Mini Shell

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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.python.test.test_util -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

import errno
import os
import sys
import warnings

    import grp as _grp
    import pwd as _pwd
except ImportError:
    pwd = None
    grp = None
    grp = _grp
    pwd = _pwd

    from os import getgroups as _getgroups, setgroups as _setgroups
except ImportError:
    setgroups = None
    getgroups = None
    setgroups = _setgroups
    getgroups = _getgroups

# For backwards compatibility, some things import this, so just link it
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (

from incremental import Version

from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

    Version("Twisted", 15, 5, 0),
    "Use collections.OrderedDict instead.",

class InsensitiveDict(MutableMapping):
    Dictionary, that has case-insensitive keys.

    Normally keys are retained in their original form when queried with
    .keys() or .items().  If initialized with preserveCase=0, keys are both
    looked up in lowercase and returned in lowercase by .keys() and .items().

    Modified recipe at originally
    contributed by Sami Hangaslammi.

    def __init__(self, dict=None, preserve=1):
        Create an empty dictionary, or update from 'dict'.
        super().__init__() = {}
        self.preserve = preserve
        if dict:

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        k = self._lowerOrReturn(key)

    def _lowerOrReturn(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, bytes) or isinstance(key, str):
            return key.lower()
            return key

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Retrieve the value associated with 'key' (in any case).
        k = self._lowerOrReturn(key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        Associate 'value' with 'key'. If 'key' already exists, but
        in different case, it will be replaced.
        k = self._lowerOrReturn(key)[k] = (key, value)

    def has_key(self, key):
        Case insensitive test whether 'key' exists.
        k = self._lowerOrReturn(key)
        return k in

    __contains__ = has_key

    def _doPreserve(self, key):
        if not self.preserve and (isinstance(key, bytes) or isinstance(key, str)):
            return key.lower()
            return key

    def keys(self):
        List of keys in their original case.
        return list(self.iterkeys())

    def values(self):
        List of values.
        return list(self.itervalues())

    def items(self):
        List of (key,value) pairs.
        return list(self.iteritems())

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        Retrieve value associated with 'key' or return default value
        if 'key' doesn't exist.
            return self[key]
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def setdefault(self, key, default):
        If 'key' doesn't exist, associate it with the 'default' value.
        Return value associated with 'key'.
        if not self.has_key(key):
            self[key] = default
        return self[key]

    def update(self, dict):
        Copy (key,value) pairs from 'dict'.
        for k, v in dict.items():
            self[k] = v

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        String representation of the dictionary.
        items = ", ".join([(f"{k!r}: {v!r}") for k, v in self.items()])
        return "InsensitiveDict({%s})" % items

    def iterkeys(self):
        for v in
            yield self._doPreserve(v[0])

    __iter__ = iterkeys

    def itervalues(self):
        for v in
            yield v[1]

    def iteritems(self):
        for (k, v) in
            yield self._doPreserve(k), v

    _notFound = object()

    def pop(self, key, default=_notFound):
        @see: L{dict.pop}
        @since: Twisted 21.2.0
        except KeyError:
            if default is self._notFound:
            return default

    def popitem(self):
        i = self.items()[0]
        del self[i[0]]
        return i

    def clear(self):
        for k in self.keys():
            del self[k]

    def copy(self):
        return InsensitiveDict(self, self.preserve)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, Mapping):
            for k, v in self.items():
                if k not in other or other[k] != v:
                    return False
            return len(self) == len(other)
            return NotImplemented

def uniquify(lst):
    Make the elements of a list unique by inserting them into a dictionary.
    This must not change the order of the input lst.
    seen = set()
    result = []
    for k in lst:
        if k not in seen:
    return result

def padTo(n, seq, default=None):
    Pads a sequence out to n elements,

    filling in with a default value if it is not long enough.

    If the input sequence is longer than n, raises ValueError.

    Details, details:
    This returns a new list; it does not extend the original sequence.
    The new list contains the values of the original sequence, not copies.

    if len(seq) > n:
        raise ValueError("%d elements is more than %d." % (len(seq), n))

    blank = [default] * n

    blank[: len(seq)] = list(seq)

    return blank

def getPluginDirs():
        "twisted.python.util.getPluginDirs is deprecated since Twisted 12.2.",
    import twisted

    systemPlugins = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(twisted.__file__))), "plugins"
    userPlugins = os.path.expanduser("~/TwistedPlugins")
    confPlugins = os.path.expanduser("~/.twisted")
    allPlugins = filter(os.path.isdir, [systemPlugins, userPlugins, confPlugins])
    return allPlugins

def addPluginDir():
        "twisted.python.util.addPluginDir is deprecated since Twisted 12.2.",

def sibpath(path, sibling):
    Return the path to a sibling of a file in the filesystem.

    This is useful in conjunction with the special C{__file__} attribute
    that Python provides for modules, so modules can load associated
    resource files.
    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)), sibling)

def _getpass(prompt):
    Helper to turn IOErrors into KeyboardInterrupts.
    import getpass

        return getpass.getpass(prompt)
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
            raise KeyboardInterrupt
    except EOFError:
        raise KeyboardInterrupt

def getPassword(
    prompt="Password: ",
    confirmPrompt="Confirm password: ",
    mismatchMessage="Passwords don't match.",
    Obtain a password by prompting or from stdin.

    If stdin is a terminal, prompt for a new password, and confirm (if
    C{confirm} is true) by asking again to make sure the user typed the same
    thing, as keystrokes will not be echoed.

    If stdin is not a terminal, and C{forceTTY} is not true, read in a line
    and use it as the password, less the trailing newline, if any.  If
    C{forceTTY} is true, attempt to open a tty and prompt for the password
    using it.  Raise a RuntimeError if this is not possible.

    @returns: C{str}
    isaTTY = hasattr(sys.stdin, "isatty") and sys.stdin.isatty()

    old = None
        if not isaTTY:
            if forceTTY:
                    old = sys.stdin, sys.stdout
                    sys.stdin = sys.stdout = open("/dev/tty", "r+")
                except BaseException:
                    raise RuntimeError("Cannot obtain a TTY")
                password = sys.stdin.readline()
                if password[-1] == "\n":
                    password = password[:-1]
                return password

        while 1:
            try1 = _getpass(prompt)
            if not confirm:
                return try1
            try2 = _getpass(confirmPrompt)
            if try1 == try2:
                return try1
                sys.stderr.write(mismatchMessage + "\n")
        if old:
            sys.stdin, sys.stdout = old

def println(*a):
    sys.stdout.write(" ".join(map(str, a)) + "\n")

# This does not belong here
# But where does it belong?

def str_xor(s, b):
    return "".join([chr(ord(c) ^ b) for c in s])

def makeStatBar(width, maxPosition, doneChar="=", undoneChar="-", currentChar=">"):
    Creates a function that will return a string representing a progress bar.
    aValue = width / float(maxPosition)

    def statBar(position, force=0, last=[""]):
        assert len(last) == 1, "Don't mess with the last parameter."
        done = int(aValue * position)
        toDo = width - done - 2
        result = f"[{doneChar * done}{currentChar}{undoneChar * toDo}]"
        if force:
            last[0] = result
            return result
        if result == last[0]:
            return ""
        last[0] = result
        return result

    statBar.__doc__ = """statBar(position, force = 0) -> '[%s%s%s]'-style progress bar

    returned string is %d characters long, and the range goes from 0..%d.
    The 'position' argument is where the '%s' will be drawn.  If force is false,
    '' will be returned instead if the resulting progress bar is identical to the
    previously returned progress bar.
""" % (
        doneChar * 3,
        undoneChar * 3,
    return statBar

def spewer(frame, s, ignored):
    A trace function for sys.settrace that prints every function or method call.
    from twisted.python import reflect

    if "self" in frame.f_locals:
        se = frame.f_locals["self"]
        if hasattr(se, "__class__"):
            k = reflect.qual(se.__class__)
            k = reflect.qual(type(se))
        print(f"method {frame.f_code.co_name} of {k} at {id(se)}")
            "function %s in %s, line %s"
            % (frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)

def searchupwards(start, files=[], dirs=[]):
    Walk upwards from start, looking for a directory containing
    all files and directories given as arguments::
    >>> searchupwards('.', ['foo.txt'], ['bar', 'bam'])

    If not found, return None
    start = os.path.abspath(start)
    parents = start.split(os.sep)
    exists = os.path.exists
    join = os.sep.join
    isdir = os.path.isdir
    while len(parents):
        candidate = join(parents) + os.sep
        allpresent = 1
        for f in files:
            if not exists(f"{candidate}{f}"):
                allpresent = 0
        if allpresent:
            for d in dirs:
                if not isdir(f"{candidate}{d}"):
                    allpresent = 0
        if allpresent:
            return candidate
    return None

class LineLog:
    A limited-size line-based log, useful for logging line-based
    protocols such as SMTP.

    When the log fills up, old entries drop off the end.

    def __init__(self, size=10):
        Create a new log, with size lines of storage (default 10).
        A log size of 0 (or less) means an infinite log.
        if size < 0:
            size = 0
        self.log = [None] * size
        self.size = size

    def append(self, line):
        if self.size:
            self.log[:-1] = self.log[1:]
            self.log[-1] = line

    def str(self):
        return bytes(self)

    def __bytes__(self):
        return b"\n".join(filter(None, self.log))

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return filter(None, self.log)[item]

    def clear(self):
        Empty the log.
        self.log = [None] * self.size

def raises(exception, f, *args, **kwargs):
    Determine whether the given call raises the given exception.
        f(*args, **kwargs)
    except exception:
        return 1
    return 0

class IntervalDifferential:
    Given a list of intervals, generate the amount of time to sleep between

    For example, given 7, 11 and 13, the three (infinite) sequences::

        7 14 21 28 35 ...
        11 22 33 44 ...
        13 26 39 52 ...

    will be generated, merged, and used to produce::

        (7, 0) (4, 1) (2, 2) (1, 0) (7, 0) (1, 1) (4, 2) (2, 0) (5, 1) (2, 0)

    New intervals may be added or removed as iteration proceeds using the
    proper methods.

    def __init__(self, intervals, default=60):
        @type intervals: C{list} of C{int}, C{long}, or C{float} param
        @param intervals: The intervals between instants.

        @type default: C{int}, C{long}, or C{float}
        @param default: The duration to generate if the intervals list
        becomes empty.
        self.intervals = intervals[:]
        self.default = default

    def __iter__(self):
        return _IntervalDifferentialIterator(self.intervals, self.default)

class _IntervalDifferentialIterator:
    def __init__(self, i, d):

        self.intervals = [[e, e, n] for (e, n) in zip(i, range(len(i)))]
        self.default = d
        self.last = 0

    def __next__(self):
        if not self.intervals:
            return (self.default, None)
        last, index = self.intervals[0][0], self.intervals[0][2]
        self.intervals[0][0] += self.intervals[0][1]
        result = last - self.last
        self.last = last
        return result, index

    # Iterators on Python 2 use next(), not __next__()
    next = __next__

    def addInterval(self, i):
        if self.intervals:
            delay = self.intervals[0][0] - self.intervals[0][1]
            self.intervals.append([delay + i, i, len(self.intervals)])
            self.intervals.append([i, i, 0])

    def removeInterval(self, interval):
        for i in range(len(self.intervals)):
            if self.intervals[i][1] == interval:
                index = self.intervals[i][2]
                del self.intervals[i]
                for i in self.intervals:
                    if i[2] > index:
                        i[2] -= 1
        raise ValueError("Specified interval not in IntervalDifferential")

class FancyStrMixin:
    Mixin providing a flexible implementation of C{__str__}.

    C{__str__} output will begin with the name of the class, or the contents
    of the attribute C{fancybasename} if it is set.

    The body of C{__str__} can be controlled by overriding C{showAttributes} in
    a subclass.  Set C{showAttributes} to a sequence of strings naming
    attributes, or sequences of C{(attributeName, callable)}, or sequences of
    C{(attributeName, displayName, formatCharacter)}. In the second case, the
    callable is passed the value of the attribute and its return value used in
    the output of C{__str__}.  In the final case, the attribute is looked up
    using C{attributeName}, but the output uses C{displayName} instead, and
    renders the value of the attribute using C{formatCharacter}, e.g. C{"%.3f"}
    might be used for a float.

    # Override in subclasses:
    showAttributes: Sequence[
        Union[str, Tuple[str, str, str], Tuple[str, Callable]]
    ] = ()

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        r = ["<", getattr(self, "fancybasename", self.__class__.__name__)]
        # The casts help mypy understand which type from the Union applies
        # in each 'if' case.
        for attr in self.showAttributes:
            if isinstance(attr, str):
                r.append(f" {attr}={getattr(self, attr)!r}")
            elif len(attr) == 2:
                attr = cast(Tuple[str, Callable], attr)
                r.append((f" {attr[0]}=") + attr[1](getattr(self, attr[0])))
                attr = cast(Tuple[str, str, str], attr)
                r.append((" %s=" + attr[2]) % (attr[1], getattr(self, attr[0])))
        return "".join(r)

    __repr__ = __str__

class FancyEqMixin:
    Mixin that implements C{__eq__} and C{__ne__}.

    Comparison is done using the list of attributes defined in

    compareAttributes: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = ()

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if not self.compareAttributes:
            return self is other
        if isinstance(self, other.__class__):
            return all(
                getattr(self, name) == getattr(other, name)
                for name in self.compareAttributes
        return NotImplemented

    def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        result = self.__eq__(other)
        if result is NotImplemented:
            return result
        return not result

    # initgroups is available in Python 2.7+ on UNIX-likes
    from os import initgroups as __initgroups
except ImportError:
    _initgroups = None
    _initgroups = __initgroups

if _initgroups is None:

    def initgroups(uid, primaryGid):
        Do nothing.

        Underlying platform support require to manipulate groups is missing.


    def initgroups(uid, primaryGid):
        Initializes the group access list.

        This uses the stdlib support which calls initgroups(3) under the hood.

        If the given user is a member of more than C{NGROUPS}, arbitrary
        groups will be silently discarded to bring the number below that

        @type uid: C{int}
        @param uid: The UID for which to look up group information.

        @type primaryGid: C{int}
        @param primaryGid: The GID to include when setting the groups.
        return _initgroups(pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name, primaryGid)

def switchUID(uid, gid, euid=False):
    Attempts to switch the uid/euid and gid/egid for the current process.

    If C{uid} is the same value as L{os.getuid} (or L{os.geteuid}),
    this function will issue a L{UserWarning} and not raise an exception.

    @type uid: C{int} or L{None}
    @param uid: the UID (or EUID) to switch the current process to. This
                parameter will be ignored if the value is L{None}.

    @type gid: C{int} or L{None}
    @param gid: the GID (or EGID) to switch the current process to. This
                parameter will be ignored if the value is L{None}.

    @type euid: C{bool}
    @param euid: if True, set only effective user-id rather than real user-id.
                 (This option has no effect unless the process is running
                 as root, in which case it means not to shed all
                 privileges, retaining the option to regain privileges
                 in cases such as spawning processes. Use with caution.)
    if euid:
        setuid = os.seteuid
        setgid = os.setegid
        getuid = os.geteuid
        setuid = os.setuid
        setgid = os.setgid
        getuid = os.getuid
    if gid is not None:
    if uid is not None:
        if uid == getuid():
            uidText = euid and "euid" or "uid"
            actionText = f"tried to drop privileges and set{uidText} {uid}"
            problemText = f"{uidText} is already {getuid()}"
                "{} but {}; should we be root? Continuing.".format(
                    actionText, problemText
            initgroups(uid, gid)

def untilConcludes(f, *a, **kw):
    Call C{f} with the given arguments, handling C{EINTR} by retrying.

    @param f: A function to call.

    @param a: Positional arguments to pass to C{f}.

    @param kw: Keyword arguments to pass to C{f}.

    @return: Whatever C{f} returns.

    @raise Exception: Whatever C{f} raises, except for C{OSError} with
        C{errno} set to C{EINTR}.
    while True:
            return f(*a, **kw)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR:

def mergeFunctionMetadata(f, g):
    Overwrite C{g}'s name and docstring with values from C{f}.  Update
    C{g}'s instance dictionary with C{f}'s.

    @return: A function that has C{g}'s behavior and metadata merged from
        g.__name__ = f.__name__
    except TypeError:
        g.__doc__ = f.__doc__
    except (TypeError, AttributeError):
    except (TypeError, AttributeError):
        g.__module__ = f.__module__
    except TypeError:
    return g

def nameToLabel(mname):
    Convert a string like a variable name into a slightly more human-friendly
    string with spaces and capitalized letters.

    @type mname: C{str}
    @param mname: The name to convert to a label.  This must be a string
    which could be used as a Python identifier.  Strings which do not take
    this form will result in unpredictable behavior.

    @rtype: C{str}
    labelList = []
    word = ""
    lastWasUpper = False
    for letter in mname:
        if letter.isupper() == lastWasUpper:
            # Continuing a word.
            word += letter
            # breaking a word OR beginning a word
            if lastWasUpper:
                # could be either
                if len(word) == 1:
                    # keep going
                    word += letter
                    # acronym
                    # we're processing the lowercase letter after the acronym-then-capital
                    lastWord = word[:-1]
                    firstLetter = word[-1]
                    word = firstLetter + letter
                # definitely breaking: lower to upper
                word = letter
        lastWasUpper = letter.isupper()
    if labelList:
        labelList[0] = labelList[0].capitalize()
        return mname.capitalize()
    return " ".join(labelList)

def uidFromString(uidString):
    Convert a user identifier, as a string, into an integer UID.

    @type uidString: C{str}
    @param uidString: A string giving the base-ten representation of a UID or
        the name of a user which can be converted to a UID via L{pwd.getpwnam}.

    @rtype: C{int}
    @return: The integer UID corresponding to the given string.

    @raise ValueError: If the user name is supplied and L{pwd} is not
        return int(uidString)
    except ValueError:
        if pwd is None:
        return pwd.getpwnam(uidString)[2]

def gidFromString(gidString):
    Convert a group identifier, as a string, into an integer GID.

    @type gidString: C{str}
    @param gidString: A string giving the base-ten representation of a GID or
        the name of a group which can be converted to a GID via L{grp.getgrnam}.

    @rtype: C{int}
    @return: The integer GID corresponding to the given string.

    @raise ValueError: If the group name is supplied and L{grp} is not
        return int(gidString)
    except ValueError:
        if grp is None:
        return grp.getgrnam(gidString)[2]

def runAsEffectiveUser(euid, egid, function, *args, **kwargs):
    Run the given function wrapped with seteuid/setegid calls.

    This will try to minimize the number of seteuid/setegid calls, comparing
    current and wanted permissions

    @param euid: effective UID used to call the function.
    @type euid: C{int}

    @type egid: effective GID used to call the function.
    @param egid: C{int}

    @param function: the function run with the specific permission.
    @type function: any callable

    @param args: arguments passed to C{function}
    @param kwargs: keyword arguments passed to C{function}
    uid, gid = os.geteuid(), os.getegid()
    if uid == euid and gid == egid:
        return function(*args, **kwargs)
        if uid != 0 and (uid != euid or gid != egid):
        if gid != egid:
        if euid != 0 and (euid != uid or gid != egid):
            return function(*args, **kwargs)
            if euid != 0 and (uid != euid or gid != egid):
            if gid != egid:
            if uid != 0 and (uid != euid or gid != egid):

def runWithWarningsSuppressed(suppressedWarnings, f, *args, **kwargs):
    Run C{f(*args, **kwargs)}, but with some warnings suppressed.

    Unlike L{twisted.internet.utils.runWithWarningsSuppressed}, it has no
    special support for L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}.

    @param suppressedWarnings: A list of arguments to pass to
        L{warnings.filterwarnings}.  Must be a sequence of 2-tuples (args,

    @param f: A callable.

    @param args: Arguments for C{f}.

    @param kwargs: Keyword arguments for C{f}

    @return: The result of C{f(*args, **kwargs)}.
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        for a, kw in suppressedWarnings:
            warnings.filterwarnings(*a, **kw)
        return f(*args, **kwargs)

__all__ = [

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0