Mini Shell
# This file is part of pysnmp software.
# Copyright (c) 2005-2019, Ilya Etingof <>
# License:
from pysnmp.proto import rfc1901, rfc1902, rfc1905
from pysnmp.proto.api import v1
from pyasn1.type import univ, constraint
# Shortcuts to SNMP types
Null = univ.Null
null = Null('')
ObjectIdentifier = univ.ObjectIdentifier
Integer = rfc1902.Integer
Integer32 = rfc1902.Integer32
OctetString = rfc1902.OctetString
IpAddress = rfc1902.IpAddress
Counter32 = rfc1902.Counter32
Gauge32 = rfc1902.Gauge32
Unsigned32 = rfc1902.Unsigned32
TimeTicks = rfc1902.TimeTicks
Opaque = rfc1902.Opaque
Counter64 = rfc1902.Counter64
Bits = rfc1902.Bits
NoSuchObject = rfc1905.NoSuchObject
NoSuchInstance = rfc1905.NoSuchInstance
EndOfMibView = rfc1905.EndOfMibView
VarBind = rfc1905.VarBind
VarBindList = rfc1905.VarBindList
GetRequestPDU = rfc1905.GetRequestPDU
GetNextRequestPDU = rfc1905.GetNextRequestPDU
ResponsePDU = GetResponsePDU = rfc1905.ResponsePDU
SetRequestPDU = rfc1905.SetRequestPDU
GetBulkRequestPDU = rfc1905.GetBulkRequestPDU
InformRequestPDU = rfc1905.InformRequestPDU
SNMPv2TrapPDU = TrapPDU = rfc1905.SNMPv2TrapPDU
ReportPDU = rfc1905.ReportPDU
Message = rfc1901.Message
getNextRequestID = v1.getNextRequestID
apiVarBind = v1.apiVarBind
class PDUAPI(v1.PDUAPI):
_errorStatus = rfc1905.errorStatus.clone(0)
_errorIndex = univ.Integer(0).subtype(subtypeSpec=constraint.ValueRangeConstraint(0, rfc1905.max_bindings))
def getResponse(self, reqPDU):
rspPDU = ResponsePDU()
self.setRequestID(rspPDU, self.getRequestID(reqPDU))
return rspPDU
def getVarBindTable(self, reqPDU, rspPDU):
return [apiPDU.getVarBinds(rspPDU)]
def setEndOfMibError(self, pdu, errorIndex):
varBindList = self.getVarBindList(pdu)
varBindList[errorIndex - 1].setComponentByPosition(
1, rfc1905.endOfMibView, verifyConstraints=False, matchTags=False, matchConstraints=False
def setNoSuchInstanceError(self, pdu, errorIndex):
varBindList = self.getVarBindList(pdu)
varBindList[errorIndex - 1].setComponentByPosition(
1, rfc1905.noSuchInstance, verifyConstraints=False, matchTags=False, matchConstraints=False
_nonRepeaters = rfc1905.nonRepeaters.clone(0)
_maxRepetitions = rfc1905.maxRepetitions.clone(10)
def setDefaults(self, pdu):
PDUAPI.setDefaults(self, pdu)
0, getNextRequestID(), verifyConstraints=False, matchTags=False, matchConstraints=False
1, self._nonRepeaters, verifyConstraints=False, matchTags=False, matchConstraints=False
2, self._maxRepetitions, verifyConstraints=False, matchTags=False, matchConstraints=False
varBindList = pdu.setComponentByPosition(3).getComponentByPosition(3)
def getNonRepeaters(pdu):
return pdu.getComponentByPosition(1)
def setNonRepeaters(pdu, value):
pdu.setComponentByPosition(1, value)
def getMaxRepetitions(pdu):
return pdu.getComponentByPosition(2)
def setMaxRepetitions(pdu, value):
pdu.setComponentByPosition(2, value)
def getVarBindTable(self, reqPDU, rspPDU):
nonRepeaters = self.getNonRepeaters(reqPDU)
reqVarBinds = self.getVarBinds(reqPDU)
N = min(int(nonRepeaters), len(reqVarBinds))
R = max(len(reqVarBinds) - N, 0)
rspVarBinds = self.getVarBinds(rspPDU)
varBindTable = []
if R:
for i in range(0, len(rspVarBinds) - N, R):
varBindRow = rspVarBinds[:N] + rspVarBinds[N + i:N + R + i]
# ignore stray OIDs / non-rectangular table
if len(varBindRow) == N + R:
elif N:
return varBindTable
apiBulkPDU = BulkPDUAPI()
class TrapPDUAPI(v1.PDUAPI):
sysUpTime = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 0)
snmpTrapAddress = (1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 18, 1, 3, 0)
snmpTrapCommunity = (1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 18, 1, 4, 0)
snmpTrapOID = (1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 0)
snmpTrapEnterprise = (1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 1, 4, 3, 0)
_zeroTime = TimeTicks(0)
_genTrap = ObjectIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 1, 5, 1))
def setDefaults(self, pdu):
v1.PDUAPI.setDefaults(self, pdu)
varBinds = [(self.sysUpTime, self._zeroTime),
# generic trap
(self.snmpTrapOID, self._genTrap)]
self.setVarBinds(pdu, varBinds)
apiTrapPDU = TrapPDUAPI()
class MessageAPI(v1.MessageAPI):
_version = rfc1901.version.clone(1)
def setDefaults(self, msg):
msg.setComponentByPosition(0, self._version, verifyConstraints=False, matchTags=False, matchConstraints=False)
msg.setComponentByPosition(1, self._community, verifyConstraints=False, matchTags=False, matchConstraints=False)
return msg
def getResponse(self, reqMsg):
rspMsg = Message()
self.setVersion(rspMsg, self.getVersion(reqMsg))
self.setCommunity(rspMsg, self.getCommunity(reqMsg))
self.setPDU(rspMsg, apiPDU.getResponse(self.getPDU(reqMsg)))
return rspMsg
apiMessage = MessageAPI()
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0