
L{usage.flagFunction} returns C{False} if the method checked allows
exactly one argument.
self.assertIs(False, usage.flagFunction(self.SomeClass().oneArg))
def test_noArg(self):
L{usage.flagFunction} returns C{True} if the method checked allows
exactly no argument.
self.assertIs(True, usage.flagFunction(self.SomeClass().noArg))
def test_tooManyArguments(self):
L{usage.flagFunction} raises L{usage.UsageError} if the method checked
allows more than one argument.
exc = self.assertRaises(
usage.UsageError, usage.flagFunction, self.SomeClass().manyArgs
self.assertEqual("Invalid Option function for manyArgs", str(exc))
def test_tooManyArgumentsAndSpecificErrorMessage(self):
L{usage.flagFunction} uses the given method name in the error message
raised when the method allows too many arguments.
exc = self.assertRaises(
usage.UsageError, usage.flagFunction, self.SomeClass().manyArgs, "flubuduf"
self.assertEqual("Invalid Option function for flubuduf", str(exc))
class OptionsInternalTests(unittest.TestCase):
Tests internal behavior of C{usage.Options}.
def test_optionsAliasesOrder(self):
Options which are synonyms to another option are aliases towards the
longest option name.
class Opts(usage.Options):
def opt_very_very_long(self):
This is an option method with a very long name, that is going to
be aliased.
opt_short = opt_very_very_long
opt_s = opt_very_very_long
opts = Opts()
dict.fromkeys(["s", "short", "very-very-long"], "very-very-long"),
"s": opts.synonyms["s"],
"short": opts.synonyms["short"],
"very-very-long": opts.synonyms["very-very-long"],
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0